577 research outputs found

    Propaganda durante la guerra civil. El uso de la radio, la prensa y el cine como medios propagandisticos

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    El siguiente trabajo consistirá en un estudio riguroso sobre la propaganda en España, concretamente entre los años 1936-1939, focalizándose en la guerra civil española. Durante la lectura de este trabajo se podrá apreciar la influencia de la propaganda en dicho conflicto, así como las estrategias que decidieron llevar cada bando, usando la prensa, la radio y el cine como armas en los que promulgar su propaganda.The following work will consist of a rigorous study of propaganda in Spain, specifically between the years 1936-1939, focusing on the Spanish civil war. While reading this work, you will be able to appreciate the influence of propaganda in this conflict, as well as the strategies that each side decided to take, using the press, the radio and cinema as weapons in which to spread their blurb

    Analyzing the differences between reads and contigs when performing a taxonomic assignment comparison in metagenomics

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    Metagenomics is an inherently complex field in which one of the primary goals is to determine the compositional organisms present in an environmental sample. Thereby, diverse tools have been developed that are based on the similarity search results obtained from comparing a set of sequences against a database. However, to achieve this goal there still are affairs to solve such as dealing with genomic variants and detecting repeated sequences that could belong to different species in a mixture of uneven and unknown representation of organisms in a sample. Hence, the question of whether analyzing a sample with reads provides further understanding of the metagenome than with contigs arises. The assembly yields larger genomic fragments but bears the risk of producing chimeric contigs. On the other hand, reads are shorter and therefore their statistical significance is harder to asses, but there is a larger number of them. Consequently, we have developed a workflow to assess and compare the quality of each of these alternatives. Synthetic read datasets beloging to previously identified organisms are generated in order to validate the results. Afterwards, we assemble these into a set of contigs and perform a taxonomic analysis on both datasets. The tools we have developed demonstrate that analyzing with reads provide a more trustworthy representation of the species in a sample than contigs especially in cases that present a high genomic variability.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Workflows and service discovery: a mobile device approach

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    Bioinformatics has moved from command-line standalone programs to web-service based environments. Such trend has resulted in an enormous amount of online resources which can be hard to find and identify, let alone execute and exploit. Furthermore, these resources are aimed -in general- to solve specific tasks. Usually, this tasks need to be combined in order to achieve the desired results. In this line, finding the appropriate set of tools to build up a workflow to solve a problem with the services available in a repository is itself a complex exercise. Issues such as services discovering, composition and representation appear. On the technological side, mobile devices have experienced an incredible growth in the number of users and technical capabilities. Starting from this reality, in the present paper, we propose a solution for service discovering and workflow generation while distinct approaches of representing workflows in a mobile environment are reviewed and discussed. As a proof of concept, a specific use case has been developed: we have embedded an expanded version of our Magallanes search engine into mORCA, our mobile client for bioinformatics. Such composition delivers a powerful and ubiquitous solution that provides the user with a handy tool for not only generate and represent workflows, but also services, data types, operations and service types discoveryUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Adaptive Vectorial Filter for Grid Synchronization of Power Converters Under Unbalanced and/or Distorted Grid Conditions

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    This paper presents a new synchronization scheme for detecting multiple positive-/negative-sequence frequency harmonics in three-phase systems for grid-connected power converters. The proposed technique is called MAVF-FLL because it is based on the use of multiple adaptive vectorial filters (AVFs) working together inside a harmonic decoupling network, resting on a frequency-locked loop (FLL) which makes the system frequency adaptive. The method uses the vectorial properties of the three-phase input signal in the αβ reference frame in order to obtain the different harmonic components. The MAVF-FLL is fully designed and analyzed, addressing the tuning procedure in order to obtain the desired and predefined performance. The proposed algorithm is evaluated by both simulation and experimental results, demonstrating its ability to perform as required for detecting different harmonic components under a highly unbalanced and distorted input grid voltage

    Exploring the impact of culturally and non culturally relevant texts on english reading comprehension: Case studies of two undergraduate students of an english language teaching program at a public university

