30 research outputs found


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    Objective: to elaborate a mathematical model of economic growth, taking into account the cyclical nature of macroeconomic dynamics, with the model parameters based on the Russian economy statistics.Methods: economic and mathematical modeling, system analysis, regression factor analysis, econometric time series analysis. Results: the article states that, under unstable economic growth in Russia, forecasting of strategic prospects of the Russian economy is one of the topical directions of scientific studies. Furthermore, construction of predictive models should be based on multiple factors, taking into account such basic concepts as the neo-Keynesian Harrod-Domar model, Ramsey - Cass - Koopmans model, S. V. Dubovskiy’s concept, as well as the neoclassical growth model by R. Solow. They served as the basis for developing a multi-factor differential economic growth model, which is a modification of the neoclassical growth model by R. Solow, taking into account the labor-saving and capital-saving forms of scientific-technical progress and the Keynesian concept of investment. The model parameters are determined based on the dynamics of actual GDP, employment, fixed assets and investments in fixed assets for 1965-2016 in Russia, on the basis of official statistics. The generalized model showed the presence of long-wave fluctuations that are not detected during the individual periods modeling. The cyclical nature of macroeconomic dynamics with a period of 54 years was found, which corresponds to the parameters of long waves by N. D. Kondratiev. Basing on the model, the macroeconomic growth forecast was generated, which shows that after 2020, the increase of scientific-technical progress will be negative.Scientific novelty: a model is proposed of the scientific-technical progress indicator showing the growth rate of the capital productivity ratio to the saving rate; a differential model of macroeconomic growth is obtained, which endogenously takes cyclicity into account.Practical significance: the differential growth model can be used to predict the macroeconomic dynamics, including economic crises, for the strategic regulation of the economy and elaboration of state programs of economic development

    Laser Therapy in Correction of Optimization of Surgical Endointoxication

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    The problem of endointoxication remains one of the most urgent in modern surgery. The severity of the intoxication syndrome is determined not only by the intensity of the entry of toxic substances into the bloodstream from the lesion focus, but also by the adequacy of the functioning of the main mechanisms of detoxification - elimination of toxins. Clinical and laboratory studies of 62 patients with acute peritonitis were performed. To this end, daily sessions of laser therapy with “Matrix” were conducted for 5 days after the operation, using a head of KLO3 (radiation with a wavelength of 635 nm, 2 mW). Laser irradiation of blood through the skin in the projection of the ulnar vein was performed for 30 minutes. Using laser therapy for patients with acute peritonitis led to the reduction of the endogenous intoxication severity. The level of medium-mass molecules (λ = 280 nm) decreased by 13.3-26.2% compared to the control, the level of average-weight molecules (λ = 254 nm) decreased by 15.5-32.6% (p <0.05) against the background of laser therapy. Thus, the use of laser therapy in patients with acute peritonitis has led to a decrease in the severity of endogenous intoxication. One of the significant components of this treatment is its ability to improve microcirculation and, as a result, to correct lipid peroxidation and hypoxia, which reduces catabolic phenomena (one of the sources of endogenous intoxication). Clinical and laboratory studies have established that the effectiveness of such treatment decreases with severe forms of peritonitis

