73 research outputs found

    A Dictionary of Japanese Management and Business Culture

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    TARTU ÜLIKOOL TÕLKEKESKUS Kätlin Põldma A Dictionary of Japanese Management and Business Culture. Jaapani ärijuhtimise ja -kultuuri seletav sõnastik. (magistritöö) 2014 Lehekülgede arv: 137 The dictionary compiled in the framework of this MA project introduces 319 terms used in English texts in connection with Japanese management and business culture. As Japanese business culture has characteristic features and cultural nuances that need to be understood by those coming into contact with Japanese companies in the business context, this dictionary aims at explaining the cultural and linguistic aspects of relevant terms, with particular emphasis placed on the use of Japanese terms in English. The MA project comprises and introductory part, in which the main characteristics of Japanese management and business culture, the role of the Japanese language in English, the compilation process and principles of the dictionary and the problems encountered are outlined. This is followed by the dictionary, in which the terms are provided with definitions in English, example sentences and, in the case of Japanese terms, with the headword in Japanese script and an explanation of its literal meaning and structure, where relevant. The dictionary is based on various books and articles on Japanese business, glossaries found online as well as some corpora

    Intergenerational family constellations in contemporary Europe

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    Demographic research has drawn attention to the multiple ways in which changes in mortality and childbearing have produced major shifts in intergenerational family structures. The aim of this article is to contribute to this body of research by analysing the data from the Generations and Gender Surveys for nine European countries. In the study, data pertaining to the availability of ascending (parents and grandparents) and descending kin (children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren) of the respondent are combined to shed light on the family structures in which indviduals are embedded at various stages of their lives. The findings provide new insights into the ways in which the past and present diversity of demographic regimes comes together into specific patterns of intergenerational family constellations across Europe. This convergence may yield family constellations of very similar “height†in countries with sharply contrasting demographic histories. The results also indicate that certain demographic scenarios may halt or temporarily reverse the trend towards the further vertical extension of family constellations.comparative studies, Europe, intergenerational family constellations, kin networks

    First union formation in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: patterns across countries and gender

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    This article examines the transformation of first union formation in the Baltic countries between the late 1960s and early 1990s, in the context of societal and family-level gender relations. The analyses employ microdata from the European Family and Fertility Surveys program. Our results on the trends indicate that in Estonia and Latvia the shift from direct marriage to cohabitation started well before the fall of socialist regime. Event-history models provide support for a hypothesised association between union formation and gender system, with Lithuania showing more traditional features in both respect, plausibly embedded in long-standing cultural differences between the countries.Baltic countries, gender system, union formation

    Mahepõllumajanduslik köögiviljakasvatus

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    Juhendmaterjal maheköögiviljakasvatuseks väikestel pindadel

    The effect of physical activity on alertness using Day Reconstruction Method

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    Uurimuse eesmärk oli selgitada välja kehalise aktiivsuse mõju ühe päeva lõikes erksuse tasemele. Katseisikuteks oli 56 Tartu Ülikooli tudengit. Uurimuse lahendamiseks kasutati päeva rekonstrueerimise meetodit (Kahneman jt, 2004), mis kujutab endast viimase 24 tunni jagamist tegevuste alusel konkreetseteks episoodideks. Iga episoodi kohta märgiti subjektiivne hinnang enda erksuse ja kehalise aktiivsuse taseme kohta. Andmete analüüsimisel kasutati mitmetasandilist mudelit. Kehalise aktiivsuse mõju erksusele oli statistiliselt oluline (p ˂ .05, B = 0.42). Kui tegevuste alt jätta välja sporditreeningutega seotud episoodid oli seos erksusega statistiliselt oluline (p ˂ .05). Sellest saab järeldada, et inimene ei pea erksuse tõstmiseks läbi kehalise aktiivsuse valima sportlikke tegevusi, vaid saab oma päeva teadlikumalt planeerides lihtsamate vahenditega aktiivsust suurendada ja seeläbi erksust tõsta

