975 research outputs found

    Modelling distribution functions and fragmentation functions

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    We present examples for the calculation of the distribution and fragmentation functions using the representation in terms of non-local matrix elements of quark field operators. As specific examples, we use a simple spectator model to estimate the leading twist quark distribution functions and the fragmentation functions for a quark into a nucleon or a pion.Comment: 5 pages RevTeX, talk presented at the First ELFE School on Confinement Physics, 22-28 July 1995, Cambridge, Englan

    Genetics of metabolic syndrome and related traits

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    In this thesis several aspects of metabolic syndrome are addressed. The focus involves questions concerning the genetics of obesity, TG and cholesterol and hyperglycemia. Since we hypothesized that obesity is the most important trigger of metabolic impairment, the MetS definition in this thesis was chosen to include the obesity measure waist circumference as an essential component. In the study described in chapter 2, the heritability of the metabolic syndrome was addressed and compared to the heritability of its individual components. Since the individual components of MetS were shown to be more heritable than MetS itself, the studies described in chapter 3 and 4 focused on the genetics of the individual MetS component plasma TG. For this purpose, a candidate gene approach was employed using HTG patients and healthy controls. The involvement of a series of candidate genes was confirmed. The study described in chapter 5 followed a similar approach to that used in the studies described in chapter 3 and 4. Several candidate genes were studied in patients suffering from hyperlipoproteinemia (HLP) type III, which is characterized by elevated levels of total plasma cholesterol and plasma TG. HLP type III is characterized by APOE2 homozygosity. Contributing genetic factors in the (metabolically stressed) APOE2/2 environment were confirmed. Plasma adiponectin, an adipose tissue secreted hormone (adipokine), has been suggested to be a biomarker for MetS. In chapter 6 we describe a study which particularly aimed to determine the effect of menopause on the discriminating accuracy of adiponectin to predict MetS. Especially low levels of plasma adiponectin in postmenopausal women were found to be a risk for MetS. However, the discriminating accuracy of adiponectin for the presence of MetS was exceeded by BMI in men and pre __and post menopausal women. Since plasma adiponectin levels are very well correlated with MetS components or related traits, the study described in chapter 7 addressed the question whether these correlations are caused by a genetic overlap (genetic correlation). The genetic correlation was mono-laterally validated with regard to the adiponectin gene (ADIPOQ). Chapter 8 describes a study towards finding novel loci associated with adiponectin or loci that are possibly involved in the genetic overlap between adiponectin and MetS components or related traits. This study followed a genome-wide association (GWA) approach. The results of this GWA were used in a joined analysis with two other cohorts in a meta-analysis. In addition, a selected proportion of SNPs was submitted for replication in several cohorts. Chapter 9 provides a general discussion by reviewing all previous chapters in the thesis. Furthermore, chapter 9 includes suggestions and proposals for future analyses towards unraveling genetic and environmental factors involved in the expression and manifestation of metabolic risk factors.UBL - phd migration 201

    Assessing emissions levels and costs associated with climate and air pollution policies in South Africa

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    Affordable energy supply and reductions in emissions of local air pollution and greenhouse gases are each important aspects of South Africa's goals. Many traditional solutions, however, work in contradiction to one another. This work investigates effects on estimated emissions and costs of mitigation strategies using the Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interaction Synergies (GAINS) model to identify policies that satisfy multiple goals. Eight scenarios that describe air pollution control options and mixes of energy production technologies are implemented in GAINS, which quantifies country-wide air pollution and greenhouse emissions and costs of controls. Emissions and costs trajectories are compared to the business as usual case, which projects CO2 emissions to increase by 60% by 2050 compared to 2015. Results show that replacing all coal generation with renewables reduces CO2 emissions in 2050 by 8% compared to 2015, and that aggressive policy targeting the whole energy sector reduces CO2 emissions in 2050 by 40%. GAINS is used to show co-benefits and tradeoffs of each scenario, such as reductions in emissions control costs that accompany a switch to renewables. The approach provides supporting evidence for policies that exploit co-benefits and avoid contradictions by assessing multiple aspects of the energy sector within the integrated framework provided by the GAINS modeling platform

    A policy review of synergies and trade-offs in South African climate change mitigation and air pollution control strategies

