810 research outputs found

    Classical resolution of singularities in dilaton cosmologies

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    For models of dilaton-gravity with a possible exponential potential, such as the tensor-scalar sector of IIA supergravity, we show how cosmological solutions correspond to trajectories in a 2D Milne space (parametrized by the dilaton and the scale factor). Cosmological singularities correspond to points at which a trajectory meets the Milne horizon, but the trajectories can be smoothly continued through the horizon to an instanton solution of the Euclidean theory. We find some exact cosmology/instanton solutions that lift to black holes in one higher dimension. For one such solution, the singularities of a big crunch to big bang transition mediated by an instanton phase lift to the black hole and cosmological horizons of de Sitter Schwarzschild spacetimes.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Reduction of Coxiella burnetii prevalence by vaccination of goats and sheep, the Netherlands

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    Recently, the number of human Q fever cases in the Netherlands increased dramatically. In response to this increase, dairy goats and dairy sheep were vaccinated against Coxiella burnetii. All pregnant dairy goats and dairy sheep in herds positive for Q fever were culled. We identified the effect of vaccination on bacterial shedding by small ruminants. On the day of culling, samples of uterine fluid, vaginal mucus, and milk were obtained from 957 pregnant animals in 13 herds. Prevalence and bacterial load were reduced in vaccinated animals compared with unvaccinated animals. These effects were most pronounced in animals during their first pregnancy. Results indicate that vaccination may reduce bacterial load in the environment and human exposure to C. burnetii

    Cosmological D-instantons and Cyclic Universes

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    For models of gravity coupled to hyperbolic sigma models, such as the metric-scalar sector of IIB supergravity, we show how smooth trajectories in the `augmented target space' connect FLRW cosmologies to non-extremal D-instantons through a cosmological singularity. In particular, we find closed cyclic universes that undergo an endless sequence of big-bang to big-crunch cycles separated by instanton `phases'. We also find `big-bounce' universes in which a collapsing closed universe bounces off its cosmological singularity to become an open expanding universe.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. v2: minor change

    Dilaton Domain Walls and Dynamical Systems

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    Domain wall solutions of dd-dimensional gravity coupled to a dilaton field σ\sigma with an exponential potential Λeλσ\Lambda e^{-\lambda\sigma} are shown to be governed by an autonomous dynamical system, with a transcritical bifurcation as a function of the parameter λ\lambda when Λ<0\Lambda<0. All phase-plane trajectories are found exactly for λ=0\lambda=0, including separatrices corresponding to walls that interpolate between adSdadS_d and adS_{d-1} \times\bR, and the exact solution is found for d=3d=3. Janus-type solutions are interpreted as marginal bound states of these ``separatrix walls''. All flat domain wall solutions, which are given exactly for any λ\lambda, are shown to be supersymmetric for some superpotential WW, determined by the solution.Comment: 30 pp, 11 figs, significant revision of original. Minor additional corrections in version to appear in journa

    Overleving van Coxiella burnetii in geitenmest : eindrapportage

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    De afname van het aantal bacteriën in geitenmest is bestudeerd onder omstandigheden, zoals die zich in opgeslagen geitenmest voordoen. De afname van het aantal bacteriën bij verschillende temperaturen wordt weergegeven door middel van de decimale reductietijd (DRT of Dwaarde). De DRT is de tijd die nodig is om het aantal bacteriën met een factor 10 te laten afnemen bij een bepaalde temperatuur. In dit onderzoek is de DRT voor C. burnetii in geitenpotstalmest bij verschillende temperaturen bepaald

    Спосіб фіксації гістологічних блоків для виготовлення багатоплощинних зрізів мозочка

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    В статье описывается способ фиксации гистологических блоков для изготовления многоплоскостных срезов мозжечка, который можно также использовать для гистологического изучения других тканей. Дано подробное описание способа. Обоснованы преимущества его применения. Приведены графические изображения.In article the fixation mode of histological block for preparation of multiplane sections of cerebellum is described. The positive characteristics are well-grounded

    Non-propagating degrees of freedom in supergravity and very extended G_2

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    Recently a correspondence between non-propagating degrees of freedom in maximal supergravity and the very extended algebra E_11 has been found. We perform a similar analysis for a supergravity theory with eight supercharges and very extended G_2. In particular, in the context of d=5 minimal supergravity, we study whether supersymmetry can be realised on higher-rank tensors with no propagating degrees of freedom. We find that in this case the very extended algebra fails to capture these possibilities.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. v2: transformation properties of higher-rank tensors under SU(2) R-symmetry analysed and refs added. v3: improved discussion, published versio