238 research outputs found

    Kewargaan dan Kolaborasi Pemecahan Masalah Publik : Studi Isu Sampah di Kota Kupang

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    This article intends to examine the collaboration amongst actors in solving public issues, specifically in the topic of waste management in the Kupang city. Methodologically, the issue was disclosed using qualitative methods based on the descriptive survey, structured interviews, and in-depth interviews. Kupang City grow rapidly both in the aspect of social and economy, as a consequence, load of trash is inevitable along with the development. Otherwise, very little attention was paid to the waste management and people tended to recognise it as insignificant issue,constructed as interpersonal issues, and typically as a private matter. This article aims to demonstrate Kupang residents’ perception towards trash as a public matter. On that point, people awareness toward public issues in this article, which is named as “citizenship” become vital. Without this, problem including waste issue will be receiving limited response. Once it comes to its turn, collective action as a prerequisite for constructive problem solving in public relations would be weakened. It appears that the issue is about the amount of waste in the areas that are fully accessible to the public, for example; markets and housing areas. Waste is poorly managed in these two areas. On the other hand, formal institutional collaboration between government in the local government, the provincial government, and the neighbour district in Kupang district’s government also It appeared to have been poorly managed. This study suggests the need for a non-hierarchical  forum that is concerned with decision-making process (not merely consultative) which facilitates the emergence of community control to alleviate "troublesome" environmental issues in surrounding areas in creative ways.  &nbsp

    Pengaruh Degradasi Enzim Proteolitik Terhadap Aktivitas Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Bekasam Dengan Lactobacillus Plantarum B1765

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    This research studied the effect of digestive enzyme degradation on the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACEI) activity and the stability of bekasam peptide and ACEI activity. Water extract of bekasam was subjected to pepsin and trypsin. The stability of peptide was measured from the changes of peptide concentration before and after treatment by those enzymes. The stability of ACEI activity was measured by hypuric acid liberated from Hip-His-Leu as ACE substrate and determined by spectrophotometer. The results showed that proteolytic enzyme degradation did not affect the concentration of peptide (p>0,05) and the mean concentration 36.72. It was closely related with the ACEI activity that did not change significantly before and after digestion by pepsin and trypsin (p>0,05) and the mean ACEI activity was 70.73. It showed that ACEI activity of bekasam did not change by the degradation of digestive enzyme

    Systems and Methods for Noise Mitigation for Hybrid and Electric Aircraft

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    A system and method of noise mitigation for hybrid and electric aircraft, the aircraft having a controllable pitch propeller or rotor(s) with a plurality of blades. The propeller or rotor(s) are driven by a drive system to provide thrust for the aircraft, and the blades of the propeller or rotor(s) are further movable about pivot axis to vary a pitch thereof. A controller on-board the aircraft is operable to cause rotation or movement of the blades of the propeller or rotor(s) about their pivot axis to alter and/or focus at least one aspect of the propeller generated noise to reduce or mitigate such noise while maintaining a substantially constant thrust, altitude, and/or air speed of the aircraft

    Systems and Methods for Noise Mitigation for Hybrid and Electric Aircraft

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    A system and method of noise mitigation for hybrid and electric aircraft, the aircraft having a controllable pitch propeller or rotor(s) with a plurality of blades. The propeller or rotor(s) are driven by a drive system to provide thrust for the aircraft, and the blades of the propeller or rotor(s) are further movable about pivot axis to vary a pitch thereof. A controller on-board the aircraft is operable to cause rotation or movement of the blades of the propeller or rotor(s) about their pivot axis to alter and/or focus at least one aspect of the propeller generated noise to reduce or mitigate such noise while maintaining a substantially constant thrust, altitude, and/or air speed of the aircraft

    Implementasi Penyusunan Instrumen Evaluasi Yang Digunakan Oleh Widyaiswara Dalam Mengukur Keberhasilan Pelatihan Di Balai Besar Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Kesejahteraan Sosial Lembang

