69 research outputs found


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    The aim of the current study was to design oral controlled release gastro-retentive drug delivery of Tinidazole. that are designed to retain in the stomach for a long time and have developed as a Local drug delivery system for better eradication of Helicobacter Pylori in peptic ulcer diseases. Tablets were prepared by direct compression and evaluated for evaluated for various physical parameters, Hardness, friability, drug Content, floating ability, Lag time, Swelling Index studies, and in vitro dissolution parameters as well as kinetics of release were assessed.  Factorial design for 2 factors at 3 levels each was employed to systematically optimize drug release profile and Floating Behaviour. Sodium Alginate and Hydroxy Propyl Metheyl Celluiose (HPMC K15M) were taken as the independent variables. Response surface plots and contour plots were drawn.Compressed tablets exhibited zero order drug release kinetics, resulting in regulated and complete release until 12 hours. Polynomial mathematical models, generated for various response variables using multiple linear regression analysis, were found to be statistically significant (P < 0.05).Both the polymers had significant effect on the release profiles of the tablets, Besides unraveling the effect of the 2 factors on the various response variables, the study helped in finding the optimum Formulation ‘F4’ with Floating Lag Time (20 sec.) and having controlled release upto 12 hours (99.47%). Meanwhile, sustained profiles of drug release were also obtained.  In general, these systems can float in the gastric conditions and control the drug release from the tablets


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    In Ayurveda, the study of the therapeutic uses and effects of drugs means Pharmaco-therapeutic is described under the branch of Rasashastra which mainly incorporates inorganic, herbo-mineral and metallic pharmaceutical preparations namely Khalviya Rasayana, Parpati Rasayana, Pottali Rasayana and Kupipakwa Rasayana. This article aims for the comparative assessment of Swethaparpati coming under Parpatikalpa mentioned as per reference of Sidhayogasangraha, AFI with another reference of Rasodharatantra. According to the first two references the ingredients used for the preparation are Suryakshara, Sphatika and Navasadara and as per the third reference ingredients like Tankana and Karpura are added. Here a detailed review of literature has been collected regarding the potential of the above mentioned individual ingredients along with the recent research updates regarding individual ingredients used in the production of Swetha Parpati according to both the references it also incorporate research updates on the formulation Swetha Parpati. This article also aims pharmaceutical standardization of standard method adopted in process of production of Swethaparpati with the alteration made from the usual method adopted in preparation of Parpati Kalpana that will help for developing new improved SOP regarding the formulation. This paper also aims in projecting the improved therapeutic value which could be generated by addition of new ingredients mentioned as per reference of Rasodharatantra


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    Panasa (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam), the well known jackfruit tree is widely distributed all over the world. It is a treasure trove of various ethnomedical uses which are yet to be proven scientifically. Its fruit is very delicious and its leaves, root, latex, seed and wood are reported to have many medicinal properties. Though the plant is renowned for its nutritive values, the useful parts of the plant with rich medicinal values are less utilized for medicinal purposes. The plant is well described in Ayurvedic classics where prime importance has been given to its fruit whereas least references are available concerned to its other useful parts especially the leaf. This forms the literature gap concerned with this drug that hinders its further clinical researches. A compiled review of the classical literature of Panasa is not yet available as a ready reference. Hence it is a herculean task for the researcher to compile the literature which is scattered in various classical books of different era. In this work focus has been made to compile the literature of the plant Panasa (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) from the Ayurvedic classics. As this work provides the literature of this plant under a single roof it will be helpful for the scholars in future research works

    Comparative transcriptome analysis identified candidate genes for late leaf spot resistance and cause of defoliation in groundnut

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    Late leaf spot (LLS) caused by fungus Nothopassalora personata in groundnut is responsible for up to 50% yield loss. To dissect the complex nature of LLS resistance, comparative transcriptome analysis was performed using resistant (GPBD 4), susceptible (TAG 24) and a resistant introgression line (ICGV 13208) and identified a total of 12,164 and 9954 DEGs (differentially expressed genes) respectively in A- and B-subgenomes of tetraploid groundnut. There were 135 and 136 unique pathways triggered in A- and B-subgenomes, respectively, upon N. personata infection. Highly upregulated putative disease resistance genes, an RPP-13 like (Aradu.P20JR) and a NBS-LRR (Aradu.Z87JB) were identified on chromosome A02 and A03, respectively, for LLS resistance. Mildew resistance Locus (MLOs)-like proteins, heavy metal transport proteins, and ubiquitin protein ligase showed trend of upregulation in susceptible genotypes, while tetratricopeptide repeats (TPR), pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR), chitinases, glutathione S-transferases, purple acid phosphatases showed upregulation in resistant genotypes. However, the highly expressed ethylene responsive factor (ERF) and ethylene responsive nuclear protein (ERF2), and early responsive dehydration gene (ERD) might be related to the possible causes of defoliation in susceptible genotypes. The identified disease resistance genes can be deployed in genomics-assisted breeding for development of LLS resistant cultivars to reduce the yield loss in groundnut

    Single seed-based high-throughput genotyping and rapid generation advancement for accelerated groundnut genetics and breeding research

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    The groundnut breeding program at International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics routinely performs marker-based early generation selection (MEGS) in thousands of segregating populations. The existing MEGS includes planting of segregating populations in fields or glasshouses, label tagging, and sample collection using leaf-punch from 20–25 day old plants followed by genotyping with 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms based early generation selection marker panels in a high throughput genotyping (HTPG) platform. The entire process is laborious, time consuming, and costly. Therefore, in order to save the time of the breeder and to reduce the cost during MEGS, we optimized a single seed chipping (SSC) process based MEGS protocol and deployed on large scale by genotyping >3000 samples from ongoing groundnut breeding program. In SSC-based MEGS, we used a small portion of cotyledon by slicing-off the posterior end of the single seed and transferred to the 96-deep well plate for DNA isolation and genotyping at HTPG platform. The chipped seeds were placed in 96-well seed-box in the same order of 96-well DNA sampling plate to enable tracking back to the selected individual seed. A high germination rate of 95–99% from the chipped seeds indicated that slicing of seeds from posterior end does not significantly affect germination percentage. In addition, we could successfully advance 3.5 generations in a year using a low-cost rapid generation turnover glass-house facility as compared to routine practice of two generations in field conditions. The integration of SSC based genotyping and rapid generation advancement (RGA) could significantly reduce the operational requirement of person-hours and expenses, and save a period of 6–8 months in groundnut genetics and breeding research

    Challenges and solutions for enhancing agriculture value chain decision-making. A short review

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    © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2017. Increasingly challenging global and environmental requirements have resulted in agricultural systems coming under increasing pressure to enhance their resilience capabilities. This in special to respond to the abrupt changes in resource quality, quantity and availability, especially during unexpected environmental circumstances, such as uncertain weather, pests and diseases, volatile market conditions and commodity prices. Therefore, integrated solutions are necessary to support the knowledge-management, collaborative ICT solution, risk management and regulation management across agriculture stakeholders. Therefore, and based on the on-going work under the H2020 RUC-APS project research network, this book chapter is oriented to contribute to agriculture value chain decision-making field to cover the current need on gathering a common understanding and appreciation of new trends in agriculture value chain, in special the multi-disciplinary challenges. For this, a short a literature review is conducted to summarise the main findings on real application and current research trends. This within the objective to propose an integrated framework based on better use of communication ways, standardised structures, development of training and awareness, regulation based initiatives and vertical Integration

    Improvement of three popular Indian groundnut varieties for foliar disease resistance and high oleic acid using SSR markers and SNP array in marker-assisted backcrossing

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    Foliar fungal diseases (rust and late leaf spot) incur large yield losses, in addition to the deterioration of fodder quality in groundnut worldwide. High oleic acid has emerged as a key market trait in groundnut, as it increases the shelf life of the produce/products in addition to providing health benefits to consumers. Marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC) is the most successful approach to introgressing or pyramiding one or more traits using traitlinked markers. We used MABC to improve three popular Indian cultivars (GJG 9, GG 20, and GJGHPS 1) for foliar disease resistance (FDR) and high oleic acid content. A total of 22 BC3F4 and 30 BC2F4 introgression lines (ILs) for FDR and 46 BC3F4 and 41 BC2F4 ILs for high oleic acid were developed. Recurrent parent genome analysis using the 58 K Axiom_Arachis array identified several lines showing upto 94% of genome recovery among second and third backcross progenies. Phenotyping of these ILs revealed FDR scores comparable to the resistant parent, GPBD 4, and ILs with high (~80%) oleic acid in addition to high genome recovery. These ILs provide further opportunities for pyramiding FDR and high oleic acid in all three genetic backgrounds as well as for conducting multi-location yield trials for further evaluation and release for cultivation in target regions of India

