Implementasi Penyusunan Instrumen Evaluasi Yang Digunakan Oleh Widyaiswara Dalam Mengukur Keberhasilan Pelatihan Di Balai Besar Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Kesejahteraan Sosial Lembang
Problems in this study, namely, "How is the procedure of preparation of training evaluation instruments used by trainers to measure the success of the training at the Center for Education and Social Welfare Training Lembang". This study aimed to obtain data and information on procedures for the preparation of an evaluation instrument training at the Center for Education and Social Welfare Training Lembang, to obtain data and information on the testing procedures of evaluation instruments of training at the Center for Education and Social Welfare Training Lembang, as well as to obtain data and data processing information on the evaluation of training at the Center for Education and Social Welfare Training Lembang. Theoretical foundation discussed in this study is the concept of training, evaluation and understanding the concept of evaluation instruments. The method used in this research is descriptive method with data collecting technique is interview, observation, documentation studies and literature studies. The main subject of this study are trainers and training managers in BBPPKS Lembang. Based on the findings of this study are as follows: 1) The procedure for preparing and developing instrument tests conducted by trainers in BBPPKS Lembangdimulai of set purpose test, establish learning outcomes to be measured, prepare a table of specifications (lattice), specify the content of the test material , Establish test items, setting norms rules, and prepare the scoring key. 2) The testing procedure evaluation instrument in Lembang BBPPKS not done testing the validity and reliability testing item about evaluation instruments. It is based on the reason that the nature of the training in Lembang BBPPKS a dynamic that is not enough time to do such testing, there are factors besides lack of understanding some trainers use statistical techniques in testing tersebut.Tetapi overall evaluation instrument has passed the testing measures such as validity logical, content validity, construct validity, empirical validity, objectivity, the level of difficulty and praktikabilitas. 3) Stages of data processing evaluation results in BBPPKS Lembang Lembang start of the examination results of the evaluation of learning, perekapan evaluation data, scoring, score changes into value and the analysis and interpretation of evaluation data for decision making is then performed in sequence in accordance with the procedures specified by the institution. From the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that 1) the procedure for preparing and developing instrument tests conducted by trainers in BBPPKS Lembang in accordance with the steps the preparation of good learning evaluation instruments. 2) The testing procedure evaluation instrument in Lembang BBPPKS not meet the criteria of the characteristics of a good test because it is not a matter of testing the validity and reliability test item evaluation instruments. 3) Overall data processing at the Institute BBPPKS Lembang has done well, the stages of data processing results of the evaluation starts from the examination results of the evaluation of learning, perekapan evaluation data, scoring, score changes into value and the analysis and interpretation of evaluation data for decision making then performed sequentially in accordance with the procedures specified by the institution