329 research outputs found

    Natural structures: strategies for geometric and morphological optimization

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    p. 893-906For centuries, architects and engineers have been searching the most efficient structural arrangements for their projects. Some of them have founded their proposals on the principle of biomimesis. The aim of their approach was to check how useful were 'for structural purposes' some geometrical patterns displayed by Nature on organic or inorganic bodies. Nature develops its structures in order to reach always optimal energetic solutions on a long term basis. The most usual arrangements are: pneus, shells, trees, webs and skeletons. All of them are controlled by four main factors: nature of forces, global form, local design and quality of material. Additional parameters, like pattern or material lightening, sometimes changes substantially the resulting geometry, and also some other general features as flexibility, integration, continuity, or self-straining are surrounding in most examples. This paper presents the achieved results on this topic by relevant authors of diverse fields: from the drawings of micro-organisms by the naturalist Häckel and the descriptive studies of the biologist Thompson, through the topological analysis of the patterns by the engineer Wester, the studies of natural lightweight structures by the architect F. Otto, to the final applications to light mega-structures by the engineers R. Le Ricolais or Buckminster Fuller.Pérez García, AJ.; Gómez Martínez, F. (2010). Natural structures: strategies for geometric and morphological optimization. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/695

    Tensiones principales. Superposición de axiles, cortantes y flectores en régimen elástico lineal

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    En este artículo se ha analizado la distribución de tensiones generadas por múltiples solicitaciones (axil, cortantes en dos direcciones y momentos flectores actuando sobre dos ejes). Se considera que las solicitaciones provocan deformaciones en el rango elástico lineal y se trata de averiguar cuál sería la magnitud máxima que podrían alcanzar las cargas para que no se produzcan plastificaciones.Pérez García, AJ. (2013). Tensiones principales. Superposición de axiles, cortantes y flectores en régimen elástico lineal. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/3121

    On the Sigma-invariants of even Artin groups of FC-type

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    In this paper we study Sigma-invariants of even Artin groups of FC-type, extending some known results for right-angled Artin groups. In particular, we define a condition that we call the strong n-link condition for a graph Gamma and prove that it gives a sufficient condition for a character chi : A(Gamma) -> Z to satisfy chi] is an element of Sigma(n)(A(Gamma), Z). This implies that the kernel A(Gamma)(chi) = ker chi is of type FPn. We prove the homotopical version of this result as well and discuss partial results on the converse. We also provide a general formula for the free part of H-n(A(Gamma)(chi); F) as an Ft(+/- 1)]-module with the natural action induced by chi. This gives a characterization of when H-n(A(Gamma)(chi); F) is a finite dimensional vector space over F

    Even Artin Groups

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    Right-angled Artin groups form an interesting family of groups both from analgebraic and a topological point of view. There are a lot of well-known propertiesof right-angled Artin groups: for example they are poly-free, locallyindicable, right orderable and residually finite. Besides, also many importantproblems are well understood for these groups such as the word problem, therigidity problem, Serre's question or the K(pi, 1) conjecture.In this thesis, we will study some of these properties for a bigger andinteresting subfamily of Artin groups: even Artin groups. We generalizemany of these properties either for even Artin groups in full genarility or forsome big and interesting subfamilies.In particular, we prove that even Artin groups of FC type and large evenArtin groups are poly-free (which, as we will see, implies that they are alsolocally indicable and right orderable) and that even Artin groups of FC typeand general Artin groups based on trees are residually finite. Finally, weanswer Serre's question for the whole family of even Artin groups.<br /

    Personalized rule-based closed-loop control algorithm for type 1 diabetes

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    Type 1 diabetes-mellitus implies a life-threatening absolute insulin deficiency. Artificial pancreas (CGM sensor, insulin pump and control algorithm) is promising to outperform current open-loop therapies

