2,858 research outputs found

    Concentration of trace elements in raw milk from cows in the southeast of Córdoba province, Argentina

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    International audienceAbstractIn recent years, trace elements in cow milk have been considered good bioindicators of pollution in the agricultural environment. The aim of the study was to analyze the correlation between trace element content in livestock drinking water and cow milk from dairy farms located in the southeast of Córdoba province, Argentina. Groundwater is the main source of livestock drinking water. According to the results, trace elements were grouped in three categories: (a) those that were in high concentration in phreatic water and in low concentration in deep wells (As, V); (b) those which showed the opposite trend (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn); and (c) those that were in very low concentrations in all water samples (Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Se). In elements from group (a), a positive correlation between As content in water and in milk was observed. For elements included in group (b), it was observed a higher concentration in milk samples from farms that use deep wells, related with their higher concentrations in water. Cr, Ni, Pb, and Se milk contents are within the ranges reported in other areas. Soil and forage trace element content may contribute to their presence in milk. Since information about transference of trace elements from environmental matrices to milk is very scarce, at national and international levels, further studies are necessary, including speciation in milk and dairy products, to guarantee food safety

    Management of Helicobacter Pylori infection and effectiveness rates in daily clinical practice in Spain: 2010–2019

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    The management and effectiveness of the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection are heterogeneous worldwide, despite the publication of international consensus conferences and guidelines, which have been widely available for years. The aim of the study was to describe the clinical management and the eradication rates in a region of Southern Europe (Spain). Between 2010 and 2019, we conducted a retrospective analysis of patients with H. pylori infection attended by gastroenterologists in two defined areas of the National Health System in Aragón. We compared the appropriateness of therapies according to guidelines, and described the effectiveness of each treatment. A total of 1644 penicillin non-allergic patients were included. The most prescribed therapy between 2010 and 2013 was the ‘classic’ triple therapy PCA (80%), whereas the ’concomitant’ therapy PCAM was chosen by 90% of the gastroenterologists in 2015. After 2016, the use of the quadruple bismuth-containing therapy in a single capsule (Pylera®) quickly increased, representing almost half of the overall prescriptions in 2019. Throughout the decade, adherence to guidelines was 76.4% and global efficacy was 70.7% (ITT). Triple therapies’ eradication rates were lower than 70% (ITT), whereas eradication rates with quadruple therapies achieved or were over 80% (ITT). In conclusion, despite the use of quadruple therapies and optimized treatments, the effectiveness of H. pylori management in daily clinical practice is far from the target of 90%

    Mistakes in the diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in daily clinical practice

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    Background: An adequate diagnostic and therapeutic approach to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is the cornerstone to avoid overdiagnosis, overuse of health resources, and increase in antibiotic resistances. The aim of the study was to evaluate the most common errors in clinical practice and the associated risk factors. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective observational study including patients with H. pylori infection and no previous treatment belonging to two defined areas of the National Health System in Spain; some of them were enrolled in the European Registry on H. pylori management (Hp-EuReg). Patients were attended by gastroenterologists between 2010 and 2019. According to current guidelines, we evaluated indications for H. pylori investigation, appropriateness of diagnostic test used in dyspeptic patients and discontinuation of surveillance after treatment. Results: A total of 1730 patients were included, receiving 2260 eradication regimens. H. pylori infection was investigated in 1.7% cases in absence of a formal indication. Oral endoscopy was incorrectly used in 56% of patients with dyspepsia under 55 years without alarm signs, and urea breath test (UBT) was incorrectly used in 22.4% of patients with dyspepsia ≥55 years or red flags. Levofloxacin containing regimens were used as first-line therapy in 7.5% of non-allergic to penicillin patients. After first-line failure, clarithromycin was repeated in 2.6% of the patients who received second-line therapy. Confirmatory test of H. pylori status was absent in 2.5% cases. Men, patients under 55 years, and patients diagnosed by UBT had a higher risk of not undergoing a confirmatory test. Conclusions: Investigation of H. pylori infection by gastroenterologists is rare in absence of a formal indication; however, endoscopy is commonly used for dyspeptic patients <55 years without red flags and non-invasive tests are still used for dyspeptic patients ≥55 years or presenting alarm signs. Men, patients under 55 years, and patients diagnosed by UBT have an increased risk of being lost to follow-up after eradication treatment