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    Esta investigación se enfocó principalmente en explorar el impacto que tienen textos culturalmente familiares y no familiares en la comprensión de lectura de dos estudiantes adscritos a un programa de enseñanza del inglés en una universidad pública Colombiana. Estos dos participantes pasaron por un proceso de lectura de 3 textos culturalmente relevantes y 3 textos culturalmente no relevantes acompañados de un cuestionario de comprensión de lectura cada uno y un ejercicio oral previo y posterior a la lectura. Luego los participantes fueron entrevistados acerca de sus procesos de lectura y acerca de las impresiones que los textos y los cuestionarios les dejaron. Este análisis mostró que el hecho de que los textos incluyeran información culturalmente relevante influyó positivamente en la comprensión de lectura y en la actitud frente al ejercicio de lectura de los participantes. Esta investigación también generó algunos hallazgos relevantes acerca de la importancia de usar estrategias de lectura. A su vez, el análisis y los resultados de este estudio mostraron formas de evaluar la comprensión lectora de una manera no tradicional que generó una reflexión hacía una evaluación lectora alternativa.The present study aims mainly to investigate the impact that texts with cultural and non cultural relevant information have on the reading comprehension of two undergraduate learners of an English language teaching program at a Colombian public university. The two participants of this study went through a process of reading three culturally relevant texts (CRTs) and three non culturally relevant texts (NCRTs). They were assessed through some previous and post exercises along with some reading comprehension tests. Likewise, they were interviewed about some processes they applied when reading and they were asked about their impressions from the texts and the questionnaires. Data analysis showed that the participants’ reading comprehension and attitudes were positively affected by the fact that they were familiar with the information presented in the CRTs. This study also generated some relevant insights about the importance of using reading strategies. Moreover, this research also showed ways to assess reading comprehension in a non traditional way and still get valid results

    Positive identity predicts psychological wellbeing in Chilean youth: A double-mediation model

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    Positive youth development (PYD) allows the youth to be comprehended from their potential, strengths and assets, in contrast to the traditional deficit view that focuses on their weaknesses. The PYD model promotes constructive behaviours in youth by highlighting the positive attributes usually found during the transition from childhood to adulthood to achieve healthy and optimal development in later life. Overall, PYD comprises five key competence (5C), the flourishing models and forty developmental assets. In the present study, a structural equation model is tested with the Chilean dataset of the PYD project on the premise that Positive Identity is the core internal developmental asset explaining Psychological wellbeing and that Confidence and Character are mediators of the relationship between Positive Identity and Psychological Wellbeing. The sample comprised 261 participants (nWomen = 189, nMen = 72), MeanAge = 22 years old, who were approached by an online survey uploaded to Qualtrics. The measures of the study included: The Developmental assets Scale, the Short-form of the Five Cs included in the PYD and the Mental Health Continuum Short-Form. The results indicated a good model fit (β = 1.74, Ztotal = 10.63, χ2 = 424.95, df = 277, χ2/df = 1.53, p < 0.001, Robust CFI = 0.945, Robust RMSEA = 0.049, 90% CI (0.040, 0.058), AIC = 17689.91, saBIC = 17719.08 and SRMR = 0.061), highlighting the relevance of studying Latin-American adolescents and young ‘s wellbeing in times of COVID-19, as the participants’ Positive Identity significantly predicted their Psychological Wellbeing, and simultaneously, this relationship was mediated by both their level of Confidence and Character.publishedVersio

    Protocolo de recuperación funcional de una lesión ligamentosa de tobillo

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    Se presenta un protocolo de recuperación funcional de una lesión ligamentosa de tobillo en un jugador profesional de baloncesto. Se trataba de una rotura del fascículo peroneo astragalino anterior del ligamento externo del tobillo derecho. El programa de recuperación se dividió en 4 fases de 4 días de duración. En la fase 1 predominó el trabajo fisioterapéutico, basado en la descarga, la potenciación del tren inferior y el mantenimiento de la musculatura. La fase 2 alternó la labor del fisioterapeuta con el aumento del trabajo aeróbico en descarga. En la fase 3 se llevó a cabo la readaptación funcional y fisiológica del sujeto. Finalmente, en la fase 4 el jugador se reincorporó a los entrenamientos grupales. Este protocolo se utilizará de referencia en el proceso de recuperación de otras lesiones ligamentosas como método de prevención del tobillo inestable. Se destaca la necesidad de realizar un trabajo multidisciplinar entre el servicio médico y el cuerpo técnico

    Protocol de recuperació funcional d'una lesió lligamentosa de turmell

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    Es presenta un protocol de recuperació funcional d'una lesió lligamentosa de turmell en un jugador professional de basquetbol. Es tractava d'una ruptura del fascicle peroneu astragalí anterior del lligament extern del turmell dret. El programa de recuperació es va dividir en 4 fases de 4 dies de durada cadascuna. En la fase 1 va predominar el treball fisioterapèutic, basat en la descàrrega, la potenciació del tren inferior i el manteniment de la musculatura. La fase 2 va alternar la feina del fisioterapeuta amb l'augment del treball aeròbic en descàrrega. En la fase 3 es va dur a terme la readaptació funcional i fisiològica del subjecte. Finalment, en la fase 4 el jugador es va reincorporar als entrenaments del grup. Aquest protocol s'utilitzarà de referència en el procés de recuperació d'altres lesions lligamentoses com a mètode de prevenció del turmell inestable. Cal destacar la necessitat de fer un treball multidisciplinari entre el servei mèdic i el cos tècnic