379 research outputs found
Assessing math anxiety in elementary schoolchildren through a Spanish version of the Scale for Early Mathematics Anxiety (SEMA)
Math anxiety (MA) affects students of all age groups. Because of its effects on children’s academic development, the need to recognize its early manifestations has been highlighted. We designed a European-Spanish version of the Scale for Early Mathematics Anxiety (SEMA; Wu et al. (2012)), and assessed its psychometric properties in a sample of children aged 7 to 12 years. The participants (967 typically developing children) were elementary school students recruited from ten schools. Children reported their general and math anxiety levels in an individual session and performed nonverbal IQ and math abilities subtests in a group session. Teachers reported the final math grades. The psychometric indices obtained, and the resulting factor structure revealed that the European-Spanish version of the SEMA developed in this study is a reliable and valid measure to evaluate MA in children from 3rd to 6th grade. Moreover, we explored gender differences, that resulted in small effect sizes, which disappeared when controlling for trait anxiety. Differences across grades were found for both global MA and the numerical processing anxiety factor but not for the situational and performance anxiety factor. Finally, MA was negatively associated with students’ math achievement, although the strength of the associations varied with the MA measure selected, the kind of math achievement analyzed, and the school stage considered. Our findings highlight the relevance of MA in elementary school and highlight the need for an early identification of students at risk of suffering MA to palliate the negative consequences of MA in children’s cognitive and academic development
Effortful control is associated with children's school functioning via learning-related behaviors
The goal of the current study was to identify factors that contribute to individual differences in school functioning. We proposed a model including direct effects of Effortful Control (EC) on Spanish 6- to 12-year olds' (N = 142) academic achievement and social adaptation at school, with these relations partially mediated by learning-related behaviors (LRBs). Parents rated children's EC; teachers reported children's LRBs and children' social adaptation in school; children' social preference was assessed through classmates' nominations. Children's academic achievement was measured through standard tests and grades. Analyses were run using structural equation models, controlling by gender, intelligence, age, socioeconomic status, and school. EC was positively and directly related to social adaptation in school. EC was also indirectly related to academic achievement and social adaptation through LRBs. The findings highlight the potential relevance of children's EC and LRBs for adjustment in elementary school
Estudio del manejo de serpientes venenosas y actuación en caso de mordedura
La tenencia de serpientes venenosas, ya sea como mascotas o como miembros de exposiciones o de parques zoológicos, requiere de las instalaciones y de la infraestructura necesarias para garantizar la seguridad de los propietarios, y del conocimiento de su manejo. Los dispositivos utilizados tienen diversos fines: protección personal (gafas, guantes, polainas, botas), sujeción (ganchos, tubos de contención, bolsas de transporte) o alimentación (pinzas, abrebocas, sondas). En caso de mordedura, se debe recurrir a asistencia hospitalaria para que se proceda a la administración del suero antiofídico específico lo antes posible. Como primeros auxilios se debe mantener a la víctima tranquila e inmóvil, limpiar la mordedura y aplicar una bomba de succión de veneno.When venomous snakes are keep in captivity, as a pet or spice as a part of collections from zoo, some infrastructure and facilities for ensuring the people safety must be available and the staff must know how to use them. Many devices for the snakes handling have been marketed: personal protection equipment (glasses, gloves, shoes, gaiter), snake fastening devices (hooks, restlessness tubes, transport bags) or feeding gadgets (tweezers, mouth openers, feeding tubes). When somebody is bitten, hospital emergency service must be requested as soon as possible and so the specific antivenom serum will be administered. The first aid would consist on keeping the bitten individual at ease and at rest, cleaning the bite injury and using a venom suction pump
Nephrops Sentinel Fishery in Functional Unit 25 (North Galicia) 2017-2019
The ICES Working Group for the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Waters Ecoregion (WGBIE) as-sesses the status of 23 stocks distributed from ICES Divisions 3.a–4.a though to Subarea 9, mostly distributed in Subareas 7, 8 and 9. The group was tasked with conducting assessments of stock status for 14 stocks using analytical, forecast methods or trends indicators to provide catch fore-casts and a first draft of the ICES advice for 2021. For two of the Nephrops stocks updates were provided on catch data with the advice release delayed until October after the completion of the surveys used for the assessment. For the remaining 9 stocks not scheduled for advice this year, after the stock information update, no specific revision of the advice was proposed. The advice for these stocks, released in 2019, is valid for the years 2020 and 2021 or for 2020 to 2022. Analytical assessments using age-structured models were conducted for the northern stock of white anglerfish, the northern and southern stocks of megrim, four-spot megrim in Iberian Waters and sole in the Bay of Biscay. The two hake stocks and one southern stock of anglerfish were assessed using models that allow the use of length-structured data (no age data). A surplus-production model, without age or length structure, was used to assess the second southern stock of anglerfish and an analytical age-length structure model was used for the European seabass in the Bay of Biscay. The state of stocks for which no analytical assessment could be performed was inferred from examination of catch, commercial LPUE or CPUE data and from survey information, where available. The length-structured assessment for the southern stock of hake was rejected during the working group which resulted in the downgrading of the stock from Category 1 to 3 as an interim solution. This decision was also supported by the absence of clear guidelines on how to adjust fore-casts for advice when using the decision tree recommended by WKFORBIAS (ICES, 2020) for stocks with strong retrospective patterns. This year advice for the stock followed the 2 over 3-year rule based on survey and LPUE trends. A SPiCT model for the stock was explored for ref-erence points but some inconsistencies were found among biomass indices and the retrospective patterns were also problematic. Intersessional