117 research outputs found

    Prospektive Studie zur Rolle neuropathischer Schmerzen bei orthopÀdischen Krankheitsbildern der WirbelsÀule

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    Hintergrund: Es sollte untersucht werden, inwieweit sich Schmerzprofile von Patienten mit RĂŒckenschmerzen unterschiedlicher Genese voneinander unterscheiden. Als entscheidender Parameter diente der painDetect-Bogen zur Differenzierung von nozizeptiven und neuropathischen Schmerzen.Material und Methode: Es wurden Patienten fĂŒr die Studie ausgewĂ€hlt, bei denen entweder Wirbelkörperfrakturen (WKF, Gruppe 1) oder BandscheibenvorfĂ€lle bzw. spinale Kompressionen (non-WKF, Gruppe 2) diagnostiziert waren. PrĂ€- und postoperativ wurden klinische Daten erhoben, der painDetect-Bogen, der Fragebogen zum Oswestry-Index (ODI) und ein Bogen mit VAS-Skalen ausgefĂŒllt. Die Patienten wurden entsprechend ihrer Diagnose operativ behandelt: Radiofrequenz-Kyphoplastie, Nukleotomie, Spondylodese.Ergebnisse: Gruppe 1: 62 Patienten; weibl.=89%; Durchschnittsalter 71 Jahre Gruppe 2: 77 Patienten; weibl.=55%, Durchschnittsalter 53 Jahre PrĂ€operativ bestanden keine signifikanten Unterschiede der SchmerzintensitĂ€ten (akut, maximal, durchschnittlich): Mediane der Ordinalskala von 0-10; Gruppe 1: 6,8,7; Gruppe 2: 6,9,7. Der Vergleich der Score-Endsumme im painDetect-Bogen ergab prĂ€operativ einen signifikanten Unterschied (Mediane: Gruppe 1=9, Gruppe 2=17; EffektstĂ€rke r=0.5, p=0.000). In Gruppe 1 war das Vorhandensein neuropathischer Schmerzkomponenten bei 3% der Patienten wahrscheinlich (>90%), in der Gruppe 2 bei 43% und zusĂ€tzlich bei 13% bzw. bei 30% nicht auszuschließen. Bei der Schmerzwahrnehmung zeigten sich bei den Patienten mit WKF höhere VAS-Werte (71) als in der Vergleichsgruppe (53). Die Gesamtscores des ODIs unterschieden sich nicht (56% vs. 58%). Postoperativ zeigten beide Gruppen einen deutlichen RĂŒckgang der SchmerzintensitĂ€ten. Die Score-Endsumme im painDetect-Bogen konnte auf 4 (Medianwert) in beiden Gruppen starke vermindert werden. Die medianen Scores im ODI verringerten sich in beiden Gruppen mit einer EffektstĂ€rke von 0.6. Schlussfolgerung: In Gruppe 2 lassen sich mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit in 43% neuropathische Komponenten feststellen und bei weiteren 30% als möglich annehmen. Ein Hinweis auf neuropathische Schmerzen bei Wirbelkörperfrakturen kann nur in etwa 3% festgestellt werden. Postoperativ kam es in beiden Gruppen zu einer signifikanten Besserung der Schmerzsymptomatik und FunktionalitĂ€t. Somit kann das Risiko einer Schmerzchronifizierung entscheidend gemindert werden

    Health-Enabling Technologies for Telerehabilitation of the Shoulder: A Feasibility and User Acceptance Study

