30 research outputs found

    Preparation of construction production of metal sheet for means of transport

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    The design of sheet metal parts, pressed, used in the automotive industry is very complicated. Many factors influence the final shape of the part. Contemporary designer does not need to have the knowledge needed to understand the essence of its all requirements that are placed on parts of the body. It is only important that they are aware of their existence and know who in the company can help them in their fulfilment of the construction. Nowadays, only the constructor creates a CAD model geometry, which is assumed to provide the functionality. The rest of the aspects such as the provision of adequate stiffness, manufacturability, assembly features, vibration analysis, etc., are the arena of other specialists. This is the essence of constructing simultaneous, where many cell companies often work on the same element, giving it a set of features impossible to obtain by one expert on everything. Therefore, the role of the designer is often limited to being only a CAD system operator

    Structural studies of prokaryotic glycoside hydrolase from GH30 and GH35 family

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    Lizosomalne choroby spichrzeniowe, spowodowane są defektem enzymów lizosomalnych, np. kwaśnej β glukocerebrozydazy (GH30) w chorobie Gauchera oraz β-galaktozydazy (GH35) w GM1-gangliozydozie.Jednym ze sposobów leczenia tych chorób jest terapia farmakologicznymi chaperonami (PCT). Nowe związki będące kandydatami do PCT muszą być testowane w laboratoriach. Najlepiej badać je z wykorzystaniem enzymów ludzkich, jednak ich produkcja jest zwykle kosztowna i skomplikowana.Celem pracy była optymalizacja warunków ekspresji, oczyszczania i krystalizacji, a także poznanie funkcji fizjologicznej białek prokariotycznych, które w warunkach laboratoryjnych mogą zastąpić białka ludzkie, tj: białka GH30 z Bacteroides fragilis (Bf) oraz białka GH35 z Caulobacter crescentus (Cc).Opracowane zostały warunki ekspresji, oczyszczania i krystalizacji białka Bf. Otrzymano nową formę krystaliczną Bf (I222), zawierającą trzy łańcuchy białkowe w jednostce asymetrycznej. Wyznaczone struktury wskazują na znaczne podobieństwo Bf do ludzkiej β glukocerebrozydazy, nie wykazuje ono jednak aktywności enzymatycznej względem typowych substratów. Podjęte próby optymalizacji ekspresji oraz oczyszczania wykazały, że nie możliwa jest produkcja białka Cc w bakteriach E.coli, co dyskwalifikuje je jako laboratoryjny model ludzkiego enzymu.Lysosomal storage diseases are caused by a defect of the lysosomal enzymes. e.g β-glucocerebrosidase (GH30) in Gaucher disease and β-galactosidase (GH35) in GM1-gangliosidosis. The pharmacological chaperone therapy (PCT) can be used in the treatment of such diseases. New compounds that are candidates for the PCT need to be tested in laboratories. The tests should be performed with the use of human enzymes, however, their production is usually expensive and complicated.The aim of this study was to optimize conditions of the expression, purification and crystallization conditions and searching for the biological function of GH30 protein from Bacteroides fragilis (Bf) and GH35 protein from Caulobacter crescentus (Cc). These proteins in laboratory could replace human enzymes. Expression, purification and crystallization conditions of Bf protein have been optimized. A new crystalline form of Bf (I222), containing three protein chains in the asymmetric unit, has been obtained. The determined structure confirmed that Bf protein has significant similarity to the human β-glucocerebrosidase but does not exhibit enzymatic activity for typical glucosidase substrates. Attempts to optimize expression and purification of Cc were unsuccessful and showed it is impossible to produce Cc protein in the E. coli, and such observation eliminates it as a laboratory model of the human enzyme


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    The design of sheet metal parts, pressed, used in the automotive industry is very complicated. Many factors influence the final shape of the part. Contemporary designer does not need to have the knowledge needed to understand the essence of its all requirements that are placed on parts of the body. It is only important that they are aware of their existence and know who in the company can help them in their fulfilment of the construction. Nowadays, only the constructor creates a CAD model geometry, which is assumed to provide the functionality. The rest of the aspects such as the provision of adequate stiffness, manufacturability, assembly features, vibration analysis, etc., are the arena of other specialists. This is the essence of constructing simultaneous, where many cell companies often work on the same element, giving it a set of features impossible to obtain by one expert on everything. Therefore, the role of the designer is often limited to being only a CAD system operator

    Hydration and aggregation in aqueous xylitol solutions in the wide temperature range

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    An extensive dielectric relaxation study of aqueous xylitol solutions for solute concentration c < 3.4 M at 5, 25, 45, and 65 degrees C is presented. The spectra of solutions recorded in the wide frequency range of 0.05 <= v/GHz <= 89 can be interpreted in terms of a 5D model. Detailed analysis of the cooperative dynamics and hydration indicates that xylitol hydration is weak and all dynamically retarded H2O molecules bind to the inner OH groups of xylitol. Activation parameters for the bulk-water relaxation time, tau(3)(T), and slow-water relaxation time, tau(2)(T), were determined as well as the equilibrium constant of the self-association of xylitol molecules. Approximately four OH groups per xylitol molecule are involved in aggregate formation in aqueous xylitol solutions. The xylitol aggregation is very week and strongly perturbed by rising temperature. It is driven by the lack of separating bulk water and apparently rather larger fluctuating entities are formed. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V


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    Welding with coated electrodes is still growing method of joining metals in construction machinery. If the electrodes are properly selected and current welding can weld materials in a wide range of geometric dimensions and species. With carefully selected ingredients one can introduce additional elements to the welded material and the joint during welding. An important issue in the electric welding is a welding current selection, depending on the thickness of the electrode and material thickness. The use of too low operating current cause instability and inadequate mechanical properties of the weld, resulting from insufficient melting of the material combined. Too high operating current results in the weld metal spraying and thermal overload of the electrode. For welding samples that were used to test the strength of the electrode used ESAB OK. 46.00 a diameter of 3.2 mm. Product of the company will provide a range of welding current ranging from 80 A to 150 A. The samples were welded currents amounting to 90 A, 115 A and 150 A. Due to problems with arc ignition and its instability is not made ​​of welded samples current of 80 A

    The influence of currant mma welding on the tensile strenght of joint

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    Welding with coated electrodes is still growing method of joining metals in construction machinery. If the electrodes are properly selected and current welding can weld materials in a wide range of geometric dimensions and species. With carefully selected ingredients one can introduce additional elements to the welded material and the joint during welding. An important issue in the electric welding is a welding current selection, depending on the thickness of the electrode and material thickness. The use of too low operating current cause instability and inadequate mechanical properties of the weld, resulting from insufficient melting of the material combined. Too high operating current results in the weld metal spraying and thermal overload of the electrode. For welding samples that were used to test the strength of the electrode used ESAB OK. 46.00 a diameter of 3.2 mm. Product of the company will provide a range of welding current ranging from 80 A to 150 A. The samples were welded currents amounting to 90 A, 115 A and 150 A. Due to problems with arc ignition and its instability is not made of welded samples current of 80 A