601 research outputs found

    Direct monitoring of calcium-triggered phase transitions in cubosomes using small-angle X-ray scattering combined with microfluidics

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    This article introduces a simple microfluidic device that can be combined with synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) for monitoring dynamic structural transitions. The microfluidic device is a thiol-ene-based system equipped with 125 μm-thick polystyrene windows, which are suitable for X-ray experiments. The device was prepared by soft lithography using elastomeric molds followed by a simple UV-initiated curing step to polymerize the chip material and simultaneously seal the device with the polystyrene windows. The microfluidic device was successfully used to explore the dynamics of the structural transitions of phytantriol/dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol-based cubosomes on exposure to a buffer containing calcium ions. The resulting SAXS data were resolved in the time frame between 0.5 and 5.5 s, and a calcium-triggered structural transition from an internal inverted-type cubic phase of symmetry Im3m to an internal inverted-type cubic phase of symmetry Pn3m was detected. The combination of microfluidics with X-ray techniques opens the door to the investigation of early dynamic structural transitions, which is not possible with conventional techniques such as glass flow cells. The combination of microfluidics with X-ray techniques can be used for investigating protein unfolding, for monitoring the formation of nanoparticles in real time, and for other biomedical and pharmaceutical investigations. A combination of microfluidics with X-ray techniques has been used to perform dynamic structural studies on nanoparticulate formulations

    Uso de los probióticos desde la farmacia comunitaria

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    Los probióticos son microorganismos vivos que ejercen una acción beneficiosa sobre el hospedador al administrarse en las cantidades adecuadas. Además, han de cumplir los criterios de la FAO para ser considerados como tal. En este trabajo se va a realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre los estudios encontrados del uso de probióticos en diferentes patologías, con una antigüedad máxima de diez años. Se desarrollarán más las patologías en las que hay más estudios, por ser más conocidas; así como aquellas en las que su uso es más novedoso. Se tratará el uso de probióticos en diarrea, erradicación de Helicobacter pylori, síndrome de intestino irritable, enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, enterocolitis necrotizante, cáncer de colon, intolerancia a la lactosa, alergias - enfermedades atópicas - respuesta inmune, mastitis, enfermedades urogenitales y salud bucodental

    STEREO and ACE observations of CIR particles

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    In the present solar minimum, corotating interaction regions (CIRs) produce frequent particle enhancements at 1 AU as observed at STEREO and ACE. As the two STEREO spacecraft move apart, differences in CIR time profiles observed at each spacecraft are becoming large. The timing differences are often roughly similar to the corotation time lag between the two spacecraft, however many of the features seen at Ahead and Behind require more than just a time shift. Perhaps transient disturbances in the solar wind affect connection to or transport from the shock, or temporal changes occur in the CIR shock itself. Additional timing differences of >1 day result from the different heliographic latitudes of the two STEREO spacecraf

    Galactic Cosmic Ray Origins and OB Associations: Evidence from SuperTIGER Observations of Elements 26_{26}Fe through 40_{40}Zr

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    We report abundances of elements from 26_{26}Fe to 40_{40}Zr in the cosmic radiation measured by the SuperTIGER (Trans-Iron Galactic Element Recorder) instrument during 55 days of exposure on a long-duration balloon flight over Antarctica. These observations resolve elemental abundances in this charge range with single-element resolution and good statistics. These results support a model of cosmic-ray origin in which the source material consists of a mixture of 196+11^{+11}_{-6}\% material from massive stars and \sim81\% normal interstellar medium (ISM) material with solar system abundances. The results also show a preferential acceleration of refractory elements (found in interstellar dust grains) by a factor of \sim4 over volatile elements (found in interstellar gas) ordered by atomic mass (A). Both the refractory and volatile elements show a mass-dependent enhancement with similar slopes.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted by Ap

    Evolución del comportamiento espectral y la composición química en el dosel arbóreo de una dehesa

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    Revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Teledetección[EN] In the context of the BIOSPEC and FLUXPEC projects (http://www.lineas.cchs.csic.es/fluxpec/), spectral and biophysical variables measurements at leaf level have been conducted in the tree canopy of a holm oak dehesa (Quercus ilex) ecosystem during four vegetative periods. Measurements of bi-conical reflectance factor of intact leaf (ASD Fieldspec 3® spectroradiometer), specific leaf mass (SLM), leaf water content (LWC), nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, and Zn) and chlorophyll concentration were performed. The spectral measurements have been related with the biophysical variables by stepwise and partial least squares regression analyses. These analyses allowed to identify the spectral bands and regions that best explain the evolution of the biophysical variables and to estimate the nutrient contents during the leaf maturation process. Statistically significant estimates of the majority of the variables studied were obtained. Wavelengths that had the highest contributions explaining the chemical composition of the forest canopy were located in spectral regions of the red edge, the green visible region, and the shortwave infrared.[ES] En el contexto de los proyectos BIOSPEC y FLUXPEC (http://www.lineas.cchs.csic.es/fluxpec/), se han rea-lizado mediciones espectrales y de variables biofísicas a nivel de hoja en el dosel arbóreo de una dehesa de encina (Quercus ilex) durante cuatro períodos vegetativos. Se han llevado a cabo mediciones de reflectividad bi-cónica de hoja intacta (ASD Fieldspec 3®spectroradiometer), masa foliar específica (SLM), contenido de agua (LWC), concen-traciones de nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, y Zn) y clorofilas. Las mediciones espectrales se han relacionado con las variables biofísicas mediante análisis de regresión múltiple por pasos (SWR) y regresión de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLSR). Estos análisis han permitido identificar las bandas y regiones espectrales que explican la evolución de las variables biofísicas y estimar los contenidos de nutrientes a lo largo del proceso de maduración de las hojas en la copa. Se han obtenido modelos estadísticamente significativos para la mayoría de las variables foliares estudiadas. Las longitudes de onda que aportan mayor información sobre la composición química del dosel, se encuentran en las regiones espectrales del límite del rojo, la región verde del visible y el infrarrojo medio de onda corta (SWIR).Este trabajo ha sido financiado por los proyectos BIOSPEC (CGL2008-02301/CLI, Ministerio de Ciencia e innovación) y FLUXPEC (CGL-2012 34383, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad).González-Cascón, R.; Pacheco-Labrador, J.; Martín, MP. (2016). Evolution of spectral behavior and chemical composition in the tree canopy of a dehesa ecosystem. Revista de Teledetección. (46):31-43. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2016.5688SWORD31434

