72 research outputs found

    Predicting health-related quality of life in Spanish adolescents with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and bronchial asthma

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    This study analyzed the predictive power of sociodemographic (age, sex) and medical variables (months since diagnosis and in treatment, immunotherapy, number of environmental allergens, food allergies or atopic dermatitistypes) on the quality of life of patients with rhinoconjunctivitis and bronchial asthma, using models based on comparative qualitative fuzzy analysis to compare them according to the pathology(s). Retrospective cross-sectional design.Sixty-four adolescents (65.60% boys) diagnosed with rhinoconjunctivitis and/or bronchial asthma aged between 12 and 16 years old (M= 14.02; SD = 1.45). The data were collected between February 2019 and January 2020 using the Brief Disease Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ), the Adolescent Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire (AdolRQoLQ) and the Respiratory Disease Questionnaire Self-administered and Standardized Chronicle (CRQSAS). Qualitative comparative analysis models (QCA) were used. In the QCA models, the various combinations indicated that the variables that predicted a higher quality of life for both rhinocojuntivitis symptoms and respiratory symptoms were receiving longerterm immunotherapy and a perceived lower threat of the disease. The consistencies of the models vary between 23-29%. In conclusion, the patients' QoL was explained by the presence of longerterm immunotherapy and a less threatening perception of the disease. Therefore, early multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment is importan

    Factors associated with stress when caring for a child with a short stature

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    Short stature (SS) is one of the main diagnoses in Pediatric Endocrinology. SS can have a negative impact on family dynamics, causing stress and psychopathology. Poor adaptation by the family caregiver negatively affects the pedi- atric patient. Our objective was therefore to study the adjustment of the main family caregivers of pediatric patients with SS, analyzing the factors influencing it. One hundred and ten primary family caregivers of pediatric SS patients from hospitals in Valencia, Spain, participated. Parental stress (Pediatric Inventory for Parents), anxious and depres- sive symptoms (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), family functioning (Family Cohesion and Adaptation Scale), and adult attachment (Adult Attachment Questionnaire) were evaluated. Fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) was performed. The caregiver's age, anxiety, and attachment variables are significant when predicting the main family caregiver's adaptation to the stress caused by the diagnosis. These results will help improve adaptation to the diagnosis, since healthcare personnel will be able to establish that caregivers and/or families present a greater risk of mismatch more quickly and apply the necessary intervention

    Duelo complicado por la muerte de un hijo: presentación de un caso

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    La pérdida de un ser querido por suicidio puede ser uno de los eventos más estresantes de la vida. Los factores de riesgo y protección asociados a cada caso pueden favorecer o dificultar el procesamiento de la pérdida. Se presenta un caso de trastorno de duelo complejo persistente en el que se aplica el Protocolo Mindfulness para la Aceptación del Dolor, las Emociones y el Duelo. La paciente mejora tras la intervención, observándose que ya no puntúa en trastorno de duelo complejo persistente, ni sintomatología ansiosa de forma significativa, ha disminuido su afecto negativo y aumentado su autocompasión, afecto positivo y bienestar psicológico. Concluimos que se hace necesaria una evaluación integral desde el sistema sanitario para poder atender a los pacientes que presenten trastorno de duelo complejo persistente de manera multidisciplinar. La intervención psicológica puede disminuir los costes económicos, sanitarios y personales

    Comorbilidad entre duelo complicado, sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva en dolientes de primer grado

