22 research outputs found

    EGF regulates tyrosine phosphorylation and membrane-translocation of the scaffold protein Tks5

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    Background: Tks5/FISH is a scaffold protein comprising of five SH3 domains and one PX domain. Tks5 is a substrate of the tyrosine kinase Src and is required for the organization of podosomes/invadopodia implicated in invasion of tumor cells. Recent data have suggested that a close homologue of Tks5, Tks4, is implicated in the EGF signaling.Results: Here, we report that Tks5 is a component of the EGF signaling pathway. In EGF-treated cells, Tks5 is tyrosine phosphorylated within minutes and the level of phosphorylation is sustained for at least 2 hours. Using specific kinase inhibitors, we demonstrate that tyrosine phosphorylation of Tks5 is catalyzed by Src tyrosine kinase. We show that treatment of cells with EGF results in plasma membrane translocation of Tks5. In addition, treatment of cells with LY294002, an inhibitor of PI 3-kinase, or mutation of the PX domain reduces tyrosine phosphorylation and membrane translocation of Tks5.Conclusions: Our results identify Tks5 as a novel component of the EGF signaling pathway. © 2013 Fekete et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Lehetőségek és buktatók a SARS-CoV-2-antigén és az ellene termelt antitestek kimutatásában = Possibilities and pitfalls of virus antigen and antibody detection of SARS-CoV-2

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    Összefoglaló. A koronavírus-betegség 2019 (COVID–19)-pandémia komoly kihívás elé állította nemcsak a mikrobiológiai laboratóriumokat, hanem az eredmények interpretálásában a klinikumban dolgozó kollégákat is. Az orvostudomány specializált világában az immunológiai és a fertőző betegségekkel kapcsolatos ismeretek az antimikrobás terápiás megoldások sikeressége, valamint a széles körű vakcináció miatt az idők folyamán számos szakterületen háttérbe szorultak, felfrissítésük sürgető és elengedhetetlen része a pandémiával való megküzdésnek. A diagnosztikai vizsgálatok fontos eszközei a járvány megfékezésének, illetve a betegek ellátásának, azonban a vírus és az emberi szervezet interakciójának megértése elengedhetetlenül szükséges a korrekt epidemiológiai és gyógyászati véleményalkotáshoz. Jelen cikkünk az orvosi gyakorlat számára foglalja össze a súlyos akut légzőszervi szindrómát okozó koronavírus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) kimutatására, valamint az immunrendszer specifikus immunválaszának szerológiai vizsgálatára irányuló, gyakorlatban használatos módszereket, azok helyét, szerepét és értékelésük szempontjait a tudomány jelen állása szerint. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(15): 563–570. Summary. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic posed a serious challenge not only for microbiology laboratories, but also for the clinicians in interpretation of the results. In the specialized world of medicine, knowledge of immunological and infectious diseases has been relegated to the background in many disciplines over time due to the success of antimicrobial therapies and widespread vaccination, so updating them is an urgent and essential part of the fight against the pandemic. Diagnostic tests are important tools for controlling the epidemic and caring for patients, but understanding the interaction between the virus and the human body is essential to form a correct epidemiological and medical opinion. This paper summarizes the medical methods for the detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the serological testing of the specific immune response of the immune system, their place, role and criteria of their evaluation according to current scientific knowledge. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(15): 563–570

    Reaktív oxigén származékok szerepe a fibrózis kialakulásában = Reactive oxygen species in the development of organ fibrosis

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    Kutatásaink legfontosabb eredményei a következők: 1. Kimutattuk, hogy a peroxidazin fehérje expressziója fokozódik a miofibroblasztok differenciálódása folyamán és a fehérje szekretálódik a sejtek közötti térbe. Azt is kimutattuk, hogy a vese fibrotikus átalakulása során a peroxidazin felszaporodik a tubulus hámsejtek közötti térben. A peroxidazin sejtek közötti térbe történő szekréciója fontos, eddig ismeretlen eleme lehet a szöveti fibrózisnak. 2. Kimutattuk, hogy az emlős peroxidázok családjába tartozó laktoperoxidáz enzim hatékonyan katalizálja tirozin aminosavak összekapcsolását. Az emlős peroxidázok ditirozin-képző aktivitásának szerepe lehat a sejtek közötti állomány módosításában. 3. A NADPH oxidáz enzimcsalád Duox1 tagjáról kimutattuk, hogy szerepet játszhat a húgyhólyag hámsejtjeinek jelátviteli folyamataiban. 4. Elsőként mutattuk ki élő sejtekben, hogy az endoplazmás retikulum lumenében magas a H2O2 szintje, ami elsősorban az Ero-1L enzim aktivitásának köszönhető és független a Nox enzimek aktivitásától. 5. Genetikai modellekkel alátámasztva kimutattuk, hogy a fibroblaszt-miofibroblaszt átalakulás közben megfigyelhető H2O2 termelés a Nox4-p22phox enzimkomplex aktivitásának köszönhető. | The most important results of the research project are the followings: 1. We demonstrated the increased expression and secretion of peroxidasin during myofibroblastic differentiation. We showed that during the course of kidney fibrosis, peroxidasin accumulates in the peritubular space. The secretion of peroxidasin represents a previously unknown mechanism in tissue fibrosis. 2. We showed that lactoperoxidase, a member of the mammalian peroxidase family, efficiently catalyzes the formation of dityrosine residues. Dityrosine formation by mammalian peroxidases may play a role in the modification of the extracellular matrix. 3. We showed that the NADPH oxidase Duox1 has a role in the signaling mechanisms of urothelial cells. 4. We were the first to show in live cells that lumen of the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum is highly oxidative. The high level of H2O2 in the lumen is mainly due to Ero-1L activity and seems to be independent of Nox enzymes. 5. Using genetic models we showed that H2O2 production during myofibroblastic differentiation is due to the activity of the Nox4-p22phox enzyme complex

