495 research outputs found

    Vies moyennes de quelques niveaux du noyau 19F

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    Les énergies d'excitations et les vies moyennes de 9 niveaux du 19 F d'énergie inférieure à 6 MeV ont été déterminées à l'aide de la réaction 18O(d, nγ) 19F. De ces vies moyennes, mesurées à partir de la méthode du déplacement Doppler, ont été déduites certaines largeurs de transition M1 qui sont comparées aux prédictions de modèles en couches

    HS Hya about to turn off its eclipses

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    Aims: We aim to perform the first long-term analysis of the system HS Hya. Methods: We performed an analysis of the long-term evolution of the light curves of the detached eclipsing system HS Hya. Collecting all available photometric data since its discovery, the light curves were analyzed with a special focus on the evolution of system's inclination. Results: We find that the system undergoes a rapid change of inclination. Since its discovery until today the system's inclination changed by more than 15 deg. The shape of the light curve changes, and now the eclipses are almost undetectable. The third distant component of the system is causing the precession of the close orbit, and the nodal period is about 631 yr. Conclusions: New precise observations are desperately needed, preferably this year, because the amplitude of variations is decreasing rapidly every year. We know only 10 such systems on the whole sky at present.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in 2012A&A...542L..23

    Iodoarene-Catalyzed Cyclizations of Unsaturated Amides

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    The cyclization of N-alkenylamides catalyzed by iodoarenes under oxidative conditions is presented. Five-, six-, and seven-membered rings with a range of substitutions can be prepared by this route. Preliminary data from the use of chiral iodoarenes as precatalysts show that enantiocontrol is feasible

    Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents in Edge-weighted Networks

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    We introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal times for the other agent. The goal of the agents is to meet on an edge or a node of the graph. In this scenario, we study the time required by the agents to meet, compared to the meeting time TOPTT_{OPT} in the offline scenario in which the agents have complete knowledge about each others speed characteristics. When no additional assumptions are made, we show that rendezvous in our model can be achieved after time O(nTOPT)O(n T_{OPT}) in a nn-node graph, and that such time is essentially in some cases the best possible. However, we prove that the rendezvous time can be reduced to Θ(TOPT)\Theta (T_{OPT}) when the agents are allowed to exchange Θ(n)\Theta(n) bits of information at the start of the rendezvous process. We then show that under some natural assumption about the traversal times of edges, the hardness of the heterogeneous rendezvous problem can be substantially decreased, both in terms of time required for rendezvous without communication, and the communication complexity of achieving rendezvous in time Θ(TOPT)\Theta (T_{OPT})

    Tsunamis and tectonic deformation at the northern Cascadia margin: A 3000 year record from Deserted Lake

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    Abstract: Three layers of sand occur within a sequence of muddy gyttja in a 3 m core recovered from Deserted Lake, which lies at the head of a fjord on the central west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The sedimentology and microfossil assemblages of these layers are consistent with deposition by tsunamis. Radiocarbon ages suggest that the tsunamis were generated by plate-boundary earthquakes at the Cascadia subduction zone about 2600, 1600 and 300 years ago. Diatom and protozoan contents of the gyttja layers indicate that relative sea level fell in the periods between tsunamis. The sea-level changes are probably a product of interseismic uplift of the North America plate margin. Post-tsunami diatom and protozoan assemblages are generally more marine than their pre-tsunami counterparts, suggesting that the study site subsided during earthquakes. Estimates of interseismic and coseismic deformation during one earthquake cycle indicate that less than half of the interseismic uplift was recovered during the earthquake, leading to cumulative, or permanent, uplift of the area

    Byzantine Gathering in Networks

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    This paper investigates an open problem introduced in [14]. Two or more mobile agents start from different nodes of a network and have to accomplish the task of gathering which consists in getting all together at the same node at the same time. An adversary chooses the initial nodes of the agents and assigns a different positive integer (called label) to each of them. Initially, each agent knows its label but does not know the labels of the other agents or their positions relative to its own. Agents move in synchronous rounds and can communicate with each other only when located at the same node. Up to f of the agents are Byzantine. A Byzantine agent can choose an arbitrary port when it moves, can convey arbitrary information to other agents and can change its label in every round, in particular by forging the label of another agent or by creating a completely new one. What is the minimum number M of good agents that guarantees deterministic gathering of all of them, with termination? We provide exact answers to this open problem by considering the case when the agents initially know the size of the network and the case when they do not. In the former case, we prove M=f+1 while in the latter, we prove M=f+2. More precisely, for networks of known size, we design a deterministic algorithm gathering all good agents in any network provided that the number of good agents is at least f+1. For networks of unknown size, we also design a deterministic algorithm ensuring the gathering of all good agents in any network but provided that the number of good agents is at least f+2. Both of our algorithms are optimal in terms of required number of good agents, as each of them perfectly matches the respective lower bound on M shown in [14], which is of f+1 when the size of the network is known and of f+2 when it is unknown

