1,005 research outputs found

    Method for speciation of organoarsenic in mussels by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization and QTRAP tandem mass spectrometry.

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    Arsenic toxicity to humans critically depends on the chemical form of the arsenic. The Expert Committee of the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization defined a tolerable intake only for inorganic arsenic, although the toxicity of some organoarsenic compounds is known. Arsenobetaine (AsB), arsenocholine (AsC), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), and monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) are abundant in shellfish. We present a fast and reliable method for identification of the type of organic arsenic in mussels by using liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry on triple quadrupole with parallel determination of total arsenic by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The method was validated by evaluating mean recoveries, repeatability, specificity, limits of quantification, and limits of detection that produced satisfactory results. The method was used to carry out the first survey of the concentrations of AsB, AsC, MMA, and DMA in seafood from southern Italy. Total As concentrations ranged from 1.38 to 12.79 mg/kg. AsB and DMA were detected in all samples (AsB: 0.72 to 10.36 mg/kg; DMA: 0.28 to 1.08 mg/kg), and concentrations of AsC and MMA ranged from 0.20 to 1.53 mg/kg. This method allowed us to rapidly and inexpensively identify arsenic types in fishery products and would be suitable for routine detection of organoarsenic compounds in molluscs

    Hemocompatibility of stent materials: alterations in electrical parameters of erythrocyte membranes

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    A Basoli1, C Cametti2, F Ginnari Satriani2, P Mariani3, P Severino31Department of Surgery, "P Stefanini," University of Rome "La Sapienza," Rome, Italy; 2Department of Physics, University of Rome "La Sapienza," Rome Italy; 3Department of Internal Medicine, University of Rome "La Sapienza," Rome, ItalyBackground: It is presently unknown if stents used in the correction of artery stenosis are fully hemocompatible or if their implantation causes alterations at the level of the plasma membrane in red blood cells.Methods: We addressed this important issue by measuring the passive electrical properties of the erythrocyte membrane before and after stent insertion by means of dielectric relaxation spectroscopy in the radiowave frequency range in a series of patients who were undergoing standard surgical treatment of arterial disease.Results: Our findings provide evidence that full hemocompatibility of stents has not yet been reached, and that there are some measurable alterations in the passive electrical behavior of the red blood cell membrane induced by the presence of the stent.Conclusion: It is possible that these changes do not have any physiological significance and simply reflect the intrinsic variability of biological samples. However, caution is urged, and the technique we describe here should be considered when investigating the hemocompatibility of a medical device at a cell membrane level.Keywords: hemocompatibility, stent, arterial disease, cell membran

    Spin constrained orbital angular momentum control in high-harmonic generation

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    The interplay between spin and orbital angular momentum in the up-conversion process allows us to control the macroscopic wave front of high harmonics by manipulating the microscopic polarizations of the driving field. We demonstrate control of orbital angular momentum in high harmonic generation from both solid and gas phase targets using the selection rules of spin angular momentum. The gas phase harmonics extend the control of angular momentum to extreme-ultraviolet wavelength. We also propose a bi-color scheme to produce spectrally separated extreme-ultraviolet radiation carrying orbital angular momentum

    Accreditation of a screening method for non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl detection in fishery products according to European legislation.

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    European Commission Regulation 882/2004/EC requires that official control laboratories for foodstuffs in the member states are certified according to UNI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (general requirement for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories). This mandatory requirement has resulted in a continuous adaptation and development of analytical procedures. The aim of this study was to develop a method for semiquantitative screening of polychlorinated biphenyls in fish for human consumption. According to the Commission Decision 657/2002/CE, the detection capability, the precision, the selectivity-specificity, and applicability-ruggedness-stability were determined to validate the method. Moreover, trueness was verified. This procedure resulted in rapid execution, which allowed immediate and effective intervention by the local health authorities to protect the health of consumers. Finally, the procedure has been recognized by the Italian accrediting body, ACCREDIA

    Risk Factors and Cellular Differences in Heart Failure: The Key Role of Sex Hormones