    Некоторые аспекты управления репродукционной функцией у самок осетровых рыб

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    Two series of experiments on the effect of E-selenium on the reproductive function of sturgeons were conducted with different ways of introducing the drug into the body: through feed and injection. The effectiveness of the action of E-selenium was shown in two experiments. First, its ability to accelerate the process of maturation of oocytes was revealed due to the stimulation of generative metabolism and bringing it into line with the stages of the sexual cycle based on the biochemical parameters of the blood. An increase in the concentration in the blood by 1.4 times by the end of the 50-day experiment of total protein and beta-lipoproteins, which include ovovitelin (vitellogenin) during the period of vitellogenesis, as well as a moderate increase in haemoglobin concentration, indicates an increase in generative metabolism. It was noted that the metabolism of control fish was directed to somatic growth to a greater extent than that of experimental fish, as a result of which the average weight of females in control was 1.5 times higher than in the first series of experiments and weight of experimental fish was the same and increased by 6% in power in the second series. The role of the drug as a stabilizer of the physiological state of females, due to its high antioxidant properties, has been noted. When used, the existing signs of a stress state disappear, in contrast to the control fish in which they are detected: an increased cholesterol level, an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and a decrease in haemoglobin concentration. The most significant effect from the use of the drug was obtained when the feed was irrigated with E-selenium, in which the number of mature fish after 50 days of the experiment was 2.7 times greater than in control, with a simultaneous halving of immature fish. In the case of the injection of females with this preparation, the number of fish at the IV stage of gonadal maturity in the experimental group after 50 days increased by 1.7 times. In the control group, on the contrary, it decreased by 1.2 times, with a constant proportion of females by the III stage of gonadal maturity.Проведены две серии экспериментов по влиянию препарата Е-селен на репродуктивную функцию осетровых рыб с разными способами внедрения препарата в организм: через корм и инъецированием. Показана эффективность действия Е-селена в двух сериях экспериментов. Выявлена его способность ускорять процесс созревания ооцитов вследствие стимуляции генеративного обмена и приведения его в соответствие с этапами полового цикла исходя из биохимических показателей крови. На усиление генеративного обмена указывает повышение концентрации в крови в 1,4 раза к концу 50-суточного эксперимента общего белка и бета-липопротеидов, в состав которых в период вителлогенеза входит ововителин (вителлогенин), а также умеренное увеличение концентрации гемоглобина. Отмечено, что обмен веществ у контрольных рыб в большей мере, чем у экспериментальных, направлен на соматический рост, вследствие чего средняя масса самок в контроле была выше, чем опыте, в первой серии экспериментов в 1,5 раза при неизменной массе опытных рыб и увеличении на 6% у контрольных во второй серии. Отмечена роль препарата как стабилизатора физиологического состояние самок из-за его высоких антиоксидантных свойств. При его применении исчезают имеющиеся признаки стрессового состояния, в отличие от контрольных рыб, у которых они выявляются: повышенный уровень холестерина, скорость оседания эритроцитов (СОЭ), снижение концентрации гемоглобина. Наибольший эффект от применения препарата получен при орошении Е-селеном корма, при этом количество созревших рыб после 50 суток эксперимента было в 2,7 раза больше, чем в контроле, с одновременным снижением в 2 раза числа незрелых рыб. В случае инъецирования самок этим препаратом количество рыб, находящихся на IV стадии зрелости гонад, у экспериментальной группы по истечении 50 суток увеличилось в 1,7 раза, у контрольных, наоборот, снизилось в 1,2 раза при неизменной доле самок на III стадии зрелости гонад

    Experimental system to displace radioisotopes from upper to deeper soil layers: chemical research

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    BACKGROUND: Radioisotopes are introduced into the environment following nuclear power plant accidents or nuclear weapons tests. The immobility of these radioactive elements in uppermost soil layers represents a problem for human health, since they can easily be incorporated in the food chain. Preventing their assimilation by plants may be a first step towards the total recovery of contaminated areas. METHODS: The possibility of displacing radionuclides from the most superficial soil layers and their subsequent stabilisation at lower levels were investigated in laboratory trials. An experimental system reproducing the environmental conditions of contaminated areas was designed in plastic columns. A radiopolluted soil sample was treated with solutions containing ions normally used in fertilisation (NO(3)(-), NH(4)(+), PO(4)(--- )and K(+)). RESULTS: Contaminated soils treated with an acid solution of ions NO(3)(-), PO(4)(--- )and K(+), undergo a reduction of radioactivity up to 35%, after a series of washes which simulate one year's rainfall. The capacity of the deepest soil layers to immobilize the radionuclides percolated from the superficial layers was also confirmed. CONCLUSION: The migration of radionuclides towards deeper soil layers, following chemical treatments, and their subsequent stabilization reduces bioavailability in the uppermost soil horizon, preventing at the same time their transfer into the water-bearing stratum

    Efficient Parameter-Estimating Algorithms for Symmetry-Motivated Models: Econometrics and Beyond

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    It is known that symmetry ideas can explain the empirical success of many non-linear models. This explanation makes these models theoretically justified and thus, more reliable. However, the models remain non-linear and thus, identification or the model\u27s parameters based on the observations remains a computationally expensive nonlinear optimization problem. In this paper, we show that symmetry ideas can not only help to select and justify a nonlinear model, they can also help us design computationally efficient almost-linear algorithms for identifying the model\u27s parameters