235 research outputs found

    Advancing the translation of optical imaging agents for clinical imaging

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    Despite the development of a large number of promising candidates, few contrast agents for established medical imaging modalities have successfully been translated over the past decade. The emergence of new imaging contrast agents that employ biomedical optics is further complicated by the relative infancy of the field and the lack of approved imaging devices compared to more established clinical modalities such as nuclear medicine. Herein, we propose a navigational approach (as opposed to a fixed “roadmap”) for translation of optical imaging agents that is (i) proposed through consensus by four academic research programs that are part of the cooperative U54 NCI Network for Translational Research, (ii) developed through early experiences for translating optical imaging agents in order to meet distinctly varied needs in cancer diagnostics, and (iii) adaptable to the rapidly changing environment of academic medicine. We describe the pathways by which optical imaging agents are synthesized, qualified, and validated for preclinical testing, and ultimately translated for “first-in-humans” studies using investigational optical imaging devices. By identifying and adopting consensus approaches for seemingly disparate optical imaging modalities and clinical indications, we seek to establish a systematic method for navigating the ever-changing “roadmap” to most efficiently arrive at the destination of clinical adoption and improved outcome and survivorship for cancer patients

    Temporal Variations of Skin Pigmentation in C57Bl/6 Mice Affect Optical Bioluminescence Quantitation

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    ABSTRACT PURPOSE: Depilation-induced skin pigmentation in C57Bl/6 mice is a known occurrence, and presents a unique problem for quantitative optical imaging of small animals, especially for bioluminescence. The work reported here quantitatively investigated the optical attenuation of bioluminescent light due to melanin pigmentation in the skin of transgenic C57B1/6 mice, modified such that luciferase expression is under the transcription control of a physiologically and pharmacologically inducible gene. PROCEDURE: Both in vivo and ex vivo experiments were performed to track bioluminescence signal attenuation through different stages of the mouse hair growth cycle. Simultaneous reflectance measurements were collected in vivo to estimate melanin levels. RESULTS: Biological variability of skin pigmentation was found to dramatically affect collected bioluminescent signal emerging through the skin of the mice. When compared to signal through skin with no pigmentation, the signal through highly-pigmented skin was attenuated an average of 90%. Correlation of reflectance signals to bioluminescence signal loss forms the basis of the proposed correction method. We observed, however, that variability in tissue composition, which results in inconsistent reflectance spectra, limits the accuracy of the correction method but can be improved by incorporating more complex analysis. CONCLUSION: Skin pigmentation is a significant variable in bioluminescent imaging, and should be considered in experimental design and implementation for longitudinal studies, and especially when sensitivity to small signal changes, or differences among animals, is required

    Autonomous Bioluminescent Expression of the Bacterial Luciferase Gene Cassette (lux) in a Mammalian Cell Line

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    The bacterial luciferase (lux) gene cassette consists of five genes (luxCDABE) whose protein products synergistically generate bioluminescent light signals exclusive of supplementary substrate additions or exogenous manipulations. Historically expressible only in prokaryotes, the lux operon was re-synthesized through a process of multi-bicistronic, codon-optimization to demonstrate for the first time self-directed bioluminescence emission in a mammalian HEK293 cell line in vitro and in vivo.Autonomous in vitro light production was shown to be 12-fold greater than the observable background associated with untransfected control cells. The availability of reduced riboflavin phosphate (FMNH(2)) was identified as the limiting bioluminescence substrate in the mammalian cell environment even after the addition of a constitutively expressed flavin reductase gene (frp) from Vibrio harveyi. FMNH(2) supplementation led to a 151-fold increase in bioluminescence in cells expressing mammalian codon-optimized luxCDE and frp genes. When injected subcutaneously into nude mice, in vivo optical imaging permitted near instantaneous light detection that persisted independently for the 60 min length of the assay with negligible background.The speed, longevity, and self-sufficiency of lux expression in the mammalian cellular environment provides a viable and powerful alternative for real-time target visualization not currently offered by existing bioluminescent and fluorescent imaging technologies

    Non-invasive intravital imaging of cellular differentiation with a bright red-excitable fluorescent protein

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    A method for non-invasive visualization of genetically labelled cells in animal disease models with micron-level resolution would greatly facilitate development of cell-based therapies. Imaging of fluorescent proteins (FPs) using red excitation light in the “optical window” above 600 nm is one potential method for visualizing implanted cells. However, previous efforts to engineer FPs with peak excitation beyond 600 nm have resulted in undesirable reductions in brightness. Here we report three new red-excitable monomeric FPs obtained by structure-guided mutagenesis of mNeptune, previously the brightest monomeric FP when excited beyond 600 nm. Two of these, mNeptune2 and mNeptune2.5, demonstrate improved maturation and brighter fluorescence, while the third, mCardinal, has a red-shifted excitation spectrum without reduction in brightness. We show that mCardinal can be used to non-invasively and longitudinally visualize the differentiation of myoblasts and stem cells into myocytes in living mice with high anatomical detail

    In vivo bioimaging with tissue-specific transcription factor activated luciferase reporters.

