1,070 research outputs found

    Women Artists\u27 Salon of Chicago (1937-1953): Cultivating Careers and Art Collectors

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    This article reconstructs the history of the Women Artists’ Salon of Chicago, which was founded as an exhibition society in Chicago in 1937, and argues that the Board of Directors turned to the 19th century precedents of the Palette Club and the Woman’s Building at the World’s Columbian Exhibition as models for their organization. The essay also traces how members of the Women Artists’ Salon deliberately exhibited traditional artworks associated with the feminine and domestic and coordinated social events in order to cultivate greater sales and a new generation of female art collectors

    Organic Chemicals in Sediments from the Lower Chesapeake Bay

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    Many of the toxic organic chemicals affecting the marine environment are hydrophobic and associate with sediments. Sediments can accumulate the substances over long intervals and store them after the original source of the toxic material has been eliminated. Contaminated sediments can provide small but damaging amounts of the to.xicant to the overlying water for decades. For example, more than 10 years after the discovery of Kepone in the James River, Virginia, much of the James\u27 fisheries ·is still closed because Kepone levels are above federal action levels.https://scholarworks.wm.edu/vimsbooks/1166/thumbnail.jp

    Richmond Crater James River Water Quality Management Program, final report 1984-85 and summary, toxic organics in sediments : a final report to Richmond Regional Planning District

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    The following report contains detailed results of analyses of sediment grabs and cores from the James and Appomattox rivers and some nearby locations for a spectrum of organic toxics. Some data has been previously reported in interim progress reports, but will be included for completeness. A study of variability of replicate samples taken at a single station (JR4). not included in the proposal, presents possible limitations of interpretation of temporal and station to station results. Finally, a comprehensive summary of toxic organics in the sediments of the James River and certain tributarjes over a two-year period will be presented

    Twistor theory on a finite graph

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    We show how the description of a shear-free ray congruence in Minkowski space as an evolving family of semi-conformal mappings can naturally be formulated on a finite graph. For this, we introduce the notion of holomorphic function on a graph. On a regular coloured graph of degree three, we recover the space-time picture. In the spirit of twistor theory, where a light ray is the more fundamental object from which space-time points should be derived, the line graph, whose points are the edges of the original graph, should be considered as the basic object. The Penrose twistor correspondence is discussed in this context

    Buying big into biotech: scale, financing, and the industrial dynamics of UK biotech, 1980--2009

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    This article explores how the UK's biotech firms have evolved in response to their financial environment. As investors' expectations about the potential of biotech have changed, funding options have opened up and closed down, leading firms to develop new business models and routes of technology development. After a favorable period, new constraints on stock market funding have forced UK biotech firms to compress their life cycles, constraining their ability to generate the late-stage drug candidates sought by large pharmaceutical firms. These changes are analyzed within a neo-Chandlerian framework in the context of a selection environment where rather than firms of varying inefficiencies being selected by an efficient market, we find entrepreneurs submitting themselves to an inefficient investment-selection process at the intersection of industries attempting to achieve their own scale economies. The article highlights the importance of the scale of investment at the firm and industry level, and suggests that decline in the size of the industry can have adverse consequences for investment and firm performance in this setting. Copyright 2013 The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Associazione ICC. All rights reserved., Oxford University Press

    A report on the concentration, distribution and impact of certain trace metals from sewage treatment plants on the Chesapeake Bay

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    Population densities are ever increasing on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay and hence the flow of goods and services is being shifted to supply these people. This self perpetuating system demanismore and more of the surrounding envirorunent f or recreation, work and waste disposal. This is the case f or the Chesapeake and its sub- estuaries. According to Brush (1974), of the total fresh water input into the Chesapeake Bay, between 1 and 2 percent is treated sewage. Toxic components on these waters may be of paramount importance in the Bay ecosystem and ma;y have disastrous effects on the biota. It is essential then that the magnitude of the exist ing problem be determined and understood, and results and recommendations be made available to decision makers so that in the future we can control the inputs, properly select sewage outfall locations and preserve the Chesapeake Bey for future generations . This document is a first attempt at this

    Inelastic interaction mean free path of negative pions in tungsten

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    The inelastic interaction mean free paths lambda of 5, 10, and 15 GeV/c pions were measured by determining the distribution of first interaction locations in a modular tungsten-scintillator ionization spectrometer. In addition to commonly used interaction signatures of a few (2-5) particles in two or three consecutive modules, a chi2 distribution is used to calculate the probability that the first interaction occurred at a specific depth in the spectrometer. This latter technique seems to be more reliable than use of the simpler criteria. No significant dependence of lambda on energy was observed. In tungsten, lambda for pions is 206 plus or minus 6 g/sq cm

    Finding Time for Wheeler-DeWitt Cosmology

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    We conduct a case study analysis of a proposal for the emergence of time based upon the approximate derivation of three grades of temporal structure within an explicit quantum cosmological model which obeys a Wheeler-DeWitt type equation without an extrinsic time parameter. Our main focus will be issues regarding the consistency of the approximations and derivations in question. Our conclusion is that the model provides a self-consistent account of the emergence of chronordinal, chronometric and chronodirected structure. Residual concerns relate to explanatory rather than consistency considerations

    Organic compounds in surface sediments and oyster tissues from the Chesapeake Bay

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    This report contains three parts. In Part I, the methodology to extract and analyze sediment and oyster tissue samples from the Chesapeake Bay is described in detail. Remaining problems are clearly identified. Part II contains the results and their discussion. Part III contains a number of appendices with detailed data. For those readers interested in still more detail, the complete bank of processed data is on computer tapes at this institute and at the Environmental Protection Agency-Chesapeake Bay Program office at Annapolis, Maryland. Also included in Part III we give the results of volatile halogenated organic compounds determined in water collected near the outfalls of several chlorine using facilities as well as from river mouths. The distribution of the total and a few specific organic compounds within the Bay is presented by histograms. Mass spectrometric analyses clearly reveal the fact that one specific class of organic compounds, hydrocarbons, are the most prominent pollutants in the Bay. The application of two different search routines, one concentrating on compounds at levels \u3e50 ppb and the other on temporal changes, allows a quick determination of areas where problems may exist and where additional research may be indicated. Two unusual sediment samples collected during the fall 1979 cruise are discussed separately: Sample 2-19-S which clearly indicates a recent dumping of DDT and polychlorinated biphenyls, and Sample 2-27-S which contained very high concentrations of unsubstituted polynuclear aromatics
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