452 research outputs found

    Taming Technology? A Socio-Technical Case Study of Newspaper Production in Austria

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    This paper describes the formation of a social framework which was built up in reaction to technological changes in the Austrian newspaper industry, resulting from the introduction of computerized printing systems. The affected parties are specified, their material interests and their policies as well as the the bargaining process and its results are analyzed in detail. Special emphasis is given to the point of views of the employees and their representatives at the trade unions. A comparison with similar agreements in other Western European countries facilitates the assessment of the agreements

    Health Care System Models: a Review

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    In this paper, thirty-eight models of the Health Care System are described in a standardized way. Their main goals, methods, and special features are identified. Three illustrative examples of different methodologies are given in detail. To clarify the use of models for application in the health care planning process, policy problems in health care are summarized. The different stages in creating a model are described

    Microelectronics and Unemployment in Austria

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    This paper presents the methodological background and some results of a study "Applications, Diffusion and Socio-Economic effects of Microelectronics in Austria", which was financed by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research. The paper consists of two parts: (1) The description of the methodology how to measure the impact of technical change caused by microelectronics on the Austrian economy. For this purpose a mathematical simulation model was constructed which consists of an input-output-model, an econometric demand model and a model for linking technology and economy. (2) By means of socio.-political scenarios the simulation model was used to produce conditional forecasts for the years 1985 and 1990 for the main economic indicators. Some of the results, in particular unemployment figures, are presented. Although the presented approach was developed for the analysis of microelectronics, a special type of technology, the method could easily be used for any other type of technological change, robots etc., if this technology can be explicitly connected with certain economic indicators, like productivity, manpower, material inputs and outputs

    A Simple Sick-Leave Model used for International Comparison

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    This paper describes a simple sick-leave model and its application to data from Austria, the German Democratic Republic and the U.K. With this model, not only present resource requirements can be estimated, but also forecasts for future requirements can be predicted from knowledge of the country's demographic structure and change. Also included in the paper are possible extensions of the model

    Comparing Health Care Systems by Socio-economic Accounting

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    The paper explains how the concept of integrated socioeconomic accounting allows one to study the effects of changes in certain social indicators on the different components of GNP. This method enables the user to compare countries with different health conditions and demographic situations by creating an "ideal" and comparable state of society which can be approximated in quantitative terms. The proposed definition framework is expanded to economies with a public sector

    Chronic Illnesses and Socio-Economic Conditions: The Finland Case 1964 and 1968

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    The purpose of this paper is to present empirical evidence of the importance of socio-economic conditions for health. Simulation models of health care systems should take into account social and economic factors in order to represent reality more adequately. This paper is concerned with the prevalence of chronic illnesses in Finland for the years 1964 and 1968. Three different methods of analysis of variance are used to establish quantitative relationships between the prevalence of chronic illnesses and socio-economic factors such as income of family head, quantity of medical supplies, and distance to the nearest physician. A strong inverse relationship between the prevalence of chronic illnesses and income was found to be about ten times higher than the relationship between chronic illnesses and medical supply variables

    A Simple Simulation Model for Sick Leave

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    This paper presents a simple model of sick leave, hospitalization and use of resource by employed persons of a country or a region depending on demographic characteristics. It can be used as a forecasting tool. The text deals with possible extensions of the model and includes an application to Austrian data

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Materi Penjumlahan di Kelas V MI Muhammadiyah Sipedang Kecamatan Banjarmangu Kabupaten Banjarnegara dengan Menggunakan Metode The Power of Two

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    Skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pembelajaran matematika di Kelas V MI Muhammadiyah Sipedang Kecmatan Banjarmangu Kabupaten Banjar Negara dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode konvensional dengan ceramah, tanya jawab dan resitasi yang tentunya menjadikan siswa tidak mengalami pembelajarannya langsung dan mempersulit siswa dalam memahami materi matematika, Untuk itu, sebagai tenaga pendidik harus bisa mengurangi dan menghilangkan persepsi yang salah tersebut, dengan cara memilih metode pembelajaran yang lebih bervariasi dan tepat, Salah satu metode pembelajaran yang memenuhi kriteria adalah metode the power of two. Studi ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab permasalahan: 1) bagaimana penerapan metode the power of two pada mata pelajaran matematika materi penjumlahan di kelas V MI Muhammadiyah Sipedang Kecmatan Banjarmangu Kabupaten Banjar negara? 2) apakah metode the power of two dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika materi penjumlahan di kelas V MI Muhammadiyah Sipedang Kecmatan Banjarmangu Kabupaten Banjar negara? Permasalahan tersebut di bahas melalui penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan melalui 2 siklus dengan setiap siklus tahapannya adalah perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Penerapan metode the power of two pada mata pelajaran matematika materi penjumlahan di kelas V MI Muhammadiyah Sipedang Kecamatan Banjarmangu Kabupaten Banjar negara dilakukan dengan melaksanakan pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan kekuatan dua siswa atau berpasangan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang diberikan guru, selain itu pasangan tersebut juga mencoba menjawab pertanyaan dari pasangan lain sehingga terjadilah proses saling ketergantungan positif diantara pasangan. 2) Metode the power of two dapat mengurangi kesulitan belajar matematika materi penjumlahan di kelas V MI Muhammadiyah Sipedang Kecamatan Banjarmangu Kabupaten Banjar negara, hal ini terlihat dari hasil belajar yang di dapat siswa setelah melakukan tindakan dimana pada pra siklus ketuntasan ada 15 siswa atau 47%, pada siklus I ketuntasan ada 21 siswa atau 66% dan pada siklus II ketuntasan sudah mencapai 28 siswa atau 88%, begitu juga keaktifan belajar siswa juga mengalami kenaikan dimana pada siklus I ada 15 siswa atau 47 dan pada siklus II sudah mencapai 27 siswa atau 84
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