21 research outputs found

    Slow dynamics of a confined supercooled binary mixture II: Q space analysis

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    We report the analysis in the wavevector space of the density correlator of a Lennard Jones binary mixture confined in a disordered matrix of soft spheres upon supercooling. In spite of the strong confining medium the behavior of the mixture is consistent with the Mode Coupling Theory predictions for bulk supercooled liquids. The relaxation times extracted from the fit of the density correlator to the stretched exponential function follow a unique power law behavior as a function of wavevector and temperature. The von Schweidler scaling properties are valid for an extended wavevector range around the peak of the structure factor. The parameters extracted in the present work are compared with the bulk values obtained in literature.Comment: 8 pages with 8 figures. RevTeX. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Spinal infection: state of the art and management algorithm

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    Spinal infection is a rare pathology although a concerning rising incidence has been observed in recent years. This increase might reflect a progressively more susceptible population but also the availability of increased diagnostic accuracy. Yet, even with improved diagnosis tools and procedures, the delay in diagnosis remains an important issue. This review aims to highlight the importance of a methodological attitude towards accurate and prompt diagnosis using an algorithm to aid on spinal infection management. METHODS: Appropriate literature on spinal infection was selected using databases from the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. RESULTS: Literature reveals that histopathological analysis of infected tissues is a paramount for diagnosis and must be performed routinely. Antibiotic therapy is transversal to both conservative and surgical approaches and must be initiated after etiological diagnosis. Indications for surgical treatment include neurological deficits or sepsis, spine instability and/or deformity, presence of epidural abscess and upon failure of conservative treatment. CONCLUSIONS: A methodological assessment could lead to diagnosis effectiveness of spinal infection. Towards this, we present a management algorithm based on literature findings

    Aspectos epidemiológicos das lesões no pé e tornozelo do paciente diabético Epidemiological aspects of foot and ankle injury in the diabetic patient

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes que procuram tratamento ortopédico das complicações nos pés e tornozelos relacionadas ao diabetes, além de correlacionar à sequência de eventos que culminam na amputação da extremidade. MÉTODO: analisamos os dados de prontuário de 300 pacientes no período compreendido entre março de 1997 a julho de 2006. RESULTADOS: A média de idade foi 61 anos, destes, duzentos e setenta e três pacientes (91%) apresentavam diagnóstico de diabetes do tipo II, onde somente 49 (16,3%) faziam controle regular da glicemia. Quatrocentos e cinco extremidades apresentavam problemas afetando a função do pé ou tornozelo, detacando-se: 102 extremidades (34%) com lesões osteoarticulares relacionadas a neuroartropatia de Charcot; 181 extremidades (60,4%) com ulceração crônica e 97 extremidades (32,4%) com infecção. Após tempo médio de seguimento 14 pacientes (4,6%) foram a óbito. CONCLUSÃO: A ulceração na planta dos pés foi a complicação mais frequente na nossa série de pacientes que, estavam na sétima década de vida, apresentavam diabetes do tipo II, faziam uso irregular de insulina e não realizavam controle adequado da glicemia. A perda da sensibilidade protetora nos pés, em associação com deformidade pré-existente, foi identificada como a principal causa das infecções secundárias culminando com a amputação da extremidade.<br>OBJECTIVE: To identify the epidemiological profile of patients undergoing orthopedic treatment for complications of the feet and ankles due to diabetes, and to try to establish the sequence of events that led to amputation of the limb. METHOD: The medical records of 300 diabetic patients treated from March, 1997 to July, 2006 were systematically reviewed. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 61 years. Of these, two hundred and seventy three (91%) were diagnosed with type II diabetes, but only 49 (16.3%) had proper medical supervision and control of their glycemia levels. Problems affecting the function of the foot and ankle were found in 405 limbs, with: 102 osteoarticular deformities associated with Charcot's neuroarthropathy (34%); 181 chronic ulcers (60.4%); and 97 infected limbs (32.4%). After the average follow-up time, 14 patients (4.6%) died. CONCLUSION: Ulceration of the sole of the foot was the most common complication in our series of patients, the majority of whom were in their seventies, presented type II diabetes, were insulin dependent, and did not have adequate control of glycemia. Loss of sensitivity of the foot, associated with pre-existing deformities, were identified as the main causes of secondary infections culminating in amputation of the limb

    Vascularised fibular graft for the treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia: long-term complications in the donor leg

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    Treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia is still controversial, and vascularised fibula graft is a reliable method for consolidation, although complications can occur in the donor leg after fibula grafting. This study evaluates 16 patients with congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) treated with contralateral fibular graft, with regard to complications in the donor leg, and assesses the influence of distal tibiofibular joint arthrodesis in these complications. All patients with CPT were consecutively submitted to surgical treatment with contralateral fibular graft. The mean follow-up was 94 months, varying from 44 to 162 months. The long-term effects in the donor leg were determined, and 12 cases with distal tibiofibular arthrodesis (group 1) were compared with a group without arthrodesis (group 2). Half of the patients had proximal migration of the lateral malleolus. Eight patients had ankle valgus. Group 1 had an average valgus tilt angle of 5.8°, while group 2 had an average angle of 1.5°. There was no significant difference between the patients with or without distal tibiofibular joint arthrodesis. The patients with a distal fibula remnant smaller than 5 cm had greater valgus tilt angle measurements. Distal tibiofibular arthrodesis was not effective in preventing all the complications in the donor leg; however, it can lessen the severity of the complications. Our results show that a distal fibular remnant greater than 5 cm should be retained to prevent ankle valgus