226 research outputs found

    Aspectos da indução de resistência em plantas de videira.

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    Apresenta em linhas gerais envolvendo os processos naturais de reconhecimento dos patógenos pelas plantas, a ativação de respostas de defesa nas plantas por eliciadores e alguns resultados experimentais pelo uso de eliciadores em videira contra alguns patógenos fúngicos.bitstream/item/106017/1/Documentos-88.pd

    Fosfito de potássio no controle de míldio da videira.

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    A videira (Vitis vinifera) está sujeita a uma série de doenças, prinipalmente quando condições climáticas que favorecem o processo de parasitismo de microrganismos patogênicos. Doenças como o míldio (causado pelo oomiceto Plasmopara viticola), a podridão cinzenta do cacho (pelo fungo Botrytis cinerea) e da uva madura (pelo fungo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) provocam grandes perdas na produção e frequentemente tornam-se fatores limitantes ao estabelecimento de um cultivo comercialmente competitivo, se medidas adequadas de controle não forem adotadas

    Humic acids induce the expression of nitrate transporters in passion-fruit seedlings.

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    The management of organic fertilization in passion fruit has been carried out empirically based on the responses of the crops and the experience of farmers. Knowledge of the physiological responses of plants to organic fertilizers is essential to optimize fertilization programs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the differential expression of genes coding for nitrate transporters as well as plasma membrane H+-ATPase in passion fruit seedlings treated with different organic fertilizers in the presence or not of humic acids. The equivalent of one gram of total nitrogen dissolved in water from cattle manure, castor oil cake and urea were added and the seedlings were treated or not with a suspension of humic acids (2 mmol/L). Differential expression of low and high affinity nitrate transporters (PeNRT2.2 and PeNRT1.1 PeNRT2.2e) and H+-ATPase (PeMha) was performed by qRT-PCR. The use of cattle manure increased the differential expression of the high affinity transporter regarding to the control. The application of humic acids amplified the increase observed in the differential transcription of the high-affinity transporter with manure and urea fertilization, with no effect observed with the use of castor oil cake. Humic acids induced transcription of the gene encoding H+-ATPases in all treatments compared to control. The application of biofertilizer based on humic acids in low concentrations directly on the plant can be used with the objective of optimizing the organic fertilization of passion fruit with cattle manure and urea.Título em Português: Ácidos húmicos induzem a expressão dos transportadores de nitrato em mudas de maracujazeir

    Experimental multipartite entanglement and randomness certification of the W state in the quantum steering scenario

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    Recently [Cavalcanti \textit{et al.} Nat Commun \textbf{6}, 7941 (2015)] proposed a method to certify the presence of entanglement in asymmetric networks, where some users do not have control over the measurements they are performing. Such asymmetry naturally emerges in realistic situtations, such as in cryptographic protocols over quantum networks. Here we implement such "semi-device independent" techniques to experimentally witness all types of entanglement on a three-qubit photonic W state. Furthermore we analise the amount of genuine randomness that can be certified in this scenario from any bipartition of the three-qubit W state.Comment: v2: text improved, steering witness redefined so that their violation provides the steering robustness, experimental data included in an appendi

    Phenotypic, genetic and symbiotic characterization of Erythrina velutina rhizobia from Caatinga dry forest.

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    Erythrina velutina (Mulungu) is a legume ree from Caatinga that associates with rhizobia but the diversity and symbiotic ability of mulungu rhizobia are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to characterize mulungu rhizobia from Caatinga. Bacteria were obteined from Serra Talhada and Caruaru in Caatinga under natural regeneration. The bacteria were evaluated to the amplication of nifH and nod C and to metabolic characteristics. Ten selected bacteria identied by 16S rRNA sequences. They were tested in vitro to NaCl and temperature tolerance, auxin production and calcium phosphate solubilization. The symbiotic ability were assessed in an greenhouse experiment. A total of 32 bacteria were obtained and 17 amplied both symbiotic genes. The bacteria showed a high variable metabolic prole. Bradyrhizobium (6), Rhizobium (3) and Paraburkholderia (1) were identied, differing from their geographic origin. The isolates grew up to 45 ◦ C to 0.51 mol L ? 1 of NaCl. Bacteria which produced more auxin in the medium with l -tryptophan and two Rhizobium and one Bradyrhizobium were phosphate solubilizers. All bacteria nodulated and ESA 90 (Rhizobium sp.) plus ESA 96 (Paraburkholderia sp.) were more efcient symbiotically. Diverse and efcient rhizobia inhabit the soils of Caatinga dry forests, with the bacterial differentiation by the sampling sites

    Expandindo fronteiras: o estabelecimento de Drosophila suzukii (Diptera, Drosophilidae) no Brasil Central.