    Tartu linna Narva maantee ringristmiku digikaksik

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    Digikaksikud võimaldavad meil füüsilisi esemeid, seadmeid, hooneid ja keskkonda tarkvaraliselt simuleerida ja selle abil arendada, ennetada probleeme ja optimeerida vastavalt vajadusele. Hetkel puudub tasuta kättesaadav digitaalne keskkond Tartu Narva maantee ringristmikust ja selle ümbrusest, mida oleks võimalik kasutada isejuhtivate sõidukite arenduseks. Töö eesmärgiks oli luua digikaksik ringristmikust mida on võimalik integreerida Gazebo simulaatoril isejuhtivate sõidukite arenduseks. Töös kasutatakse Eesti Maa-ameti aerolaserskaneerimise kõrguspunkte, et saavutada võimalikult täpne teisik. Tulemusena valmis Narva maantee ringristmikust digikaksik, mida on võimalik implementeerida Gazebo isejuhtivate sõidukite arenduseks

    Adaptatsioonid eesti lavakirjanduses Oskar Lutsu „Kevade” näitel

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    Magistritöös uuritakse proosakirjanduse draama-adaptatsioone intertekstuaalsuse käsitluste ja adaptatsiooniteooria võtmes. Esimene peatükk annab ülevaate intertekstuaalsuse teooriast, teises peatükis kirjeldatakse adaptatsioonide arengulugu eesti lavakirjanduses ja kolmandas peatükis luuakse Oskar Lutsu jutustuse "Kevade" adaptatsioonide põhjal adaptatsioonide tüpoloogia, mille aluseks on alusteksti ja adaptatsiooni omavaheline suhe. Lähemalt vaadeldakse intertekstuaalsuse ilminguid neljas „Kevade” ainetel kirjutatud näidendis – Madis Kõivu „Tali” (1995), Mati Undi „Täna õhta viskame lutsu” (1998), Toomas Suumani „Nõiutud klass” (2011) ja Urmas Lennuki „Paunvere poiste igavene kevade” (2018), eri liiki adaptatsioonide alusteksti materjali ümbervormimise analüüs lähtub „Kevade” II osa XV–XVI peatüki ehk Tootsi ja Kiire saunaepisoodi kujutamisest erinevates adaptatsioonides

    Population-related Policies in Estonia in the 20th Century: Stages and Turning Points

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    This article is about the experience of population-related policies in Estonia. During the recent decade much has been published on this theme, usually with an analysis of currently enforced regulations. Repeated amendments of legal norms and procedures, which are inevitable in a period of fundamental reforms, however, tend to limit their value quite rapidly. Against such a background, this paper applies a longer perspective with an attempt to cover the main stages and turning points in the development of population-related policies in the country since the establishment of statehood in 1918. In the interwar period, the efforts to build up a modern nation included setting up relevant institutions and regulations in the ? eld of population-related policies. These undertakings have been seldom discussed in the recent publications. Somewhat similarly, the postwar decades are frequently regarded as fairly distant and of little relevance to present challenges. To understand the developments, however, the longer view should not be neglected. Todays concerns are rooted in the arrangements and disarrangements of the past, and no less importantly, such continuity is strengthened by the nature of population development and the ? ow of cohorts which absorb the in? uences of the societal environment and carry them along through their lifetime. The article is structured in four sections focusing on the development of marriage and the family, children and fertility, the pension system and social welfare, and the health care system. In each section, the aim is to outline successive policy regimes and their main characteristics in terms of objectives and methods of regulations. Understandably, limited space does not allow coverage of minor changes and technicalities, so for more speci? c information the article provides further reference to various source materials

    Demographic Development of the Ingrian National Minority in Estonia,

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    The article focuses on the demographic development af the Ingrian minority in Estonia.In a broader framework the research underlying the article originates from acomparative study af national minority populations, coordinated by the EuropeanPopulation Committee. The article starts with a short overview af major changes inthe ethnic composition af the Estonian population, covering the implications af theSecond World War on national minorities and the emergence af aforeign-origin population.The analysis af the Ingrian minority draws on the data from the Estoniannational minority survey. Building on the life course approach and event history methodology,the survey was designed ta retrospectively reconstruct the trends in majordemographic processes and follow the continuity af minority-specific characteristicsacross three successive generations. The article discusses the size and age structureaf the Ingrian population, fertility and mortality patterns, ethnic intermarriage, languageand religious affiliation. The results emphasize that national minority populationstend ta follow distinct pathways af population development, which are different,from the patterns characteristic af the majority population as well asfrom those foundin the countries af historical origin. Also, the analysis clearly revealed long-termconsequences imposed by the loss af their homeland and their dispersal