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    Climate change mitigation and air quality management are mostly addressed separately in South African legal acts and policies. This approach is not always coherent, especially in the context of other serious issues South Africa is facing, suh as poverty alleviation. Policies implemented to mitigate climate change might increase negative health affects due to unanticipated outcomes (e.g. increased local air pollution), and these indirect consequences must therefore be taken into account when devising mitigation strategies. However, greenhouse gas mitigation policies can also have co-benefits and positive impacts on local air pollution. An evidence-based approach that takes into account greenhouse gas emissions, ambient air pollutants, economic factors (affordability, cost optimisation), social factors (poverty alleviations, public health benefits), and political acceptability is needed tackle these challenges. A proposal is made that use of an integrated climate/air pollution techno-economic optimising model, such as the Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Synergies (GAINS) model, may provide a rational decision support tool to guide policy makers into effective strategies for combined Climate Change and Air Quality mitigation measures

    Burgermeesterboek: Lokaal en duurzaam innoveren voor iedereen

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    Iedere tijd vraagt om zijn eigen manier van innoveren. Onze tijd vraagt om burge(r)meesters: bijzondere burgers met lef die een heldere visie hebben op de toekomst. Het Burge(r)meesterboek maakt duidelijk hoe deze burge(r)meesters samen met bestuurders, beleidsmedewerkers, ondernemers en inwoners aan een duurzaam Nederland kunnen werken. Pepik Henneman en Derk Loorbach beschrijven een methode waarbij initiatieven en ideeƫn van koplopers uit het bedrijfsleven, overheid en samenleving verbonden worden tot een gezamenlijke visie en aanpak. Deze benadering is gebaseerd op de laatste inzichten uit transitiemanagement, co-creatie en ervaringen met diverse succesvolle lokale pioniersprojecten en helpt gemeentes, provincies en lokale pioniers om samen innovatieprocessen te versnellen. Een boek over en vooral voor bijzondere, betrokken burgers, beleidsmakers Ʃn burgervaders, die samen de slag om morgen willen winnen voor de nieuwe generaties. Met veertien portretten van Burge(r)meesters

    Preconceptional genetic carrier testing and the commercial offer directly-to-consumers

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    Recently, a number of commercial companies are offering preconceptional carrier tests directly-to-consumers. This offer raises a number of concerns and issues above and beyond those encountered with preconceptional tests offered within the traditional health care setting. In order to bring some of these issues to light and to initiate dialogue on this topic, this article discusses the following issues: the current offer of preconceptional carrier tests (until the end of 2010) through online commercial companies; the implications for the informed consent procedure and the need for good information; the need for medical supervision and follow-up; and the appropriate use of existing resources. The article concludes with some reflections about the potential sustainability of the offer of preconceptional carrier tests directly-to-consumers

    Spelling in adolescents with dyslexia: errors and modes of assessment

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    In this study we focused on the spelling of high-functioning students with dyslexia. We made a detailed classification of the errors in a word and sentence dictation task made by 100 students with dyslexia and 100 matched control students. All participants were in the first year of their bachelorā€™s studies and had Dutch as mother tongue. Three main error categories were distinguished: phonological, orthographic, and grammatical errors (on the basis of morphology and language-specific spelling rules). The results indicated that higher-education students with dyslexia made on average twice as many spelling errors as the controls, with effect sizes of d ā‰„ 2. When the errors were classified as phonological, orthographic, or grammatical, we found a slight dominance of phonological errors in students with dyslexia. Sentence dictation did not provide more information than word dictation in the correct classification of students with and without dyslexia

    Azimuthal asymmetry in electro-production of neutral pions in SIDIS

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    Recently HERMES has observed an azimuthal asymmetry in electro-production of neutral pions in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of unpolarized positrons off longitudinally polarized protons. This asymmetry (like those observed in the production of charged pions) is well reproduced theoretically by using the non-perturbative calculation of the proton transversity distribution in the effective chiral quark-soliton model combined with experimental DELPHI-data on the new T-odd Collins fragmentation function. There are no free, adjustable parameters in the analysis. Using the zz-dependence of the HERMES azimuthal asymmetry and the calculated transversity distributions the z-dependence of the Collins fragmentation function is obtained. The value obtained from HERMES data is consistent with the DELPHI result, even though these results refer to different scales.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Fig.3c, Fig.4a updated, conclusions adde
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