104 research outputs found

    Tissue specific analysis reveals a differential organization and regulation of both ethylene biosynthesis and E8 during climacteric ripening of tomato

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    Background: Solanum lycopersicum or tomato is extensively studied with respect to the ethylene metabolism during climacteric ripening, focusing almost exclusively on fruit pericarp. In this work the ethylene biosynthesis pathway was examined in all major tomato fruit tissues: pericarp, septa, columella, placenta, locular gel and seeds. The tissue specific ethylene production rate was measured throughout fruit development, climacteric ripening and postharvest storage. All ethylene intermediate metabolites (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), malonyl-ACC (MACC) and S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM)) and enzyme activities (ACC-oxidase (ACO) and ACC-synthase (ACS)) were assessed. Results: All tissues showed a similar climacteric pattern in ethylene productions, but with a different amplitude. Profound differences were found between tissue types at the metabolic and enzymatic level. The pericarp tissue produced the highest amount of ethylene, but showed only a low ACC content and limited ACS activity, while the locular gel accumulated a lot of ACC, MACC and SAM and showed only limited ACO and ACS activity. Central tissues (septa, columella and placenta) showed a strong accumulation of ACC and MACC. These differences indicate that the ethylene biosynthesis pathway is organized and regulated in a tissue specific way. The possible role of inter- and intra-tissue transport is discussed to explain these discrepancies. Furthermore, the antagonistic relation between ACO and E8, an ethylene biosynthesis inhibiting protein, was shown to be tissue specific and developmentally regulated. In addition, ethylene inhibition by E8 is not achieved by a direct interaction between ACO and E8, as previously suggested in literature. Conclusions: The Ethylene biosynthesis pathway and E8 show a tissue specific and developmental differentiation throughout tomato fruit development and ripening

    Protocol: An updated integrated methodology for analysis of metabolites and enzyme activities of ethylene biosynthesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The foundations for ethylene research were laid many years ago by researchers such as Lizada, Yang and Hoffman. Nowadays, most of the methods developed by them are still being used. Technological developments since then have led to small but significant improvements, contributing to a more efficient workflow. Despite this, many of these improvements have never been properly documented.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This article provides an updated, integrated set of protocols suitable for the assembly of a complete picture of ethylene biosynthesis, including the measurement of ethylene itself. The original protocols for the metabolites 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid and 1-(malonylamino)cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid have been updated and downscaled, while protocols to determine <it>in vitro </it>activities of the key enzymes 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase have been optimised for efficiency, repeatability and accuracy. All the protocols described were optimised for apple fruit, but have been proven to be suitable for the analysis of tomato fruit as well.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work collates an integrated set of detailed protocols for the measurement of components of the ethylene biosynthetic pathway, starting from well-established methods. These protocols have been optimised for smaller sample volumes, increased efficiency, repeatability and accuracy. The detailed protocol allows other scientists to rapidly implement these methods in their own laboratories in a consistent and efficient way.</p

    Caracterizacion de la alimentacion de verano en los sistemas ganaderos de la comunidad de Jacuapa Centro, Municipio de Matagalpa en el primer semestre 2017

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    Ésta investigación se realizó en Jucuapa Centro, Matagalpa, Nicaragua, en el primer semestre 2017, con el objetivo de caracterizar la alimentación de verano en los sistemas ganaderos. La presente investigación es de carácter descriptivo, de enfoque mixto cuali-cuantitativo. El universo está constituido por 15 fincas, siendo esta la muestra. Se realizó visitas, se aplicó encuesta a los productores pecuarios para obtención de los datos de interés, encontrando que los sistemas ganaderos están conformados por pequeños productores de autoconsumo que poseen como media entre 2 a 5 cabezas de ganado por finca, siendo los registro máximos de más de 11 cabeza, los sistemas se encuentran conformado por vacas lactantes, terneras y vacas preñadas con el objetivo de producción lechera, utilizando razas de doble propósito: Pardo con Brahman los que se encuentran en condición corporal normal. El tipo de explotación es extensiva sobre pasturas naturales las que en esta época del año son de mala calidad, las alternativas de alimentación de verano consisten en la compra de pacas y el almacenamiento de heno tradicional (guates) con suministro de sal común y vitaminas. Hacen usos de árboles forrajeros pero en su mayoría son consumidos de manera voluntaria en los potrero, sin un manejo sobre ellos, llegando a la conclusión que los productores de Jucuapa Centro carecen de tecnologías de manejo apropiadas para alimentar el hato en la época seca lo que ocasiona incremento en los costos de producción y la baja en los rendimientos productivos y económicos Palabras clave: Sistemas ganaderos, manejo alimentario, alimentación de veran