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    Objetivo principal: valorar la presencia de duelo complicado (DC), la sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva, en dolientes de primer grado. Metodología: fueron evaluados 26 dolientes (84,60% mujeres), de 19 a 73 años (M=44,04; DT= 14,21), mediante: el Inventario de Duelo Complicado y la Escala Hospitalaria de Ansiedad y Depresión. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos, pruebas t, d de Cohen y correlaciones de Pearson. Resultados principales: un gran porcentaje (85,70%) mostraron DC, así como problemas clínicos de ansiedad (59,10%) y depresión (45,50%). El DC y la sintomatología emocional, fue mayor en hombres y cuando la pérdida era repentina. La presencia de DC se asoció con mayor ansiedad, depresión y malestar emocional general. Conclusión principal: es necesario conocer los factores de riesgo para desarrollar programas de intervención que incidan en ellos y favorezcan la salud física y mental de los dolientes. Objective: was to assess the presence of complicated grief (CG), anxious and depressive symptoms, in first-degree mourners. Methods: 26 mourners (84.60% women), from 19 to 73 years old (M=44.04; SD=14.21) were evaluated by means of: The Complicated Mourning Inventory and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Descriptive analyses, Cohen's t, d tests and Pearson's correlations were performed. Results: a large percentage (85.70%) showed CG, as well as clinical problems of anxiety (59.10%) and depression (45.50%). CG and emotional symptomatology were higher in men and when the loss was sudden. The presence of CG was associated with greater anxiety, depression and general emotional distress. Conclusions: it is necessary to know the risk factors in order to develop intervention programs that affect them and favour the physical and mental health of the mourner

    Levantando la voz: las cuidadoras en el hogar de personas en situación de dependencia

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    El cuidado de personas en situación de dependencia ha recaído habitualmente en las mujeres, siendo este factor muy relevante en la pérdida de salud física y emocional, en la afecta- ción de las relaciones sociales y familiares, y en la disminución de las posibilidades de mantener un trabajo remunerado y con ello, de los ingresos. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es entrevistar a cuidadoras de personas con dependencia para conocer el impacto del cuidado en sus vidas. Nuestros datos muestran una gran afectación personal, económica y social de estas cuidadoras, así como la necesidad de atenderlas socialmente. Palabras clave: Cuidadoras, Personas con dependencia, Impacto socioeconómico, Salud mental, Salud física. Abstract: Women are usually responsable for the care of dependent, being this factor very re- levant in the loss of physical and emotional health, in the affectation of the social and family rela- tions, and in the decrease of the possibilities of maintaining a remunerated work and therefore of the income. The aim of our study is to interview caretakers of dependent people to find out about the impact of care in their lives. Our data show a great personal, economic and social affectation of these caretakers, as well as the need to attend them socially. Keywords: Caregivers, Dependent persons, Socio-economic Impact, Mental Health, Physical Health

    Duelo anticipado en familiares de personas con enfermedad de Alzheimer: análisis del discurso

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    Alzheimer's disease (ad) is the most common dementia; it is considered a chronic and incurable process. Caregivers of people with ad may experience anticipa- tory grief. The aim was to observe the development of anticipatory grief in family caregivers of people with ad. Ten family caregivers of people with moderate or advanced ad (70 % women), aged between 18 and 80 years, participated. They answered a semi-structured interview (feelings, recognition of death, family reorganisation, hope, facilitation or resistance to death and approaching or distancing from the relative). The technique of qualitative content analysis was employed using the triangulation of two researchers. In addition, a descriptive analysis was carried out with spss v.26. The results suggest that relatives of people with ad go through a process of anticipatory grief: they show surprise, anger and fear; the majority (90 %) recognised that their relative was at the end of life; all made family restructurings to adapt to the new situation; 30% were hopeful that their relative's health would improve, with 70 % of them being those who would facilitate the dying process. In addition, most of them became closer to their relative (80 %) and half of them (50 %) changed their attitude towards death in a positive way. Greater difficulties were identified in: women, main caregivers living with ad and those with a basic level of education. Knowing the risk and protective factors in anticipatory bereavement can help to detect people at risk and to intervene psychologically by strengthening the protective factors

    Psychological aspects of pre-adolescents or adolescents with precocious puberty: A systematic review

