13 research outputs found

    Longitudinal study of individual exercises in elite rhythmic gymnastics

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    [Abstract] The performance evolution in rhythmic gymnastics depends on changes in code of points. At the beginning of each Olympic cycle the code of points changes and therefore, the content of the competition exercises, as well. This study aimed to analyze – for each apparatus – the evolution of number of technical elements and final score over the last two decades (last 13 world championships), how they have been affected by changed code of points, and how the final score relates to the number of technical elements performed. The sample consisted of 416 exercises in five apparatus: ball (96), rope (40), hoop (96), ribbon (88), and clubs (96). The following variables were gathered: code of points, apparatus, technical group, total number of elements, final classification, and final score. Linear mixed-effects models were used to examine the effects on the number of elements and final score in each apparatus. The number of technical elements increased in all apparatus, between 7.4 and 20% over a 10-year period. There were mixed evolutions of final score between the different apparatus, between 6.3 and 14% over a 10-year period. There is small increase in number of elements in hoop and a small decrease in rope after a code change. There was a small decrease in final score in championships after a code change in hoop, moderate in clubs and ribbon, and large in rope. There was a negative relationship between number of elements performed and final score in clubs. In conclusion, the code change generally effects the final score negatively, but there were apparatus specific effects of code change on number of elements and relationship between number of elements and final score

    MEditerranean LIfestyle in Pediatric Obesity Prevention (MELI-POP)

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    III Congreso de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Combinar la nutrición comunitaria y personalizada: nuevos retos

    Association of Diet, Physical Activity Guidelines and Cardiometabolic Risk Markers in Children

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    The aim was to identify different dietary and physical activity (PA) patterns in 5- to 14-year-old children with a high prevalence of overweight and obesity using cluster analysis based on their adherence to the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition dietary guidelines and levels of PA, and to determine their associations with age, sex, body composition, and cardiometabolic risk markers. In 549 children, hierarchical cluster analysis was used to identify subgroups with similar adherence to dietary recommendations and level of PA. Three clusters were identified: Cluster 1, with the lowest level of vigorous PA and adherence to dietary recommendations; Cluster 2, with the lowest levels of moderate and vigorous PA and the highest adherence to dietary recommendations; and Cluster 3, with the highest level of PA, especially vigorous PA and a medium level adherence to dietary recommendations. Cluster 3 had lower total body fat and higher lean body mass percentages than Cluster 2. Cluster 2 had lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and higher low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels than Cluster 1. The results from our study suggest that it is important to consider adherence to PA recommendations together with adherence to dietary guidelines to understand patterns of obesogenic habits in pediatric populations with high prevalence of overweight and obesity.Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (I + D + I), Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Health Research Funding (FONDOS FEDER) (PI05/1968, PI11/01425, PI11/02042, PI11/02059, PI16/01301, PI16/01205 and PI1600871)CIBEROBN Network (CB15/00131, CB15/00043)Plan Propio de la Universidad de Granada with a Sabatical Program 2020–202

    Análise do rendemento en baloncesto: fiabilidade e aplicacións das estatísticas de xogo

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    In basketball, the game-related statistics are the most commonly used performance indicators that capture technical-tactical actions of the players and the teams. They include variables related to shooting, rebounding, ball handling and passing. All professional leagues record them in a standardized fashion regulated by the International Basketball Federation (FIBA). Several studies using game-related statistics have assessed its inter-rater reliability in different leagues and competitions: ACB Spanish league (García, Ibáñez, Gómez, & Sampaio, 2014), Spanish U-20 league (Ibáñez, García, Feu, Lorenzo, & Sampaio, 2009), European Championship (Gómez, Jiménez, Navarro, Lago, & Sampaio, 2011), NBA (Sampaio, McGarry, Calleja-González, Jiménez Sáiz, Schelling i del Alcázar, & Balciunas, 2015) and Olympic Games (Sampaio, Lago, & Drinkwater, 2010). To be able to compare the game-related statistics between teams or groups of teams and to be able to assess changes over time, a good relative and absolute reliability are necessary (Atkinson & Nevill, 1998). The reliability of the game-related statistics is important for researchers, coaches and clubs, to be able to analyse performance, effects of injuries and contractual decisions, amongst others. Throughout the history of the sport, basketball rules have been changed with the goal to change the dynamics and increase its attractiveness. For the 2010/11 season, the FIBA introduced several rule changes, including the addition of no-charge semicircles under the baskets, the increase of the three-point line’s distance to 6,75m (+0,5m) and the decrease of time in the shot-clock for certain situations (FIBA, 2010). In basketball, rule changes has been analysed in descriptive studies: structure of point scoring over the 78 years of history and which of the rule changes influenced the evolution of scoring (Pluta, Andrzejewski, & Lira, 2014), effects of 2010 FIBA’s rule changes in Euroleague analysing the box-scores statistics from 2001 until 2010 (Štrumbelj, Vračar, Robnik-Šikonja, Dežman, & Erčulj, 2013); effects of 2010 FIBA’s rule changes in ACB analysing the differences in 3-point shots the season before and after the rule change (Montero, Vila, & Longarela, 2013); effects of rule changes since 1995 to 2015 in Copa del Rey ACB and compare the game-realated statistics between the different periods (Ibáñez, García-Rubio, Gómez, & Gonzalez-Espinosa, 2018); or in experimental studies about the physiological characteristics of basketball players in the years before and after the 2000 rule change (Cormery, Marcil, & Bouvard, 2008). However, no studies exist analysing the short and mid-term effects of the 2010 rule changes on different levels and genders. Investigations of the relationship between performance at senior level and the competitive experience have primarily been undertaken in individual sports. For example, top performance at youth level has been shown to increase the likelihood of top performance at senior level in gymnastics and tennis (Brouwers, De Bosscher, & Sotiriadou, 2012; Pereira, Faro, Stotlar, & Fonseca, 2014). The influence of previous experience has in basketball and other team sports have been widely investigated from the perspective of developmental activities during childhood and adolescence. Competition has been ranked by elite team sport athletes as the most helpful activity to develop perception and decision making, and one of the most important to develop execution and physical fitness (Baker, Côté, & Abernethy, 2003). However, the relationship between competitive experience and performance has not been investigated in basketball.En el baloncesto, las estadísticas de juego son los indicadores del rendimiento más utilizadas que capturan las acciones técnico-tácticas de los jugadores y los equipos. Incluyen variables relacionadas con lanzamientos, rebotes, manejo de balón y pases. Todas las ligas profesionales los registran de una manera estandarizada regulada por la Federación Internacional de Baloncesto (FIBA). Varios estudios que utilizan estadísticas relacionadas con el juego han evaluado su fiabilidad inter-observador en diferentes ligas y competiciones: Liga española ACB (García, Ibáñez, Gómez, & Sampaio, 2014), Liga española Sub-20 (Ibáñez, García, Feu, Lorenzo, & Sampaio, 2009), Campeonato Europeo (Gómez, Jiménez, Navarro, Lago, & Sampaio, 2011), NBA (Sampaio, McGarry, Calleja-González, Jiménez Sáiz, Schelling i del Alcázar, & Balciunas, 2015) y Juegos Olímpicos (Sampaio, Lago, & Drinkwater, 2010). Para poder comparar las estadísticas de juego entre equipos o grupos de equipos y poder evaluar los cambios a lo largo del tiempo, se necesita una buena fiabilidad relativa y absoluta (Atkinson y Nevill, 1998). La fiabilidad de las estadísticas de juego es importante para los investigadores, entrenadores y clubes, para poder analizar el rendimiento, los efectos de las lesiones y las decisiones contractuales, entre otros. A lo largo de la historia del deporte, las reglas del baloncesto han ido cambiando con el objetivo de cambiar la dinámica de juego e incrementar su atractivo. En la temporada 2010/11, la Federación Internacional de Baloncesto (FIBA) introdujo varios cambios en el reglamento, como el de añadir los semicírculos de no carga debajo de las canastas, el aumento de la distancia de la línea de 3 puntos a 6,75m (+0,5m) y la disminución del tiempo de posesión en ciertas situaciones (FIBA, 2010). En baloncesto, los cambios de reglas han sido analizados en estudios descriptivos: estructura de anotación a lo largo de 78 años de historia y qué cambios de las reglas influenciaron la evolución de anotación (Pluta, Andrzejewski, & Lira, 2014); los efectos de los cambios de reglas de la FIBA en 2010 en Euroliga, analizando las estadísticas de juego desde el 2001 al 2010 (Štrumbelj, Vračar, Robnik-Šikonja, Dežman, & Erčulj, 2013); los efectos de los cambios de normas de la FIBA en 2010 en la liga ACB al analizar las diferencias en los tiros de 3 puntos la temporada anterior y posterior al cambio (Montero, Vila, & Longarela, 2013); efectos de los cambios de reglas desde 1995 hasta 2015 en la Copa del Rey ACB y comparación de las estadísticas de juego entre los diferentes períodos (Ibáñez, García-Rubio, Gómez, & González-Espinosa, 2018); o en estudios experimentales sobre las características fisiológicas de los jugadores de baloncesto en los años anteriores y posteriores al cambio de las reglas del 2000 (Cormery, Marcil, & Bouvard, 2008). Sin embargo, no existen estudios que analicen los efectos a corto y mediano plazo del cambio de norma de 2010 en diferentes niveles y géneros. Las investigaciones sobre la relación entre el rendimiento en nivel senior y la experiencia competitiva se han llevado a cabo principalmente en deportes individuales. Por ejemplo, se ha demostrado que el rendimiento máximo a nivel juvenil aumenta la probabilidad de rendimiento máximo en nivel senior en gimnasia y tenis (Brouwers, De Bosscher, & Sotiriadou, 2012; Pereira, Faro, Stotlar, & Fonseca, 2014). La influencia de la experiencia previa en el baloncesto y otros deportes de equipo se han investigado ampliamente desde la perspectiva de las actividades de desarrollo realizadas durante la infancia y la adolescencia. La competición ha sido clasificada por deportistas de élite como la actividad más útil para desarrollar la percepción y la toma de decisiones, y una de las más importantes para desarrollar la ejecución y la condición física (Baker, Côté, & Abernethy, 2003). Sin embargo, la relación entre la experiencia competitiva y el rendimiento no se ha investigado en el baloncesto.En baloncesto, as estatísticas de xogo son os indicadores de rendemento máis utilizados que capturan as accións técnicas e tácticas dos xogadores e equipos. Inclúen variables relacionadas con tiros, rebotes, xogo de balón e pases. Todas as ligas profesionais rexístranse de xeito estandarizado regulado pola Federación Internacional de Baloncesto (FIBA). Varios estudos que empregan estatísticas relacionadas co xogo avaliaron a súa fiabilidade inter-observador en diferentes ligas e competicións: Liga española ACB (García, Ibáñez, Gómez, & Sampaio, 2014), Liga española Sub-20 (Ibáñez, García, Feu, Lorenzo, & Sampaio, 2009), Campionato Europeo (Gómez, Jiménez, Navarro, Lago, & Sampaio, 2011), NBA (Sampaio, McGarry, Calleja-González, Jiménez Sáiz, Schelling i del Alcázar, & Balciunas, 2015) e Xogos Olímpicos (Sampaio, Lago, & Drinkwater, 2010). Para poder comparar as estatísticas de xogo entre equipos ou grupos de equipos e poder avaliar os cambios ao longo do tempo, cómpre unha boa fiabilidade relativa e absoluta (Atkinson y Nevill, 1998). A fiabilidade das estatísticas de xogo é importante para os investigadores, adestradores e clubs, para poder analizar o rendemento, os efectos das lesións e as decisións contractuais, entre outros. Ao longo da historia do deporte, as regras do baloncesto foron cambiando co obxectivo de incrementar o ritmo de xogo e o seu atractivo. Na tempada 2010/2011, a Federación Internacional de Baloncesto (FIBA) introduciu varios cambios na normativa, como o de engadir os semicírculos de non carga debaixo das canastras, o aumento da distancia da liña de tres puntos a 6,75m (+0,5m) e a diminución do tempo de posesión en determinadas situacións (FIBA, 2010). En baloncesto, os cambios de regras foron analizados en estudos descritivos: estrutura de anotación durante 78 anos de historia e que cambios de regras influíron na evolución de anotación (Pluta et al., 2014); efectos dos cambios das regras da FIBA en 2010 en Euroliga, analizando as táboas de estatística de xogo dende o 2001 ata o 2010 (Štrumbelj et al., 2013); os efectos dos cambios de normas da FIBA en 2010 na liga ACB o analizar as diferenzas nos tiros de tres puntos na tempada anterior e posterior ao cambio (Montero, Vila, & Longarela, 2013); efectos dos cambios de regras dende 1995 ata 2015 na Copa do Rei ACB e comparación das estatísticas de xogo entre os diferentes períodos (Ibáñez, García-Rubio, Gómez, & González-Espinosa, 2018); ou en estudios experimentais sobre as características fisiolóxicas dos xogadores de baloncesto nos anos anteriores e posteriores ao cambio das regras do 2000 (Cormery et al., 2008). No obstante, non existen estudos que analicen os efectos a curto e medio plazo do cambio de norma de 2010 en diferentes niveis e xéneros. As investigacións sobre a relación entre o rendemento en nivel sénior e a experiencia competitiva, leváronse a cabo principalmente en deportes individuais. Por exemplo, demostrouse que o rendemento máximo a nivel xuvenil aumenta a probabilidade de rendemento máximo en nivel sénior en ximnasia e tenis Brouwers, De Bosscher, & Sotiriadou, 2012; Pereira, Faro, Stotlar, & Fonseca, 2014). A influencia da experiencia previa no baloncesto e noutros deportes de equipo investigáronse amplamente dende a perspectiva das actividades de desenvolvemento realizadas durante a infancia e a adolescencia. A competición foi clasificada por deportistas de elite como a actividade máis útil para desenvolver a percepción e a toma de decisións, e unha das máis importantes para desenvolver a execución e a condición física (Baker, Côté, & Abernethy, 2003). No obstante, a relación entre a experiencia competitiva e o rendemento non se investigaron en baloncesto

    Acute effects of training load on contractile properties during a competitive microcycle in elite soccer players

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    The aim of this study was to examine changes in muscle contractile properties across a microcycle of training in professional soccer players during the in-season period. Nineteen professional soccer players were assessed with tensiomyography (TMG) on the biceps femoris and rectus femoris before and after 5 training sessions of an in-season microcycle. Training load was quantified during each training session. Significant differences were observed in training load variables across different training sessions, with the last training session prior to match day showing the lowest values for all training load variables. Significant pre- to postsession increases were observed in muscle stiffness of the rectus femoris and biceps femoris during the first four training sessions (effect size range, 0.5 to 0.9). However, no significant differences were observed in muscle contraction time and contraction velocity from pre- to post-session. In addition, repeated measures correlation analysis revealed significant relationships between absolute change in muscle stiffness of the rectus femoris and training duration, high-speed distance covered during training, and training average distance. The current study shows that players are physically taxed on their muscular stiffness by the training load. Post-session muscular stiffness assessment should be recommended to determine neuromuscular status and readiness in professional soccer players during the competitive season

    Baby-Led Weaning: What Role Does It Play in Obesity Risk during the First Years? : A Systematic Review

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    Childhood is a window of opportunity for the prevention of the obesity pandemic. Since “the first 1000 days of life” is a period in which healthy eating habits must be acquired, it should be the target for preventive strategies. Baby-led weaning (BLW) is an emergent way of weaning that could influence children’s health. The nutrition committees of the main pediatric societies affirm there is not enough evidence to support which is the best method of weaning. The aim was to determinate the influence of BLW on the infant’s weight gain compared to the traditional spoon-feeding, and to assess if it could decrease the risk of obesity in children. A systematic review was conducted, following the PRISMA method. Pubmed, Web of Science, Embase, and Cochrane Library were searched. Out of 747 articles, eight studies (2875 total infants) were included (two randomized control trials, 6 observational studies). Results were indecisive, while some studies seem to demonstrate lower weight gain in infants that apply BLW, others show inconclusive results. The risk of bias in all included studies was moderate or high. In conclusion, more clinical trials and prospective studies should be done prior to providing a general recommendation about the best method of weaning to reduce the risk of obesity.CC BY 4.0</p

