662 research outputs found

    Influence of process parameters and heat treatment on porosity of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg

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    Material which is produced by the additive manufacturing technology laser powder-bed fusion (L- PBF), tends to build pores, depending on the process parameters. So does the highly used alloy AlSi10Mg. These pores can either be round or irregular shaped due to different formation processes. Round pores are mostly influenced by e.g. evaporation, hollow powder particles, remaining H2O content or a high laser power. Whereas influencing factors on the formation of irregular shaped pores are e.g. instability of the keyhole, oxides in the powder, large layer thickness, large scan space or an uneven upper powder surface. However, this contribution only focusses on the influence of variations in the process parameters, but also a subsequently performed heat treatment. Therefore a statistical design of experiments with a face-centered central composite design (CCD) was performed. The parameters studied, are Laser Power P, Scan velocity v and Hatch spacing h. All three are varied in three stages each, resulting in 16 samples using the above mentioned CCD plan. A second set of 16 samples, with the same variation in parameters is additionally heat treated at 300 °C for 2 hours after the manufacturing process. For a simplified view of the results, the influencing parameters are combined into one factor, the volumetric energy density (VED) which is calculated as follows VED = P v h d. The results are showing that there is a non-linear progression of the relative density, a measure of the overall porosity in a part, as function of the VED. For low, but also high VED the relative density is quite low. While an optimum of the relative density could be achieved for VEDs between 36,46 J/m³ and 46,62 J/m³. However, the comparison of the heat-treated and non-heat-treated samples revealed that on average the relative density is lower for the heat-treated ones. Namely ρ(nHT)=99,36% compared to ρ(HT)=98,82%. An additionally metallographic examination showed the shape but also the distribution of the pores in the manufactured parts

    Externally Dispersed Interferometry for Precision Radial Velocimetry

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    Externally Dispersed Interferometry (EDI) is the series combination of a fixed-delay field-widened Michelson interferometer with a dispersive spectrograph. This combination boosts the spectrograph performance for both Doppler velocimetry and high resolution spectroscopy. The interferometer creates a periodic spectral comb that multiplies against the input spectrum to create moire fringes, which are recorded in combination with the regular spectrum. The moire pattern shifts in phase in response to a Doppler shift. Moire patterns are broader than the underlying spectral features and more easily survive spectrograph blurring and common distortions. Thus, the EDI technique allows lower resolution spectrographs having relaxed optical tolerances (and therefore higher throughput) to return high precision velocity measurements, which otherwise would be imprecise for the spectrograph alone.Comment: 7 Pages, White paper submitted to the AAAC Exoplanet Task Forc

    The Rotation Curves of Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift

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    We have undertaken a pilot project to measure the rotation velocities of spiral galaxies in the redshift range 0.18 < z < 0.4 using high dispersion long slit spectroscopy obtained with the Palomar 5m telescope. One field galaxy and three cluster objects known to have strong emission lines were observed over wavelength ranges covering the redshifted lines of [OII], CaII K, H beta, and [OIII]. Two of the objects show extended line emission that allows the tracing of the rotation curve in one or more lines. A line width similar to that obtained with single dish telescopes for the 21-cm HI line observed in lower redshift galaxies can be derived from the observed H beta, [OII], and [OIII] emission by measuring a characteristic width from the velocity histogram. These moderately distant galaxies have much stronger emission lines than typical low-redshift spirals but they appear to be kinematically similar. Application of the Tully-Fisher relation suggests that the two galaxies with rotation curves are intrinsically brighter at R-band than nearby galaxies.Comment: Text is 15 pages (18 with figures). Full text and postscript figures are also available at http://www.ucolick.org/~nicole/pubs/pubs.html#highz

    Abundances in galactic H2 regions, 3: G25.4-0.2, G45.5+0.06, M8, S159 and DR22

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    Measurements of the ARII (6.99 microns), ArIII (8.99 microns), NeII (12.81 microns), SIII (18.71 microns), and SIV (10.51 microns) lines are presented for five compact HII regions along with continuum spectroscopy. From these data and radio data, lower limits to the elemental abundances of Ar, S, and Ne were deduced. The complex G25.4-0.2 is only 5.5 kpc from the galactic center, and is considerably overabundant in all these elements. Complex G45.5+0.06 is at seven kpc from the galactic center, and appears to be approximately consistent with solar abundance. The complex S159 in the Perseus Arm, at 12 kpc from the galactic center, has solar abundance, while M8 in the solar neighborhood may be somewhat overabundant in Ar and Ne. Complex DR 22, at 10 kpc from the galactic center in the Cygnus Arm, is overabundant in Ar. A summary of results from a series of papers on abundances is given

    Joint Astrophysics Nascent Universe Satellite:. utilizing GRBs as high redshift probes

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    The Joint Astrophysics Nascent Universe Satellite (JANUS) is a multiwavelength cosmology mission designed to address fundamental questions about the cosmic dawn. It has three primary science objectives: (1) measure the massive star formation rate over 5 ≤ z ≤ 12 by discovering and observing high-z gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and their afterglows, (2) enable detailed studies of the history of reionization and metal enrichment in the early Universe, and (3) map the growth of the first supermassive black holes by discovering and observing the brightest quasars at z ≥ 6. A rapidly slewing spacecraft and three science instruments – the X-ray Coded Aperture Telescope (XCAT), the Near InfraRed Telescope (NIRT), and the GAmma-ray Transient Experiment for Students (GATES) – make-up the JANUS observatory and are responsible for realizing the three primary science objectives. The XCAT (0.5–20 keV) is a wide field of view instrument responsible for detecting and localizing ∼60 z ≥ 5 GRBs, including ∼8 z ≥ 8 GRBs, during a 2-year mission. The NIRT (0.7–1.7 µm) refines the GRB positions and provides rapid (≤ 30 min) redshift information to the astronomical community. Concurrently, the NIRT performs a 20, 000 deg2 survey of the extragalactic sky discovering and localizing ∼300 z ≥ 6 quasars, including ∼50 at z ≥ 7, over a two-year period. The GATES provides high-energy (15 keV −1.0 MeV) spectroscopy as well as 60–500 keV polarimetry of bright GRBs. Here we outline the JANUS instrumentation and the mission science motivations

