412 research outputs found
Communication Time Estimation in High Level Synthesis
The high level synthesis (HLS) tools may result in a multiprocessing structure, where the time demand of the interchip data transfer (briefly the communication) between the processing units (hardware or software) is determined exactly only after the task-allocation. However, a realistic preliminary estimation of the communication time would help to shape the scheduling and the allocation procedures just for attempting to minimize the communication times in the final structure. Compared to the task-execution times of the processing units, especially significant communication times are required by the serial communication interfaces which are frequently used in microcontroller systems. This paper presents an estimation method by analysing four well-known serial communication interfaces (SPI, CAN, I2C, UART)
A test on the effectiveness and selectivity of three sampling methods frequently used in orthopterological field studies
To obtain unbiased data in entomological samplings the selectivity and effectiveness of methods should be known. Sweepnetting, direct search and dish trap, which are frequently used in orthopterology, were tested to get data on selectivity and effectiveness. Based on the number of collected individuals, sweepnetting was the most labour efficient, while the highest number of species was collected by direct search. Dish traps were most selective to ground-dwelling species. Sweepnetting and direct search were sensitive to grass-dwelling species. Our results underlines that none of the methods is universal, and a combination of sweepnetting and direct search provides the greatest benefits
Az anyag attoszekundumos dinamikája ultraintenzĂv lĂ©zerterekben optikai cikluson belĂĽlii idĹ‘beli Ă©s hullámhosszon belĂĽli, nanomĂ©teres tĂ©rbeli tartományokban = Attosecond dynamics of matter in ultra-high laser fields with sub-cycle temporal and sub-wavelength, nanometer-scale spatial resolution
BebizonyĂtottuk, hogy az elektronok intenzĂv kvantált sugárzási tĂ©rrel valĂł kölcsönhatása fotonszám-fázis minimális bizonytalanságĂş, kĂĽlönleges statisztikájĂş fotonállapotok kialakulását eredmĂ©nyezi. ElemeztĂĽk a foton-elektron összefonĂłdást, a Hanbury Brown Ă©s Twiss (HBT) tĂpusĂş korreláciĂłk extrĂ©m (attoszekundumos) fĂ©nyjelek diagnosztikájában valĂł alkalmazhatĂłságát, Ă©s általunk bevezetett „attoszekundumos sörĂ©tzaj” szerepĂ©t. A felĂĽleteken (pl. vĂ©kony fĂ©mrĂ©tegen, plazmarĂ©tegen Ă©s grafĂ©nen) lejátszĂłdĂł intenzĂv lĂ©zer-anyag kölcsönhatásoknál elemeztĂĽk az Ăşn. vivĹ‘-burkolĂł fázis szerepĂ©t kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ nemlineáris folyamatokban. KifejlesztettĂĽk az elektronok kĂ©tdimenziĂłs kinematikájának Wigner-fĂĽggvĂ©nyes leĂrását. Az ultrarövid fĂ©nyimpulzusok grafĂ©nen törtĂ©nĹ‘ szĂłrĂłdásának elemzĂ©se során általunk elĹ‘rejelzett „relativisztikus levágás” optikai nĂ©gyszögimpulzusok generálását teheti lehetĹ‘vĂ©. KĂsĂ©rletileg Ă©szleltĂĽk Ă©s elmĂ©letileg Ă©rtelmeztĂĽk felĂĽleti plazmonok tĂ©rerĹ‘sĂtĂ©sĂ©t, s az evaneszcens terek nemlineáris optikai hatásait (felharmonikus-keltĂ©s, sokfotonos elektron emissziĂł Ă©s gyorsĂtás), Ă©s demonstráltuk, hogy az elektronok 2-3 femtoszekundumos csomagokban hagyják el a fĂ©mfelĂĽletet, az intenzitás-bulkolĂłt követve. A plasmon-bomláskor (kollektĂv fĂ©kezĂ©si sugárzásakor) keletkezĹ‘ ultrarövid fĂ©nyjelek nemklasszikus HBT-korreláciĂłját, Ă©s a fotoncsomĂłsodásbĂłl a ritkulásba valĂł átmenetet elsĹ‘kĂ©nt mutattuk ki Ă©s Ă©rtelmeztĂĽk az általunk kidolgozott elmĂ©let alapján. | We analysed entanglement in the interaction of electrons with a strong quantized radiation field, which leads to the generation of number-phase minimum uncertainty states. On the basis of these results we introduced the concept of ""attosecond shot-noise"" and shown how the Hanbury Brown and Twiss (HBT) type correlations can be used for probing extreme light signals. We developed the Wigner function description of the kinematics of electrons in two-dimensional geometry. We studied in details the role of carrier-envelope phase difference effects in strong field laser- matter interactions at surfaces (thin metal or plasma layers and graphene). We predicted the new phenomena of ""relativistic clipping"" appearing in the scattering of ultrasort pulses on graphene, which may lead to rectangular optical pulses. We have observed experimentally and described theoretically that in surface plasmon enhanced evanescent electric fields, strong-field optics effects exist (high-harmonic generation, nonlinear electron emission and acceleration). These are characteristic for surface plasmon physics, they otherwise occur only in fields, higher than those produced by our exciting laser. We demonstrated that the electrons leave the surface in 2-3 fs-long bunches, following the intensity envelope of the surface plasmons. We measured and theoretically interpreted for the first time HBT type correlations in decaying surface plasmon light, and found the transition from antibunching to bunching
Application of the rough set data analysis for the development of the control structure of an FCC unit
The rough set data analysis (RSDA) is widely used for the determination of non-linear relationships in many different areas. In this paper it is applied to investigate the dependencies among the variables in fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCC) consisting of reactor and regenerator parts. The analysis has been performed to understand FFC behaviour and to develop its control structure. About 140 operating points of an industrial FCC unit are considered and analysed using the rough set methodology. The ROSETTA toolkit is applied to discover the dependencies among the controlled and the manipulated variables. It is determined that the temperature of the regenerated catalyst has a significant influence on the product quality (motor octane number) and it should be controlled. A new control loop is designed and its controlled variable is the temperature in the regenerator unit. To avoid afterburning in the regenerator part of the FCC unit, several temperature measurements are recommended with the use of a special control unit, a high selector (HS).The manipulated variable of the new control loop is the feed flow of the bottom product of the main distillation column (BMC) in the reactor part of the FCC unit
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