724 research outputs found

    Urban Cholera transmission hotspots and their implications for Reactive Vaccination: evidence from Bissau city, Guinea Bissau

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    Use of cholera vaccines in response to epidemics (reactive vaccination) may provide an effective supplement to traditional control measures. In Haiti, reactive vaccination was considered but, until recently, rejected in part due to limited global supply of vaccine. Using Bissau City, Guinea-Bissau as a case study, we explore neighborhood-level transmission dynamics to understand if, with limited vaccine and likely delays, reactive vaccination can significantly change the course of a cholera epidemic

    Evaluation de la Substitution Partielle du Tourteau de Glycine max (L.) Merr (Soja) par le Tourteau de la Pulpe de Dacryodes edulis (Safou) H.J. Lam. (1932) dans l’Alimentation des Poules Pondeuses au Congo-Brazzaville

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    La substitution du tourteau de soja par des intrants locaux est  souvent proposĂ©e comme une alternative dans l’amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© avicole. Pour tester cette hypothèse, le tourteau de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis a Ă©tĂ© expĂ©rimentĂ© chez des poules pondeuses âgĂ©es de 24 semaines. L’étude avait pour but de substituer partiellement le tourteau de soja par le tourteau de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis  Ă  7 % dans l’alimentation des poules pondeuses. Au cours de cette Ă©tude, un Ă©chantillon de 60 poules pondeuses avait Ă©tĂ© rĂ©parti en deux  lots ; le tourteau de Dacryodes edulis a Ă©tĂ© incorporĂ© Ă  7 % dans le premier lot  et le second groupe a servi de tĂ©moin. Les deux groupes ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s sur des paramètres zootechniques et Ă©conomiques. Le  traitement a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement  (p< 0,05), l’efficacitĂ© alimentaire (4,03 contre 3,11) quoi qu’on ait observĂ© une baisse de la consommation volontaire d’aliment et d’eau respectivement de 16,7 % et 17,4%.  De mĂŞme, l’incorporation du tourteau de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis Ă  7% a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement la ponte, en l’occurrence le nombre moyen d’œufs pondus par poule  (43,12 contre 46,62), le poids moyen de l’œuf (54,41 g contre 56,48 g), le taux de ponte au pic de ponte, (71,42% contre 74,30%)  et la production des Ĺ“ufs commercialisables  (744 Ĺ“ufs contre 876 Ĺ“ufs). Sur le plan Ă©conomique, le traitement a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement  le coĂ»t de revient  du kg d’aliment  (299, 82 FCFA contre 275,95 FCFA), le  prix de production de l’œuf  (95,17 FCFA contre 68,10 FCFA). L'hypothèse formulĂ©e au dĂ©but de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© vĂ©rifiĂ©e. L’incorporation du tourteau de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis dans l’alimentation des poules pondeuses est une alternative en aviculture fermière. Cette Ă©tude ouvre des perspectives intĂ©ressantes   en arboriculture fruitière et en aviculture fermière  au Congo.   Substitution of soybean or meal cake with local inputs is often proposed as an alternative to improving poultry productivity. To test this hypothesis, Dacryodes edulis cake were tested in 24-week-old laying hens. The aim of the study was to partially replace soybean cake with Dacryodes edulis pulp residues at 7% in the diet of laying hens. During this study, a sample of 60 laying hens was divided into two groups; Dacryodes edulis cake was incorporated at 7% in the first batch and the second group served as a control. The two groups were compared on zootechnical and economic parameters. The treatment significantly (p<0.05) improved feed efficiency (4.03 versus 3.11), although a drop in voluntary food and water consumption of 16.7 was observed respectively. % and 17.4%. Likewise, the incorporation of Dacryodes edulis pulp cake at 7% significantly improved laying, in this case, the average number of eggs laid per hen (43.12 versus 46.62), the average weight of the egg (54.41 g versus 56.48 g), the laying rate at peak laying (71.42% versus 74.30%) and the production of marketable eggs (744 eggs versus 876 eggs). Concerning the economic level, the treatment significantly improved the cost per kg of food (299.82 FCFA vs  275.95 FCFA), and the production price of the egg (95.17 FCFA vs 68.10 FCFA). The hypothesis formulated at the beginning of this study was verified. Incorporating residues of Dacryodes edulis seeds or cake into the feed of laying hens is an alternative in free-range poultry farming. This study points to interesting perspectives on fruit cultivation and poultry farming in Congo

