765 research outputs found

    The Degree of Fat Unsaturation in the Tissue and Potential Immune Response of Broiler Fed Chlorella sp.

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    This study was carried out to investigate the effect of Chlorella sp. administered in the diet of broilers on the degree of fat unsaturation, ratio of EPA to AA in the tissue and potential immune response of broiler. A total of 90 heads of one-day-old Ross chicks were assigned in completely randomized design by 3 dietary treatments with 6 repetitions and 5 chicks in each pen. The diets were T1: control (basal diet without enrichment with Chlorella sp.); T2: basal diet enriched with 5-g of Chlorella sp./kg feed; T3: basal diet enriched with 10-g of Chlorella sp./kg feed.  Skinless breast meat was sampled for FA determination at d-36. Chickens were vaccinated at d-6 and d-17 with live vaccine against ND to activate antibodies production, and then 2 ml of blood was collected at d-24 for IgG and IgM quantification. Administration of Chlorella sp. in broiler’s diet had no significant effect on the degree of fat unsaturation, the ratio between EPA and AA contained in the breast muscle and the concentration of IgG and IgM of broiler. In conclusion administration of Chlorella sp. from tropical marine origin in the diet of broiler has no significant effect on the degree of fat unsaturation, ratio of EPA to AA in the tissue, and potential immune response of broiler. The culture temperature in which the Chlorella sp. was cultivated may affect the FA composition of Chlorella sp. (Animal Production 12(2): 96-99 (2010)Abbreviations: AA: arachidonic acid, ALA: α-linolenic acid, EPA: eicosapentaenoic acid, FA: fatty acids, LA: linoleic acid, PGE2: Prostaglandin E2, PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acids, SFA: saturated fatty acidKey Words: antibody, broiler, Chlorella sp., fatty acid, PUF

    Fatty Acids Profile of Meat, Mucosal Siga Concentration and Production Index of Broiler as a Response to Chlorella SP. Administration in the Diet

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    This study was carried out to investigate the effect of different levels of Chlorella sp. in the form ofmeal administrated in the diet of broilers throughout their life upon FA profile of the breast muscle,mucosal secretory IgA (sIgA) concentration and production index (PI) of broiler. Allotted in 18 pens, thetotal of 90 Ross day old chicks were assigned in completely randomized design by 3 of dietarytreatments (T1: control (basal diet without enrichment of Chlorella sp.); T2: basal diet enriched with 5-gChlorella sp./kg feed; T3): basal diet enriched with 10-g Chlorella sp./kg feed. At d-36, skinless breastmeat was collected for FA determination. Practical standard of vaccination was performed to activateantibodies production and at d-36 gut mucosa was collected for sIgA analysis. Chlorella sp.administration had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the FA profile of breast muscle, mucosal sIgAconcentration and producton index of broiler. In conclusion, the level and ratio between n-3 to n-6polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) as well as the nature of dietary PUFA source determine tissue PUFAcomposition. Beside through eicosanoid, Chlorella sp. may affect mucosal sIgA production throughcytokines mediated effect. Although Chlorella sp. administration does not improve the production indexof broiler, this treatment may produce broiler meat with lower fat content

    Mellem Slagene. En Fremstilling af den civile Kamp om Sønderjylland 1849-50

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    Genetic Basis of Tetracycline Resistance in Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis

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    All strains of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis described to date show medium level resistance to tetracycline. Screening of 26 strains from a variety of sources revealed the presence of tet(W) in all isolates. A transposase gene upstream of tet(W) was found in all strains, and both genes were cotranscribed in strain IPLAIC4. Mutants with increased tetracycline resistance as well as tetracycline-sensitive mutants of IPLAIC4 were isolated and genetically characterized. The native tet(W) gene was able to restore the resistance phenotype to a mutant with an alteration in tet(W) by functional complementation, indicating that tet(W) is necessary and sufficient for the tetracycline resistance seen in B. animalis subsp. lactis

    Vort Folks Sydgrænse

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    Den danske Kongemagt og den nordslesvigske Bondestand i forrige Aarhundrede

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    Bidrag til Haderslev Amts Historie og Beskrivelse

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    Bidrag til Haderslev Amts Historie og Beskrivelse

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