4,047 research outputs found

    Influence of Adaptive Comfort Models in Execution Cost Improvements for Housing Thermal Environment in Concepción, Chile

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    Most of the operational energy needed by the housing sector is used to compensate energy losses or thermal gains through the building’s envelope. As a result, any improvement in the thermal behavior will provide important opportunities to reduce energy consumption. This research analyzes improvements in the thermal envelope in social housing in the Greater Concepción area in Chile using adaptive thermal comfort models and thermal insulation investments. The objective set out is to evaluate the economic reduction of thermal envelope improvement costs for dwellings, which entails using the adaptive thermal comfort model obtained through monitoring and the surveys applied to the users of social housing in Concepción (CAS), against the international adaptive thermal comfort models established by the EN 15251:2007 and ASHRAE 55-2017 standards. Finally, it is concluded that, on having applied the social housing adaptive thermal comfort model (CAS), execution costs are reduced by between 28.8% and 58.2%, reaching a time of comfort in free oscillation similar to that obtained from applying the models of the EN 15251:2007 (74.2%) and ASHRAE 55-2017 standards (59.9%)CONICYT FONDECYT 3160806VI PPIT-U

    Political consumption of fashion: Buycott and slow fashion in Instagram

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    La conciencia medioambiental del consumidor cada vez adquiere más protagonismo, por lo que son muchas las empresas que han decidido fundarse o cambiar su estrategia siguiendo valores ecológicos, como las que se suman al movimiento slow fashion, opuesto a la moda industrializada. La recompensa que obtienen por parte del público es el buycott: un consumo activista basado en la filosofía de la empresa. Dado que el buycott se consolida en las redes sociales mediante una declaración de intenciones, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la convergencia de estos dos movimientos en Instagram, plataforma clave para los prescriptores de moda.The consumer’s environmental consciousness is gaining a more prominent role in the market, so many companies have been founded or modified according to ecological values, as those that support the slow fashion movement, opposite to the industrialized fashion. These companies get a buycott as a reward: an activist consumption based on the firm’s philosophy. Since the buycott finds a thriving area of expansion in social media sites through a statement of intentions, the aim of the current study is to analyse the convergence between these two movements in Instagram, a key platform for fashion influencer

    Novas tendências em marketing por causa do auge da Internet

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    The use of Internet has changed considerably the marketing practice. In this article the authors carry on a literature review to analyse the factors involved in the process and also the advantages, challenges and opportunities of this technology from a marketing perspective.El uso de Internet ha traído cambios considerables para la práctica del Marketing. Este artículo lleva a cabo una revisión bibliográfica donde se analizan los factores que están relacionados con el proceso de cambio así como las ventajas, desafíos y oportunidades que ofrece esta nueva tecnología desde una perspectiva del Marketing.O uso da Internet trouxe mudanças consideráveis para a prática do Marketing. Este artigo realiza uma revisão bibliográfica onde se analisam os fatores que estão relacionados com o processo de mudança assim como as vantagens, desafios e oportunidades oferecidas por esta nova tecnologia a partir de uma perspectiva de Marketing

    Estimating adaptive setpoint temperatures using weather stations

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    Reducing both the energy consumption and CO 2 emissions of buildings is nowadays one of the main objectives of society. The use of heating and cooling equipment is among the main causes of energy consumption. Therefore, reducing their consumption guarantees such a goal. In this context, the use of adaptive setpoint temperatures allows such energy consumption to be significantly decreased. However, having reliable data from an external temperature probe is not always possible due to various factors. This research studies the estimation of such temperatures without using external temperature probes. For this purpose, a methodology which consists of collecting data from 10 weather stations of Galicia is carried out, and prediction models (multivariable linear regression (MLR) and multilayer perceptron (MLP)) are applied based on two approaches: (1) using both the setpoint temperature and the mean daily external temperature from the previous day; and (2) using the mean daily external temperature from the previous 7 days. Both prediction models provide adequate performances for approach 1, obtaining accurate results between 1 month (MLR) and 5 months (MLP). However, for approach 2, only the MLP obtained accurate results from the 6th month. This research ensures the continuity of using adaptive setpoint temperatures even in case of possible measurement errors or failures of the external temperature probes.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities 00064742/ITC-20133094Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness BIA 2017-85657-

    Covid-19 and diabetes

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common comorbid conditions in persons with COVID-19 and a risk factor for poor prognosis. The reasons why COVID-19 is more severe in persons with DM are currently unknown although the scarce data available on patients with DM hospitalized because of COVID-19 show that glycemic control is inadequate. The fact that patients with COVID-19 are usually cared for by health professionals with limited experience in the management of diabetes and the need to prevent exposure to the virus may also be obstacles to glycemic control in patients with COVID-19. Effective clinical care should consider various aspects, including screening for the disease in at-risk persons, education, and monitoring of control and complications. We examine the effect of COVID-19 on DM in terms of glycemic control and the restrictions arising from the pandemic and assess management of diabetes and drug therapy in various scenarios, taking into account factors such as physical exercise, diet, blood glucose monitoring, and phar-macological treatment. Specific attention is given to patients who have been admitted to hospital and critically ill patients. Finally, we consider the role of telemedicine in the management of DM patients with COVID-19 during the pandemic and in the future

    Fake News during the War World I: Study of their representation in the front page of the Spanish press (ABC Madrid)