    Cosmic-Ray Positrons: Are There Primary Sources?

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    Cosmic rays at the Earth include a secondary component originating in collisions of primary particles with the diffuse interstellar gas. The secondary cosmic rays are relatively rare but carry important information on the Galactic propagation of the primary particles. The secondary component includes a small fraction of antimatter particles, positrons and antiprotons. In addition, positrons and antiprotons may also come from unusual sources and possibly provide insight into new physics. For instance, the annihilation of heavy supersymmetric dark matter particles within the Galactic halo could lead to positrons or antiprotons with distinctive energy signatures. With the High-Energy Antimatter Telescope (HEAT) balloon-borne instrument, we have measured the abundances of positrons and electrons at energies between 1 and 50 GeV. The data suggest that indeed a small additional antimatter component may be present that cannot be explained by a purely secondary production mechanism. Here we describe the signature of the effect and discuss its possible origin.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, epsfig and aasms4 macros required, to appear in Astroparticle Physics (1999

    N-terminal acetylation promotes synaptonemal complex assembly in C. elegans

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    N-terminal acetylation of the first two amino acids on proteins is a prevalent cotranslational modification. Despite its abundance, the biological processes associated with this modification are not well understood. Here, we mapped the pattern of protein N-terminal acetylation in Caenorhabditis elegans, uncovering a conserved set of rules for this protein modification and identifying substrates for the N-terminal acetyltransferase B (NatB) complex. We observed an enrichment for global protein N-terminal acetylation and also specifically for NatB substrates in the nucleus, supporting the importance of this modification for regulating biological functions within this cellular compartment. Peptide profiling analysis provides evidence of cross-talk between N-terminal acetylation and internal modifications in a NAT substrate-specific manner. In vivo studies indicate that N-terminal acetylation is critical for meiosis, as it regulates the assembly of the synaptonemal complex (SC), a proteinaceous structure ubiquitously present during meiosis from yeast to humans. Specifically, N-terminal acetylation of NatB substrate SYP-1, an SC structural component, is critical for SC assembly. These findings provide novel insights into the biological functions of N-terminal acetylation and its essential role during meiosis

    Energy Spectra, Altitude Profiles and Charge Ratios of Atmospheric Muons

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    We present a new measurement of air shower muons made during atmospheric ascent of the High Energy Antimatter Telescope balloon experiment. The muon charge ratio mu+ / mu- is presented as a function of atmospheric depth in the momentum interval 0.3-0.9 GeV/c. The differential mu- momentum spectra are presented between 0.3 and about 50 GeV/c at atmospheric depths between 13 and 960 g/cm^2. We compare our measurements with other recent data and with Monte Carlo calculations of the same type as those used in predicting atmospheric neutrino fluxes. We find that our measured mu- fluxes are smaller than the predictions by as much as 70% at shallow atmospheric depths, by about 20% at the depth of shower maximum, and are in good agreement with the predictions at greater depths. We explore the consequences of this on the question of atmospheric neutrino production.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. D (2000

    Observations of the 2019 April 4 Solar Energetic Particle Event at the Parker Solar Probe

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    A solar energetic particle event was detected by the Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (IS⊙IS) instrument suite on Parker Solar Probe (PSP) on 2019 April 4 when the spacecraft was inside of 0.17 au and less than 1 day before its second perihelion, providing an opportunity to study solar particle acceleration and transport unprecedentedly close to the source. The event was very small, with peak 1 MeV proton intensities of ~0.3 particles (cm² sr s MeV)⁻¹, and was undetectable above background levels at energies above 10 MeV or in particle detectors at 1 au. It was strongly anisotropic, with intensities flowing outward from the Sun up to 30 times greater than those flowing inward persisting throughout the event. Temporal association between particle increases and small brightness surges in the extreme-ultraviolet observed by the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory, which were also accompanied by type III radio emission seen by the Electromagnetic Fields Investigation on PSP, indicates that the source of this event was an active region nearly 80° east of the nominal PSP magnetic footpoint. This suggests that the field lines expanded over a wide longitudinal range between the active region in the photosphere and the corona