    Comparison of the efficacy and safety of commercially available fixed ratio combinations of insulin degludec/liraglutide (IDegLira) and insulin glargine/lixisenatide (iGlarLixi) - a network meta-analysis

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    AIMS: To compare the efficacy and safety of commercially available fixed ratio combinations (FRC) of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RA) and basal insulins by a network meta-analysis (NMA) of randomised controlled trials (RCT) of type 2 diabetes patients. METHODS: We report a systematic review and network meta-analyses of RCTs of type 2 diabetes patients randomized to FRCs or to their components for ≥24-weeks reported in PubMed or ClinicalTrials.gov until 28/FEB/2022. Primary outcome was attained HbA1c. Secondary outcomes included fasting plasma glucose, change in body weight, and incident hypoglycaemia. Treatment effects were estimated as mean differences and standard errors (MD; [SE]) or odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) using iGlarLixi as reference. RESULTS: We included 29 RCTs of the 1404 papers identified. No direct comparison between FRCs were found. After excluding some insulin capped trials to reach model consistency, both FRCs were more efficacious regarding HbA1c than their components, however no difference between FRCs were found (MD: -0.10 [SE: 0.10]%). The effect of IDegLira (-0.47 [0.24] mmol/l) and basal insulins was similar to that of iGlarLixi (ref.) on fasting glucose, while GLP-1RA had lower efficacy than iGlarLixi. Weight gain was lower with GLP-1RAs and IDegLira (-0.72 [0.32] kg) than iGlarLixi (ref.) and higher with basal insulins. Incident hypoglycemia (based on different definitions) was least frequent with GLP-1RAs followed by IDegLira (OR 0.78 95%CI 0.39-1.57), iGlarLixi (ref.) and basal insulins. CONCLUSIONS: Regarding HbA1c, both FRCs were more efficacious over their individual components with similar efficacies of the two FRCs

    Interaction between p22(phox) and Nox4 in the endoplasmic reticulum suggests a unique mechanism of NADPH oxidase complex formation.

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    The p22(phox) protein is an essential component of the phagocytic- and inner ear NADPH oxidases but its relationship to other Nox proteins is less clear. We have studied the role of p22(phox) in the TGF-beta1-stimulated H2O2 production of primary human and murine fibroblasts. TGF-beta1 induced H2O2 release of the examined cells, and the response was dependent on the expression of both Nox4 and p22(phox). Interestingly, the p22(phox) protein was present in the absence of any detectable Nox/Duox expression, and the p22(phox) level was unaffected by TGF-beta1. On the other hand, Nox4 expression was dependent on the presence of p22(phox), establishing an asymmetrical relationship between the two proteins. Nox4 and p22(phox) proteins localized to the endoplasmic reticulum and their distribution was unaffected by TGF-beta1. We used a chemically induced protein dimerization method to study the orientation of p22(phox) and Nox4 in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. This technique is based on the rapamycin-mediated heterodimerization of the mammalian FRB domain with the FK506 binding protein. The results of these experiments suggest that the enzyme complex produces H2O2 into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, indicating that Nox4 contributes to the development of the oxidative milieu within this organelle

    The Homolog of the Five SH3-Domain Protein (HOFI/SH3PXD2B) Regulates Lamellipodia Formation and Cell Spreading