    NGC 6705 a young α\alpha-enhanced Open Cluster from OCCASO data

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    The stellar [α\alpha/Fe] abundance is sometimes used as a proxy for stellar age, following standard chemical evolution models for the Galaxy, as seen by different observational results. In this work we show that the Open Cluster NGC6705/M11 has a significant α\alpha-enhancement [α\alpha/Fe]>0.1>0.1 dex, despite its young age (\sim300 Myr), challenging the current paradigm. We use high resolution (R>65,000>65,000) high signal-to-noise (\sim70) spectra of 8 Red Clump stars, acquired within the OCCASO survey. We determine very accurate chemical abundances of several α\alpha elements, using an equivalent width methodology (Si, Ca and Ti), and spectral synthesis fits (Mg and O). We obtain [Si/Fe]=0.13±0.050.13\pm0.05, [Mg/Fe]=0.14±0.070.14\pm0.07, [O/Fe]=0.17±0.070.17\pm0.07, [Ca/Fe]=0.06±0.050.06\pm0.05 and [Ti/Fe]=0.03±0.030.03\pm0.03. Our results place these cluster within the group of young [α\alpha/Fe]-enhanced field stars recently found by several authors in the literature. The ages of our stars have an uncertainty of around 50 Myr, much more precise than for field stars. By integrating the cluster's orbit in several non-axisymmetric Galactic potentials, we establish the M11's most likely birth radius to lie between 6.8-7.5 kpc from the Galactic center, not far from its current position. With the robust Open Cluster age scale, our results prove that a moderate [α\alpha/Fe]-enhancement is no guarantee for a star to be old, and that not all α\alpha-enhanced stars can be explained with an evolved blue straggler scenario. Based on our orbit calculations, we further argue against a Galactic bar origin of M11.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted in A&

    Manejo perioperatorio de fármacos anticoagulantes y antiagregantes en el paciente con fractura de cadera

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    La fractura de cadera eleva de manera significativa en los estudios publicados la morbilidad y la mortalidad en los pacientes ancianos que la padecen. La participación en el proceso de fármacos que alteran la hemostasia se ha convertido en uno de los aspectos más importantes y controvertidos del manejo perioperatorio del paciente con fractura de cadera. La anticoagulación o antiagregación plaquetaria de estos pacientes tiene unas implicaciones tanto en la práctica anestésica como quirúrgica que hacen necesaria la búsqueda de un equilibrio entre el riesgo hemorrágico y trombótico de los mismos. Con la elaboración del presente protocolo, en línea con las últimas evidencias científicas publicadas, se sientan las bases para avanzar en el tratamiento de este grupo de pacientes. Una atención multidisciplinar especializada, una fijación precoz de la fractura antes de las 48 horas, y un efectivo programa de rehabilitación pueden disminuir las complicaciones del proceso.Hip fracture rises significantly in published studies morbidity and mortality in elderly patients. Participation in the process of hemostasis-altering drugs has become one of the most important and controversial perioperative management of patients with hip fracture aspects. Anticoagulation or antiplatelet of these patients have some implications as a surgical anesthetic practice that make it necessary to seek a balance between bleeding and thrombotic risk thereof. With the development of this protocol, in line with the latest scientific evidence published, the stage is set to advance the treatment of this patient group. A specialized multidisciplinary care, early fracture fixation within 48 hours and an effective rehabilitation program can reduce complications of that process

    Pretensado y comportamiento mecánico del pericardio de ternera utilizado en la construcción de bioprótesis cardíacas

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    Este trabajo analiza las propiedades mecánicas de un tejido biológico, pericardio de bovino empleado como biomaterial en la fabricación de bioprótesis cardíacas. Para ello se sometió pericardio de ternera a un estrés de tracción, uniaxial, en escalones de carga, con retirada de dicha carga tras cada escalón. Los escalones de carga fueron de aproximadamente 2,3 y 8 MPa sucesivamente, continuándose finalmente el ensayo hasta la rotura. Se ensayaron 32 muestras, 16 tratadas con glutaraldehído como grupo de control y 16 tratadas con cloroformo/metanol. La resistencia media a rotura estuvo entre 19.14 MPa y 32.60 MPa sin encontrar diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la comparación de las series ensayadas. Se estudio también el estrés remanente tras cada escalón de carga, siendo este constante en su valor para cada ensayo. Para un valor medio de estrés inicial de 2.14 MPa, el estrés remanente medio fue de 0.36 MPa (16.82 % del estrés inicial) muy similar al estrés máximo de trabajo descrito para un velo valvular. La aplicación de un estrés progresivo produce una disminución de la deformación con pérdida de la elasticidad ,pero un comportamiento mas homogéneo del pericardio. Este hallazgo no se afectó, por la región de pericardio de donde se obtuvo la muestra o por tratamiento químico recibido. Estos ensayos permiten, mediante una recta de regresión Xi=f(Ymax.),conocer la deformación (Xi) que puede sufrir el pericardio de ternera, tras un estrés de pretensado previo (Ymax.), cuando posteriormente se le somete a un estrés.Peer Reviewe