    Conceptos básicos de estructuras y resistencia de materiales

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    En este documento se exponen una serie de conceptos básicos relacionados con las asignaturas de estructuras y resistencia de materiales utilizando una serie de imágenes inspiradas en el cuerpo humano con el fin de facilitar al alumno la comprensión de las mismas.Pérez García, AJ.; Guardiola Víllora, AP. (2013). Conceptos básicos de estructuras y resistencia de materiales. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/3121

    The structural role played by masonry infills on RC building performances after the 2011 Lorca, Spain, earthquake

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    The final publication is available at Spriger via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10518-013-9500-1On May 11, 2011 an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 (Mw) struck Murcia region causing nine casualties and damage to buildings and infrastructures. Even if the main characteristics of the event would classify it as a moderate earthquake, the maximum Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) registered (equal to 0.37 g) exceeded significantly local code provisions in terms of hazard at the site. This high PGA was a result of directivity effects in the near source region. An overview of earthquake characteristics and damage observed is provided. Notwithstanding the lack of proper structural design characterizing building stock in the area, most of the losses were caused by non-structural damage. According to in field observations, it emerges that masonry infills provided additional, not designed , strength to reinforced concrete (RC) buildings. Observed damage data, collected after the earthquake, are shown and compared to the results of a simplified approach for nonstructural damage assessment of RC infilled structures (FAST vulnerability approach). The latter comparison provided a fair accordance between observed data and analytical results.The work presented has been developed in cooperation with Rete dei Laboratori Universitari di Ingegneria Sismica-ReLUIS-Linea 1.1.2. for the research program funded by the Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (2010-2013).De Luca, F.; Verderame, GM.; Gómez Martínez, F.; Pérez García, AJ. (2014). The structural role played by masonry infills on RC building performances after the 2011 Lorca, Spain, earthquake. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 12(5):1999-2026. doi:10.1007/s10518-013-9500-1S19992026125Alarcón E, Astiz MA, Benito MB, Álvarez R, Maeso O, Bernal A, Hermanns L (2010) Informe final sobre [...] la propuesta del anexo nacional español a la norma europea en 1998 (Eurocódigo 8), Ref: CMM\_IGN\_0210. Centro de Modelado en Ingeniería MecánicaAmerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (2007) Seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings. ASCE/SEI 41–06, Reston, VirginiaATC3-06 (1978) Tentative provisions for the development of seismic regulations for buildings. Report No. ATC3-06, Applied Technology Council, Palo Alto, CAATC-40 (1996) Seismic evaluation and retrofit of concrete buildings. Applied Technology Council (ATC), Redwood City, CaliforniaBaker JW (2007) Quantitative classification of near-fault ground motions using wavelet analysis. Bull Seismol Soc Am 97:1486–1501Benavent-Climent A (2007) Seismic behavior of RC wide beam-column connections under dynamic loading. J Earthq Eng 11:493–511Benavent-Climent A, Akiyama H, Lopez-Almansa F, Pujades LG (2004) Prediction of ultimate earthquake resistance of gravity-load designed RC buildings. Eng Struct 26:1103–1113Benavent-Climent A, Cahìs X, Catalàn A (2008) Seismic behavior of interior connections in existing waffle-flat-plate structures. Eng Struct 30:2510–2516Biskinis DE, Roupakias GK, Fardis MN (2004) Degradation of shear strength of reinforced concrete members with inelastic cyclic displacement. ACI Struct J 101:773–783Borzi B, Elnashai A (2000) Refined force reduction factor for seismic design. Eng Struct 22:1244–1260Borzi B, Pinho R, Crowley H (2008) Simplified pushover-based vulnerability analysis for large scale assessment of RC buildings. Eng Struct 30(3):804–820Cabañas L, Carreño E, Izquierdo A, Martínez JM, Capote R, Martínez J, Benito B, Gaspar J, Rivas A, García J, Pérez R, Rodríguez MA, Murphy P (2011) Informe del sismo de Lorca del 11 de mayo de 2011. 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Eng Struct 48:373–388De Luca F, Vamvatsikos D, Iervolino I (2013) Near-optimal piecewise linear fits of static pushover capacity curves for equivalent SDOF analysis. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 42(4):523–543Dolce M, Cardone D, Ponzo FC, Valente C (2005) Shaking table tests on reinforced concrete frames without and with passive control systems. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 34:1687–1717Dolšek M, Fajfar P (2001) Soft storey effects in uniformly infilled reinforced concrete frames. J Earthq Eng 5(1):1–12Dolšek M, Fajfar P (2004) Inelastic spectra for infilled reinforced concrete frames. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 33:1395–1416Dolšek M, Fajfar P (2005) Simplified non-linear seismic analysis of infilled reinforced concrete frames. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 34:49–66Dolšek M, Fajfar P (2008) The effect of masonry infills on the seismic response of a four storey reinforced concrete frame-a probabilistic assessment. Eng Struct 30(11):3186–3192EHE (1999) Instrucción de hormigón estructural. 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Adv Struct Eng 11:1–18Kircher CA, Nassar AA, Kutsu O, Holmes WT (1997) Development of building damage functions for earthquake loss estimation. Earthq Spectra 13(4):663–681Kobayashi H, Vidal F, Feriche D, Samano T, Alguacil G (1996) Evaluation of dynamic behavior of building structures with microtremors for seismic microzonation mapping. In: Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on earthquake engineering, Acapulco, Mexico Paper 1769Krawinkler H, Miranda E (2004) Performance-based earthquake engneering. In: Bozorgnia Y, Bertero VV (eds) Earthquake engineering: from engineering seismology to performance-based engineering, chapter 9. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FLLam N, Wilson J, Hutchinson G (2000) Response spectrum modelling for rock sites in low and moderate seismicity regions combining velocity, displacement and acceleration predictions. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 29:1491–1525Mainstone RJ (1970) On the stiffnesses and strengths of infilled frames. 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    Cálculo de celosías planas de nudos articulados con el método de Ritter

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    En este documento se explica el método de Ritter o de los cortes para obtener los axiles en las barras de las celosías planas estáticamente determinadas.Pérez García, AJ.; Guardiola Víllora, AP. (2013). Cálculo de celosías planas de nudos articulados con el método de Ritter. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/3057

    Design of linearly polarized parallel plate slot antennas

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    The authors propose a design method for calculating the position and length of the slots in a linearly polarized parallel plate slot antenna for 12 GHz. The beam is tilted 5” in order to improve the reflection coefficient and to reduce the grating lobes level. The antenna is filled with a dielectric of low constant, to reduce the total cost of the antenna. The feeding system is a resonant slotted waveguide placed at the bottom of the parallel plate

    Degradation and in-use stability study of five marketed therapeutic monoclonal antibodies by generic weak cation exchange liquid chromatographic method ((WCX)HPLC/DAD)

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    Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) represent a very important class of the current biopharmaceutics. The great complexity of their structure made necessary the use of different analytical approaches for assessing different physico-chemical properties. In this work, weak cation exchange (WCX) high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection ((WCX)HPLC/DAD) is used to assess the charge variant profile. The method here developed combined the effect of ionic strength and controlled pH gradient and allows for the charge variants analysis of the five mAbs studied, namely bevacizumab (BVZ), cetuximab (CTX) infliximab (INF), rituximab (RTX) and trastuzumab (TTZ), which are among the most used mAbs worldwide. The differences in the charge variants in the natural isoforms of the mAbs promoted characteristic WCX chromatograms for each of mAbs that can be also useful for identification purposes. These chromatograms have provided to be suitable for tracking changes in the charge variants of each mAb analyzed both in controlled degraded and in stabilities study along time of in-use samples solutions at 2 mg/mL in 0.9% NaCl stored refrigerated (at 4 ?C) and frozen (-20 ?C) for two months. The results obtained indicated different stabilities of these mAbs, all IgG1, against degradation by different stressed environmental conditions and in-use stability along two months.Instituto Carlos III, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain FIS-PI10/00201 FIS-PI17/00547European Commission Junta de Andalucia European Commissio