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    Motility of normal and transformed cells within and across tissues requires specialized subcellular structures, e.g. membrane ruffles, lamellipodia and podosomes, which are generated by dynamic rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton. Because the formation of these sub-cellular structures is complex and relatively poorly understood, we evaluated the role of the adapter protein SH3PXD2B [HOFI, fad49, Tks4], which plays a role in the development of the eye, skeleton and adipose tissue. Surprisingly, we find that SH3PXD2B is requisite for the development of EGF-induced membrane ruffles and lamellipodia, as well as for efficient cellular attachment and spreading of HeLa cells. Furthermore, SH3PXD2B is present in a complex with the non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase Src, phosphorylated by Src, which is consistent with SH3PXD2B accumulating in Src-induced podosomes. Furthermore, SH3PXD2B closely follows the subcellular relocalization of cortactin to Src-induced podosomes, EGF-induced membrane ruffles and lamellipodia. Because SH3PXD2B also forms a complex with the C-terminal region of cortactin, we propose that SH3PXD2B is a scaffold protein that plays a key role in regulating the actin cytoskeleton via Src and cortactin

    IL28B and IL10R -1087 polymorphisms are protective for chronic genotype 1 HCV infection and predictors of response to interferon-based therapy in an East-Central European cohort.

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in IL28B and IL10R are associated with sustained virological response (SVR) in chronic hepatitis C patients treated with pegilated interferon plus ribavirin (P/R). The present study extends our earlier investigations on a large East-Central European cohort. The allele frequencies of IL28B and IL10R in genotype 1 HCV infection were compared with that of healthy controls for the purpose of examining the relationship between the polymorphisms and the SVR to P/R treatment. METHODS: A total of 748 chronic HCV1 infected patients (365 male, 383 female; 18-82 years) and 105 voluntary blood donors as controls were enrolled. Four hundred and twenty HCV patients were treated with P/R for 24-72 weeks, out of them 195 (46.4%) achieved SVR. The IL28 rs12979860 SNP was determined using Custom Taqman SNP Genotyping Assays. The IL10R -1087 (also known as IL10R -1082 (rs1800896) promoter region SNP was determined by RT-PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. RESULTS: The IL28B CC genotype occurred with lower frequency in HCV patients than in controls (26.1% vs 51.4%, p<0.001). P/R treated patients with the IL28B CC genotype achieved higher SVR rate, as compared to patients with CT (58.6% vs 40.8%, p=0.002). The prevalence of IL10R -1087 GG genotype was lower in patients than in controls (31.8 % vs 52.2%, p<0.001). Among patients achieving SVR, the IL10R -1087 GG genotype occurred with higher frequency than the AA (32.0% vs 17.4%, p=0.013). The IL28B T allele plus IL10R A allele combination was found with higher prevalence in patients than in controls (52% vs 20.7%, p<0.001). The IL28B CC plus IL10R A allele combination occurred with higher frequency among patients with SVR than in non-responders (21.3% vs 12.8%, p=0.026). Both the IL28B CC plus IL10R GG and the IL28B CC plus IL10R A allele combinations occurred with lower frequency in patients than in controls. CONCLUSIONS: In our HCV1 patients, both the IL28B CC and IL10R GG genotypes are associated with clearance of HCV. Moreover, distinct IL28B and IL10R allele combinations appear to be protective against chronic HCV1 infection and predictors of response to P/R therapy

    Personalised health education against health damage of COVID-19 epidemic in the elderly Hungarian population (PROACTIVE-19): protocol of an adaptive randomised controlled clinical trial

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    Early reports indicate that COVID-19 may require intensive care unit (ICU) admission in 5-26% and overall mortality can rise to 11% of the recognised cases, particularly affecting the elderly. There is a lack of evidence-based targeted pharmacological therapy for its prevention and treatment. We aim to compare the effects of a World Health Organization recommendation-based education and a personalised complex preventive lifestyle intervention package (based on the same WHO recommendation) on the outcomes of the COVID-19.PROACTIVE-19 is a pragmatic, randomised controlled clinical trial with adaptive "sample size re-estimation" design. Hungarian population over the age of 60 years without confirmed COVID-19 will be approached to participate in a telephone health assessment and lifestyle counselling voluntarily. Volunteers will be randomised into two groups: (A) general health education and (B) personalised health education. Participants will go through questioning and recommendation in 5 fields: (1) mental health, (2) smoking habits, (3) physical activity, (4) dietary habits, and (5) alcohol consumption. Both groups A and B will receive the same line of questioning to assess habits concerning these topics. Assessment will be done weekly during the first month, every second week in the second month, then monthly. The composite primary endpoint will include the rate of ICU admission, hospital admission (longer than 48 h), and mortality in COVID-19-positive cases. The estimated sample size is 3788 subjects per study arm. The planned duration of the follow-up is a minimum of 1 year.These interventions may boost the body's cardiovascular and pulmonary reserve capacities, leading to improved resistance against the damage caused by COVID-19. Consequently, lifestyle changes can reduce the incidence of life-threatening conditions and attenuate the detrimental effects of the pandemic seriously affecting the older population.The study has been approved by the Scientific and Research Ethics Committee of the Hungarian Medical Research Council (IV/2428- 2 /2020/EKU) and has been registered at clinicaltrials.gov ( NCT04321928 ) on 25 March 2020