107 research outputs found

    Shared Custody and Gender Violence: Controversies posed by Article 92.7 of the Spanish Civil Code

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    Resumen:Ante episodios de violencia doméstica o violencia de género es cuestión controvertida si debe o no adoptarse o, en su caso, mantener el régimen de guarda y custodia compartida. El art. 92.7 del Código civil con una redacción imprecisa lo prohíbe expresamente, pero muchas resoluciones judiciales matizan el rigor de la norma y establecen la custodia conjunta. Otras, más allá de la norma, ordenan la suspensión del “derecho de visitas” en línea con las previsiones establecidas en las Leyes 8/2015 y 26/2015 de modificación del sistema de protección a la infancia y a la adolescencia. El presente estudio analiza algunas cuestiones controvertidas que plantea la aplicación práctica del vigente art. 92.7 C.c. conectándolo con el art. 95 bis 5 del Anteproyecto de Ley de Responsabilidad Parental, que introduce importantes modificaciones, unas acertadas y otras no exentas de algún reparo.</jats:p

    El complejo régimen que disciplina la responsabilidad civil por daños derivados del acoso escolar

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    El acoso escolar en todas sus manifestaciones (directas e indirectas) encaja y puede ser penado conforme a diversos tipos delictivos que, además del reproche criminal que merecen, conforme a la legislación penal del menor, producen un daño efectivo, que nadie tiene obligación de soportar (menos un menor de edad); por lo que ese daño, injustamente causado, da lugar al nacimiento de la correspondiente responsabilidad civil. Sin embargo, en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico coexisten una pluralidad de regímenes jurídicos «injustificables» que disciplinan una misma realidad jurídica en materia de Derecho de daños. Nuestro trabajo analiza, el distinto régimen regulador de la responsabilidad civil, en función del tramo de edad del menor y en función de si la legislación a aplicar es la civil (menores de 14 años) o la derivada de la LORPM (14 a 18 años). Diferencias sustantivas y procesales también, en función de si el hecho ilícito causante del daño y en que se subsumen las conductas de acoso escolar o ciberacoso está o no tipificado penalmente (ilícito penal o ilícito civil). Lo que, como se ha dicho, dará lugar a la aplicación de regímenes jurídicos diferenciados y a órdenes jurisdiccionales distintos (civil, contencioso y jurisdicción de menores) para su enjuiciamiento; ya sea condenado el Centro docente (público, privado o concertado), la propia Administración Educativa o los padres del menor o menores infractores. De ello nos ocupamos para clarificar la cuestión aportando las soluciones que adoptan los Tribunales

    Molestie nel web 2.0: la risposta del diritto civile ai danni ciberbullying

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    1. VIOLENZA FRA EGUALI: DAL BULLYNG TRADIZIONALE AL CIBERBULLYNG. 1.1 Concezione e caratteristiche del ciberbullying. 1.2.- Concorrenza di fenomeni di bullying tradizionali e cyberbullying. 1.3 Cifre allarmanti del cyberbullyng. 2. CYBERBULLISMO E RESPONSABILITÀ PENALE DEL DELINQUENTE GIOVANILE. 2.1.- Cyberbullismo: Regolazione prevista dal Codice penale spagnolo. 2.2. Responsabilità penale dei minori secondo l'età e le misure adottate (LORPM). 3. REGIMI LEGALI CHE REGOLANO LA RESPONSABILITÀ CIVILE PER DANNI DERIVANTI DAL CYBERBULLISMO. 3.1. Il terzo sistema di responsabilità civile che introduce la LORPM. 3.2 Il ciberbullyng e la responsabilità civile nella giurisdizione penale dei minori sotto l`articolo 61,3 LORPM. 1

    Notas sobre la aplicación del Reglamento (UE) 2016/1103 a los pactos prematrimoniales en previsión de la ruptura matrimonial

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    El Reglamento (UE) nº 2016/1103 determina la Ley aplicable a las capitulaciones matrimoniales, pero no hace referencia a los acuerdos prematrimoniales en previsión de una futura crisis matrimonial. Pactos cuyo contenido (personal o patrimonial) puede ser diverso y abarcar materias excluidas de su ámbito de aplicación. Determinar cuál sería la ley aplicable al pacto prematrimonial transfronterizo, así como los requisitos de fondo y forma exigidos para su validez, se presenta como una tarea compleja. A modo de ensayo, focalizamos nuestro análisis, en determinados pactos de renuncia anticipada a compensaciones económicas que pudieran corresponder como consecuencia de la separación o divorcio