work (online workshop) to migrate assessment analyses to a Stock Synthesis model is planned before the end of the year. Despite an ICES data call with a deadline of six weeks before the meeting, the recurrent late data submission to ICES for most stocks has occurred, worsened by the COVID-19 disruption. This delayed the process of having the data quality checked and the assessment completed before the start of the working group. This is an important matter of concerns for the working group members. In response to the spread of COVID-19 virus, all ICES assessment and advice physical meetings were suspended and held remotely. The 2020 advice sheets for 13 stocks were abbreviated and will be released with advice released in 2019 as annex. A full advice sheet, however, was done for the southern hake due to the change in category of the stock. The structure of the report is set out with section 1 presenting a summary for each stock, discuss-ing general issues and conclusions. Section 2 provides descriptions of the relevant fishing fleets and surveys used in the assessment of the stocks. Sections 3–18 contain the single stock assess-ments
Contribution of Collaborative Work to Teacher Reflection and the Transformation of Pedagogical Practices of School and University Science Teachers // Contribución del trabajo colaborativo en la reflexión docente y en la transformación de las prácticas pedagógicas de profesores de ciencia escolares y universitarios
Poor results of science learning, both at school and university, have led us to acknowledge the need to transform our teaching. Currently, reflection and collaborative work with colleagues are conceived as being key factors in the process of the transformation of practices. Based on the experiences of a group of school and university science teachers working on action-research, we describe the contribution that collaborative work has on reflection for the transformation of practices. The main aspects are the recognition of strengths and weaknesses, listening to and learning from the experience of others, and the discussion of specific classroom practices. On the other hand, these reflections contribute to the transformation at different levels: the teacher, classroom teaching practices, and the school community. The fact that it is a diverse group that includes both school and university teachers generate enriching reflections that help to transform practices in both areas. These reflections not only benefit the school system, but also science teachers education, and provide insights on a new University-School relationship // Los deficientes resultados de aprendizaje en el área de las ciencias, tanto en el ámbito
escolar como universitario, nos han llevado a la necesidad de transformar nuestra
enseñanza. En la actualidad, la reflexión y el trabajo colaborativo con colegas se
conciben como claves en el proceso de transformación de las prácticas. A partir de la
experiencia de un grupo de docentes escolares y universitarios de ciencia que realiza
una investigación-acción, describimos la contribución que tiene el trabajo colaborativo
sobre la reflexión para la transformación de las prácticas. Destacan aspectos como el
reconocimiento de debilidades y fortalezas, el escuchar y aprender de la experiencia
de otros y la discusión de prácticas concretas de aula. Por otra parte, estas reflexiones
contribuyen a la transformación en diferentes niveles: del profesor, de las prácticas
del docente en el aula y de la comunidad escolar. El hecho de que sea un grupo
diverso, que incluye a profesores tanto del sistema escolar como universitario, genera
reflexiones enriquecedoras, que ayudan a transformar las prácticas en estos dos ámbitos,
beneficiando no solo al sistema escolar, sino también a la formación de profesores de
ciencia, y dando luces acerca de una nueva relación universidad-escuela
Principios de Desarrollo Profesional Docente construidos por y para Profesores de Ciencia: una propuesta sustentable que emerge desde la indagación de las propias prácticas / Principles of Teacher Professional Development built by and for Science Teachers: a sustainable proposal that emerges from the inquiry of self-practices
La transformación de las prácticas de los docentes en el área de ciencias, tanto a nivel escolar como universitario (incluida la formación inicial), constituye una necesidad urgente si pretendemos alfabetizar científicamente a la población. Este estudio muestra una propuesta de cinco principios para el desarrollo profesional docente en ciencias, que emergen desde la indagación colaborativa de las propias prácticas de un conjunto de docentes de educación primaria, secundaria y universitaria, quienes trabajan hace cuatro años en un proceso de desarrollo profesional conjunto. Estos principios incluyen la construcción de una visión común acerca del para qué enseñar ciencias, la indagación de las prácticas a partir de las particularidades de la educación científica, la reflexión individual y colectiva sobre las prácticas, la valoración de la autoridad de la experiencia para el aprendizaje docente y la promoción de un ambiente de desarrollo profesional que involucre diversidad de contextos y niveles de enseñanza. // The transformation of teaching practices in the area of sciences, both at school and university levels (including initial training), is an urgent need if we intend to achieve scientific literacy in the population. This study shows a proposal of five principles for teacher professional development in sciences, emerged from the collaborative inquiry of self-practices in a group of primary, secondary and university teachers, who have been working together for four years in a professional development process. These principles include the construction of a common vision on the purpose for teaching sciences; the inquiry of practices starting from the distinctive features of scientific education; individual and collective reflection on practices; the valuation of the authority of experience for teacher learning; and the promotion of an environment of professional development involving diverse contexts and teaching levels. Implications for professional development are discussed
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2D-cadmium MOF and gismondine-like zinc coordination network based on the N-(2-tetrazolethyl)-4′-glycine linker
We have designed and synthesized two new metal-organic-frameworks (MOFs) using the novel N-(2-tetrazolethyl)-4′-glycine spacer (TeGly)2−. These materials exhibit intense photoluminescence.This work was supported by the MEC of Spain (Project CTQ2011-24478) and the Junta de Andalucía (FQM-1484). D. F.-J. thanks the Royal Society for a University Research Fellowship.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Royal Society of Chemistry via http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C5NJ00011
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