7,603 research outputs found

    Real-Time Fault Detection and Diagnosis Using Intelligent Monitoring and Supervision Systems

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    In monitoring and supervision schemes, fault detection and diagnosis characterize high efficiency and quality production systems. To achieve such properties, these structures are based on techniques that allow detection and diagnosis of failures in real time. Detection signals faults and diagnostics provide the root cause and location. Fault detection is based on signal and process mathematical models, while fault diagnosis is focused on systems theory and process modeling. Monitoring and supervision complement each other in fault management, thus enabling normal and continuous operation. Its application avoids stopping productive processes by early detection of failures and by applying real-time actions to eliminate them, such as predictive and proactive maintenance based on process conditions. The integration of all these methodologies enables intelligent monitoring and supervision systems, enabling real-time fault detection and diagnosis. Their high performance is associated with statistical decision-making techniques, expert systems, artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic and computational procedures, making them efficient and fully autonomous in making decisions in the real-time operation of a production system

    Respectable and Disreputable Women Mechanisms of Relief for and Oppression of Women in Spain in the Early Modern Period

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    AbstractOne of the defining characteristics of the working classes during the Old Regime was poverty, and the main victims were women, especially those who “vivían sobre sí” [eighteenth century Spanish expression meaning to fend for or support oneself]. Indeed, the percentage of female-headed households in cities which were considered “impoverished” was higher than that of male-headed households. Furthermore, women not only had to cope with hardship and destitution but they also expected to scrupulously observe the prevailing moral doctrine. If they were considered respectable, they were eligible to receive relief from public and private charitable institutions, but should they transgress the moral standards of the day, they would find that there was no room for toleranc

    A source for the study of prisons in the Kingdom of León: the record of 1817

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    The paper consist of an analysis of prisoner’s living conditions in the various types of prison which existed in the region during the Ancient Regime. The diversity of judicial systems in the region created the need for widely differing institutions, from small rural prisons to large-scale establishments created by the crown to transform vagabonds into productive individuals.En el trabajo se analizan las condiciones de vida de vida de los encarcelados en los diferentes tipos de cárceles que operaban en las provincias de León y Zamora durante el Antiguo Régimen. La diversidad de los sistemas judiciales en la región introdujo la necesidad de instituciones muy diferentes, desde las pequeñas cárceles rurales a los grandes establecimientos creados por la corona para transformar vagabundos en individuos productivos

    El proceso de descubrimiento en la clase de matemáticas: los razonamientos abductivo, inductivo y deductivo

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    En el present article s'exposen i analitzen alguns resultats d'una investigació desenvolupada a la Universitat Pedagògica Nacional durant els anys  2010  i  2011 (DMA-204-10). En aquesta investigació es caracteritzen les diferents formes de raonar usades per un grup de professors de matemàtiques en formació en resoldre algunes activitats relacionades amb els nombres racionals i irracionals. L'enfocament teòric usat per al desenvolupament de la investigació reprèn alguns aspectes de la teoria de Peirce sobre el mètode científic i sobre el raonament matemàtic, els quals permeten interpretar les argumentacions desenvolupades pels alumnes en la resolució de les diferents activitats i discutir els resultats de altres estudis que s'adscriuen a la mateixa línia d'investigació, com ara la proposta de Cañadas i Castro (2007) sobre el procés de conjeturació. Com a resultat d'aquest treball s'obté la caracterització i classificació de les diferents formes de raonar emprades en el procés de descobriment matemàtic, així com alguns exemples de cadascuna d'aquestes.In this paper, we present and analyze some results of a research carried out at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional during the years 2010 and 2011. In this study we characterize the different forms of reasoning used by a group of prospective mathematics teachers to address some activities related to rational and irrational numbers. The theoretical approach used for the development of research incorporates some aspects of Peirce’s theory of scientific method and mathematical reasoning, which can interpret the arguments developed by students in the resolution of the different task and discuss the results of other studies that are assigned to the same line of research, such as the proposed Cañadas and Castro (2007) about conjecture process. As a result of this work we obtain the characterization and classification of different forms of reasoning employed in the process of mathematical discovery and examples of each of these.En el presente artículo se exponen y analizan algunos resultados de una investigación desarrollada en la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional durante los años 2010 y 2011 (DMA-204-10). En esta investigación se caracterizan las diferentes formas de razonar usadas por un grupo de profesores de matemáticas en formación al resolver algunas actividades relacionadas con los números racionales e irracionales. El enfoque teórico usado para el desarrollo de la investigación retoma algunos aspectos de la teoría de Peirce sobre el método científico y sobre el razonamiento matemático, los cuales permiten interpretar las argumentaciones desarrolladas por los alumnos en la resolución de las diferentes actividades y discutir los resultados de otros estudios que se adscriben a la misma línea de investigación, como por ejemplo la propuesta de Cañadas y Castro (2007) sobre el proceso de conjeturación. Como resultado de este trabajo se obtiene la caracterización y clasificación de las diferentes formas de razonar empleadas en el proceso de descubrimiento matemático, así como algunos ejemplos de cada una de estas