898 research outputs found

    <i>Cocconeis molesta</i> Kütz., <i>C. diaphana</i> W.Sm. and <i>C. dirupta</i> W.Greg. (Bacillariophyta): type material, ambiguities and possible synonymies

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    F.T. Kützing introduced Cocconeis molesta with only an uninformative description and a poor illustration: C. molesta has small, oblong valves and is an epiphyte. Another species, Cocconeis diaphana, described by William Smith, is said to have larger valves than C. molesta, with frustules that are relatively oblong. Smith described two forms: one with a distinct fascia on its raphe valve (var. β), the other without this feature. A third species, Cocconeis dirupta was described by Gregory, who expressed doubts that it differed from C. diaphana. Finally, Cocconeis molesta var. crucifera Grunow was first introduced in Van Heurck’s Atlas but was subsequently treated by Van Heurck as a synonym of C. molesta. No previous account has examined the type material of these species. In this paper, we undertake that task and examine type slides and raw material in order to discriminate these different taxa. We conclude by recognizing three species: Cocconeis molesta Kütz., C. diaphana W.Sm. and C. dirupta W.Greg. Cocconeis diaphana var. β is considered to be a synonym of C. dirupta and C. molesta var. crucifera is considered to be a synonym of C. molesta. Lectotypes are designated for C. diaphana and C. dirupta


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    Si, selon Galilée, l\u27univers est un livre écrit par Dieu en caractères mathématiques, la ou les mondialisation(s) sont un univers laborieusement écrit par les hommes en histoires complexes et à des fins qu\u27ils ne maîtrisent guère ! Confusion, complexité, effets cachés, voire pervers... voilà qui autorise toutes les thèses, toutes les extrapolations - et qui donne a contrario toute sa valeur à ce travail dictionnairique d\u27approche fine et pondérée des points les plus significatifs de cet ensemble de phénomènes qui bouleversent la planète. Thèmes généraux ("agriculture", "pauvreté") ou réalités spécifiques ("bourse", "libre circulation des personnes", "médias"), vocabulaire dédié ("glocal", "fracture numérique", "métropolisation") ou réflexif ("temps du monde", "universalisme"), l\u27utilisateur de cet ouvrage est convié à un vaste parcours où le sens se construit à la lecture des entrées et dans le jeu des renvois. De courts essais d\u27auteur affrontent le débat et développent des points de vue plus personnels : "Développement durable, slogan ou voie d\u27avenir ?", "France, de l\u27avant-poste à l\u27arrière-garde ?", "Une gouvernance mondiale est-elle concevable ?"), etc. Au total, une source d\u27information et un outil de réflexion incomparables sur les grands thèmes contemporains : dynamique des réseaux transnationaux, liens virtuel / réel, remodelage de la souveraineté étatique, "clash" des civilisations, responsabilité de l\u27Occident, gouvernance à l\u27échelle mondiale, péril écologique, etc. Cet ouvrage, né de la concertation de géographes, politologues, sociologues, historiens, économistes et autres, sera pour chacun, étudiant, professionnel, lecteur cultivé, un véritable viatique pour l\u27exploration des nouveaux territoires de la pensée et de l\u27action humaines

    Protection and maintenance of permanent pastures

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    peer reviewedAll farmers receiving direct payments are subject to compulsory cross-compliance which includes standards related to the maintenance and protection of permanent pastures. Questionnaire techniques and spatio-temporal analyses demonstrated that the ratio of permanent pasture area to agricultural land provides a simple tool for monitoring and controlling the protection of permanent pastures at the regional to Member State level. Huge variations in the ratio across Europe were related to the importance of permanent pastures, the interpretation of definitions, sources of information used, differences in calculation, and the presence of protective and/or sensitive zones. Precautionary or complementary measures are in place in most Member States in order to prevent decreases in the ratio. The implementation of GAEC standards related to permanent pastures overlaps with the standard management requirements, national legislation and current agri-environmental programmes. The study advocates the establishment of a comprehensive geo-information platform consisting of a topologically correct inventory of all permanent pasture parcels in a 1:1 geo-referenced relation between IACS and LPIS; ancillary spatially explicit data such as orthophotos, remote sensing images and other thematic geo-databases; and, geodatabases with parcel information compiled for other monitoring purposes such as those within the framework of the Nitrates Directive or 2nd pillar support

    Remote sensing, modelling-based hazard and risk assessment, and management of agro-forested ecosystems

