42 research outputs found

    Nuevos retos educativos ante el escenario de la universalización tecnológica : El caso de los estudios de comunicación

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    Los estudios de comunicación, especialmente en su vertiente de producción de comunicación audiovisual y multimedia, se mueven sobre las coordenadas representadas por: a) el contexto institucional universitario y su particular evolución en el caso español; b) los planes de estudio (las materias concretas) como materialización de toda una forma de entender la docencia en este campo; y c) el propio desarrollo y evolución del sector profesional (también con las particularidades del caso español). Estas tres coordenadas, evidentemente, son flexibles y dinámicas y tienen un denominador común: la presencia de las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) en mayor o menor grado, con mayor o menor influencia. La siguiente comunicación trata de establecer, de forma breve, los principales elementos de valoración a tener en cuenta ante el creciente fenómeno de la universalización tecnológica y de qué forma puede afectar (y, de hecho, ya afecta) la docencia universitaria y su relación con el sector profesional.Eje: Reflexiones educación Siglo XXIRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Nuevos retos educativos ante el escenario de la universalización tecnológica : El caso de los estudios de comunicación

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    Los estudios de comunicación, especialmente en su vertiente de producción de comunicación audiovisual y multimedia, se mueven sobre las coordenadas representadas por: a) el contexto institucional universitario y su particular evolución en el caso español; b) los planes de estudio (las materias concretas) como materialización de toda una forma de entender la docencia en este campo; y c) el propio desarrollo y evolución del sector profesional (también con las particularidades del caso español). Estas tres coordenadas, evidentemente, son flexibles y dinámicas y tienen un denominador común: la presencia de las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) en mayor o menor grado, con mayor o menor influencia. La siguiente comunicación trata de establecer, de forma breve, los principales elementos de valoración a tener en cuenta ante el creciente fenómeno de la universalización tecnológica y de qué forma puede afectar (y, de hecho, ya afecta) la docencia universitaria y su relación con el sector profesional.Eje: Reflexiones educación Siglo XXIRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Teleworking: myths and realities

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    In the next few years we will find enormous differences in many aspects of our lives. Old concepts will need to be revised and new ones will need to be defined. We need to find a new concept of work, a new definition of what work is in the information society, and what it should be. We must determine the full implications of this new concept of working and analyze its impact on society, organizations and individuals. In this new conception of work, teleworking is becoming increasingly more important. It is having important effects on society, individuals and organizations. New forms of working are emerging, and these have the logical consequences on individuals, organizations and society. Teleworking will bring many positive aspects, create new opportunities and offer new advantages to workers, firms and communities. But it could also bring many negative aspects and create new problems.Presentado en el I ETHICOMP LatinoaméricaRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Y llegó el día de la venganza. Franco contra Hollywood

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    Actas del V Congreso Internacional de Historia y Cine celebrado en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid del 5 al 7 de Septiembre de 2016.En 1936 buena parte de la industria de Hollywood se pone del lado de la República contra el régimen de Franco. Cerca de 30 años tardarían en consumar una venganza contra una de las majors de Hollywood, la Columbia; aunque los verdaderos perdedores de este pulso fueron los trabajadores españoles de dicha compañía. Todo ello en pleno auge de la apertura del régimen, de las facilidades para rodar en España grandes producciones de Hollywood y en plena celebración de los 25 años de paz. E] enfrentamiento con la Columbi a buscaba controlar Ja imagen que de la Guerra Civil se debía transmitir al mundo. En 1964 la Guerra Civil española sigue siendo utilizada como arma política para consolidar un régimen. En este contexto Fred Zinnemann decide rodar Y llego el dia de la venganza, un film basado en la novela de Emeric Pressburger Killing a mouse on Sunday. El film no fue estrenado en España hasta después de la muerte del general Franco y se convirtió en un mito, no por su calidad sino por el trato recibido por la censura. Más allá de la prohibición de su exhibición, las presiones se dirigieron contra la compañía productora: la Columbia Pictures. El tema llego a tener repercusiones internacionales con intervención de embajadas y ministerios. La comunicación pretende explicar las primeras conclusiones de una investigación que durante 4 años hemos realizado sobre los dietarios del di.rector de la Columbia en España Emilio López, que dan datos nuevos muy importantes sobre este caso.In 1936 good part of the industry of Hollywood puts of the side of the Republic against Franco's regime. Near 30 years they would be late in consumar a revenge against one of the majors of Hollywood, the Columbia; though the real losers of this pulse were the Spanish workers of the above mentioned company. Ali this in full summit of the opening of the regime, of the facilities to ro11 in Spain big productions of Ho11ywood and in ful] celebrations of 25 years of peace. What was looked was to control the image that of the Civil war had to be transmitted to the world. In 1964 the Spanish Civil war continues being used as political weapon for consolidating a regime. In this context Fred Zinnemann decides to roll And I come the day of the revenge, a film based on Emeric Pressburger's novel Killi ng to mouse on Sunday. The film was not released in Spain up to after the death of the general Franco and tumed into a myth, not for his quality but for the treatment got for the censorship. Beyond the prohibition of his exhibition, the pressures went against the produci ng cornpany: the Columbia Pictures. The topic I manage to have international repercussions with intervention of embassies and departments. The communication tries to explain the first conclusions of an research that for 4 years we have realized on the cliari es of the director of the Columbia in Spain Emilio López, that they give new very important information on this case