    Nested‐association mapping (NAM)‐based genetic dissection uncovers candidate genes for seed and pod weights in peanut ( Arachis hypogaea )

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    Multiparental genetic mapping populations such as nested-association mapping (NAM) havegreat potential for investigating quantitative traits and associated genomic regions leading torapid discovery of candidate genes and markers. To demonstrate the utility and power of thisapproach, two NAM populations, NAM_Tifrunner and NAM_Florida-07, were used for dissectinggenetic control of 100-pod weight (PW) and 100-seed weight (SW) in peanut. Two high-densitySNP-based genetic maps were constructed with 3341 loci and 2668 loci for NAM_Tifrunner andNAM_Florida-07, respectively. The quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis identified 12 and 8major effect QTLs for PW and SW, respectively, in NAM_Tifrunner, and 13 and 11 major effectQTLs for PW and SW, respectively, in NAM_Florida-07. Most of the QTLs associated with PW andSW were mapped on the chromosomes A05, A06, B05 and B06. A genomewide associationstudy (GWAS) analysis identified 19 and 28 highly significant SNP–trait associations (STAs) inNAM_Tifrunner and 11 and 17 STAs in NAM_Florida-07 for PW and SW, respectively. Thesesignificant STAs were co-localized, suggesting that PW and SW are co-regulated by severalcandidate genes identified on chromosomes A05, A06, B05, and B06. This study demonstratesthe utility of NAM population for genetic dissection of complex traits and performing high-resolution trait mapping in peanut

    Mitigating aflatoxin contamination in groundnut through a combination of genetic resistance and post-harvest management practices

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    Aflatoxin is considered a “hidden poison” due to its slow and adverse effect on various biological pathways in humans, particularly among children, in whom it leads to delayed development, stunted growth, liver damage, and liver cancer. Unfortunately, the unpredictable behavior of the fungus as well as climatic conditions pose serious challenges in precise phenotyping, genetic prediction and genetic improvement, leaving the complete onus of preventing aflatoxin contamination in crops on post-harvest management. Equipping popular crop varieties with genetic resistance to aflatoxin is key to effective lowering of infection in farmer’s fields. A combination of genetic resistance for in vitro seed colonization (IVSC), pre-harvest aflatoxin contamination (PAC) and aflatoxin production together with pre- and post-harvest management may provide a sustainable solution to aflatoxin contamination. In this context, modern “omics” approaches, including next-generation genomics technologies, can provide improved and decisive information and genetic solutions. Preventing contamination will not only drastically boost the consumption and trade of the crops and products across nations/regions, but more importantly, stave off deleterious health problems among consumers across the globe

    Functional Biology and Molecular Mechanisms of Host-Pathogen Interactions for Aflatoxin Contamination in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and Maize (Zea mays L.)

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    Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites produced by soilborne saprophytic fungus Aspergillus flavus and closely related species that infect several agricultural commodities including groundnut and maize. The consumption of contaminated commodities adversely affects the health of humans and livestock. Aflatoxin contamination also causes significant economic and financial losses to producers. Research efforts and significant progress have been made in the past three decades to understand the genetic behavior, molecular mechanisms, as well as the detailed biology of host-pathogen interactions. A range of omics approaches have facilitated better understanding of the resistance mechanisms and identified pathways involved during host-pathogen interactions. Most of such studies were however undertaken in groundnut and maize. Current efforts are geared toward harnessing knowledge on hostpathogen interactions and crop resistant factors that control aflatoxin contamination. This study provides a summary of the recent progress made in enhancing the understanding of the functional biology and molecular mechanisms associated with host-pathogen interactions during aflatoxin contamination in groundnut and maize