1,994 research outputs found

    Venture Capital in Japan: A Financial Instrument Supporting the Innovativeness of the Japanese Economy

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    Two factors: First, the relatively small number of new companies as well as the number of companies subject to liquidation over the year ("firm turnover") in Japan, and second, the insignificant prestige associated with the profession of entrepreneur do not foster growth in the dynamics of this form of financing ventures. The cited indicator for Japan in among the lowest in comparison with other highly developed countries1, while the profession of entrepreneur is not the foremost dream of college graduates. They would much rather prefer realizing their professional careers as members of the government bureaucracy or employees of a major corporation2. However, this mindset is slowly changing, if for no other reason then, in spite of popular conviction, because most small companies are not established during periods of prosperity, but near the end of the downward phase of the economic cycle. That is exactly the phase Japan has been dealing with for several years now. Young, creative people, recruited from the unemployed, are seeking self-employment, using all possible opportunities embedded in the "again starting up" machinery of the economy.Dwa czynniki: pierwszy - stosunkowo mała liczba nowych firm, a także firm likwidowanych w skali roku ("firm turnover") w Japonii oraz drugi - niewielki prestiż, jakim cieszy się zawód przedsiębiorcy, nie sprzyjają dynamizacji omawianej formy finansowania przedsięwzięć. Cytowany wskaźnik, dla Japonii należy do najniższych w porównaniu z innymi krajami wysoko rozwiniętymi (Grabowiecki 2000), zaś profesja przedsiębiorcy nie jest szczytem marzeń ludzi po studiach. Znacznie bardziej chcieliby oni swoją karierę zawodową realizować jako członkowie rządowej biurokracji lub pracownicy dużej korporacji (Corver 2008, s. 2). Ta świadomość ulega jednak stopniowej zmianie, chociażby dlatego, że wbrew popularnym przekonaniom, większość niewielkich przedsiębiorstw, powstaje nie w okresie prosperity, lecz pod koniec spadkowej fazy cyklu koniunkturalnego. Z taką fazą mamy do czynienia w Japonii od paru lat. Młodzi, kreatywni ludzie, rekrutujący się z bezrobotnych, poszukują samozatrudnienia, wykorzystują wszelakie szanse, tkwiące w "ruszającej na powrót" maszynerii gospodark (Yonekura, Lynskey 2003, s. 11)

    The Performance of Private Equity Funds: Does Diversification Matter?

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    This paper is the first systematic analysis of the impact of diversification on the performance of private equity funds. A unique data set allows the exact evaluation of diversification across the dimensions financing stages, industries, and countries. Very different levels of diversification can be observed across sample funds. While some funds are highly specialized others are highly diversified. The empirical results show that the rate of return of private equity funds declines with diversification across financing stages, but increases with diversification across industries. Accordingly, the fraction of portfolio companies which have a negative return or return nothing at all, increase with diversification across financing stages. Diversification across countries has no systematic effect on the performance of private equity funds

    Conditional Allocation of Control Rights in Venture Capital Finance

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    When a young entrepreneurial firm matures, it is often necessary to replace the founding entrepreneur by a professional manager. This replacement decision can be affected by the private benefits of control enjoyed by the entrepreneur which gives rise to a conflict of interest between the entrepreneur and the venture capitalist. We show that a combination of convertible securities and contingent control rights can be used to resolve this conflict efficiently. This contractual arrangement is frequently observed in venture capital finance

    Nothing Ventured — Nothing Gained? Empirical Evidence on Venture Capital Financing in Switzerland

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    This paper analyses the Determinants of Venture Capital Staging and Syndication in Switzerland. I find that among the different affiliations of VC investors in Switzerland especially independent investors make more extensive use of staged capital infusions. Moreover, the results suggest that staging is employed as a tool for mitigating risks in VC financing. In addition, I find that Syndication can serve as an entrance strategy for foreign VC providers. Furthermore, I find evidence that firms, which realize the benefit of staging, do also become conscious of the value added in financing Start Ups by involving partners. Consequently, VC firms that make use of staging are also more open to syndication. With respect to the value-added of Co-Investment behavior, I show that syndication positively impacts the success rate of a VC provider, whereas VC firms that are more locally embedded do exhibit lower success rates for their investment portfolio

    The role of venture capitalists in the regional innovation ecosystem : a comparison of networking patterns between private and publicly backed venture capital funds

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    This paper empirically examines the development of social networks among venture capitalists and other professionals of the regional innovation ecosystem. Using an online survey of venture capitalists, the article considers their networking behaviour, focusing particularly on the distinction between those employed by private and those employed by publicly backed venture capital funds, and on the composition and spatial search of their networks. It investigates whether the frequency of interaction between venture capitalists and other members of the innovation ecosystem is associated with the nature of the venture capital funds. The paper provides the first detailed investigation of the relationship between different types of venture capitalists and other players of the innovation ecosystem such as universities incubators, research institutes, and business support organisations. The results show that there are distinctive differences within the two seemingly similar professional groups (private and public venture capitalists), and public dependence of the venture capital fund is strongly and significantly associated with higher volumes of interactions. The more publicly dependent a fund is, the more it interacts with other players of the innovation system. This finding has important implications for both academics and practitioners and suggests that publicly backed funds have a wider role to play in mobilising the different players of the regional innovation ecosystem