36 research outputs found

    Determination of metaldehyde in different commercial pesticide formulations using green analytical procedure and gas chromatography flame ionization detection

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    Metaldehyde is a molluscicide allowed for use in the control of slugs and snails in agriculture and horticulture in many countries. A simple, fast, and precise gas chromatography method was developed and single-laboratory validated for determination of metaldehyde in different formulations of plant protection products. The proposed method involves extraction of active substance from samples by sonication with acetone and analysis using gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The suggested analytical procedure is accurate, precise, and repeatable. Moreover, it is environmentally friendly and useful for laboratories as it uses a no time- and no solvent-consuming reference chromatography technique for quality control of commercially available pesticide formulations. Advantages of the proposed method are consistent with the ideas of sustainable development, which are in accordance with the principles of Green Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of real samples of commercial pesticide formulations confirmed that the proposed method is fit for its purpose

    Kinetics of nitric oxide release in neonatal and mature rat brain during endotoxemia, as studied by diethyldithiocarbamate spin trapping

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    Nitric oxide belongs to the most important biochemical factors affecting functions of brain and its response to pathological processes. In the beginning of the postnatal development brain reveals a unique plasticity, which is lost during maturation. This ability may influence the response of this organ to endotoxemia, and the related generation of nitric oxide. Using ferrous-diethyldithiocarbamate (Fe(DETC)2) chelate, a lipophilic spin trap for NO detection by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy we investigated the kinetics of NO production in brain and liver during endotoxemia induced by lipopolysaccharide (E. coli, i.p. 10 mg/kg) in 6- and 30-days-old Wistar rats. The NOFe(DETC)2 complex was found to give the characteristic signal, and the amplitude of the 3-rd (high-field) component of its hyperfine splitting was used to quantify the level of NO. The neonatal brains produced NO with a delay, as compared to the mature organs, and the maximal intensity of the process was found 12 hours after LPS injection, i.e. twice as late as in the case of the mature organs. In the both groups of the animals, livers revealed similar kinetics to brains, which betrays a systemic character of the phenomenon. Nevertheless, NO generation in the untreated brain varied during the neonatal period, which was, however, not confirmed for the liver. Our results indicate a strong dependence of the dynamics of the rat brain response to LPS on the progress of the postnatal development

    Financial and organizational aspects of the functioning of primary health care during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this scientific study is to analyze selected issues related to the functioning and financing of Polish Primary Health Care units in the initial period of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The following research methods were used, the historicallegal method – selected legal acts and communiques issued by public administration bodies during the initial period of the pandemic, the dogmatic-legal method – a systematic and linguistic interpretation of legal acts, reports, and information on websites was carried out.FINDINGS: The research results allow to draw de lege ferenda conclusions regarding the improvement of organizational functioning of Primary Health Care units. These conclusions will be helpful if new infectious diseases appear in the future. Making the rules for financing Primary Health Care units more stable will enable public authorities to better prepare for potential crisis situations.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Solutions regarding the financing of healthcare services provided by Polish Primary Health Care facilities in the initial phase of the pandemic had a fundamental impact on the evolution of financing these medical entities in the subsequent stages of combating the pandemic and after its end.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The article is an original analysis of actions aimed at solving the organizational and financial problems of Primary Health Care units. The article may provide an impetus for an international discussion on the organization and financing of such health care entities.peer-reviewe

    The functioning of the Polish health care system during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the opinion of primary health care patients

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this scientific study is to analyze selected issues related to the functioning of Polish Primary Health Care units in the initial period of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The analysis focused on the access to health services provided by Primary Health Care doctors and quality of those services, as well as issues related to the so-called tele-advice. Changes introduced in this respect directly affected the provision of health services to patients in their place of residence. The surveys we conducted were aimed at identifying the problems encountered by patients of these health care units. The following research methods were used in the study: the historical-legal method – selected legal acts and communiques issued by public administration bodies during the initial period of the pandemic were analyzed; the dogmatic-legal method – a systematic and linguistic interpretation of legal acts, reports, and information on websites was carried out; the survey method – surveys conducted among patients of Primary Health Care.FINDINGS: The research results allow to draw de lege ferenda conclusions regarding the improvement of organizational functioning of Primary Health Care units. These conclusions will be helpful if new infectious diseases appear in the future. Making the rules for accessing Primary Health Care units more stable will enable public authorities to better prepare for potential crisis situations.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The conducted empirical research can be utilized by decisionmakers, individuals managing the Polish health care system, and those managing/running Primary Health Care facilities. The responses obtained from the respondents indicate the strengths and weaknesses in organizing the health care process in a non-standard situation, such as during a pandemic. With their help, it is possible to better organize the process of patient contact and treatment in a crisis situation, during so-called extraordinary states.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The article is an original analysis of patients' opinions on the access to health care services provided by Primary Health Care facilities. The results of empirical research conducted among representatives of Polish society may serve as a basis for making comparisons in this area with other countries. The article may provide an impetus for an international discussion on the scope and quality of services provided by such health care entities.peer-reviewe

    Monads of Regular Theories

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationZE WSTĘPU: Kolejny Zeszyt Naukowy jest zbiorem osiemnastu artykułów przygotowanych przez pracowników Wydziału Zarządzania i Marketingu. Publikacja obejmuj szeroki zakres tematyczny prezentowanych zagadnień, odnoszących się przede wszystkim do budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej firm, działających coraz częściej na rynkach międzynarodowych. W ustawicznie zmieniającym się otoczeniu globalnym pozostają do rozstrzygnięcia istotne problemy, związane z wyborem rynku docelowego, pozycjonowaniem produktów i ich cenowaniem, a także zarządzaniem finansami przedsiębiorstw - te ostatnie determinują realizację zadań wynikających z podjętych działań marketingowych

    Metody i obszary zarządzania

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationOpracowanie poświęcone jest charakterystyce i propozycji rozwiązania wybranych problemów zarządzania. Kilka tekstów dotyczy roli mediów (a także innych instrumentów) w marketingu. Ciekawe jest opracowanie oparte na pewnej autorskiej typologii instrumentów marketingu-mix stosowych przez przedsiębiorstwa działające na rynkach zagranicznych. Druga grupa artykułów poświęcona jest nowym formom zatrudnienia, partycypacji pracowników oraz standardów ochrony pracy, które winny być stosowane przez nasze organizacje. Zatem blok ten dotyczy zagadnień organizacji pracy. Są także artykuły prezentujące konkretne metody zarządzania, począwszy od zarządzania komunikacją, przez zarządzanie strategiczne, a na systemach zarządzania produkcją skończywszy. Niektórzy Autorzy podejmują się nie tylko prezentacji, a także przedstawiają pewne rozwiązania zagadnień dotyczących niemal wszystkich obywateli. Tu przede wszystkim należy wymienić rozważania o kształtowaniu tran sportu publicznego. Ciekawe jest także studium o możliwości wykorzystania Internetu na rynku ubezpieczeń społecznych