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    This paper analyses Regulation (EU) No 2016/1103 on matrimonial property regimes. We focus our attention on the conflict rules on applicable law and the forums of international jurisdiction. For the sake of predictability and full legal certainty, it is important for the spouses to know which court will have jurisdiction over their property relations and which law will be applicable to them, both during the period of the marriage and on its dissolution. It is intended to prevent them from being subject to different regimes depending on the competent court or the applicable law.Este trabajo realiza un análisis del Reglamento (UE) nº 2016/1103 sobre regímenes económicos matrimoniales. Focalizamos nuestra atención en las normas de conflicto sobre la ley aplicable y los foros de competencia judicial internacional. En aras a la previsibilidad y plena seguridad jurídica, propicia que los cónyuges conozcan qué tribunal será competente para conocer de sus relaciones patrimoniales, y cuál será el Derecho aplicable a las mismas, tanto durante la vigencia del matrimonio, con ocasión de su disolución. Su objeto es evitar que puedan verse sujetos a regímenes distintos en función del tribunal competente o la ley aplicable

    Reporting of Perinatal Outcomes in Probiotic Randomized Controlled Trials. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The use of probiotic microorganisms in clinical practice has increased in recent years and a significant number of pregnant women are regular consumers of these products. However, probiotics might modulate the immune system, and whether or not this modulation is beneficial for perinatal outcomes is unclear. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the reporting of perinatal outcomes in randomized controlled trials including women supplemented with probiotic microorganisms during pregnancy. We also analyzed the effects that the administration of probiotic microorganisms exerts on perinatal outcomes. In the review, 46 papers were included and 25 were meta-analyzed. Reporting of perinatal outcomes was highly inconsistent across the studies. Only birth weight, cesarean section, and weeks of gestation were reported in more than 50% of the studies. Random effects meta-analysis results showed that the administration of probiotic microorganisms during pregnancy did not have any a positive or negative impact on the perinatal outcomes evaluated. Subgroup analysis results at the strain level were not significantly different from main analysis results. The administration of probiotic microorganisms does not appear to influence perinatal outcomes. Nonetheless, future probiotic studies conducted in pregnant women should report probiotic strains and perinatal outcomes in order to shed light upon probiotics’ effects on pregnancy outcomes.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (Project FIS-ISCIII) P117/0230

    Switchable multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser for remote sensing

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    In this work, we present and experimentally demonstrate a switchable Erbium-doped fiber laser for remote sensing applications. The laser uses four Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) for wavelength selection and for temperature sensing and a 2x4 optical switch. By adjusting the switch combinations, the laser can be switched among the four different wavelength lasing configurations. Stable one- and two- wavelength oscillations were achieved based on the use of this device. An output power instability analysis with the temperature for two different multi-wavelength configurations, one of them using the 2x4 optical switch and the other using a 1x4 coupler, was performed, for a cavity length of 50 km. A comparison between the performances of these topologies is carried out, and their temperature sensitivity and stabilization time are shown

    Multiwavelength and switchable erbium-doped fiber lasers

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    In this work, an experimental stability comparison between two different switchable Erbium- doped fiber lasers (EDFL) is carried out. Both topologies use fiber Bragg grating reflectors in order to select the emission wavelengths and two 2x4 optical switches. By adjusting the switches combinations, the lasers can be switched among the sixteen different wavelength lasing configurations. An output power instability analysis with time for both topologies was performed. The experimental results confirm that the topology based on a serial configuration offers a better stability and higher optical signal to noise ratios (OSNR) than the one based on a parallel configuration

    L-band multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber ring laser for sensing applications

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    In this work, a novel single-longitudinal-mode (SLM) four-wavelength laser configuration for sensing applications in L-band is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. This spectral region presents some advantages for the detection of dangerous gases. The sensor system presented here is based on ring resonators, and employs fiber Bragg gratings to select the operation wavelengths. The stable SLM operation is guaranteed when all the lasing channels present similar output powers. It is also experimentally demonstrated that when a SLM behavior is achieved, lower output power fluctuations are obtained