    TEDI: the TripleSpec Exoplanet Discovery Instrument

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    The TEDI (TripleSpec - Exoplanet Discovery Instrument) will be the first instrument fielded specifically for finding low-mass stellar companions. The instrument is a near infra-red interferometric spectrometer used as a radial velocimeter. TEDI joins Externally Dispersed Interferometery (EDI) with an efficient, medium-resolution, near IR (0.9 - 2.4 micron) echelle spectrometer, TripleSpec, at the Palomar 200" telescope. We describe the instrument and its radial velocimetry demonstration program to observe cool stars.Comment: 6 Pages, To Appear in SPIE Volume 6693, Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets II

    SOFIA/FORCAST and Spitzer/IRAC Imaging of the Ultra Compact H II Region W3(OH) and Associated Protostars in W3

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    We present infrared observations of the ultra-compact H II region W3(OH) made by the FORCAST instrument aboard SOFIA and by Spitzer/IRAC. We contribute new wavelength data to the spectral energy distribution, which constrains the optical depth, grain size distribution, and temperature gradient of the dusty shell surrounding the H II region. We model the dust component as a spherical shell containing an inner cavity with radius ~ 600 AU, irradiated by a central star of type O9 and temperature ~ 31,000 K. The total luminosity of this system is 71,000 L_solar. An observed excess of 2.2 - 4.5 microns emission in the SED can be explained by our viewing a cavity opening or clumpiness in the shell structure whereby radiation from the warm interior of the shell can escape. We claim to detect the nearby water maser source W3 (H2O) at 31.4 and 37.1 microns using beam deconvolution of the FORCAST images. We constrain the flux densities of this object at 19.7 - 37.1 microns. Additionally, we present in situ observations of four young stellar and protostellar objects in the SOFIA field, presumably associated with the W3 molecular cloud. Results from the model SED fitting tool of Robitaille et al. (2006, 2007} suggest that two objects (2MASS J02270352+6152357 and 2MASS J02270824+6152281) are intermediate-luminosity (~ 236 - 432 L_solar) protostars; one object (2MASS J02270887+6152344) is either a high-mass protostar with luminosity 3000 L_solar or a less massive young star with a substantial circumstellar disk but depleted envelope; and one object (2MASS J02270743+6152281) is an intermediate-luminosity (~ 768 L_solar) protostar nearing the end of its envelope accretion phase or a young star surrounded by a circumstellar disk with no appreciable circumstellar envelope.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, accepted by Ap

    Decomposing Dusty Galaxies. I. Multi-Component Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting

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    We present a new multi-component spectral energy distribution (SED) decomposition method and use it to analyze the ultraviolet to millimeter wavelength SEDs of a sample of dusty infrared-luminous galaxies. SEDs are constructed from spectroscopic and photometric data obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope, in conjunction with photometry from the literature. Each SED is decomposed into emission from populations of stars, an AGN accretion disk, PAHs, atomic and molecular lines, and distributions of graphite and silicate grains. Decompositions of the SEDs of the template starburst galaxies NGC7714 and NGC2623 and the template AGNs PG0804+761 and Mrk463 provide baseline properties to aid in quantifying the strength of star-formation and accretion in the composite systems NGC6240 and Mrk1014. We find that obscured radiation from stars is capable of powering the total dust emission from NGC6240, although we cannot rule out a contribution from a deeply embedded AGN visible only in X-rays. The decomposition of Mrk1014 is consistent with ~65% of its power emerging from an AGN and ~35% from star-formation. We suggest that many of the variations in our template starburst SEDs may be explained in terms of the different mean optical depths through the clouds of dust surrounding the young stars within each galaxy. Prompted by the divergent far-IR properties of our template AGNs, we suggest that variations in the relative orientation of their AGN accretion disks with respect to the disks of the galaxies hosting them may result in different amounts of AGN-heated cold dust emission emerging from their host galaxies. We estimate that 30-50% of the far-IR and PAH emission from Mrk1014 may originate from such AGN-heated material in its host galaxy disk.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in the Ap

    The Luminous Starburst Ring in NGC 7771: Sequential Star Formation?

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    Only two of the twenty highly luminous starburst galaxies analyzed by Smith et al. exhibit circumnuclear rings of star formation. These galaxies provide a link between 10^11 L_sun systems and classical, less-luminous ringed systems. We report the discovery of a near-infrared counterpart to the nuclear ring of radio emission in NGC 7771. A displacement between the ~10 radio bright clumps and the ~10 near-infrared bright clumps indicates the presence of multiple generations of star formation. The estimated thermal emission from each radio source is equivalent to that of ~35000 O6 stars. Each near-infrared bright knot contains ~5000 red supergiants, on average. The stellar mass of each knot is estimated to be ~10^7 M_sun. The implied time-averaged star formation rate is \~40 M_sun per yr. Several similarities are found between the properties of this system and other ringed and non-ringed starbursts. Morphological differences between NGC 7771 and the starburst + Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469 suggest that NGC 7771 may not be old enough to fuel an AGN, or may not be capable of fueling an AGN. Alternatively, the differences may be unrelated to the presence or absence of an AGN and may simply reflect the possibility that star formation in rings is episodic.Comment: accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (10 January 1999); 48 pages including 13 figures; AAS LaTe