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    Agricultural and forested landscapes cover large areas over many countries; they are a very important natural resource that needs to be managed sustainably for both the environment and the local communities. Food security, population growth, urbanization, and intensive agricultural development are some of the factors that generate increasing demands for water and land resources in the context of global change. Therefore, potential impacts deriving from a changing climate, from more frequent and intense extreme events, and from anthropogenic activities can pose serious threats to economic infrastructure and development in the coming decades and also severely undermine food, fodder, water, and energy security for a growing global population. Significant recent changes in climate and in the hydrological cycle will impact land suitability for agricultural production and forest ecosystems. In particular, we can expect an increase, in some regions, in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and weather-related events such as heat waves, floods, wind and snowstorms, droughts, etc. (IPCC, 2012; IPCC, 2021). Furthermore, anthropogenic activities can exacerbate consequences of an unbalanced environment, such as water quality degradation, groundwater depletion, land subsidence, erosion, and sedimentation (Delkash et al., 2018; Tarolli and Straffellini, 2020). Therefore, sustainable management and exploitation of first-order agricultural resources and forested areas, e.g. available land with favourable climate, soil, and water, will become even more important in the lives and activities of people. The 10 original papers included in this special issue address several of these aspects. In particular one review paper provides a general introduction to risk assessment for natural hazards, six papers focus on water- and weather-related hazards (four related to agriculture and two related to water quality at river basin scale), two papers address hazard assessment for the insurance sector, and one paper is related to challenges in agriculture–forest frontiers. The presented researches adopt different types of quantitative and qualitative modelling and spatial analysis and use remote sensing data, when relevant

    Status of the light ion source developments at CEA/Saclay

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    ACC NIMInternational audienceSILHI (High Intensity Light Ion Source) is an ECR ion source producing high intensity proton ordeuteron beams at 95 keV. It is now installed in the IPHI site building, on the CEA/Saclay center. IPHI is a frontend demonstrator of high power accelerator. The source regularly delivers more than 130 mA protons in CWmode and already produced more than 170 mA deuterons in pulsed mode at nominal energy. The last beamcharacterisations, including emittance measurements, space charge compensation analysis and diagnosticimprovements, will be reported. Taking into account the SILHI experience, new developments are in progress tobuild and test a 5 mA deuteron source working in CW mode. This new source will also operate at 2.45 GHz andpermanent magnets will provide the magnetic configuration. This source, of which the design will be discussed,will have to fit in with the SPIRAL 2 accelerator developed at GANIL to produce Radioactive Ion Beams. TheH- test stand status is briefly presented here and detailed in companion papers.This work is partly supported by the European Commission under contract n°: HPRI-CT-2001-50021

    <i>Planothidium juandenovense</i> sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from Juan de Nova (Scattered Islands, Mozambique Channel) and other tropical environments: a new addition to the <i>Planothidium delicatulum</i> complex

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    Planothidium juandenovense sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) is described from the marine tropical environments of Juan de Nova I. (Mozambique Channel), Rodrigues I. (Mascarene Archipelago) and from Guam (Northern Mariana Is., Pacific). This small and relatively rare taxon has short multiseriate striae on the sternum valve (SV), hooked raphe valve (RV) terminal raphe endings and no SV cavum or hoof–shaped area. This taxon has similarities with Planothidium delicatulum (Kütz.) Round et Bukht. and Planothidium septentrionale (Østrup) Round et Bukht. ex Rumrich et al., but also differences: e.g. a relatively narrow and rhombic SV sternum, void of areolae, with vestigial radiate structures and an uninterrupted marginal SV elevated crest or ‘crista marginalis’. P. juandenovense sp. nov. is compared to some other Achnanthales with short SV striae. Cocconeis quarnerensis var. lanceolata Jurilj and Planothidium quarnerense f. rhombica (Giffen) comb. nov. may be close to our new taxon

    Source identification and distribution reveals the potential of the geochemical Antarctic sea ice proxy IPSO25

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    The presence of a di-unsaturated highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) lipid biomarker (diene II) in Southern Ocean sediments has previously been proposed as a proxy measure of palaeo Antarctic sea ice. Here we show that a source of diene II is the sympagic diatom Berkeleya adeliensis Medlin. Furthermore, the propensity for B. adeliensis to flourish in platelet ice is reflected by an offshore downward gradient in diene II concentration in >100 surface sediments from Antarctic coastal and near-coastal environments. Since platelet ice formation is strongly associated with super-cooled freshwater inflow, we further hypothesize that sedimentary diene II provides a potentially sensitive proxy indicator of landfast sea ice influenced by meltwater discharge from nearby glaciers and ice shelves, and re-examination of some previous diene II downcore records supports this hypothesis. The term IPSO25-Ice Proxy for the Southern Ocean with 25 carbon atoms-is proposed as a proxy name for diene II