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    Las fake news han sido utilizadas por los grandes poderes políticos desde el comienzo de la Historia. Un ejemplo muy sonado fueron las noticias relacionadas con las atrocidades cometidas por el bando alemán durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, utilizadas por el bando aliado como propaganda para convencer a la opinión pública y los países neutrales (sobre todo, Estados Unidos) de la necesidad de la guerra. Aunque España declaró su neutralidad ante el conflicto, la población se dividió en dos bloques que simpatizaban con uno u otro bando: aliadófilos y germanófilos. El objetivo de este artículo es ana-lizar la representatividad de las historias de atrocidades alemanas en el diario español ABC, acusado de defender al bando alemán, aunque oficialmente fue declarado neutralista.Fake news have been used by political great power entities since the beginning of the Histo-ry. News related to atrocities made by the German bloc during the World War I were a good example of them, used by the allied bloc as propaganda to convince the public opinion and the neutral countries (above all, the United States) of the war urge. Spain, despite having declared its neutrality in this con-flict, was divided in two blocs: those who supported the German cause and those who supported the allies. The objective of this paper is to analyse the representation of the German atrocities’ stories in the Spanish newspaper ABC, which was accused of defending the German bloc though being officially declared neutral

    El marco visual del candidato político en Instagram: las elecciones autonómicas catalanas de 2021

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    Social networks are tools for constructing digital identity, making online impression management possible. This study explains, in the context of the politainment age, the way in which Instagram allows political candidates to build their digital image; that is, to perform online self-representation. Specifcally, the focus of this paper is the image of political candidates on Instagram during the campaign of the 2021 Catalan regional elections on February 14. It links Gofman’s (1956) theory of the presentation of the self in everyday life to both current research approaches to online self-representation and Grabe and Bucy’s (2009) visual framing theory. The objective is to study the type of elements employed by candidates for constructing their photographic and video stage settings and, therefore, their digital identities during the election campaign. After an operationalization of Gofman’s and Grabe and Bucy’s theories resulting in 27 items, a content analysis was carried out on a total of 215 Instagram posts of the eight main candidates published between 29 January and 13 February 2021. It has been observed that all political candidates show themselves in a more professional way, and it couldn’t be afrmed that a certain visual frame is attached to a certain ideology. In line with previous research, our results show that the ‘ideal candidate’ was the predominating frame, although particularities corresponding to the 2021 Catalan context were observed. Implications to the current context of online political communication are identifed and discussed.Las redes sociales son herramientas de construcción de la identidad digital que posibilitan la gestión de esta. Este estudio explica, en el contexto de la era del politainment, el modo en que Instagram permite a los candidatos políticos construir su imagen digital; es decir, realizar una autorrepresentación online. En concreto, este trabajo se centra en la imagen de los candidatos políticos en Instagram durante la campaña de las elecciones autonómicas catalanas del 14 de febrero de 2021. Se relaciona la teoría de Gofman (1956) sobre la presentación del yo en la vida cotidiana con los enfoques de investigación actuales sobre la autorrepresentación online y la teoría del encuadre visual de Grabe y Bucy (2009). El objetivo es estudiar el tipo de elementos empleados por los candidatos para construir sus escenarios fotográfcas y videográfcas y, por tanto, sus identidades digitales durante la campaña electoral. Tras una operacionalización de las teorías de Gofman y Grabe y Bucy que dio como resultado 27 ítems, se realizó un análisis de contenido de un total de 215 posts de Instagram de los ocho principales candidatos publicados entre el 29 de enero y el 13 de febrero de 2021. Se ha observado que todos los candidatos políticos se muestran de una forma más profesional, y no se ha podido afrmar que un determinado marco visual vaya unido a una determinada ideología. En línea con investigaciones anteriores, nuestros resultados muestran que el “candidato ideal” fue el marco predominante, aunque se observaron particularidades correspondientes al contexto catalán de 2021. Se identifcan y discuten las implicaciones para el contexto actual de la comunicación política online

    Inpatient Hyperglycemia Management and COVID-19

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    Diabetes is one of the most common comorbidities in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Inpatient hyperglycemia during this pandemic has been associated with worse outcomes, so it is mandatory to implement effective glycemic control treatment approaches for inpatients with COVID-19. The shortage of personal protective equipment, the need to prevent staff exposure, or the fact that many of the healthcare professionals might be relatively unfamiliar with the management of hyperglycemia may lead to worse glycemic control and, consequently, a worse prognosis. In order to reduce these barriers, we intend to adapt established recommendations to manage hyperglycemia during this pandemic in critical and noncritical care settings

    Communication and Fashion in the Digital Environment: the Behavior of Fashion Bloggers’ Followers

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    En este texto se realiza un estudio del fashion blogger o bloguera de moda y del comportamiento del público español en torno a su figura. Para ello, se han realizado encuestas entre la población femenina, con los objetivos de conocer a las blogueras más influyentes del panorama nacional, identificar las diferencias en el comportamiento entre seguidoras y no seguidoras de blogs de moda, y las diferencias entre las seguidoras de una bloguera u otra. Los resultados revelan la volatilidad del compromiso hacia una determinada bloguera o la necesidad por parte de estas de adaptarse a nuevas plataformas como Instagram.In this text, a study of the fashion blogger is carried on according to the Spanish customer behaviour related to this figure. In order to do that, surveys have been conducted between female population, with the aims of knowing the most influencer bloggers of the Spanish context, identifying the differences between the behaviour of the fashion blogs followers and not followers, and the differences between the followers of one blogger and another. Results show the volatility of the compromise with a particular blogger and the need that these bloggers have of adapting themselves to new platforms such as Instagram