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    BACKGROUND: After discharge from a rehabilitation center the continuation of therapy is necessary to secure already achieved healing progress and sustain (re-)integration into working life. To this end, home-based exercise programs are frequently prescribed. However, many patients do not perform their exercises as frequently as prescribed or even with incorrect movements. The telerehabilitation system AGT-Reha was developed to support patients with shoulder diseases during their home-based aftercare rehabilitation. OBJECTIVES: The presented pilot study AGT-Reha-P2 evaluates the technical feasibility and user acceptance of the home-based telerehabilitation system AGT-Reha. METHODS: A nonblinded, nonrandomized exploratory feasibility study was conducted over a 2-year period in patients' homes. Twelve patients completed a 3-month telerehabilitation exercise program with AGT-Reha. Primary outcome measures are the satisfying technical functionality and user acceptance assessed by technical parameters, structured interviews, and a four-dimensional questionnaire. Secondary endpoints are the medical rehabilitation success measured by the active range of motion and the shoulder function (pain and disability) assessed by employing the Neutral-0 Method and the standardized questionnaire "Shoulder Pain and Disability Index" (SPADI), respectively. To prepare an efficacy trial, various standardized questionnaires were included in the study to measure ability to work, capacity to work, and subjective prognosis of work capacity. The participants have been assessed at three measurement points: prebaseline (admission to rehabilitation center), baseline (discharge from rehabilitation center), and posttherapy. RESULTS: Six participants used the first version of AGT-Reha, while six other patients used an improved version. Despite minor technical problems, all participants successfully trained on their own with AGT-Reha at home. On average, participants trained at least once per day during their training period. Five of the 12 participants showed clinically relevant improvements of shoulder function (improved SPADI score > 11). The work-related parameters suggested a positive impact. All participants would recommend the system, ten participants would likely reuse it, and seven participants would have wanted to continue their use after 3 months. CONCLUSION: The findings show that home-based training with AGT-Reha is feasible and well accepted. Outcomes of SPADI indicate the effectiveness of aftercare with AGT-Reha. A controlled clinical trial to test this hypothesis will be conducted with a larger number of participants

    Demonstration of functional M(3)-muscarinic receptors in ventricular cardiomyocytes of adult rats

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    1. Muscarinic receptors (M-receptors) in the mammalian heart are predominantly of the M(2)-subtype. The aim of this study was to find out whether there might exist an additional myocardial non-M(2)-receptor. 2. For this purpose, we assessed, in adult rat isolated ventricular cardiomyocytes, carbachol-induced [(3)H]-inositol phosphate (IP) formation, and its inhibition by M-receptor antagonists. 3. Carbachol (10(−7)–10(−3) mol l(−1)) increased IP-formation (maximal increase: 14±3% above basal, n=6). This increase was significantly enhanced by pretreatment with pertussis toxin (PTX, 250 ng ml(−1) for 20 h): maximal increase was 31±5%, pEC(50)-value was 5.08±0.33 (n=6). 4. In PTX-pretreated cardiomyocytes 100 ÎŒmol l(−1) carbachol-induced IP-formation was inhibited by atropine (pK(i)-value: 8.89±0.10) and by the M(3)-receptor antagonist darifenacin (pK(i)-value: 8.67±0.23) but was not significantly affected by the M(1)-receptor antagonist pirenzepine (1 ÎŒmol l(−1)) or the M(2)-receptor antagonists AF-DX 116 and himbacine (1 ÎŒmol l(−1)). 5. In conclusion, in adult rat cardiomyocytes there exists an additional, non-M(2)-receptor, that is coupled to activation of the phospholipase C/IP(3)-pathway; this receptor is very likely of the M(3)-subtype

    A View from the Royal Exchange

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    EinkĂŒnfte aus Leistungen - Reichweite und Grenzen des § 22 Nr. 3 EstG

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    EinkĂŒnfte aus Leistungen - Reichweite und Grenzen des § 22 Nr. 3 EstG. - Aachen : Shaker, 2000. - XXVIII, 169 S. - (Berichte aus der Steuerlehre). - Zugl.: Augsburg, Univ., Diss., 199

    Heinrich August Meissner : Pascha und der Bau der Hedschas- und Bagdadbahn

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    Donated by Klaus KreiserReprinted from in : Die Welt als Geschichte 16, 1956

    N. Frikel

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    Benjamin Constant

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    Lord Brougham

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