    Raamwerk voor omgaan met onzekerheid

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    In de nieuwe Wro staat dat nieuwe ruimtelijke plannen vanaf 1 januari 2010 digitaal en uitwisselbaar vervaardigd moeten worden. Het digitaliseren van het ruimtelijke ordeningsproces heeft een grote impact. Het zou het vergelijken van plannen eenvoudiger moeten maken, maar vooral onzekere planobjecten kunnen lastig zijn bij het vergelijken van plannen. De taxonomie voor onzekerheid in de ruimtelijke ordening is de basis voor het raamwerk. In het raamwerk worden alle bronnen van onzekerheid die in de ruimtelijke ordening aanwezig zijn besproken en er worden omgangsvormen aangeboden

    Mammary Paget's disease occurring after mastectomy

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    BACKGROUND: Mammary Paget's disease and extramammary Paget's disease are neoplastic conditions, in which there is intraepithelial (usually intraepidermal) infiltration by neoplastic cells showing glandular differentiation. Mammary Paget's disease occurs exclusively on the nipple/areola complex from where it may spread to the surrounding skin. CASE PRESENTATION: We here describe a case of Paget's disease occurring on the thoracic wall site of a previous simple mastectomy, and also briefly summarise the most important aspects leading to a diagnosis of mammary Paget's disease. CONCLUSION: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of mammary Paget's disease occurring after mastectomy. The absence of the nipple/areola complex obviously raised some questions concerning whether it was mammary or extra-mammary Paget's disease, and how it could occur in the absence of the nipple/areola complex

    Irish pig farmer's perceptions and experiences of tail and ear biting.

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    peer-reviewedAbnormal behaviours such as ear and tail biting of pigs is of significant welfare and economic concern. Currently, pig welfare legislation is under renewed focus by the EU commission and is likely to be enforced more thoroughly. The legislation prohibits routine tail docking and requires adequate enrichment to be provided. In Ireland, tail-docking is still the most utilised control mechanism to combat tail biting, but biting is still widespread even in tail-docked pigs. In addition, as pig farms are almost all fully slatted, bedding type material cannot be provided. Thus, the opinions, and practices of farmers in countries like Ireland, which may need to make significant adaptations to typical pig management systems soon, need to be considered and addressed. We carried out a survey of pig farmers during 2015 in order to gain a greater understanding of the extent of biting on Irish farms, perception on the most important preventive measures, current enrichment use and actions following outbreaks. Fifty-eight farmers from 21 Counties responded with an average herd size of 710 ± 597 sows (range 90–3000 sows). Only two farms had experienced no biting in the last year. Of the farms that had experienced tail biting (88%), 86% had also experienced ear biting. The most common concerns relating to biting were condemnation and reduced productivity of bitten pigs with both receiving an average score of 4 (most serious). Ear biting occurred most commonly in the 2nd stage (approximately 47–81 days from weaning) weaner and tail biting in the finishing stage. The most important preventive measures were felt to be taking care of animal health, restricting density, maintaining an even quality of feed/content and maintaining good air movement. Sixty-five percent of respondents added additional enrichment following an outbreak. Chains were the most common form of enrichment currently used (83%). Those not using chains favoured wood, toys and rope (17%). Identification of the most effective and accessible control and prevention measures both for the animals and for the farming community is thus essential. Improved understanding of the concerns and practices of producers, which this survey contributes to, is a first step towards this aim

    Study protocol of KLIMOP: a cohort study on the wellbeing of older cancer patients in Belgium and the Netherlands

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cancer is mainly a disease of older patients. In older cancer patients, additional endpoints such as quality of survival and daily functioning might be considered equally relevant as overall or disease free survival. However, these factors have been understudied using prospective designs focussing on older cancer patients. Therefore, this study will focus on the impact of cancer, ageing, and their interaction on the long-term wellbeing of older cancer patients.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This study is an observational cohort study. We aim to recruit 720 cancer patients above 70 years with a new diagnosis of breast, prostate, lung or gastrointestinal cancer and two control groups: one control group of 720 patients above 70 years without a previous diagnosis of cancer and one control group of 720 cancer patients between 50 - 69 years newly diagnosed with breast, prostate, lung or gastrointestinal cancer. Data collection will take place at inclusion, after six months, after one year and every subsequent year until death or end of the study. Data will be collected through personal interviews (consisting of socio-demographic information, general health information, a comprehensive geriatric assessment, quality of life, health locus of control and a loneliness scale), a handgrip test, assessment of medical records, two buccal swabs and a blood sample from cancer patients (at baseline). As an annex study, caregivers of the participants will be recruited as well. Data collection for caregivers will consist of a self-administered questionnaire examining depression, coping, and burden.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This extensive data collection will increase insight on how wellbeing of older cancer patients is affected by cancer (diagnosis and treatment), ageing, and their interaction. Results may provide new insights, which might contribute to the improvement of care for older cancer patients.</p