    A candidate gene-based association study of introgressed pod shatter resistance in Brassica napus

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    267-276Yield losses at maturity due to unsynchronized pod shattering remain a major rapeseed breeding challenge. Variation for shatter resistance in the germplasm collections is inadequate for breeding manipulations. We have recently transferred resistance to pod shattering from Brassica carinata to Brassica napus. Introgression lines (ILs) were phenotyped for shatter resistance using the pendulum machine. Introgressive breeding was successful in enhancing rupture energy in the ILs, which varied from 1.8 to 7.2 milli Joules (mJ) for Environment 1 (E1) and 2.7 to 6.5 mJ for E2 while the corresponding values for natural B. napus ranged from 2.2-3.5 mJ (E1) and 2.2-4.3 mJ (E2), respectively. B. carinata had average rupture energy of 6.3 mJ (pooled over environments). On the basis of data averaged over two environments, I2 (6.3 mJ), I3 (5.2 mJ), I8 (5.6 mJ), I22 (5.1 mJ), I32 (5.2 mJ) and I41 (5.2 mJ) appeared very promising as germplasm resources for future breeding. Significant marker trait association between candidate gene NAC NAM (no apical meristem, Petunia), ATAF1/2 (Arabidopsis thaliana activating factor) and CUC2 (cup-shaped cotyledon, Arabidopsis) and rupture energy explained 19% of variation for the trait. IND3 (indehescent 3) also appeared to be associated with rupture energy under E1. These polymorphisms serve as encouraging candidates for developing molecular markers useful in marker-assisted deployment of introgressed shatter resistance

    A candidate gene-based association study of introgressed pod shatter resistance in Brassica napus

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    Yield losses at maturity due to unsynchronized pod shattering remain a major rapeseed  breeding challenge. Variation for shatter resistance  in the germplasm collections is  inadequate for breeding manipulations. We have recently transferred resistance to pod shattering from Brassica carinata to Brassica napus. Introgression lines (ILs) were phenotyped for shatter resistance using the pendulum machine. Introgressive breeding was successful in enhancing rupture energy in the ILs, which varied from 1.8 to 7.2 mJ for E1 and 2.7 to 6.5 mJ for E2 while the corresponding values for natural B. napus ranged from 2.2 - 3.5 mJ (E1) and 2.2 - 4.3 mJ (E2) respectively. B. carinata had an average rupture energy of 6.3 mJ (pooled over environments).  On the basis of data averaged over two environments, I2 (6.3 mJ), I3 (5.2 mJ), I8 (5.6 mJ), I22 (5.1 mJ), I32 (5.2 mJ) and I41 (5.2 mJ) appeared very promising as germplasm resources for future breeding. Significant marker trait association between candidate gene NAC and rupture energy explained 19% of variation for the trait. NDEH 3 also appeared to be associated with rupture energy under E1. These polymorphisms represent promising candidates for the development of molecular markers for marker-assisted deployment of introgressed shatter resistance

    A case of bronchogenic adenocarcinoma in a guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)

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    A spontaneous case of bronchogenic adenocarcinoma in an adult female albino guinea pig characterized by presence of proliferative neoplastic bronchial epithelial cells forming nests, and vacuolation in the liver parenchyma, is reported

    Effet de la Substitution Partielle du Tourteau de Glycine max (L.) Merr (Soja) par le Tourteau de la Pulpe de Dacryodes edulis (Safou) H.J. Lam. (1932) dans l’Alimentation des Poules Pondeuses au Congo-Brazzaville