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    Patients with heart failure are conventionally stratified into phenotypic groups based on their ejection fraction. The aim of this stratification is to improve disease management with a more targeted therapeutic approach. A further subdivision based on patient gender is justified. It is recognized that women are underrepresented in randomized controlled clinical trials, resulting in limited clinical and molecular differentiation between males and females. However, many observational studies show that the onset, development, and clinical course of the disease may substantially differ between the two sexes. According to the emerging concept of precision medicine, investigators should further explore the mechanisms responsible for the onset of heart failure due to sex differences. Indeed, the synergistic or opposing effects of sex hormones on the cardiovascular system and underlying heart failure mechanisms have not yet been clarified. Sex hormones, risk factors impact, and cardiovascular adaptations may be relevant for a better understanding of the intrinsic pathophysiological mechanisms in the two sexes. Despite the differences, treatment for HF is similar across the whole population, regardless of sex and gender. In our review, we describe the main differences in terms of cardiovascular dysfunction, risk factors, and cellular signaling modifications related to the hormonal pattern

    Identification of suitable internal control genes for expression studies in Coffea arabica under different experimental conditions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Quantitative data from gene expression experiments are often normalized by transcription levels of reference or housekeeping genes. An inherent assumption for their use is that the expression of these genes is highly uniform in living organisms during various phases of development, in different cell types and under diverse environmental conditions. To date, the validation of reference genes in plants has received very little attention and suitable reference genes have not been defined for a great number of crop species including <it>Coffea arabica</it>. The aim of the research reported herein was to compare the relative expression of a set of potential reference genes across different types of tissue/organ samples of coffee. We also validated the expression profiles of the selected reference genes at various stages of development and under a specific biotic stress.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The expression levels of five frequently used housekeeping genes (reference genes), namely <it>alcohol dehydrogenase </it>(<it>adh</it>), <it>14-3-3</it>, <it>polyubiquitin </it>(<it>poly</it>), <it>β-actin </it>(<it>actin</it>) and <it>glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase </it>(<it>gapdh</it>) was assessed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR over a set of five tissue/organ samples (root, stem, leaf, flower, and fruits) of <it>Coffea arabica </it>plants. In addition to these commonly used internal controls, three other genes encoding a cysteine proteinase (<it>cys</it>), a caffeine synthase (<it>ccs</it>) and the 60S ribosomal protein L7 (<it>rpl7</it>) were also tested. Their stability and suitability as reference genes were validated by geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper programs. The obtained results revealed significantly variable expression levels of all reference genes analyzed, with the exception of <it>gapdh</it>, which showed no significant changes in expression among the investigated experimental conditions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data suggests that the expression of housekeeping genes is not completely stable in coffee. Based on our results, <it>gapdh</it>, followed by <it>14-3-3 </it>and <it>rpl7 </it>were found to be homogeneously expressed and are therefore adequate for normalization purposes, showing equivalent transcript levels in different tissue/organ samples. <it>Gapdh </it>is therefore the recommended reference gene for measuring gene expression in <it>Coffea arabica</it>. Its use will enable more accurate and reliable normalization of tissue/organ-specific gene expression studies in this important cherry crop plant.</p

    How Well Can We Infer the Properties of the Solar Acoustic Sources

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    Measurements of the p-mode line asymmetry in the solar oscillation velocity power spectrum have been used on several occasions to infer the properties of the acoustic sources. These inferences are based on the assumption that, unlike the observed intensity signal, the velocity signal does not contain a nonresonant (background) component that is correlated with the p-mode signal. Line asymmetry measurements have also been used to draw inferences on the nature of the correlated background signal that is present in intensity observations. By simultaneously modeling the observed velocity and intensity power spectra and the intensity-velocity cross spectrum, we enforce strict observational constraints on the properties of the fitting model. We find that in order to accurately describe the observed data, we have to include a correlated background component in both our models for the V and I signals at low frequencies. Our results also show that we cannot uniquely determine the acoustic source depth for low-frequency waves or the detailed properties of the correlated background signals. It appears that further physical and/or observational constraints are needed before we can obtain this information

