117 research outputs found

    Magnetic susceptibility of insulators from first principles

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    We present an {\it ab initio} approach for the computation of the magnetic susceptibility χ\chi of insulators. The approach is applied to compute χ\chi in diamond and in solid neon using density functional theory in the local density approximation, obtaining good agreement with experimental data. In solid neon, we predict an observable dependence of χ\chi upon pressure.Comment: Revtex, to appear in Physical Review Lette

    Llisses, orades i alguna anguila. L'ictiofauna mesolítica de les Coves de Santa Maira (Castell de Castells, La Marina Alta, Alacant)

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    There are several marine remains throughout the Coves de Santa Maira archaeological sequence which are indicative of relationships with the coastal lowlands. We studied the Mesolithic remains of fish and molluscs species found so far. It is a small sample, but interesting because it has allowed us to analyze the areas of obtaining these marine resources and suggest any reflection on their significance within the techno-economic transformation processes of the later prehistoric foragers

    Evolución paleogeográfica, paleoclimática y paleoambiental de la costa meridional de la Península Ibérica durante el Pleistoceno superior. El caso de la Cueva de Nerja (Málaga, Andalucía, España).

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    Presentamos los cambios paleogeográficos, paleoclimáticos y paleoambientales acontecidos en la costa mediterránea meridional de la Península Ibérica durante el Pleistoceno superior y comienzos del Holoceno, analizados a partir de la cartografía batimétrica y geomorfológica de la franja costera submarina del este de Málaga, del registro de la temperatura de la superficie del mar de Alborán obtenido en el sondeo MD95-2043 y de los datos radiométricos, paleobiológicos y arqueológicos proporcionados por el registro estratigráfico del yacimiento de la Cueva de Nerja (Nerja, Málaga, España). Este registro sedimentario, con doce etapas de erosión y sedimentación, se emplazó en las salas más exteriores de la cavidad entre los estadios finales del Pleistoceno superior y el Holoceno medio en un lapso cronológico comprendido entre 29600 y 3940 años cal BP. Durante ese tiempo, la posición del mar estuvo situada a diferentes cotas por debajo de su posición actual, lo que condicionó la emersión de una franja costera de diferente amplitud a lo largo del tiempo, en la que las poblaciones humanas que habitaron la Cueva de Nerja desarrollaron sus actividades. Igualmente se observa una notable variación en la temperatura superficial del agua del mar y una serie de cambios en la composición de la vegetación y la fauna de vertebrados e invertebrados explotadas por los habitantes de la Cueva de Nerja. En este contexto cabe señalar la presencia en el registro de la cavidad de diferentes especies marinas de latitudes septentrionales y aguas más frías, actualmente ajenas al Mediterráneo

    Estudio de la valoración del dolor articular y del grado de satisfacción,tras infiltración con plasma rico en fibrina en pacientes con artrosis de rodilla.

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    The definition of platelet rich plasma (PRP) is still controversial, though it can be described in general terms as ?a volumeof autologous plasma that contains a higher platelet concentration than the physiological basal concentration?. A retrospective observational analytical study was carried out in our hospital in order to assess the results and satisfaction of patients that had undergone PRF injection in knee. Between January and December of 2017, 80 gonoarthrosis patients treated with PRF injection were selected by the Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation Department, all of whom attended several medical appointments to check their recovery. Those cases that did not follow an appropriate clinical follow-up were dismissed from the study.Pain before treatment was assessed by the Numeric Rating Scale, with a mean of 8.48. A statistically significant decrease was observed after treatment (p<0.001), with a 4.87 mean and a 5.00 post-injection median. Regarding walking perimeter, most patients walked a median of 30 minutes and 55.3 minute mean, and their walking autonomy increased after treatment, doubling the median to 60 minutes, with an average of 93.15 minutes of pain-free walking. This 37.8 minute increase in the walking ability impliesa statistically significant improvement (p<0.001). A significant decrease in analgesics intake after treatment was also observed, being 81.3% patients who needed analgesia prior to treatment (n=61), and just 49.3% (n=37) after the procedure.Consequently,there is a significative improvement of pain, walking perimeter and absolute intake of analgesics that cannot be explained by any variable prior to PRF injection

    Cordage, basketry and containers at the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary in southwest Europe. Evidence from Coves de Santa Maira (Valencian region, Spain)