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    La substitution des rĂ©sidus de graines de soja ou tourteau par des intrants locaux est  souvent proposĂ©e comme une alternative dans l’amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© avicole. Pour tester cette hypothèse, les rĂ©sidus de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis a Ă©tĂ© expĂ©rimentĂ© chez des poules pondeuses âgĂ©es de 24 semaines. L’étude avait pour but de substituer partiellement les rĂ©sidus de soja par les rĂ©sidus de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis  Ă  7 % dans l’alimentation des poules pondeuses. Au cours de cette Ă©tude, un Ă©chantillon de 60 poules pondeuses avait Ă©tĂ© rĂ©parti en deux  lots ; les rĂ©sidus de Dacryodes edulis a Ă©tĂ© incorporĂ© Ă  7 % dans le premier lot  et le second groupe a servi de tĂ©moin. Les deux groupes ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s sur des paramètres zootechniques et Ă©conomiques. Le  traitement a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement  (p< 0,05), l’efficacitĂ© alimentaire (4,03 contre 3,11) quoi qu’on ait observĂ© une baisse de la consommation volontaire d’aliment et d’eau respectivement de 16,7 % et 17,4%.  De mĂŞme, l’incorporation des rĂ©sidus de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis Ă  7% a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement la ponte, en l’occurrence le nombre moyen d’œufs pondus par poule  (43,12 contre 46,62), le poids moyen de l’œuf (54,41 g contre 56,48 g), le taux de ponte au pic de ponte, (71,42% contre 74,30%)  et la production des Ĺ“ufs commercialisables  (744 Ĺ“ufs contre 876 Ĺ“ufs). Sur le plan Ă©conomique, le traitement a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement  le coĂ»t de revient  du kg d’aliment  (299, 82 FCFA contre 275,95 FCFA), le  prix de production de l’œuf  (95,17 FCFA contre 68,10 FCFA). L'hypothèse formulĂ©e au dĂ©but de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© vĂ©rifiĂ©e. L’incorporation des rĂ©sidus des graines ou tourteau de Dacryodes edulis dans l’alimentation des poules pondeuses est une alternative en aviculture fermière. Cette Ă©tude ouvre des perspectives intĂ©ressantes   en arboriculture fruitière et en aviculture fermière  au Congo.   Substitution of soybean or meal residue with local inputs is often proposed as an alternative in improving poultry productivity. To test this hypothesis, Dacryodes edulis residues were tested in 24-week-old laying hens. The aim of the study was to partially replace soybean residues with Dacryodes edulis pulp residues at 7% in the diet of laying hens. During this study, a sample of 60 laying hens was divided into two groups; Dacryodes edulis residues were incorporated at 7% in the first batch and the second group served as a control. The two groups were compared on zootechnical and economic parameters. The treatment significantly (p<0.05) improved feed efficiency (4.03 versus 3.11), although a drop in voluntary food and water consumption of 16.7 was observed respectively. % and 17.4%. Likewise, the incorporation of Dacryodes edulis pulp residues at 7% significantly improved laying, in this case the average number of eggs laid per hen (43.12 versus 46.62), the average weight of the egg (54.41 g versus 56.48 g), the laying rate at peak laying (71.42% versus 74.30%) and the production of marketable eggs (744 eggs versus 876 eggs). Concerning the economic level, the treatment significantly improved the cost  per kg of food (299.82 FCFA vs  275.95 FCFA), the production price of the egg (95.17 FCFA vs 68.10 FCFA) . The hypothesis formulated at the beginning of this study was verified. Incorporating residues of Dacryodes edulis seeds or cake into the feed of laying hens is an alternative in free-range poultry farming. This study points interesting perspectives in fruit cultivation  and oultry farming in Congo

    Effet de la Substitution Partielle du Tourteau de Glycine max (L.) Merr (Soja) par le Tourteau de la Pulpe de Dacryodes edulis (Safou) H.J. Lam. (1932) dans l’Alimentation des Poules Pondeuses au Congo-Brazzaville

