8 research outputs found

    3D finite element electrical model of larval zebrafish ECG signals

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    Assessment of heart function in zebrafish larvae using electrocardiography (ECG) is a potentially useful tool in developing cardiac treatments and the assessment of drug therapies. In order to better understand how a measured ECG waveform is related to the structure of the heart, its position within the larva and the position of the electrodes, a 3D model of a 3 days post fertilisation (dpf) larval zebrafish was developed to simulate cardiac electrical activity and investigate the voltage distribution throughout the body. The geometry consisted of two main components; the zebrafish body was modelled as a homogeneous volume, while the heart was split into five distinct regions (sinoatrial region, atrial wall, atrioventricular band, ventricular wall and heart chambers). Similarly, the electrical model consisted of two parts with the body described by Laplace’s equation and the heart using a bidomain ionic model based upon the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations. Each region of the heart was differentiated by action potential (AP) parameters and activation wave conduction velocities, which were fitted and scaled based on previously published experimental results. ECG measurements in vivo at different electrode recording positions were then compared to the model results. The model was able to simulate action potentials, wave propagation and all the major features (P wave, R wave, T wave) of the ECG, as well as polarity of the peaks observed at each position. This model was based upon our current understanding of the structure of the normal zebrafish larval heart. Further development would enable us to incorporate features associated with the diseased heart and hence assist in the interpretation of larval zebrafish ECGs in these conditions

    Leather for motorcyclist garments: Multi-test based material model fitting in terms of Ogden parameters

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    This paper is focused on experimental testing and modeling of genuine leather used for a motorcycle personal protective equipment. Simulations of powered two wheelers (PTW) accidents are usually performed using human body models (HBM) for the injury assessment equipped only with the helmet model. However, the kinematics of the PTW rider during a real accident is disturbed by the stiffness of his suit, which is normally not taken into account during the reconstruction or simulation of the accident scenario. The material model proposed in this paper can be used in numerical simulations of crash scenarios that include the effect of motorcyclist rider garment. The fitting procedure was conducted on 2 sets of samples: 5 uniaxial samples and 5 biaxial samples. The experimental characteristics were used to obtain the set of 25 constitutive material models in terms of Ogden parameters

    Constitutive modelling of an arterial wall supported by microscopic measurements

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    An idealized model of an arterial wall is proposed as a two-layer system. Distinct mechanical response of each layer is taken into account considering two types of strain energy functions in the hyperelasticity framework. The outer layer, considered as a fibre-reinforced composite, is modelled using the structural model of Holzapfel. The inner layer, on the other hand, is represented by a two-scale model mimicing smooth muscle tissue. For this model, material parameters such as shape, volume fraction and orientation of smooth muscle cells are determined using the microscopic measurements. The resulting model of an arterial ring is stretched axially and loaded with inner pressure to simulate the mechanical response of a porcine arterial segment during inflation and axial stretching. Good agreement of the model prediction with experimental data is promising for further progress

    Nastal čas prodloužit dobu expirace kryoprezervovaných alograftů srdečních chlopní

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    V současné době existuje velké množství umělých komerčních náhrad chlopní. Přesto jsou stále žádané a úspěšně transplantované kryoprezervované semilunární alografty srdečních chlopní (C-AHV). U těchto náhrad zatím není přesně definována doba expirace.Většina tkáňových bank používá pět let. Z fyziologického, funkčního a operačního pohledu představuje morfologie a mechanické vlastnosti aortálních a pulmonárních kořenů hlavní limitaci doby expirace C-AHV. Cílem této práce je podat přehled metod strukturní a mechanické analýzy tkání AHV, které jsou vhodné pro stanovení doby expirace. alograftů. Pro stanovení mikrostruktury je vhodná kvantitativní morfologie za použití stereologické testovací mřížky. Touto metodou lze snadno, efektivně a opakovatelně stanovit možství buněk a mezibuněčných komponent. Pro stanovení mechanických parametrů, jako Youngův modul pružnosti, mezní napětí a deformace, lze využít tahovou zkoušku. C-AHV jsou v různých tkáňových laboratořích připravovány podle různých protokolů. Je tedy nutné, aby každá laboratoř stanovila dobu expirace samostatně.Despite the wide choice of commercial heart valve prostheses, cryopreserved semilunar allograft heart valves (C-AHV) are required, and successfully transplanted in selected groups of patients. The expiration limit (EL) criteria have not been defined yet. Most Tissue Establishments (TE) use the EL of 5 years. From physiological, functional, and surgical point of view, the morphology and mechanical properties of aortic and pulmonary roots represent basic features limiting the EL of C-AHV. The aim of this work was to review methods of AHV tissue structural analysis and mechanical testing from the perspective of suitability for EL validation studies. Microscopic structure analysis of great arterial wall and semilunar leaflets tissue should clearly demonstrate cells as well as the extracellular matrix components by highly reproducible and specific histological staining procedures. Quantitative morphometry using stereological grids has proved to be effective, as the exact statistics was feasible. From mechanical testing methods, tensile test was the most suitable. Young’s moduli of elasticity, ultimate stress and strain were shown to represent most important AHV tissue mechanical characteristics, suitable for exact statistical analysis. C-AHV are prepared by many different protocols, so as each TE has to work out own EL for C-AHV