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    The application of transcription factor activated luciferase reporter cassettes in vitro is widespread but potential for in vivo application has not yet been realized. Bioluminescence imaging enables non-invasive tracking of gene expression in transfected tissues of living rodents. However the mature immune response limits luciferase expression when delivered in adulthood. We present a novel approach of tissue-targeted delivery of transcription factor activated luciferase reporter lentiviruses to neonatal rodents as an alternative to the existing technology of generating germline transgenic light producing rodents. At this age, neonates acquire immune tolerance to the conditionally responsive luciferase reporter. This simple and transferrable procedure permits surrogate quantitation of transcription factor activity over the lifetime of the animal. We show principal efficacy by temporally quantifying NFκB activity in the brain, liver and lungs of somatotransgenic reporter mice subjected to lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation. This response is ablated in Tlr4(-/-) mice or when co-administered with the anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid analogue dexamethasone. Furthermore, we show the malleability of this technology by quantifying NFκB-mediated luciferase expression in outbred rats. Finally, we use somatotransgenic bioimaging to longitudinally quantify LPS- and ActivinA-induced upregulation of liver specific glucocorticoid receptor and Smad2/3 reporter constructs in somatotransgenic mice, respectively

    Noninvasive Monitoring of Placenta-Specific Transgene Expression by Bioluminescence Imaging

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    BACKGROUND: Placental dysfunction underlies numerous complications of pregnancy. A major obstacle to understanding the roles of potential mediators of placental pathology has been the absence of suitable methods for tissue-specific gene manipulation and sensitive assays for studying gene functions in the placentas of intact animals. We describe a sensitive and noninvasive method of repetitively tracking placenta-specific gene expression throughout pregnancy using lentivirus-mediated transduction of optical reporter genes in mouse blastocysts. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Zona-free blastocysts were incubated with lentivirus expressing firefly luciferase (Fluc) and Tomato fluorescent fusion protein for trophectoderm-specific infection and transplanted into day 3 pseudopregnant recipients (GD3). Animals were examined for Fluc expression by live bioluminescence imaging (BLI) at different points during pregnancy, and the placentas were examined for tomato expression in different cell types on GD18. In another set of experiments, blastocysts with maximum photon fluxes in the range of 2.0E+4 to 6.0E+4 p/s/cm(2)/sr were transferred. Fluc expression was detectable in all surrogate dams by day 5 of pregnancy by live imaging, and the signal increased dramatically thereafter each day until GD12, reaching a peak at GD16 and maintaining that level through GD18. All of the placentas, but none of the fetuses, analyzed on GD18 by BLI showed different degrees of Fluc expression. However, only placentas of dams transferred with selected blastocysts showed uniform photon distribution with no significant variability of photon intensity among placentas of the same litter. Tomato expression in the placentas was limited to only trophoblast cell lineages. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results, for the first time, demonstrate the feasibility of selecting lentivirally-transduced blastocysts for uniform gene expression in all placentas of the same litter and early detection and quantitative analysis of gene expression throughout pregnancy by live BLI. This method may be useful for a wide range of applications involving trophoblast-specific gene manipulations in utero

    First-trimester cesarean scar pregnancy: a comparative analysis of treatment options from the international registry

