73 research outputs found


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    <p><b>Objectives:</b> Recent research suggested an influence of diminished central nervous serotonin (5-HT) synthesis on the leptin axis via immunological mechanisms in healthy adult females. However, studies assessing immunological parameters in combination with dietary challenge techniques that impact brain 5-HT synthesis in humans are lacking. </p> <p><b>Methods:</b> In the present trial, a pilot analysis was conducted on data obtained in healthy adult humans receiving either different dietary acute tryptophan depletion (ATD) challenge or tryptophan (TRP)-balanced control conditions (BAL) to study the effects of reduced central nervous 5-HT synthesis on serum tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and IL-6 concentrations. The data of <i>N</i> = 35 healthy adults were analysed who were randomly subjected to one of the following two dietary conditions in a double-blind between-subject approach: (1) The Moja-De ATD challenge (ATD), or (2) TRP-balanced control condition for ATD Moja-De (BAL). Serum concentrations for the assessment of relevant parameters (TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6) and relevant TRP-related characteristics after the respective challenge procedures were assessed at baseline (T0) and in hourly intervals after administration over a period of 6 h (T1–T6). </p> <p><b>Results:</b> The ATD condition did not result in significant changes to cytokine concentrations for the entire study sample, or in male and female subgroups. Depletion of CNS 5-HT via dietary TRP depletion appears to have no statistically significant short-term impact on cytokine concentrations in healthy adults. </p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> Future research on immunological stressors in combination with challenge techniques will be of value in order to further disentangle the complex interplay between brain 5-HT synthesis and immunological pathways.</p

    Non-destructive control of fissile material containing radioactive fission products with a Sb-Be neutron source by selective transport of fission neutrons in hydrogeneous material

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    Growing aase of nuclear power needs a simple method of fissile material determination . Following an approach of Fermi, an activation arrangement with a Sb-Be neutron source was chosen to interrogate fissile material by selective transport of fission neutrons. The arrangement was tested in the Chemistry-Cells of KFA. The results agree well with approximation caleulations. The arrangement proves equahly well suited for the determination of fissile material in unirradiated and irradiatedfuel elements and other samples e. g. wastes. The interrogating source (10 Ci Sb-124) leads typically to a count-rate of 8 cps when 1 g U-235 is present in the sample. Under these eonditions, the background and source count-rate is less than 1 %

    Identifikation von Beta-Nukliden und Analyse von Mehrfach-Beta-Spektren bei Messungen mit dem Flüssig-Szintillationsspektrometer (LSC)

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    Tables and graphs are compiled to evaluate mixed spectra from β\beta emitters in a liquid scintillation spectrometer. Particular importance is attached to defining quenching behavior via the tSIE value determinable with the device, and thus the associated reduction δ\delta of the maximum energy of the β\beta spectrum (Appendix I). Equally important is the related reduction of the detection probability η\eta to values < I for low-energy β\beta spectra. With the aid of the efficiency tables (Appendix III), the count rates can be converted into the activity of the specimen for nuclides with a maximum energy of up to 300 keY. In order to identify unknown β\beta spectra, a table of long-lived nuclides ordered according to increasing β\beta energy is given in Appendix II, and in Appendix IV a graphical representation of the most important β\beta spectra on the logarithmic energy scale in an LSC. Several examples of complexly superposed β\beta spectra are analysed using these aids. If the identified nuclides are available in the form of standard solutions reference specimens can be produced, the spectracompared and subtracted so that it is generally possible to resolve a complex β\beta spectrum into as many as four single spectra

    Reinigung der Verbrennungsabgase bei der Wiederaufarbeitung von HTR-Brennelementen

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    Experiments on the reprocessing of irradiated thorium-containing HTR fuel elements by the Burn-Leach process (the moderator is burned with oxygen) have been performed in the Hot Cells (HZ-2) of the Kernforschungsanlage Jülich. Results of experiments to purify the off-gases from shaft furnaces and fluidizedbed furnaces are summarized below. The condensable and particulate radioactive nuclides like cesium and zirconium released during the burning process were decontaminated by a factor of 107^{7} by a series of conventional gas purification steps. Their concentrations in the off-gas were reduced to below the MPC values. The system, porous sintered metal filters in the burner followed by an electrostatic filter in the off-gas treatment plant, was demonstrated as an effective method for the separation of these aerosols. Tritium was removed (DF > 102^{2}) by molecular sieves or silica gel absorber traps. The release rate of Kr-85 was measured continuously during the burning process. Kr-85 was quantitatively released during the burning of (U,Th)C2_{2} fuels. Only about 7 % of the Kr-85 was released during burning of (U,Th)02_{2} fuels irradiated to 10 % fifa. Off-gas concentrations of C-14 and thoron daughter-products were also determined. The design of a large-scale gas purification system for a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant is also discussed

    Identifikation von Beta-Nukliden und Analyse von Mehrfach-Beta-Spektren bei Messungen mit dem Fluessigszintillationsspektrometer (LSC)

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    Es werden Tabellen und Kurven zusammengestellt, um gemischte Spektren von #beta#-Strahlern in Fluessigszintillationsspektrometer auszuwerten. Wichtig sind insbesondere die Festlegung des Loeschverhaltens ueber den mit dem Geraet bestimmbaren tSIE-Wert und die damit zusammenhaengende Verringerung #delta# der Maximalenergie des #beta#-Spektrums (Anhang I). Ebenso wichtig ist die dadurch bedingte Verringerung der Nachweiswahrscheinlichkeit #epsilon# auf Werte &lt;1 fuer niederenergetische #beta#-Spektren. Mit Hilfe der Efficiency-Tabellen (Anhang III) fuer Nuklide mit einer Maximalenergie bis 300 keV koennen die Zaehlraten in die Aktivitaet der Probe umgerechnet werden. Zur Identifizierung unbekannter #beta#-Spektren wird weiter in Anhang II eine nach steigender #beta#-Energie geordnete Tabelle langlebiger Nuklide und in Anhang IV eine graphische Darstellung der wichtigsten #beta#-Spektren auf der logarithmischen Energieskala im LSC gegeben. Mit diesen Hilfsmitteln werden an mehreren Beispielen komplex ueberlagerte #beta#-Spektren analysiert. Sofern die identifizierten Nuklide als Standardloesungen vorliegen, koennen Vergleichsproben hergestellt, die Spektren verglichen und subtrahiert werden. Damit ist die Aufloesung eines komplexen #beta#-Spektrums in der Regel in bis zu vier Einzelspektren moeglich. (orig.)Tables and graphs are compiled to evaluate mixed spectra from #beta# emitters in a liquid scintillation spectrometer. Particular importance is attached to defining quenching behavior via the tSIE value determinable with the device, and thus the associated reduction #delta# of the maximum energy of the #beta# spectrum (Appendix I). Equally important is the related reduction of the detection probability #epsilon# to values &lt;1 for low-energy #beta# spectra. With the aid of the efficiency tables (Appendix III), the count rates can be converted into the activity of the specimen for nuclides with a maximum energy of up to 300 keV. In order to identify unknown #beta# spectra, a table of long-lived nuclides ordered according to increasing #beta# energy is given in Appendix II, and in Appendix IV a graphical representation of the most important #beta# spectra on the logarithmic energy scale in an LSC. Several examples of complexly superposed #beta# spectra are analysed using these aids. If the identified nuclides are available in the form of standard solutions reference specimens can be produced, the spectra compared and substracted so that it is generally possible to resolve a complex #beta# spectrum into as many as four single spectra. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RA 831(3066) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman