179 research outputs found

    ρ\rho Parameter in the Vector Condensate Model of Electroweak Interactions

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    In the standard model of electroweak interactions the Higgs doublet is replaced by a doublet of vector bosons and the gauge symmetry is broken dynamically. This generates masses for the gauge bosons and fermions, as well as it fixes the interactions in the model. The model has a low momentum scale. In this note we show that the model survives the test of the ρ \rho parameter, and to each momentum scale ρ \rho chooses a possible range of vector boson masses.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figs, Te

    Resonance Production of Three Neutral Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons at LHC

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    Multiple production of Higgs particles is essential to study Higgs self-couplings at future high-energy colliders. In this paper we calculated the resonance contributions to the production of three lightest neutral supersymmetric Higgs bosons in gluon fusion at LHC. The cross sections due to trilinear Higgs couplings is sizeable but the measurement of the quartic coupling hhhH(h) seems to be impossible.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    A „Csenyéte-trilógia”. A Közgáz Vizuális Brigád filmjei

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    Testing the Vector Condensate Model of Electroweak Interactions at High Energy Hadron Colliders

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    In the vector condensate model a doublet of vector fields plays the role of the Higgs doublet of standard model and the gauge symmetry is broken dynamically. This results in a theory surviving the test of radiative corrections provided the new charged and neutral vector particles B have masses of at least several hundred GeV's. In this note we show that while at the Tevatron the heavy B-particle production is too low, at LHC the yield is large and, for instance, the inclusive cross section of B+BB^+ B^- pairs is 51.5 (15.3) fb at s=14\sqrt{s}=14 TeV, mB=400(500)m_B=400(500) GeV.Comment: 7 pages, plain latex, 2 latex figures include

    Felhívás és kihívás

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    Fermion Condensate Model of Electroweak Interactions

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    A new dynamical symmetry breaking model of electroweak interactions is proposed based on interacting fermions. Two fermions of different SU_{L}(2) representations form a symmetry breaking condensate and generate the lepton and quark masses. The weak gauge bosons get their usual standard model masses from a gauge invariant Lagrangian of a doublet scalar field composed of the new fermion fields. The new fermion fields become massive by condensation. It is shown that the new charged fermions are produced at the next linear colliders in large number. The model is a low energy one which cannot be renormalized perturbatively. For the parameters of the model unitarity constraints are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Kemokinek, kemokin receptorok expressziójának regulációja tumor sejteken = Regulation of chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in tumor cells

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    A tumor és mikrokörnyezete közötti kapcsolatban a kemokineknek és a tumor sejteken található kemokin receptoroknak mind nagyobb jelentőséget tulajdonítanak. Vizsgáltuk egy primer humán colorectális adenocarcinomából, ugyanezen beteg máj- és peritoneális metasztázisaiból létrehozott tumor sejtvonalak (Isreco-1, -2, -3), egy normál colon epitheliális sejtvonal, továbbá a cervicális carcinoma eredetű HeLa sejtek konstitutív citokin, illetve kemokin termelését, és a CXC kemokin sztromális sejt faktor-1a (SDF-1a) erre gyakorolt hatását. Míg az Isreco-1 sejtek IL-8-at, RANTES-t és IL-10-et, az Isreco-2 és Isreco-3 sejtek ennél nagyobb mennyiségű IL-8-t, RANTES-t, továbbá TGF-b1-t és IL-6-t (Isreco-3) termeltek. SDF-1a fokozta az IL-8 termelést az Isreco-1 és kis mértékben a normál colon epitheliális sejtekben. HeLa sejtekben az IL-6 termelést is serkentette. A colorectális eredetű és a HeLa sejteken kimutattuk az SDF-1a?receptorát (CXCR4), és a CCR7 gén expresszióját. HeLa sejtekben CCR10 mRNS-t is találtunk. Gátlószerek segítségével kimutattuk, hogy az SDF-1a-nak az IL-8 és IL-6 termelés serkentésében játszott szerepe nem Galfai proteinhez kötött folyamat HeLa és Isreco-1 sejtekben. Mindkét esetben a JAK3, az IL-8 esetében a JAK2 és a JNK/SAPK útvonal szerepe is felmerül. Eredményeink arra utalnak, hogy az SDF-1a fontos szerepet játszhat a CXCR4+ tumor sejtek citokin termelésének modulációjában, túlmutatva ezzel a tumor sejtek migrációjára gyakorolt ismert hatásán. | Chemokines and tumor cell chemokine receptors have been increasingly shown to be involved in the interaction between tumor cells and their local microenvironment. In order to characterize differences between tumor cells obtained from primary and metastatic human colorectal carcinoma constitutive and stromal cell-derived factor-1a (SDF-1a)-modulated cytokine/chemokine secretions were determined in culture supernatants of cell lines derived from the primary tumor (Isreco-1), liver (Isreco-2) and peritoneal metastases (Isreco-3) of the same patient. Effect of SDF-1a on tumor cell cytokine production was also studied in human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells. Our results showed that Isreco-2 and Isreco-3 cells secreted significantly higher levels of IL-8, TGF-b1, RANTES than Isreco-1 cells. In addition, Isreco-1 cells secreted IL-10, Isreco-3 cells produced IL-6. SDF-1a induced an increase in IL-8 production in Isreco-1, IL-8 and IL-6 production in HeLa cells. The SDF-1a receptor CXCR4 was found on all tumor and normal colon cells. Besides, CCR7 mRNA was detected in all cells, CCR10 mRNA in HeLa. SDF-1a enhanced IL-8 and IL-6 production in a Galphai-independent manner. Our findings indicate the involvement of JAK3 in tumor cell IL-8 and IL-6 response, and an additional role for JAK2 and JNK in IL-8 response to SDF-1a. Our findings support a regulatory role for SDF-1? in tumor cell cytokine production