239 research outputs found

    Analysis of Energy Relations between Noise and Vibration Produced by a Low-Field MRI Device

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tomography is often used for noninvasive scanning of various parts of a human body without undesirable effects present in X-ray computed tomography. In MRI devices, slices of a tested subject are selected in 3D coordinates by a system of gradient coils. The current flowing through these coils changes rapidly, which results in mechanical vibration. This vibration is significant also in the equipment working with a low magnetic field, and it causes image blurring of thin layer samples and acoustic noise significantly degrading a speech signal recorded simultaneously during MR scanning of the vocal tract. There are always negative physiological and psychological effects on a person exposed to vibration and acoustic noise. In order to minimize these negative impacts depending on intensity and time duration of exposition, we mapped relationship between energy of vibration and noise signals measured in the MRI scanning area and its vicinity

    Analysis of Acoustic Noise and its Suppression in Speech Recorded During Scanning in the Open-Air MRI

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    The paper focuses on describing three methods of noise reduction in the speech signal recorded in an open-air magnetic resonance imager (MRI) working in a weak magnetic field during human phonation for the vocal tract modelling. This paper also analyses and compares spectral properties of the acoustic noise produced by mechanical vibration of the MRI device gradient coils. Then, the experiment with mapping of noise sound pressure level (SPL) in the MRI neighbourhood is described. The changes in acoustic noise spectral properties caused by loading of the holder of the lower gradient coils by the weight of the examined person lying in the scanning area of the MRI device is evaluated too. The influence of setting of the basic scan parameters of the used MR sequence (TR and TE times) on the spectral properties of the generated acoustic noise is also analysed. The results achieved are used to create a database of initial MR scan parameters such as the filter bank for noise signal pre-processing and to design a correction filter for noise suppression in the speech signal recorded simultaneously with three-dimensional (3D) human vocal tract scanning

    Regional differentiation of gender patterns

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    Regionální diferenciace genderových charakteristik Abstrakt V dnešní době je pohled na genderovou problematiku ze všech úhlů velmi aktuální, přičemž pohled na ní v regionálním pohledu je prozatím ojedinělý. Předkládaná práce se zabývá regionální diferenciací genderových charakteristik. Cílem práce je zachytit na vybraných ukazatelích největší rozdíly mezi muži a ženami v regionálním pohledu. Regionální pohled zde realizujeme do úrovně okresů, ve kterých se sledují vybrané charakteristiky genderu. Jako vhodnou datovou základnou pro sledování jsou vybrány výsledky z cenzů, setříděných dle trvalého bydliště. Práce je zaměřena na studium vzorců generových charakteristik a jejich změn mezi posledními dvěma cenzy, které na našem území proběhly a to SLDB 2001 a SLDB 2011. Nejprve jsou všechny ukazatele představeny za celé území ČR. Následně jsou analyzovány změny úrovně zvolených charakteristik mezi jednotlivými cenzy a poté i jejich strukturální transformace. Dále se práce věnuje již podrobněji regionálnímu pohledu. V poslední části je pozornost zaměřena na vytvoření typologie okresů v ČR dle nejvýznamnějších charakteristik. Klíčová slova: gender, region, okres, muž, žena, diferenciace, SLDBRegional differentiation of gender patterns Abstract It is common nowadays to view the problem of gender from all angles, but until now it has not been considered from a regional point of view. This dissertation focuses on the regional differentiation of gender patterns. The object of this dissertation is to show the biggest diferences between men and women from a regional standpoint by the use of selected indicators. This entails considering the selected gender patterns in distinct districts. As a suitable data basis for this survey results from the last two censuses were chosen, the criterion being permanent residence in an area. The dissertation focused on study of patterns of gender characteristics and their changes between the last two censuses, which took place in the Czech Republic, SLDB 2001 and SLDB 2011. In the first part the indicators are presented for the whole of the Czech Republic. Then follows an analysis of changes in the levels of the chosen patterns between individual censuses and then their structural transformation. Then the dissertation looks at the regional view in more detail. The last part focuses on the creation of district typology in the Czech Republic according to the most important patterns. Keywords: gender, region, district, man, woman, differentiation, SLDBDepartment of Demography and GeodemographyKatedra demografie a geodemografieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Giallo: hybridity and disorientation

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    Práce si klade za cíl vymezit a posléze analyzovat proud giallo, tj. skupinu celovečerních hraných filmů, které byly produkovány v Itálii od šedesátých let a dále v sedmdesátých letech. Zamýšlím kriticky zhodnotit dosavadní výzkum o uvedeném proudu, neboť soudím, že dostatečně nepřihlížel k rozmanitosti relevantních kontextů (diváctvo, sociálně-kritický kontext snímků, jeho literární a komiksové kořeny, žánrová hybridita v italské filmové produkci). Dále za pomoci nástrojů, které poskytuje neoformalistická analýza, budu ve třech příkladových giallo filmech rozebírat jejich formální prvky. Cílem analytické části je potvrdit hypotézu, že hlavní dominantou gialla, která je společná pro fabulaci-naraci-styl-percepci, je princip dezorientace.My work is aiming to determine and later to anlyse the giallo filone, i.e. a group of movies produced in Italy from 60's to 70's. I would like to critically assess up to date research of the afore mentioned filone because in my opinion it has not reflected enough a variety of relevant contexts (e.g. its audience, its roots, social-critical movie context, its literary and comic book roots, genre hybridity in Italian film productions). Furthermore I will look for principals constructions of these movies and I will try to reveal creative techniques causing plot disorientation to a spectator, and finally I will define and confirm a dominant, which is a common for fabula, narration, style and perception. The main dominant of the giallo structuring all of the formal elements is the principle of disorientation.Katedra filmových studiíFilm Studies DepartmentFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    The specifics of interpretation and application of the European union competition law in relation to patents: limitation of patent rights by the "essential facility doctrine" in the U.S. antitrust and E.U. competition law

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    The relationship between competition law and intellectual property (IP) rights is often viewed as adversarial. Competition law strives to maintain effective competition as a way of achieving effective allocation of resources and thereby contributing to consumer welfare. IP rights, on the other hand, provide the IP holder with a legal monopoly for a limited period of time, which shield the IP holder from competition. Although the ultimate goal of competition law and IP rights is to contribute to consumer welfare, the methods used to achieve this goal - creating a monopoly on the one hand and maintaining competition on the other hand - seem to be in conflict. This thesis examines the interaction between competition law and patent rights. In particular, it considers whether patent rights can be restricted by the "essential facility doctrine", both under US antitrust law and EU competition law. The essential facility doctrine (EFD) was developed in US jurisprudence as a type of monopolization claim under Section 2 of the Sherman Act. The doctrine has four elements: (1) control of an essential facility by a monopolist, (2) a competitor's inability to practically or economically duplicate the facility, (3) denial of use of the facility to the competitor, and (4) feasibility of providing access to the..

    Voice transformation in MS SAPI 5 TTS engine with cepstral description

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    The report describes non-linear frequency scale mapping used for voice conversion in the Czech and Slovak TTS system with diphone inventory and synthesis based on the cepstral and harmonic speech model