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    Na publicação: Marcelo Lopes-da-silva

    Drosophila suzukii (Diptera, Drosophilidae) no Distrito Federal: novas perspectivas a partir capturas realizadas em áreas cultivadas.

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    Na publicação: Marcelo Lopes-da-silva

    Geometric Entanglement of Symmetric States and the Majorana Representation

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    Permutation-symmetric quantum states appear in a variety of physical situations, and they have been proposed for quantum information tasks. This article builds upon the results of [New J. Phys. 12, 073025 (2010)], where the maximally entangled symmetric states of up to twelve qubits were explored, and their amount of geometric entanglement determined by numeric and analytic means. For this the Majorana representation, a generalization of the Bloch sphere representation, can be employed to represent symmetric n qubit states by n points on the surface of a unit sphere. Symmetries of this point distribution simplify the determination of the entanglement, and enable the study of quantum states in novel ways. Here it is shown that the duality relationship of Platonic solids has a counterpart in the Majorana representation, and that in general maximally entangled symmetric states neither correspond to anticoherent spin states nor to spherical designs. The usability of symmetric states as resources for measurement-based quantum computing is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; submitted to Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS

    Schistosoma mansoni Coinfection Attenuates Murine Toxoplasma gondii-Induced Crohn's-Like Ileitis by Preserving the Epithelial Barrier and Downregulating the Inflammatory Response

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    Background and aims: Mice orally infected with T. gondii develop Crohn's disease (CD)-like enteritis associated with severe mucosal damage and a systemic inflammatory response, resulting in high morbidity and mortality. Previously, helminthic infections have shown therapeutic potential in experimental colitis. However, the role of S. mansoni in T. gondii-induced CD-like enteritis has not been elucidated. Our study investigated the mechanisms underlying T. gondii-induced ileitis and the potential therapeutic effect of S. mansoni coinfection.Methods: C57BL/6 mice were infected by subcutaneous injection of cercariae of the BH strain of S. mansoni, and 7–9 weeks later, they were orally infected with cysts of the ME49 strain of T. gondii. After euthanasia, the ileum was removed for histopathological analysis; staining for goblet cells; immunohistochemistry characterizing mononuclear cells, lysozyme expression, apoptotic cells, and intracellular pathway activation; and measuring gene expression levels by real-time PCR. Cytokine concentrations were measured in the serial serum samples and culture supernatants of the ileal explants, in addition to myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity.Results:T. gondii-monoinfected mice presented dense inflammatory cell infiltrates and ulcerations in the terminal ileum, with abundant cell extrusion, apoptotic bodies, and necrosis; these effects were absent in S. mansoni-infected or coinfected animals. Coinfection preserved goblet cells and Paneth cells, remarkably depleted in T. gondii-infected mice. Densities of CD4- and CD11b-positive cells were increased in T. gondii- compared to S. mansoni-infected mice and controls. MPO was significantly increased among T. gondii-mice, while attenuated in coinfected animals. In T. gondii-infected mice, the culture supernatants of the explants showed increased concentrations of TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, and IL-17, and the ileal tissue revealed increased expression of the mRNA transcripts for IL-1 beta, NOS2, HMOX1, MMP3, and MMP9 and activation of NF-kappa B and p38 MAPK signaling, all of which were counterregulated by S. mansoni coinfection.Conclusion:S. mansoni coinfection attenuates T. gondii-induced ileitis by preserving mucosal integrity and downregulating the local inflammatory response based on the activation of NF-kappa B and MAPK. The protective function of prior S. mansoni infection suggests the involvement of innate immune mechanisms and supports a conceptually new approach to the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases, including CD