677 research outputs found

    The Role of the Euclid Archive System in the Processing of Euclid and External Data

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    Euclid is an ESA M2 mission which will create a 15,000 square degrees space-based survey: the Euclid Archive System (EAS) is a core element of the Science Ground Segment (SGS) of Euclid. The EAS follows a data-centric approach to data processing, whereby the Data Processing System (DPS) is responsible for the centralized metadata storage and the Distributed Storage System (DSS) supports the distributed storage of data files. The EAS-DPS implements the Euclid Common Data model and along with the EAS-DSS provides numerous services for Euclid Consortium users and SGS subsystems. In addition, the EAS-DPS assists in the preparation of Euclid data releases which are copied to the third EAS subsystem, the ESA developed Science Archive System (SAS) where they become available to the wider astronomical community. The EAS-DPS implements the object-oriented Euclid Common Data Model using a relational DBMS for the storage. The EAS-DPS supports the tracing of the lineage of any data item in the system, provides services for the data quality assessment and the data processing orchestration. The EAS-DSS is a distributed storage system which is based on a set of storage nodes located in each of the ten Science Data Centers of the Euclid SGS. The storage nodes supports a wide range of solutions from local disk, using a unix filesystem, to iRODS nodes or Grid storage elements. In this paper the architectural design of EAS-DPS and EAS-DSS are reviewed: the interaction between them and tests of the already implemented components are described

    Activity-induced interactions and cooperation of artificial microswimmers in one-dimensional environments

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    Biological microswimmers such as bacteria show collective motion that is made possible by an intricate interplay of sensing and signaling. Ketzetzi et al. reproduce this phenomenon in a catalytic system undergoing, for instance, cooperative speed-ups and dynamic reconfiguration of microswimmer chains.Cooperative motion in biological microswimmers is crucial for their survival as it facilitates adhesion to surfaces, formation of hierarchical colonies, efficient motion, and enhanced access to nutrients. Here, we confine synthetic, catalytic microswimmers along one-dimensional paths and demonstrate that they too show a variety of cooperative behaviours. We find that their speed increases with the number of swimmers, and that the activity induces a preferred distance between swimmers. Using a minimal model, we ascribe this behavior to an effective activity-induced potential that stems from a competition between chemical and hydrodynamic coupling. These interactions further induce active self-assembly into trains where swimmers move at a well-separated, stable distance with respect to each other, as well as compact chains that can elongate, break-up, become immobilized and remobilized. We identify the crucial role that environment morphology and swimmer directionality play on these highly dynamic chain behaviors. These activity-induced interactions open the door toward exploiting cooperation for increasing the efficiency of microswimmer motion, with temporal and spatial control, thereby enabling them to perform intricate tasks inside complex environments.Biological and Soft Matter Physic

    Meeting Report: Hackathon-Workshop on Darwin Core and MIxS Standards Alignment

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    The Global Biodiversity Information Facility and the Genomic Standards Consortium convened a joint workshop at the University of Oxford, 27–29 February 2012, with a small group of experts from Europe, USA, China and Japan, to continue the alignment of the Darwin Core with the MIxS and related genomics standards. Several reference mappings were produced as well as test expressions of MIxS in RDF. The use and management of controlled vocabulary terms was considered in relation to both GBIF and the GSC, and tools for working with terms were reviewed. Extensions for publishing genomic biodiversity data to the GBIF network via a Darwin Core Archive were prototyped and work begun on preparing translations of the Darwin Core to Japanese and Chinese. Five genomic repositories were identified for engagement to begin the process of testing the publishing of genomic data to the GBIF network commencing with the SILVA rRNA database

    The ArDM experiment

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    The aim of the ArDM project is the development and operation of a one ton double-phase liquid argon detector for direct Dark Matter searches. The detector measures both the scintillation light and the ionization charge from ionizing radiation using two independent readout systems. This paper briefly describes the detector concept and presents preliminary results from the ArDM R&D program, including a 3 l prototype developed to test the charge readout system.Comment: Proceedings of the Epiphany 2010 Conference, to be published in Acta Physica Polonica