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    In this study we present evidence of braided plant fibres and basketry imprints on clay recovered from Coves de Santa Maira, a Palaeolithic-Mesolithic cave site located in the Mediterranean region of Spain. The anatomical features of these organic fibre remains were identified in the archaeological material and compared with modern Stipa tenacissima (esparto grass). Based on direct dating, the fragments of esparto cord from our site are the oldest worked plant fibres in Europe. Sixty fragments of fired clay are described. The clay impressions have allowed us to discuss the making of baskets and containers. According to their attributes and their functional interpretation, we have grouped them into five types within two broad categories, hearth plates and baskets or containers. The clay pieces identified as fragments of containers with basketry impressions are less common than those of hearth plate remains and they are concentrated in the Epipalaeolithic occupation material (13.2-10.2 ka cal bp). The clay impressions from Santa Maira indicate that some fibres were treated or flattened, a preparation process that is known from historical and ethnological sources


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    ABSTRACT This work involves the methodology used in the University of Valladolid for Mechanical Engineering students to learn Computational Fluid Dynamics playing an active role. Students pretend to be engineers in a consulting or design office carrying out a fluid mechanics scale down projects. Later they act as reviewers evaluating a project from a colleague. There is a deeper understanding of the topic when they need to discuss the strategies to accomplish the project, to write a technical report and finally to justify the evaluation of other works. Furthermore, they develop their critical thought, writing skills and synthesis capacity. Multimedia material from other institutions that review the concepts learned in the course can be a suitable way to improve the understanding of concepts. INTRODUCTION The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a key tool in mechanical engineering because of the useful information provided at a very low cost that reduces the a posteriori parametric experimental studies. Learning CFD is an important investment for Mechanical Engineering undergraduate students. They need to know the methodology and to identify the weaknesses and strength of commercial codes

    El inicio del Neolítico en la cueva de Nerja y la Cova de la Sarsa. Contexto arqueológico y dataciones radiocarbónicas

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    Las dataciones radiocarbónicas resultan una herramienta útil para establecer el marco cronológico de los contextos arqueológicos, aunque en ocasiones el adjetivo de «absoluto» se convierte en una categoría. En el caso del Neolítico antiguo, la selección de muestras singulares de vida corta de especies domésticas o restos de Homo sapiens en contextos neolíticos pretendía definir con mayor precisión la cronología de los momentos iniciales de su llegada a la península ibérica. Los casos documentados en las cuevas de Nerja y Sarsa son un buen ejemplo del debate que generan sus resultados, la problemática de sus secuencias y el contexto de discusión regional. Se muestran los resultados tras la valoración crítica de las dataciones y se defiende el trabajo de selección de muestras a datar en ambos yacimientos. Radiocarbon dating is a useful tool for establishing chronological frameworks in archaeological con - texts, reaching the category of "absolute" value. In the case of the ancient Neolithic, the selection of singular short-lived samples of domestic species or remains of Homo sapiens in Neolithic contexts seemed a sufficient filter to define more precisely the initial moments of their arrival in the Iberian Peninsula. The cases documented in the Nerja and Sarsa caves are a good example of the debate they generate and the need to address sequential issues from prehistoric archeology. The results are shown after the critical assessment of the dates and the work of selecting samples to be dated in both sites is defended

    Occurrence of whale barnacles in Nerja Cave (Málaga, southern Spain): Indirect evidence of whale consumption by humans in the Upper Magdalenian

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    A total of 167 plates of two whale barnacle species (Tubicinella majorLamarck, 1802 and Cetopirus complanatusMörch, 1853) have been found in the Upper Magdalenian layers of Nerja Cave, Mina Chamber (Maro, Málaga, southern Spain). This is the first occurrence of these species in a prehistoric site. Both species are specific to the southern right whale Eubalena australis, today endemic in the Southern Hemisphere. Because of Antarctic sea-ice expansion during the Last Glacial Period, these whales could have migrated to the Northern Hemisphere, and reached southern Spain. Whale barnacles indicate that maritime-oriented forager human groups found stranded whales on the coast and, because of the size and weight of the large bones, transported only certain pieces (skin, blubber and meat) to the caves where they were consumed

