19 research outputs found

    Extension and approximation of mm-subharmonic functions

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    Let ΩCn\Omega\subset \mathbb C^n be a bounded domain, and let ff be a real-valued function defined on the whole topological boundary Ω\partial \Omega. The aim of this paper is to find a characterization of the functions ff which can be extended to the inside to a mm-subharmonic function under suitable assumptions on Ω\Omega. We shall do so by using a function algebraic approach with focus on mm-subharmonic functions defined on compact sets. We end this note with some remarks on approximation of mm-subharmonic functions

    Weighted pluricomplex energy

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    We study the complex Monge-Ampre operator on the classes of finite pluricomplex energy Eχ(Ω)\mathcal{E}_\chi (\Omega) in the general case (χ(0)=0\chi(0)=0 i.e. the total Monge-Ampre mass may be infinite). We establish an interpretation of these classes in terms of the speed of decrease of the capacity of sublevel sets and give a complete description of the range of the operator (ddc)n(dd^c \cdot)^n on the classes Eχ(Ω).\mathcal{E}\chi(\Omega).Comment: Contrary to what we claimed in the previous version, in Theorem 5.1 we generalize some Theorem of Urban Cegrell but we do not give a new proof. To appear in Potenial Analysi

    Partial pluricomplex energy and integrability exponents of plurisubharmonic functions

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    We give a sufficient condition on the Monge-Amp\`ere mass of a plurisubharmonic function uu for exp(2u)\exp (- 2 u) to be locally integrable. This gives a pluripotential theoretic proof of a theorem by J-P. Demailly.Comment: extended version with new results and more application

    On the Błocki–Zwonek conjectures and beyond

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