    MEGARA focal plane subsystems

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    MEGARA (Multi-Espectrografo en GTC de Alta Resolucion para Astronomia) is the future optical Integral-Field Unit (IFU) and Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) for GTC. The Fiber Units are placed at one Folded Cassegrain focus and feed the spectrograph located on a Nasmyth-type platform. This paper summarizes the status of the design of the MEGARA Folded Cassegrain Subsystems after the PDR (held on March 2012), as well as the prototyping that has been carried out during this phase. The MEGARA Fiber Unit has two IFUs: a Large Compact Bundle covering 12.5 arcsec x 11.3 arcsec on sky (100 microns fiber-core), and a Small Compact Bundle, of 8.5 arcsec x 6.7 arcsec (70 microns fiber-core), plus a Fiber MOS positioner, able to place up to 100 mini-bundles 7 fibers each (100 microns fiber-core) in MOS configuration within a 3.5arcmin x 3.5arcmin FOV. A field lens provides a telecentric focal plane where the fibers are located. Microlens arrays couple the telescope beam to the collimator focal ratio at the entrance of the fibers (providing the f/17 to f/3 focal ratio reduction to enter into the fibers). Finally, the fibers, organized in bundles, end in the pseudo-slit plate, which will be placed at the entrance focal plane of the MEGARA spectrographs

    Priority sites for wildfowl conservation in Mexico

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    A set of priority sites for wildfowl conservation in Mexico was determined using contemporary count data (1991–2000) from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service mid-winter surveys. We used a complementarity approach implemented through linear integer programming that addresses particular conservation concerns for every species included in the analysis and large fluctuations in numbers through time. A set of 31 priority sites was identified, which held more than 69% of the mid-winter count total in Mexico during all surveyed years. Six sites were in the northern highlands, 12 in the central highlands, six on the Gulf of Mexico coast and seven on the upper Pacific coast. Twenty-two sites from the priority set have previously been identified as qualifying for designation as wetlands of international importance under the Ramsar Convention and 20 sites are classified as Important Areas for Bird Conservation in Mexico. The information presented here provides an accountable, spatially-explicit, numerical basis for ongoing conservation planning efforts in Mexico, which can be used to improve existing wildfowl conservation networks in the country and can also be useful for conservation planning exercises elsewhere

    Environmentally friendly analysis of emerging contaminants by pressurized hot water extraction-stir bar sorptive extraction-derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

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    This work describes the development, optimiza- tion, and validation of a new method for the simultaneous determination of a wide range of pharmaceuticals (beta- blockers, lipid regulators ... ) and personal care products (fragrances, UV filters, phthalates ... ) in both aqueous and solid environmental matrices. Target compounds were extracted from sediments using pressurized hot water ex- traction followed by stir bar sorptive extraction. The first stage was performed at 1,500 psi during three static extrac- tion cycles of 5 min each after optimizing the extraction temperature (50 – 150 °C) and addition of organic modifiers (% methanol) to water, the extraction solvent. Next, aqueous extracts and water samples were processed using polydime- thylsiloxane bars. Several parameters were optimized for this technique, including extraction and desorption time, ionic strength, presence of organic modifiers, and pH. Fi- nally, analytes were extracted from the bars by ultrasonic irradiation using a reduced amount of solvent (0.2 mL) prior to derivatization and gas chromatography – mass spectrome- try analysis. The optimized protocol uses minimal amounts of organic solvents (<10 mL/sample) and time ( ≈ 8 h/sam- ple) compared to previous ex isting methodologies. Low standard deviation (usually below 10 %) and limits of de- tection (sub-ppb) vouch for the applicability of the method- ology for the analysis of target compounds at trace levels. Once developed, the method was applied to determin