102 research outputs found

    Automorphism groups of polycyclic-by-finite groups and arithmetic groups

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    We show that the outer automorphism group of a polycyclic-by-finite group is an arithmetic group. This result follows from a detailed structural analysis of the automorphism groups of such groups. We use an extended version of the theory of the algebraic hull functor initiated by Mostow. We thus make applicable refined methods from the theory of algebraic and arithmetic groups. We also construct examples of polycyclic-by-finite groups which have an automorphism group which does not contain an arithmetic group of finite index. Finally we discuss applications of our results to the groups of homotopy self-equivalences of K(\Gamma, 1)-spaces and obtain an extension of arithmeticity results of Sullivan in rational homotopy theory

    Virtually abelian K\"ahler and projective groups

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    We characterise the virtually abelian groups which are fundamental groups of compact K\"ahler manifolds and of smooth projective varieties. We show that a virtually abelian group is K\"ahler if and only if it is projective. In particular, this allows to describe the K\"ahler condition for such groups in terms of integral symplectic representations

    Phantom Maps and Homology Theories

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    We study phantom maps and homology theories in a stable homotopy category S via a certain Abelian category A. We express the group P(X,Y) of phantom maps X -> Y as an Ext group in A, and give conditions on X or Y which guarantee that it vanishes. We also determine P(X,HB). We show that any composite of two phantom maps is zero, and use this to reduce Margolis's axiomatisation conjecture to an extension problem. We show that a certain functor S -> A is the universal example of a homology theory with values in an AB 5 category and compare this with some results of Freyd.Comment: 25 pages, AMSLaTeX, to appear in Topolog

    The fibre of a pinch map in a model category

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    In the category of pointed topological spaces, let F be the homotopy fibre of the pinching map X âˆȘ CA → X âˆȘ CA/ X from the mapping cone on a cofibration A → X onto the suspension of A. Gray (Proc Lond Math Soc (3) 26:497–520, 1973) proved that F is weakly homotopy equivalent to the reduced product (X, A)∞. In this paper we prove an analogue of this phenomenon in a model category, under suitable conditions including a cube axiom.Web of Scienc

    Global Dimension of Polynomial Rings in Partially Commuting Variables

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    For any free partially commutative monoid M(E,I)M(E,I), we compute the global dimension of the category of M(E,I)M(E,I)-objects in an Abelian category with exact coproducts. As a corollary, we generalize Hilbert's Syzygy Theorem to polynomial rings in partially commuting variables.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Representation theory of some infinite-dimensional algebras arising in continuously controlled algebra and topology

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    In this paper we determine the representation type of some algebras of infinite matrices continuously controlled at infinity by a compact metrizable space. We explicitly classify their finitely presented modules in the finite and tame cases. The algebra of row-column-finite (or locally finite) matrices over an arbitrary field is one of the algebras considered in this paper, its representation type is shown to be finite.Comment: 33 page

    DG-algebras and derived A-infinity algebras

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    A differential graded algebra can be viewed as an A-infinity algebra. By a theorem of Kadeishvili, a dga over a field admits a quasi-isomorphism from a minimal A-infinity algebra. We introduce the notion of a derived A-infinity algebra and show that any dga A over an arbitrary commutative ground ring k is equivalent to a minimal derived A-infinity algebra. Such a minimal derived A-infinity algebra model for A is a k-projective resolution of the homology algebra of A together with a family of maps satisfying appropriate relations. As in the case of A-infinity algebras, it is possible to recover the dga up to quasi-isomorphism from a minimal derived A-infinity algebra model. Hence the structure we are describing provides a complete description of the quasi-isomorphism type of the dga.Comment: v3: 27 pages. Minor corrections, to appear in Crelle's Journa


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