    Habitat shifts in response to predation risk are constrained by competition within a grazing guild

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    Predators can affect prey not only by killing them, but also by causing them to alter their behavior, including patterns of habitat selection. Prey can reduce the risk of predation by moving to habitats where predators are less likely to detect them, less likely to attack, or less likely to succeed. The interaction of such responses to risk with other ecological processes remains relatively unstudied, but in some cases, changes in habitat use to avoid predation may be constrained by competition: larger, dominant competitors should respond freely to predation risk, but the responses of smaller, subordinate competitors may be constrained by the responses of dominant competitors. For large grazing herbivores, an alternative hypothesis proposes that smaller prey species are vulnerable to more predators, and thus should respond more strongly to predation risk. Here, we tested these two hypotheses with 775 observations of habitat selection by four species of obligate grazers (zebra, wildebeest, puku and oribi) in the immediate presence or absence of four large carnivores (lion, spotted hyena, African wild dog and cheetah) in three ecosystems (Greater Liuwa, Greater Kafue and Luangwa Valley). Patterns of predation within this set were described by observation of 1,105 kills. Our results support the hypothesis that responses to predation risk are strongest for larger, dominant competitors. Even though zebras were killed least often, they showed the strongest shift into cover when carnivores were present. Wildebeest, puku and oribi showed weaker habitat shifts, even though they were more frequently killed. These patterns remained consistent in models that controlled for differences in the hunting mode of the predator (stalking, coursing, or intermediate) and for differences among ecosystems. There was no evidence that smaller species were subject to predation by a broader set of predators. Instead, smaller prey were killed often by smaller predators, and larger prey were killed often by larger predators. Broadly, our results show that responses to predation risk interact with interspecific competition. Accounting for such interactions should help to explain the considerable variation in the strength of responses to predation risk that has been observed

    Using dogs to find cats: detection dogs as a survey method for wide-ranging cheetah

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    Rapid global large carnivore declines make evaluations of remaining populations critical. Yet landscape-scale evaluations of presence, abundance and distribution are difficult, as many species are wide-ranging, occur only at low densities and are elusive. Insufficient information-gathering tools for many large carnivore species compounds these challenges. Specially trained detection dogs have demonstrated effectiveness for carnivore surveys, but are untested on extremely sparse, wide-ranging species, such as cheetah Acinonyx jubatus. In this study, we conducted the first rigorous cheetah survey using detection dogs in a key transboundary area in the remote Liuwa–Mussuma Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) in Western Zambia. We proposed to (1) evaluate the effectiveness of detection dog versus spoor surveys in detecting cheetah presence; (2) extract and analyze DNA from scat samples to estimate minimum population size and genetic effective population size; (3) determine the extent of cheetah occurrence in the unprotected transboundary corridor. Two detection dog teams surveyed 2432 km2 containing 74 randomly located transects in the transfrontier area. Twenty-seven cheetah scats were detected and confirmed by genetic analysis, while no cheetah spoor was detected, clearly demonstrating the superiority of detection dogs in detecting cheetah presence. Combining scat samples with opportunistically collected samples, we estimated 17–19 cheetahs, an effective population size of 8–14 and a density of 5.9–6.6 per 1000 km2. Cheetah utilized key transfrontier areas outside of the national park; however, because utilization appears low, improved connectivity and protection for these areas are critical. Approximately one third of Africa's estimated cheetah resides in protected areas, with 87% in transboundary areas. Our study demonstrates the efficacy of detection dog survey methods in providing information on cheetah across large landscapes. It will have particular value in areas where other survey means may be impossible, such as TFCAs, where size, remoteness and lack of accessibility often make traditional survey methods difficult or cost prohibitive