    Myoblast adhesion, proliferation and differentiation on Human Elastin-Like Polypeptide (HELP) hydrogels

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    Purpose: The biochemical, mechanical and topographic properties of extracellular matrix are crucially involved in determining skeletal muscle cells morphogenesis, proliferation and differentiation. Human elastin-like polypeptides (HELPs) are recombinant biomimetic proteins designed to mimicking some properties of the native matrix protein; when employed as myoblasts adhesion substrates they stimulate in vitro myogenesis. Given the consequences that biophysical properties of extracellular matrix exert on skeletal muscle cells, the aim of this work was to investigate the effects of HELP hydrogels on myoblasts viability and functions. Methods: We recently synthesized a novel polypeptide, HELPc, by fusing the elastin-like backbone to a 41aa stretch present in the α2 chain of type IV collagen, containing two RGD motifs. To obtain hydrogels, the enzymatic cross-linking of the HELPc was accomplished by transglutaminase. Here, we employed both non cross-linked HELPc glass coatings and cross-linked HELPc hydrogels at different monomer density as adhesion substrates for C2C12 cells, used as myoblasts model. Results: By comparing cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation, we revealed several striking differences. Depending on support rigidity, adhesion to HELPc substrates dictates cell morphology, spreading, focal adhesions formation and cytoskeletal organization. Hydrogels greatly stimulated cell proliferation, particularly in low serum-medium, and partially inhibited myogenic differentiation. Conclusions: In the whole, the results underline the potentiality of these genetically engineered polypeptides as a tool for dissecting crucial steps in myogenesis

    Clinical Support through Telemedicine in Heart Failure Outpatients during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period: Results of a 12-Months Follow Up

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    Background: Heart failure (HF) patients are predisposed to recurrences and disease destabilizations, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak period. In this scenario, telemedicine could be a proper way to ensure continuous care. The purpose of the study was to compare two modalities of HF outpatients’ follow up, the traditional in-person visits and telephone consultations, during the COVID-19 pandemic period in Italy. Methods: We conducted an observational study on consecutive HF outpatients. The follow up period was 12 months, starting from the beginning of the COVID-19 Italy lockdown. According to the follow up modality, and after the propensity matching score, patients were divided into two groups: those in G1 (n = 92) were managed with traditional in-person visits and those in G2 (n = 92) were managed with telephone consultation. Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) were the primary endpoints. Secondary endpoints were overall mortality, cardiovascular death, cardiovascular hospitalization, and hospitalization due to HF. Results: No significant differences between G1 and G2 have been observed regarding MACE (p = 0.65), cardiovascular death (p = 0.39), overall mortality (p = 0.85), hospitalization due to acute HF (p = 0.07), and cardiovascular hospitalization (p = 0.4). Survival analysis performed by the Kaplan–Meier method also did not show significant differences between G1 and G2. Conclusions: Telephone consultations represented a valid option to manage HF outpatients during COVID-19 pandemic, comparable to traditional in-person visits

    Ischemic heart disease and heart failure. role of coronary ion channels

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    Heart failure is a complex syndrome responsible for high rates of death and hospitalization. Ischemic heart disease is one of the most frequent causes of heart failure and it is normally attributed to coronary artery disease, defined by the presence of one or more obstructive plaques, which determine a reduced coronary blood flow, causing myocardial ischemia and consequent heart failure. However, coronary obstruction is only an element of a complex pathophysiological process that leads to myocardial ischemia. In the literature, attention paid to the role of microcirculation, in the pathophysiology of ischemic heart disease and heart failure, is growing. Coronary microvascular dysfunction determines an inability of coronary circulation to satisfy myocardial metabolic demands, due to the imbalance of coronary blood flow regulatory mechanisms, including ion channels, leading to the development of hypoxia, fibrosis and tissue death, which may determine a loss of myocardial function, even beyond the presence of atherosclerotic epicardial plaques. For this reason, ion channels may represent the link among coronary microvascular dysfunction, ischemic heart disease and consequent heart failure
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