5,872 research outputs found

    Identifying new physics contributions in the Higgs sector at linear e+e- colliders

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    Loop driven decay modes of the Higgs are sensitive to new physics contributions because of new particles in the loops. To highlight this we look at the dilepton-dijet signal in the dominant Higgs production channel at a linear e+e- collider. We show that by taking a simple ratio between cross-sections of two different final states such contributions can be very easily identified.Comment: Latex 4 pages, 2 eps figures (style files included). Talk given at the linear collider workshop LCWS06, Bangalore, March 200

    Silicon dendritic web material

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    The development of a low cost and reliable contact system for solar cells and the fabrication of several solar cell modules using ultrasonic bonding for the interconnection of cells and ethylene vinyl acetate as the potting material for module encapsulation are examined. The cells in the modules were made from dendritic web silicon. To reduce cost, the electroplated layer of silver was replaced with an electroplated layer of copper. The modules that were fabricated used the evaporated Ti, Pd, Ag and electroplated Cu (TiPdAg/Cu) system. Adherence of Ni to Si is improved if a nickel silicide can be formed by heat treatment. The effectiveness of Ni as a diffusion barrier to Cu and the ease with which nickel silicide is formed is discussed. The fabrication of three modules using dendritic web silicon and employing ultrasonic bonding for interconnecting calls and ethylene vinyl acetate as the potting material is examined

    Temporally and spatially resolved flow in a two-stage axial compressor. Part 2: Computational assessment

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    Fluid dynamics of turbomachines are complicated due to aerodynamic interactions between rotors and stators. It is necessary to understand the aerodynamics associated with these interactions in order to design turbomachines that are both light and compact as well as reliable and efficient. The current study uses an unsteady, thin-layer Navier-Stokes zonal approach to investigate the unsteady aerodynamics of a multi-stage compressor. Relative motion between rotors and stators is made possible by use of systems of patched and overlaid grids. Results have been computed for a 2 1/2-stage compressor configuration. The numerical data compares well with experimental data for surface pressures and wake data. In addition, the effect of grid refinement on the solution is studied

    Development of high efficiency solar cells on silicon web

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    Web base material is being improved with a goal toward obtaining solar cell efficiencies in excess of 18% (AM1). Carrier loss mechanisms in web silicon was investigated, techniques were developed to reduce carrier recombination in the web, and web cells were fabricated using effective surface passivation. The effect of stress on web cell performance was also investigated

    Molecular approaches towards assessment of cyanobacterial biodiversity

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    No Abstrac

    Development of high-efficiency solar cells on silicon web

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    Work is reported aimed at identifying and reducing sources of carrier recombination both in the starting web silicon material and in the processed cells. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy measurements of several web cells were made and analyzed. The effect of the heavily twinned region on cell efficiency was modeled, and the modeling results compared to measured values for processed cells. The effects of low energy, high dose hydrogen ion implantation on cell efficiency and diffusion length were examined. Cells were fabricated from web silicon known to have a high diffusion length, with a new double layer antireflection coating being applied to these cells. A new contact system, to be used with oxide passivated cells and which greatly reduces the area of contact between metal and silicon, was designed. The application of DLTS measurements to beveled samples was further investigated

    Analisis Pengendalian Produk Cacat Dengan Metode Control Chart Pada PT. Ital Frans Multindo Food Industries Di Kabupaten Tabanan Tahun 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengendalian produk cacat pada tahun 2013, apakah proses produksi masih berada dalam batas pengendalian atau berada di luar batas pengendalian serta mencari bagaimana upaya pengendalian produk cacat. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala bagian produksi dan karyawan serta objek penelitian adalah jumlah produk cacat yang ada di PT. Ital Frans Multindo Food Industries. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara dan dokumentasi, yang selanjutnya dianalisis dengan analisis control chart menggunakan software SPSS 16,0 for windows. Hasil penelitian ini, dengan menggunakan metode control chart menunjukkan bahwa pengendalian dalam proses produksi berada dalam batas terkendali, namun proses produksi belum dikatakan sempurna karena titik-titik yang berada di antara UCL dan LCL tidak sejajar dengan garis CL. Upper Control Limit (UCL)/batas kendali atas sebesar 3.526.969, Lower Control Limit (LCL)/batas kendali bawah sebesar 1.317.363 dengan rata-rata sebesar 2.422.166. Pada bulan Januari sampai November proses produksi masih berada diantara UCL dan LCL, ini berarti proses produksi berada pada batas pengendalian, sedangkan pada bulan terakhir yaitu Desember proses produksi melewati batas UCL yang menunjukkan adanya penyimpangan, dari hasil wawancara penyimpangan tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor manusia dan mesin. Hasil penelitian ini, dengan menggunakan metode control chart menunjukkan bahwa pengendalian dalam proses produksi berada dalam batas terkendali, namun proses produksi belum dikatakan sempurna karena titik-titik yang berada di antara UCL dan LCL tidak sejajar dengan garis CL. Upper Control Limit (UCL)/batas kendali atas sebesar 3.526.969, Lower Control Limit (LCL)/batas kendali bawah sebesar 1.317.363 dengan rata-rata sebesar 2.422.166. Pada bulan Januari sampai November proses produksi masih berada diantara UCL dan LCL, ini berarti proses produksi berada pada batas pengendalian, sedangkan pada bulan terakhir yaitu Desember proses produksi melewati batas UCL yang menunjukkan adanya penyimpangan, dari hasil wawancara penyimpangan tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor manusia dan mesin. Kata Kunci : pengendalian, produk cacat, control chart This study aimed at determine the control prodects defect in the year 2013, are production process still be within control limits or are outside the control limits and how the control efforts defective products. This study was descriptive quantitative research. The subjects in this study were the section chief productions and employees as well as the object was the amount of prodects defect in the PT. Ital Frans Multindo Food Industries. The Data were collected using a interviews and documentation, and then the data ware analyzed control chart by using the software SPSS 16.0 for windows. Kata Kunci : pengendalian, produk cacat, control chart This study aimed at determine the control prodects defect in the year 2013, are production process still be within control limits or are outside the control limits and how the control efforts defective products. This study was descriptive quantitative research. The subjects in this study were the section chief productions and employees as well as the object was the amount of prodects defect in the PT. Ital Frans Multindo Food Industries. The Data were collected using a interviews and documentation, and then the data ware analyzed control chart by using the software SPSS 16.0 for windows. The results of the study showed that control in the production process are in a limits of control, but the production process isnt said to be perfect because the points which between the UCL and LCL are not parallel to the CL line. Upper Control Limit (UCL) of 3.526.969. Lower Control Limit (LCL) of 1.317.363 with an average of .422.166. In January until November production process is still between the UCL and LCL, this means that the production process is on control limits, while in the last month i.e. December production process over the limit UCL indicating deviation, from interviews of such deviations caused by human factors and machine. The results of the study showed that control in the production process are in a limits of control, but the production process isnt said to be perfect because the points which between the UCL and LCL are not parallel to the CL line. Upper Control Limit (UCL) of 3.526.969. Lower Control Limit (LCL) of 1.317.363 with an average of .422.166. In January until November production process is still between the UCL and LCL, this means that the production process is on control limits, while in the last month i.e. December production process over the limit UCL indicating deviation, from interviews of such deviations caused by human factors and machine. keyword : Control, prodects defect, control chart keyword : Control, prodects defect, control char

    Clinicoetiological profile of neonatal seizures in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Seizure is one of the most frequently observed clinical sign in neonatal period and may be the only sign of a central nervous system disorder. Its recognition is of paramount importance and a newborn with seizures is in a true medical emergency requiring prompt intervention. Objective: To determine the clinical and etiological profile of seizures among neonates admitted to neonatal unit in a tertiary care hospital. Materials and Methods: It was a prospective, observational, hospital-based study conducted over a period of 1 year (December 2014-November 2015). Nearly, 63 babies either admitted with neonatal seizures or who developed seizures after admission were studied to find the clinical and etiological profile. Detailed history including gestational age, mode of delivery, birth events, Apgar scores and antenatal problems, age of onset, and frequency of seizures was also noted. Seizures were classified on the basis of detailed description by pediatric resident on duty in a predesigned pro forma. Informed written consent of parents was taken before enrolling a baby in study. Results: Sepsis was the most common cause of neonatal seizures (64.9%), followed by birth asphyxia, i.e., hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) (48.3%). Hypoglycemia was seen in 21.6% and hypocalcemia in 18.3% cases. Subtle seizures were the most common type of seizures seen in 65% babies, followed by tonic (31.6%), myoclonic (16.6%%), and clonic (6.67%) type. Subtle seizures were commonly seen in cases of HIE. Conclusion: The recognition of clinicoetiology of neonatal seizures is often helpful with respect to prognosis and treatment. The most common etiology for neonatal seizure is sepsis. Onset of seizures during first 3 days of life has significant correlation with HIE as etiology. Subtle seizures are the most common type of clinical seizures, which is difficult to identify; therefore, careful observation of at risk newborns is necessary

    Deconstructing Gender Stereotypes in Leak

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    The belief of Balinese people towards leak still survive. Leak is a magic based on durgaism that can transform a person from human to another form, such as apes, pigs, etc. People tend to regard leak as evil. In general, the evilness is constructed in gender stereotypes, so it is identified that leak are always women. This idea is a power game based on the ideology of patriarchy that provides legitimacy for men to dominate women with a plea for social harmony. As a result, women are marginalized in the Balinese society. Women should be aware of so it would provide encouragement for them to make emancipatory changes dialogically. Kepercayaan orang Bali terhadap leak tetap bertahan sampai saat ini. Leak adalah sihir yang berbasiskan durgaisme yang dapat mengakibatkan seseorang bisa merubah bentuk dari manusia ke wujud yang lain, misalnya kera, babi, dll. Leak termasuk magi hitam sehingga dinilai bersifat jelek. Pada umumnya perempuan diidentikkan dengan leak sehingga melahirkan asumsi yang bermuatan steriotip gender bahwa leak = perempuan. Gagasan ini merupakan permainan kekuasaan berbasis ideologi patriarkhi dan sekaligus memberikan legitimasi bagi laki-laki untuk menguasai perempuan dengan dalih demi keharmonisan sosial. Akibatnya, perempuan menjadi termarginalisasi pada masyarakat Bali. Perempuan harus menyadarinya sehingga memberikan dorongan bagi mereka untuk melakukan Perubahan secara dialogis emansipatoris