    Review of the CALIMAS Team Contributions to European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Mission Calibration and Validation

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    Camps, Adriano ... et al.-- 38 pages, 22 figuresThis work summarizes the activities carried out by the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) Barcelona Expert Center (SMOS-BEC) team in conjunction with the CIALE/Universidad de Salamanca team, within the framework of the European Space Agency (ESA) CALIMAS project in preparation for the SMOS mission and during its first year of operation. Under these activities several studies were performed, ranging from Level 1 (calibration and image reconstruction) to Level 4 (land pixel disaggregation techniques, by means of data fusion with higher resolution data from optical/infrared sensors). Validation of SMOS salinity products by means of surface drifters developed ad-hoc, and soil moisture products over the REMEDHUS site (Zamora, Spain) are also presented. Results of other preparatory activities carried out to improve the performance of eventual SMOS follow-on missions are presented, including GNSS-R to infer the sea state correction needed for improved ocean salinity retrievals and land surface parameters. Results from CALIMAS show a satisfactory performance of the MIRAS instrument, the accuracy and efficiency of the algorithms implemented in the ground data processors, and explore the limits of spatial resolution of soil moisture products using data fusion, as well as the feasibility of GNSS-R techniques for sea state determination and soil moisture monitoringThis work has been performed under research grants TEC2005-06863-C02-01/TCM, ESP2005-06823-C05, ESP2007-65667-C04, AYA2008-05906-C02-01/ESP and AYA2010-22062-C05 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and a EURYI 2004 award from the European Science FoundationPeer Reviewe

    2000 days of SMOS at the Barcelona Expert Centre: a tribute to the work of Jordi Font

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    Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) is the first satellite mission capable of measuring sea surface salinity and soil moisture from space. Its novel instrument (the L-band radiometer MIRAS) has required the development of new algorithms to process SMOS data, a challenging task due to many processing issues and the difficulties inherent in a new technology. In the wake of SMOS, a new community of users has grown, requesting new products and applications, and extending the interest in this novel brand of satellite services. This paper reviews the role played by the Barcelona Expert Centre under the direction of Jordi Font, SMOS co-principal investigator. The main scientific activities and achievements and the future directions are discussed, highlighting the importance of the oceanographic applications of the mission.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Improving SMOS retrieved salinity: characterization of systematic errors in reconstructed and modelled brightness temperature images

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    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 22-27 April 2012, Vienna, Austria.-- 1 pageThe Microwave Imaging Radiometer using Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS) instrument onboard the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission was launched on November 2nd, 2009 with the aim of providing, over the oceans, synoptic sea surface salinity (SSS) measurements with spatial and temporal coverage adequate for large-scale oceanographic studies. For each single satellite overpass, SSS is retrieved after collecting, at fixed ground locations, a series of brightness temperature from successive scenes corresponding to various geometrical and polarization conditions. SSS is inversed through minimization of the difference between reconstructed and modeled brightness temperatures. To meet the challenging mission requirements, retrieved SSS needs to accomplish an accuracy of 0.1 psu after averaging in a 10- or 30-day period and 2ºx2º or 1ºx1º spatial boxes, respectively. It is expected that, at such scales, the high radiometric noise can be reduced to a level such that remaining errors and inconsistencies in the retrieved salinity fields can essentially be related to (1) systematic brightness temperature errors in the antenna reference frame, (2) systematic errors in the Geophysical Model Function – GMF, used to model the observations and retrieve salinity – for specific environmental conditions and/or particular auxiliary parameter values and (3) errors in the auxiliary datasets used as input to the GMF. The present communication primarily aims at adressing above point 1 and possibly point 2 for the whole polarimetric information i.e. issued from both co-polar and cross-polar measurements. Several factors may potentially produce systematic errors in the antenna reference frame: the unavoidable fact that all antenna are not perfectly identical, the imperfect characterization of the instrument response e.g. antenna patterns, account for receiver temperatures in the reconstruction, calibration using flat sky scenes, implementation of ripple reduction algorithms at sharp boundaries such as the Sky-Earth boundary. Data acquired over the Ocean rather than over Land are prefered to characterize such errors because the variability of the emissivity sensed over the oceanic domain is an order of magnitude smaller than over land. Nevertheless, characterizing such errors over the Ocean is not a trivial task. Even if the natural variability is small, it is larger than the errors to be characterized and the characterization strategy must account for it otherwise the estimated patterns will unfortunately vary significantly with the selected dataset. The communication will present results on a systematic error characterization methodology allowing stable error pattern estimates. Particular focus will be given to the critical data selection strategy and the analysis of the X- and Y-pol patterns obtained over a wide range of SMOS subdatasets. Impact of some image reconstruction options will be evaluated. It will be shown how the methodology is also an interesting tool to diagnose specific error sources. Criticality of accurate description of Faraday rotation effects will be evidenced and latest results about the possibility to infer such information from full Stokes vector will be presentedPeer Reviewe