383 research outputs found

    Lista sinonímica de las especies españolas de los géneros Halictus y Lasioglossum (Hym., Apoidea)

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    Oribátidos (Acari, Oribatei) de Menorca

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    Oribátidos (Acaria, Oribatei) hallados sobre plantas en la región de Los Monegros (Aragón, España)

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    The interrelationship among the international stock markets

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    Without doubt from an economic point of view, the stock markets of the principal countries are more and more related among them. Though this affirmation has more clearly arisen as a truth from the October 1987 crash, initially one of the most surprising things was the strange similarity among the behaviour of the main stock markets of the world since that date. It was said that if in New York the big investors sold their stocks (and, for this reason, their price would go down) they should reinvest the money obtained in that operation in others markets, and this last should rise their prices. But, surprisingly, nothing of this seems to have occurred, and the principal markets in the world behaved as one, although following the path pointed out by Wall Street. All shown in the previous paragraph induced us to study the present correlation between a series of returns that is made up by six stock markets (NYSE - Wall Street - Tokyo, London, Paris, Francfurt and Madrid), during the last three-months of the year 1987, trying to know the present relation among them

    An institutional analysis of Galician turbot aquaculture: Property rights system, legal framework and resistance to institutional change

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    Galicia, located in the northwest of Spain, is one of the main producing regions of turbot in Europe. Although the beginnings of the sector date back to 1985, its consolidation and expansion took place in the 1990s when more than a dozen companies joined the sector. However, in recent years, the production has stagnated. Part of this phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the new granting of occupancy of the maritime-terrestrial domain and the granting of activity licences to the sector have come to a standstill. This paper analyses the institutional framework of the sector from the perspective of the New Institutional Economics (NIE), describing the role of the public administration, the formal rules, the organization of the sector and the system of property rights. Thus, the actors and the previous legal framework that led to the legal paralysis of the sector will be characterized. There were three attempts to elaborate a definitive aquaculture plan but, due to the opposition of interest groups and the political dynamics of the Galician region, were cancelled.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C2018/48Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431E2018/07Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-099225-B-10

    Market concentration in the Spanish turbot aquaculture sector: A regional analysis

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    This paper analyses the regional evolution of the market structure in the Spanish turbot industry, which is the leading turbot producer in Europe, using different concentration rates. The analysis is performed considering several factors that have influenced the evolution of the sector, the most important being the application of technology, business strategies and the institutional framework. The results confirm a process of concentration. Starting from an initial phase in which the sector was composed of a considerable number of small companies, this industry has evolved towards a situation in which only two large firms dominate the market.Este artículo analiza la evolución regional de la estructura del mercado en la industria española del rodaballo, la mayor productora de rodaballo en Europa, mediante el empleo de diferentes índices de concentración. El análisis se realizó teniendo en cuenta varios factores que han influido en la evolución del sector, entre los más importantes el uso de tecnología, las estrategias empresariales y el marco institucional. Los resultados confirman un proceso de concentración. Partiendo de una fase inicial en la que el sector estaba compuesto por un gran número de pequeñas empresas, esta industria ha evolucionado hacia una situación en la que tan sólo dos grandes empresas dominan el mercado.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431E2018/07Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C2018/48Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-099225-B-I0

    Optimización de observables cuánticos para la maximización de la visibilidad de la autocorrelación

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    [ES] Selección de observables para la maximización de la visibilidad de su autocorrelación, para optimizar la caracterización de sistemas cuánticos bajo hamiltoniano constante (en cualquier dimensión) y bajo operadores de Lindblad (en el caso bidimensional del qubit)

    Asociación entre el estado de ansiedad y el grado de hidratación en estudiantes universitarios

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    La ansiedad es una patología psiquiátrica muy común entre los jóvenes universitarios y las estrategias para su mitigación se limitan al consumo de sustancias ansiolíticas. Para el diagnóstico precoz de esta patología existen diferentes métodos entre los que se encuentra el cuestionario STAI, que diferencia la ansiedad – estado y la ansiedad – rasgo. Una adecuada hidratación es fundamental para mantenerse sano, ya que el agua es el principal componente del cuerpo humano y de varios procesos fisiológicos. Un estado de deshidratación, además de generar un balance hídrico negativo, supone consecuencias graves en el estado de salud. El cuestionario HSQ podría emplearse como método de cribado en situaciones de riesgo de deshidratación, ya que permite obtener información sobre la ingesta de líquidos y la eliminación de los mismos. Nuestro objetivo es determinar la asociación entre el grado de ansiedad y el nivel de hidratación de los estudiantes universitarios. Estudio de investigación transversal y observacional con una muestra de 65 mujeres universitarias. Los individuos con una ansiedad por encima del percentil 95 muestran un balance hídrico negativo. El consumo de café e infusiones muestra correlación con la ansiedad – estado y ansiedad – rasgo. Un 90% y 97% de la población estudiada muestra unos niveles de ansiedad por encima del percentil 95, respectivamente. El balance hídrico negativo medio de esta población es negativo.Grado en Enfermerí

    Governance in small-scale fisheries of Galicia (NW Spain): moving toward co-management?

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    The historical lack of fishers’ participation in decision making had led to weak fishing management and explains the meagre results achieved so far in conserving marine resources. European Commission recommends greater participation by fishers in the decision-making process so that adopted measures will better reflect local circumstances. It should be easier to introduce co-management measures in fisheries that have a tradition of cooperative behaviour among groups of fishers, as is generally the case in the small-scale fishing sector. This paper studies how small-scale Galician fishers view greater participation in the decision-making process. The results show that fishermen are clearly in favour of increased participation—through their guilds and, to a lesser extent, alongside trade unions, producer organizations, and scientists. The results show that fishers also favour moving toward co-management on such issues as participating in the establishment of regulating mechanisms, monitoring compliance with fishing rules, and demarcating areas for sport fishing.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B2018/095Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C2018/48Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431E2018/07Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-099225-B-10