    Palaeolithic – Epipalaeolithic Seapeople of the Southern Iberian coast (Spain): an overview

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    The significance of coastal areas to human survival and expansion on the planet is undeniable. Their ecological diversity and their use as communication routes are some of their most distinctive qualities. However, the evidence of exploitation of these resources has had an uneven preservation, which is limited to certain regions and more recent events, mainly sites with deposits from the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene. This paper analyses the data available on the use of marine resources between MIS 6 and MIS 1 (c. 150 – 9 ka BP) in Southern Iberia, one of the first regions in Europe where marine faunal remains were discovered, in archaeological deposits from Middle and Upper Palaeolithic. Therefore their presence here has not been a criterion of separation between Neanderthals and Modern humans, but it may be relevant to analyze changes in the use of small preys or assess the economic diversification in regions where this came at an early date. One of the aims of this study was to evaluate the diachronic trends of the different palaeobiological marine remains recovered from coastal and inland archaeological sites. This preliminary extract indicates that the analysis of marine resource exploitation cannot be classed as a mere listing of palaeobiological remains. This information may be relevant in the initial stages, but it is insufficient in the evaluation of techno-economic and sociocultural transformations that can be linked to the use of marine resources. The distribution of palaeobiological marine remains differs over time and also according to the location of the sites with respect to the changing coastline throughout the period analysed. The known sites that preserve evidence of the use of marine resources as a food source are located mainly on the present coastline, or in a range of less than 10 km. Invertebrate remains have been identified in most, whereas fish, bird and mammal bones only in certain sites. Molluscs used as ornaments or pendants and containers are more widely distributed than other species used for food. Because these data must be contextualized, bone and stone tools linked to the exploitation of the marine environment have been added to the palaeobiological information, drawing inferences based on the analogy between both ethnologically and archaeologically documented tools. Symbolic expressions have also been studied, given the significant number of painted and engraved marine fauna depictions, specifically pisciforms and mammals, found in southern Iberia. Lastly, available molecular data has also been evaluated, from the results of isotope analysis on human remains. This combination of palaeobiological, techno-economic, graphic-symbolic and molecular data, allows a first assessment of the use of marine resources in the region

    Cueva de La Cocina (Dos Aguas, Valencia) en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación Har2012-33111 “Meso Cocina: Los Últimos Caza-Recolectores y el Paradigma de la Neolitización en el Mediterráneo Peninsular”

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    Comunicación oral en el VI Congreso del Neolítico en la Península Ibérica: “Los cambios económicos y sus implicaciones sociales durante el Neolítico de la Península Ibérica”, 22-26 junio 2016 GranadaEl objetivo de esta comunicación es dar a conocer los resultados preliminares del proyecto HAR12-33111 “MesoCocina: los últimos caza-recolectores y el paradigma de la neolitización en el Mediterráneo peninsular” que ha tenido como eje de actuación el análisis pormenorizado del excepcional registro prehistórico recuperado en Cueva de la Cocina (Dos Aguas, Valencia). En el transcurso de los tres últimos años se ha procedido al análisis de las colecciones correspondientes a las excavaciones efectuadas por Ll. Pericot en los años 40 del pasado siglo así como aquellos resultados de las campañas dirigidas posteriormente por J. Fortea en los años 70. Al mismo tiempo se han llevado a cabo dos intervenciones de campo en la cavidad con el fin de obtener información precisa sobre las características de una secuencia clave a propósito de las ocupaciones del Mesolítico final en el Mediterráneo occidental, y que además contiene evidencias de frecuentaciones posteriores, desde el Neolítico Antiguo hasta la edad del Bronce. El establecimiento de un marco radiométrico preciso ha sido una de las prioridades junto a la reconstrucción tridimensional de todas las actuaciones realizadas hasta la fecha en el sitio. Bajo esta óptica procederemos a reevaluar la variabilidad de la cultura material, de las actividades de subsistencia, del mundo simbólico y las conexiones sociales en el entorno medioambiental donde se llevaron a cabo desde una amplia perspectiva diacrónica, entre el inicio del IX y el III milenio cal BP. Ciñéndonos al marco de este congreso nos centraremos especialmente en los nuevos datos relativos a la secuencia de los últimos caza-recolectores y el primer Neolítico en la cavidad.Peer Reviewe