    Anonymous Graph Exploration with Binoculars

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    International audienceWe investigate the exploration of networks by a mobile agent. It is long known that, without global information about the graph, it is not possible to make the agent halts after the exploration except if the graph is a tree. We therefore endow the agent with binoculars, a sensing device that can show the local structure of the environment at a constant distance of the agent current location.We show that, with binoculars, it is possible to explore and halt in a large class of non-tree networks. We give a complete characterization of the class of networks that can be explored using binoculars using standard notions of discrete topology. This class is much larger than the class of trees: it contains in particular chordal graphs, plane triangulations and triangulations of the projective plane. Our characterization is constructive, we present an Exploration algorithm that is universal; this algorithm explores any network explorable with binoculars, and never halts in non-explorable networks

    Performances de systèmes viticoles à faible niveau d’intrants phytopharmaceutiques dans le vignoble bordelais

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    Afin de répondre aux exigences de réduction de l'usage des produits phytosanitaires, ce projet vise à concevoir et à évaluer des systèmes viticoles qui en sont très économes. Ces systèmes, menés en agriculture conventionnelle ou biologique, sont basés essentiellement sur des leviers d'efficience de la lutte chimique pour la gestion des maladies et des ravageurs (règles de décision de traitement), et de substitution pour la maîtrise des adventices (travail du sol, couverts végétaux). Un autre type de système teste aussi le levier de la résistance variétale contre le mildiou et l'oïdium. Une évaluation multicritères de ces systèmes est effectuée pendant 5 ans au vignoble (réduction d’IFT, présence de résidus, maîtrise des bioagresseurs, atteinte des objectifs de rendement, coûts de production, temps de travail). Les résultats montrent que des systèmes basés essentiellement sur l'efficience permettent de réduire significativement l'IFT en maintenant des performances agronomiques et économiques satisfaisantes. Néanmoins, compte tenu d'une certaine prise de risque engendrée par ces systèmes, la diffusion des règles de décisions doit impliquer les viticulteurs. En viticulture biologique, il apparaît difficile de réduire les doses de cuivre et de soufre par rapport aux pratiques actuelles en maintenant des performances agronomiques stables. La mise en œuvre de variétés résistantes au mildiou et à l'oïdium permet de réduire l’IFT de 90 % par rapport aux références régionales


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    Les isotopes de 68,70,72,74Ge ont été étudiés avec une haute résolution en énergie au moyen de la réaction (p, t). Un grand nombre de nouveaux niveaux 0+, 2+ et 4+ à basse énergie ont été mis en évidence. Des calculs semi-microscopiques de surfaces d'énergie potentielle et de spectres ont été effectués et des conclusions sont données sur la structure des noyaux Ge

    Estrogen aggravates inflammation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia in cystic fibrosis mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Among patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), females have worse pulmonary function and survival than males, primarily due to chronic lung inflammation and infection with <it>Pseudomonas aeruginosa </it>(<it>P. aeruginosa</it>). A role for gender hormones in the causation of the CF "gender gap" has been proposed. The female gender hormone 17β-estradiol (E2) plays a complex immunomodulatory role in humans and in animal models of disease, suppressing inflammation in some situations while enhancing it in others. Helper T-cells were long thought to belong exclusively to either T helper type 1 (Th1) or type 2 (Th2) lineages. However, a distinct lineage named Th17 is now recognized that is induced by interleukin (IL)-23 to produce IL-17 and other pro-inflammatory Th17 effector molecules. Recent evidence suggests a central role for the IL-23/IL-17 pathway in the pathogenesis of CF lung inflammation. We used a mouse model to test the hypothesis that E2 aggravates the CF lung inflammation that occurs in response to airway infection with <it>P. aeruginosa </it>by a Th17-mediated mechanism.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Exogenous E2 caused adult male CF mice with pneumonia due to a mucoid CF clinical isolate, the <it>P. aeruginosa </it>strain PA508 (PA508), to develop more severe manifestations of inflammation in both lung tissue and in bronchial alveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, with increased total white blood cell counts and differential and absolute cell counts of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils). Inflammatory infiltrates and mucin production were increased on histology. Increased lung tissue mRNA levels for IL-23 and IL-17 were accompanied by elevated protein levels of Th17-associated pro-inflammatory mediators in BAL fluid. The burden of PA508 bacteria was increased in lung tissue homogenate and in BAL fluid, and there was a virtual elimination in lung tissue of mRNA for lactoferrin, an antimicrobial peptide active against <it>P. aeruginosa </it>in vitro.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data show that E2 increases the severity of PA508 pneumonia in adult CF male mice, and suggest two potential mechanisms: enhancement of Th17-regulated inflammation and suppression of innate antibacterial defences. Although this animal model does not recapitulate all aspects of human CF lung disease, our present findings argue for further investigation of the effects of E2 on inflammation and infection with <it>P. aeruginosa </it>in the CF lung.</p