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    Problems in this study, namely, "How is the procedure of preparation of training evaluation instruments used by trainers to measure the success of the training at the Center for Education and Social Welfare Training Lembang". This study aimed to obtain data and information on procedures for the preparation of an evaluation instrument training at the Center for Education and Social Welfare Training Lembang, to obtain data and information on the testing procedures of evaluation instruments of training at the Center for Education and Social Welfare Training Lembang, as well as to obtain data and data processing information on the evaluation of training at the Center for Education and Social Welfare Training Lembang. Theoretical foundation discussed in this study is the concept of training, evaluation and understanding the concept of evaluation instruments. The method used in this research is descriptive method with data collecting technique is interview, observation, documentation studies and literature studies. The main subject of this study are trainers and training managers in BBPPKS Lembang. Based on the findings of this study are as follows: 1) The procedure for preparing and developing instrument tests conducted by trainers in BBPPKS Lembangdimulai of set purpose test, establish learning outcomes to be measured, prepare a table of specifications (lattice), specify the content of the test material , Establish test items, setting norms rules, and prepare the scoring key. 2) The testing procedure evaluation instrument in Lembang BBPPKS not done testing the validity and reliability testing item about evaluation instruments. It is based on the reason that the nature of the training in Lembang BBPPKS a dynamic that is not enough time to do such testing, there are factors besides lack of understanding some trainers use statistical techniques in testing tersebut.Tetapi overall evaluation instrument has passed the testing measures such as validity logical, content validity, construct validity, empirical validity, objectivity, the level of difficulty and praktikabilitas. 3) Stages of data processing evaluation results in BBPPKS Lembang Lembang start of the examination results of the evaluation of learning, perekapan evaluation data, scoring, score changes into value and the analysis and interpretation of evaluation data for decision making is then performed in sequence in accordance with the procedures specified by the institution. From the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that 1) the procedure for preparing and developing instrument tests conducted by trainers in BBPPKS Lembang in accordance with the steps the preparation of good learning evaluation instruments. 2) The testing procedure evaluation instrument in Lembang BBPPKS not meet the criteria of the characteristics of a good test because it is not a matter of testing the validity and reliability test item evaluation instruments. 3) Overall data processing at the Institute BBPPKS Lembang has done well, the stages of data processing results of the evaluation starts from the examination results of the evaluation of learning, perekapan evaluation data, scoring, score changes into value and the analysis and interpretation of evaluation data for decision making then performed sequentially in accordance with the procedures specified by the institution

    Weight Stigmatization Among Hispanic American Children

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    This study was designed to examine weight stigmatization among Hispanic American children. Fifty-five fifth grade students from a large, urban school district in Southern California were asked to rank six samesex drawings of children with various physical characteristics (related to weight or disability) in order of friend preference (1 = the most preferred, and 6 = the least preferred friend). Positive and negative adjectives were then assigned to the average-weight and obese drawings using the Adjective Checklist (ACL). The majority of the participants (60%) chose the average-weight child as the most preferred and 46% identified the obese child as the least preferred friend. In addition, the average-weight child was assigned more positive and fewer negative adjectives compared to the obese child. Significant differences in ACL composite scores between normal weight and overweight drawings were also found (p = 0.00). It appears that weight stigmatization is present in the current sample, which suggests that Hispanic children living in the U.S. may adopt negative attitudes about weight that are similar to American culture

    Tingkat Motivasi dan Strategi Pengembangan USAhatani Cabai Merah Besar di Jember [Level Of Motivation And Farming Development Strategy Of Big Red Chili In Jember]

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    Kecamatan Puger merupakan salah satu sentra budidaya cabai merah besar terbesar ke dua setelah Sumberjambe di Kabupaten Jember. Permintaan yang tinggi serta harga yang relatif tinggi setiap tahunnya dapat mendorong petani dalam budidaya dan mengembangkan USAhatani cabai merah besar serta mendukung strategi pengembangan USAhatani cabai merah besar yang ada Desa Mojosari Kecamatan Puger Kabupaten Jember. Penentuan daerah penelitian menggunakan purposive method. Metode penelitian yang digunakan metode deskriptif dan korelasional. Metode pengambilan contoh menggunakan total sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis Skoring, Rank Spearman dan Swot. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa: (1) tingkat motivasi petani dalam berusahatani cabai merah besar di Desa Mojosari Kecamatan Puger Kabupaten Jember adalah tinggi. (2) Faktor- faktor sosial ekonomi yang mempengaruhi motivasi petani untuk berusaha cabai merah besar adalah pendapatan, luas lahan, jumlah tanggungan keluarga sedangkan umur, pendidikan, pengalaman tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap motivasi petani. (3) Usahatani cabai merah besar di Desa Mojosari Kecamatan Puger Kabupaten Jember berada pada posisi White Area (Bidang Kuat-Berpeluang) yang artinya USAhatani cabai merah besar tersebut memiliki peluang pasar yang prospektif dan memiliki kompetensi untuk mengerjakannya. Strategi yang harus diterapkan pada kondisi ini adalah mendukung kebijakan pertumbuhan yang agresif (Growth Oriented Strategy)
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