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    La substitution des rĂ©sidus de graines de soja ou tourteau par des intrants locaux est  souvent proposĂ©e comme une alternative dans l’amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© avicole. Pour tester cette hypothèse, les rĂ©sidus de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis a Ă©tĂ© expĂ©rimentĂ© chez des poules pondeuses âgĂ©es de 24 semaines. L’étude avait pour but de substituer partiellement les rĂ©sidus de soja par les rĂ©sidus de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis  Ă  7 % dans l’alimentation des poules pondeuses. Au cours de cette Ă©tude, un Ă©chantillon de 60 poules pondeuses avait Ă©tĂ© rĂ©parti en deux  lots ; les rĂ©sidus de Dacryodes edulis a Ă©tĂ© incorporĂ© Ă  7 % dans le premier lot  et le second groupe a servi de tĂ©moin. Les deux groupes ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s sur des paramètres zootechniques et Ă©conomiques. Le  traitement a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement  (p< 0,05), l’efficacitĂ© alimentaire (4,03 contre 3,11) quoi qu’on ait observĂ© une baisse de la consommation volontaire d’aliment et d’eau respectivement de 16,7 % et 17,4%.  De mĂŞme, l’incorporation des rĂ©sidus de la pulpe de Dacryodes edulis Ă  7% a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement la ponte, en l’occurrence le nombre moyen d’œufs pondus par poule  (43,12 contre 46,62), le poids moyen de l’œuf (54,41 g contre 56,48 g), le taux de ponte au pic de ponte, (71,42% contre 74,30%)  et la production des Ĺ“ufs commercialisables  (744 Ĺ“ufs contre 876 Ĺ“ufs). Sur le plan Ă©conomique, le traitement a amĂ©liorĂ© significativement  le coĂ»t de revient  du kg d’aliment  (299, 82 FCFA contre 275,95 FCFA), le  prix de production de l’œuf  (95,17 FCFA contre 68,10 FCFA). L'hypothèse formulĂ©e au dĂ©but de cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© vĂ©rifiĂ©e. L’incorporation des rĂ©sidus des graines ou tourteau de Dacryodes edulis dans l’alimentation des poules pondeuses est une alternative en aviculture fermière. Cette Ă©tude ouvre des perspectives intĂ©ressantes   en arboriculture fruitière et en aviculture fermière  au Congo.   Substitution of soybean or meal residue with local inputs is often proposed as an alternative in improving poultry productivity. To test this hypothesis, Dacryodes edulis residues were tested in 24-week-old laying hens. The aim of the study was to partially replace soybean residues with Dacryodes edulis pulp residues at 7% in the diet of laying hens. During this study, a sample of 60 laying hens was divided into two groups; Dacryodes edulis residues were incorporated at 7% in the first batch and the second group served as a control. The two groups were compared on zootechnical and economic parameters. The treatment significantly (p<0.05) improved feed efficiency (4.03 versus 3.11), although a drop in voluntary food and water consumption of 16.7 was observed respectively. % and 17.4%. Likewise, the incorporation of Dacryodes edulis pulp residues at 7% significantly improved laying, in this case the average number of eggs laid per hen (43.12 versus 46.62), the average weight of the egg (54.41 g versus 56.48 g), the laying rate at peak laying (71.42% versus 74.30%) and the production of marketable eggs (744 eggs versus 876 eggs). Concerning the economic level, the treatment significantly improved the cost  per kg of food (299.82 FCFA vs  275.95 FCFA), the production price of the egg (95.17 FCFA vs 68.10 FCFA) . The hypothesis formulated at the beginning of this study was verified. Incorporating residues of Dacryodes edulis seeds or cake into the feed of laying hens is an alternative in free-range poultry farming. This study points interesting perspectives in fruit cultivation  and oultry farming in Congo

    Incorporation of a Non-Conventional Liana Tetracapidium Conophorum Seed Oil Cake in Based - Diets of Indigenous Batéké Chicks Raised in Close Confinement in Congo

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    The indigenous BatĂ©kĂ© hen (Gallus gallus) has low productivity due to various constraints such as feeding sources. The aim of this study was to improve the productivity of the local hen using a new local protein source: Tetracarpidium conophorum meal. Ninety-six chicks 21-day old from the local population were randomized into 3 groups of 32 birds each (TC0, TC4 and TC6), with one replicate. Tetracarpidium conophorum meal was incorporated into groupsTC4 (4% Tcconophorum oil cake and 11% soya oil cake), TC6 (6% T.conophorum oil cake and 9% soya oil cake) whereas TC0   served as a control group (0% T.conophorum meal and 15% soya oilcake). The experiment started at 3 weeks and lasted at 20 weeks of age. Chickens were fed ad libithum and had free access to drinkers. The treatment decreased mortality rate (3.12 % versus 9.3), On the other hand the treatment improves significantly (p Ë‚ 0.05).  feed intake (56.8 vs 60.1g per day), feed conversion (6.5 vs 5.7), and carcass yield (65.8 % vs 71.3 %). The final body weight at 20 weeks of age was low in all groups (1.200g versus 1300g) at 4% of incorporation of T. conophorum meal. Meat yield. This study indicated to incorporate T.conophorum oil cake at 4% and reducing soya oil cake  from 15% to 11%) in  a small scale poultry farming in Congo
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