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    Background: A cesarean scar pregnancy is an iatrogenic consequence of a previous cesarean delivery. The gestational sac implants into a niche created by the incision of the previous cesarean delivery, and this carries a substantial risk for major maternal complications. The aim of this study was to report, analyze, and compare the effectiveness and safety of different treatments options for cesarean scar pregnancies managed in the first trimester through a registry. Objective: This study aimed to evaluated the ultrasound findings, disease behavior, and management of first-trimester cesarean scar pregnancies. Study design: We created an international registry of cesarean scar pregnancy cases to study the ultrasound findings, disease behavior, and management of cesarean scar pregnancies. The Cesarean Scar Pregnancy Registry collects anonymized ultrasound and clinical data of individual patients with a cesarean scar pregnancy on a secure, digital information platform. Cases were uploaded by 31 participating centers across 19 countries. In this study, we only included live and failing cesarean scar pregnancies (with or without a positive fetal heart beat) that received active treatment (medical or surgical) before 12+6 weeks' gestation to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the different management options. Patients managed expectantly were not included in this study and will be reported separately. Treatment was classified as successful if it led to a complete resolution of the pregnancy without the need for any additional medical interventions. Results: Between August 29, 2018, and February 28, 2023, we recorded 460 patients with cesarean scar pregnancies (281 live, 179 failing cesarean scar pregnancy) who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were registered. A total of 270 of 460 (58.7%) patients were managed surgically, 123 of 460 (26.7%) patients underwent medical management, 46 of 460 (10%) patients underwent balloon management, and 21 of 460 (4.6%) patients received other, less frequently used treatment options. Suction evacuation was very effective with a success rate of 202 of 221 (91.5%; 95% confidence interval, 87.8-95.2), whereas systemic methotrexate was least effective with only 38 of 64 (59.4%; 95% confidence interval, 48.4-70.4) patients not requiring additional treatment. Overall, surgical treatment of cesarean scar pregnancies was successful in 236 of 258 (91.5%, 95% confidence interval, 88.4-94.5) patients and complications were observed in 24 of 258 patients (9.3%; 95% confidence interval, 6.6-11.9). Conclusion: A cesarean scar pregnancy can be managed effectively in the first trimester of pregnancy in more than 90% of cases with either suction evacuation, balloon treatment, or surgical excision. The effectiveness of all treatment options decreases with advancing gestational age, and cesarean scar pregnancies should be treated as early as possible after confirmation of the diagnosis. Local medical treatment with potassium chloride or methotrexate is less efficient and has higher rates of complications than the other treatment options. Systemic methotrexate has a substantial risk of failing and a higher complication rate and should not be recommended as first-line treatment

    In Vivo Imaging of HIF-Active Tumors by an Oxygen-Dependent Degradation Protein Probe with an Interchangeable Labeling System

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    Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) functions as a master transcriptional regulator for adaptation to hypoxia by inducing adaptive changes in gene expression for regulation of proliferation, angiogenesis, apoptosis and energy metabolism. Cancers with high expression of the alpha subunit of HIF (HIFα) are often malignant and treatment-resistant. Therefore, the development of a molecular probe that can detect HIF activity has great potential value for monitoring tumor hypoxia. HIF prolyl hydroxylases (HPHDs) act as oxygen sensors that regulate the fate of HIFα protein through its oxygen-dependent degradation (ODD) domain. We constructed a recombinant protein PTD-ODD-HaloTag (POH) that is under the same ODD regulation as HIFα and contains protein transduction domain (PTD) and an interchangeable labeling system. Administration of near-infrared fluorescently labeled POH (POH-N) to mouse models of cancers allowed successful monitoring of HIF-active regions. Immunohistochemical analysis for intratumoral localization of POH probe revealed its specificity to HIF-active cells. Furthermore, lack of the PTD domain or a point mutation in the ODD domain abrogated the specificity of POH-N to HIF-active cells. Overall results indicate that POH is a practical probe specific to HIF-active cell in cancers and suggest its large potential for imaging and targeting of HIF-related diseases

    In Vivo, Multimodal Imaging of B Cell Distribution and Response to Antibody Immunotherapy in Mice

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    BACKGROUND: B cell depletion immunotherapy has been successfully employed to treat non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. In recent years, increasing attention has been directed towards also using B-cell depletion therapy as a treatment option in autoimmune disorders. However, it appears that the further development of these approaches will depend on a methodology to determine the relation of B-cell depletion to clinical response and how individual patients should be dosed. Thus far, patients have generally been followed by quantification of peripheral blood B cells, but it is not apparent that this measurement accurately reflects systemic B cell dynamics. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Cellular imaging of the targeted population in vivo may provide significant insight towards effective therapy and a greater understanding of underlying disease mechanics. Superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles in concert with near infrared (NIR) fluorescent dyes were used to label and track primary C57BL/6 B cells. Following antibody mediated B cell depletion (anti-CD79), NIR-only labeled cells were expeditiously cleared from the circulation and spleen. Interestingly, B cells labeled with both SPIO and NIR were not depleted in the spleen. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Whole body fluorescent tracking of B cells enabled noninvasive, longitudinal imaging of both the distribution and subsequent depletion of B lymphocytes in the spleen. Quantification of depletion revealed a greater than 40% decrease in splenic fluorescent signal-to-background ratio in antibody treated versus control mice. These data suggest that in vivo imaging can be used to follow B cell dynamics, but that the labeling method will need to be carefully chosen. SPIO labeling for tracking purposes, generally thought to be benign, appears to interfere with B cell functions and requires further examination