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    Precocious puberty (PP) is an illness that appears when puberty, begins some years earlier than usual, provoking inferences in preadolescents and adolescents and their families. Therefore, the aim is to analyze if psychological consequences can be observed in groups of preadolescents or adolescents with PP. Method: A bibliographic search of the scientific literature was made following the PRISMA guide in the following databases: ProQuest, Psychinfo, Web Of Science, and Scopus. 592 studies were found, were uploaded to Covidence to make a screening, of which finally 6 were included for the revision according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Two independent evaluators made the search, selection, data extraction and quality evaluation of studies independently. The agreement degree between both was excellent in all of the cases. Results: 211 preadolescents participated in total in all studies, of which 99 were preadolescents with PP, with a mean age of 8,94 years old. Studies evaluated so heterogeneous variables, such as psychopathology, selfimage, neuropsychological and cognitive variables, and reasons to delay or stop PP. The quality of studies was moderated especially due to the low quality of the studies design, which were mostly transversal, and the representativity of the sample, being selected by convenience. Conclusions and implications: More research is needed to evaluate the psychological consequences of the PP diagnosis in pediatrics, and its protection factors, because none of the studies approached this question. We consider that it is necessary to increment the quality of these studies, and that these take a biopsychosocial perspective

    Multichannel Retailing and Consumer Behaviour: Strategy Design and Implementation

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    This article aims to analyse and offer managerial guidance about the processes of planning, implementation and control of a multichannel strategy within the framework of Multichannel Customer Management Decision (MCMD). To achieve this objective, firstly we justify the growing adoption of a multichannel strategy by retailers and channels participants. Following MCMD framework, we analyse the consumer behaviours linked to this kind of strategy in order to deeply understand the factors which affect consumer choice decisions related to channels. Alternative channels to brick and mortar retail channel are described, such as online channel. This helps us to offer a guide to define the multichannel strategy. Additionally, we give some ideas about the implementation of this strategy. Finally, in order to get a feedback to this planning process, we suggest carrying out a control phase. The work ends with conclusions section and future research streams

    Estrés, ansiedad y depresión en cuidadores principales de pacientes pediátricos con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1

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    El cuidado de la enfermedad crónica de un hijo, como la Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1 (DM1), puede generar grandes niveles de estrés, acompañados de sintomatología ansiosa-depresiva. La presencia de estrés y sintomatología emocional puede empeorar la adherencia al tratamiento y el control metabólico de los pacientes pediátricos, haciendo más fácil la aparición de complicaciones físicas y psicológicas. El objetivo del presente estudio es valorar la presencia de estrés, ansiedad y depresión en 100 cuidadores principales de pacientes pediátricos con DM1. Los resultados muestran que los cuidadores están sometidos a elevados niveles de estrés, destacando la sintomatología ansiosa y la presencia de un porcentaje importante de cuidadores con sintomatología depresiva. Por todo lo anterior, señalamos la relevancia de intervenir en los cuidadores principales, para mejorar su bienestar, y prevenir complicaciones en los pacientes pediátricos

    Mindfulness and grief: The MADED program mindfulness for the acceptance of pain and emotions in grief

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    Objetivo: diseñar un protocolo de intervención psicológica para el acompañamiento del dolor y las emociones en el proceso de duelo basado en la atención y la compasión. Método: se incluirán dolientes mayores de 18 años, que hayan perdido al familiar al menos hace 6 meses, que se encuentren en la fase 2 o 3 de elaboración del duelo y sin presencia de problemas de salud mental previa. Se les evaluará después de firmar el consentimiento informado, mediante: el Cuestionario de Mindfulness, el Cuestionario de Satisfacción con la Vida, el Cuestionario de Vitalidad, la Escala Hospitalaria de Ansiedad y Depresión, la Escala de Afecto Positivo y Negativo e Inventario de Duelo Complicado. Se llevarán a cabo: estadísticos descriptivos, pruebas t para muestras independientes y d de Cohen o prueba U de Mann-Whitney r de Rosenthal si no se cumplen los supuestos. Además, se llevará a cabo un ANCOVA junto a eta cuadrado parcial. Resultado: el programa MADED (Mindfulness para la aceptación del dolor y las emociones en el duelo), consta de nueve sesiones semanales. Conclusión: Las sesiones que componen el programa facilitan la elaboración saludable del proceso de duelo basándose en la integración de los principios del mindfulness