177 research outputs found

    From MinX to MinC: Semantics-Driven Decompilation of Recursive Datatypes

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    Reconstructing the meaning of a program from its binary executable is known as reverse engineering; it has a wide range of applications in software security, exposing piracy, legacy systems, etc. Since reversing is ultimately a search for meaning, there is much interest in inferring a type (a meaning) for the elements of a binary in a consistent way. Unfortunately existing approaches do not guarantee any semantic relevance for their reconstructed types. This paper presents a new and semantically-founded approach that provides strong guarantees for the reconstructed types. Key to our approach is the derivation of a witness program in a high-level language alongside the reconstructed types. This witness has the same semantics as the binary, is type correct by construction, and it induces a (justifiable) type assignment on the binary. Moreover, the approach effectively yields a type-directed decompiler. We formalise and implement the approach for reversing Minx, an abstraction of x86, to MinC, a type-safe dialect of C with recursive datatypes. Our evaluation compiles a range of textbook C algorithms to MinX and then recovers the original structures

    Functional Big-step Semantics

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    When doing an interactive proof about a piece of software, it is important that the underlying programming language’s semantics does not make the proof unnecessarily difficult or unwieldy. Both smallstep and big-step semantics are commonly used, and the latter is typically given by an inductively defined relation. In this paper, we consider an alternative: using a recursive function akin to an interpreter for the language. The advantages include a better induction theorem, less duplication, accessibility to ordinary functional programmers, and the ease of doing symbolic simulation in proofs via rewriting. We believe that this style of semantics is well suited for compiler verification, including proofs of divergence preservation. We do not claim the invention of this style of semantics: our contribution here is to clarify its value, and to explain how it supports several language features that might appear to require a relational or small-step approach. We illustrate the technique on a simple imperative language with C-like for-loops and a break statement, and compare it to a variety of other approaches. We also provide ML and lambda-calculus based examples to illustrate its generality

    Large strain compressive response of 2-D periodic representative volume element for random foam microstructures

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    A numerical investigation has been conducted to determine the influence of Representative Volume Element (RVE) size and degree of irregularity of polymer foam microstructure on its compressive mechanical properties, including stiffness, plateau stress and onset strain of densification. Periodic two-dimensional RVEs have been generated using a Voronoi-based numerical algorithm and compressed. Importantly, self-contact of the foam’s internal microstructure has been incorporated through the use of shell elements, allowing simulation of the foam well into the densification stage of compression; strains of up to 80 percent are applied. Results suggest that the stiffness of the foam RVE is relatively insensitive to RVE size but tends to soften as the degree of irregularity increases. Both the shape of the plateau stress and the onset strain of densification are sensitive to both the RVE size and degree of irregularity. Increasing the RVE size and decreasing the degree of irregularity both tend to result in a decrease of the gradient of the plateau region, while increasing the RVE size and degree of irregularity both tend to decrease the onset strain of densification. Finally, a method of predicting the onset strain of densification to an accuracy of about 10 per cent, while reducing the computational cost by two orders of magnitude is suggested

    Mechanized semantics for the Clight subset of the C language

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    This article presents the formal semantics of a large subset of the C language called Clight. Clight includes pointer arithmetic, "struct" and "union" types, C loops and structured "switch" statements. Clight is the source language of the CompCert verified compiler. The formal semantics of Clight is a big-step operational semantics that observes both terminating and diverging executions and produces traces of input/output events. The formal semantics of Clight is mechanized using the Coq proof assistant. In addition to the semantics of Clight, this article describes its integration in the CompCert verified compiler and several ways by which the semantics was validated.Comment: Journal of Automated Reasoning (2009

    A formally verified compiler back-end

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    This article describes the development and formal verification (proof of semantic preservation) of a compiler back-end from Cminor (a simple imperative intermediate language) to PowerPC assembly code, using the Coq proof assistant both for programming the compiler and for proving its correctness. Such a verified compiler is useful in the context of formal methods applied to the certification of critical software: the verification of the compiler guarantees that the safety properties proved on the source code hold for the executable compiled code as well

    Practical Group-Signatures with Privacy-Friendly Openings

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    Group signatures allow creating signatures on behalf of a group, while remaining anonymous. To prevent misuse, there exists a designated entity, named the opener, which can revoke anonymity by generating a proof which links a signature to its creator. Still, many intermediate cases have been discussed in the literature, where not the full power of the opener is required, or the users themselves require the power to claim (or deny) authorship of a signature and (un-)link signatures in a controlled way. However, these concepts were only considered in isolation. We unify these approaches, supporting all these possibilities simultaneously, providing fine-granular openings, even by members. Namely, a member can prove itself whether it has created a given signature (or not), and can create a proof which makes two created signatures linkable (or unlinkable resp.) in a controlled way. Likewise, the opener can show that a signature was not created by a specific member and can prove whether two signatures stem from the same signer (or not) without revealing anything else. Combined, these possibilities can make full openings irrelevant in many use-cases. This has the additional benefit that the requirements on the reachability of the opener are lessened. Moreover, even in the case of an involved opener, our framework is less privacy-invasive, as the opener no longer requires access to the signed message. Our provably secure black-box CCA-anonymous construction with dynamic joins requires only standard building blocks. We prove its practicality by providing a performance evaluation of a concrete instantiation, and show that our non-optimized implementation is competitive compared to other, less feature-rich, notions

    Belenios: a simple private and verifiable electronic voting system

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    International audienceWe present the electronic voting protocol Belenios together with its associated voting platform. Belenios guarantees vote privacy and full verifiability, even against a compromised voting server. While the core of the voting protocol was already described and formally proved secure, we detail here the complete voting system from the setup to the tally and the recovery procedures. We comment on the use of Belenios in practice. In particular, we discuss the security choices made by election administrators w.r.t. the decryption key and the delegation of some setup tasks to the voting platform

    DL-Extractable UC-Commitment Schemes

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    We define a new UC functionality (DL-extractable commitment scheme) that allows committer to open a commitment to a group element gxg^x; however, the simulator will be able to extract its discrete logarithm xx. Such functionality is useful in situations where the secrecy of xx is important since the knowledge of xx enables to break privacy while the simulator needs to know xx to be able to simulate the corrupted committer. Based on Fujisaki\u27s UC-secure commitment scheme and the DamgĂĄrd-Fujisaki integer commitment scheme, we propose an efficient commitment scheme that realizes the new functionality. As another novelty, we construct the new scheme in the weaker RPK (registered public key) model instead of the CRS model used by Fujisaki
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