    Effects of plyometric training with agility ladder on physical fitness in youth soccer players

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effects of plyometric training with an agility ladder on components of physical fitness in youth soccer players. A total of twenty male under-13 soccer players were randomly assigned to a plyometric training group with an agility ladder (n=10) or a control group (n=10). Before and after training intervention linear sprint test (5 m, 10 m, 20 m), vertical jump ability (squat jump, countermovement jump and countermovement jump with arms), agility test, and slalom dribble test were assessed. The plyometric training with agility ladder was applied two times per week over six weeks. Data were analyzed using linear mixed model. The plyometric training group showed significant improvements (p0.05). The between-group analysis showed significant differences in countermovement jump with arms (p=0.03), but no significant differences (p>0.05) were found in squat jump, countermovement jump, sprint, agility test, and slalom dribble test. In conclusion, the short-term plyometric training with agility ladder seems to be ineffective and not time-efficient to improve physical fitness in youth soccer players. However, the interpretation of these results must be understood within the sample size limitations

    Why percussive massage therapy does not improve recovery after a water rescue? A preliminary study with lifeguards

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of percussive massage therapy (PMT) on lifeguards’ recovery after a water rescue, in comparison with passive recovery. Methods: A quasi-experimental crossover design was conducted to compare passive recovery (PR) and a PMT protocol. A total of 14 volunteer lifeguards performed a simulated 100 m water rescue and perceived fatigue and blood lactate were measured as recovery variables after the rescue and after the 8-min recovery process. Results: There were no differences between PMT and PR in lactate clearance (p > 0.05), finding in both modalities a small but not significant decrease in blood lactate. In perceived fatigue, both methods decreased this variable significantly (p 0.05). Conclusions: PMT does not enhance recovery after a water rescue, in comparison with staying passive. Despite PMT appearing to be adequate for recovery in other efforts, it is not recommended for lifeguards’ recovery after a water rescue

    Does Vibration Foam Roller Influence Performance and Recovery? : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    Background: Foam rolling has been extensively investigated, showing benefits in performance and recovery. Recently, vibration has been added to foam rollers, with hypothesized advantages over conventional foam rollers. However, there is no systematic evidence in this regard. Objective: To carry out a systematic review and meta-analysis about the effects of vibration foam roller (VFR) on performance and recovery. Methods: A systematic search was conducted in PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science and SportDiscus according to the PRISMA guidelines. The outcomes included performance (jump, agility and strength) and recovery variables (blood flow, pain and fatigue) measured after an intervention with VFR. The methodological quality was assessed with the PEDro scale. A random-effects model was used to perform the meta-analysis. Results: Initially, 556 studies were found and after the eligibility criteria 10 studies were included in the systematic review and 9 in the meta-analysis. There was no significant effects on jump performance (SMD = 0.14 [95% CI − 0.022 to 0.307]; p = 0.101; I2 = 1.08%) and no significant beneficial effects were reported on isokinetic strength (SMD = 0.16 [95% CI − 0.041 to 0.367]; p = 0.117; I2 = 9.7%). Recovery appears to be enhanced after VFR interventions, but agility does not seem to increase after VFR interventions. Conclusion: This systematic review and meta-analysis suggest that VFR could have great potential for increasing jump performance, agility, strength and enhancing recovery. Further research is needed to confirm the effects of VFR on performance and recovery. Trial Registration This investigation was registered in PROSPERO with the code CRD42021238104.CC BY 4.0Correspondence: [email protected] sources of funding were used to assist in the preparation of this article.</p

    The role of domain-specific and domain-general cognitive functions and skills in sports performance : A meta-analysis

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    Cognition plays a key role in sports performance. This meta-analytic review synthesizes research that examined the relationship between cognitive functions, skills, and sports performance. We identified literature by searching Cochrane Library, APA PsycINFO, PubMed, and Web of Science. We included studies conducted on competitive athletes, assessed cognitive prerequisites, and included performance measures related to the sport. Of the 9,433 screened records, 136 reports were included, containing 142 studies, 1,227 effect sizes, and 8,860 participants. Only 11 studies used a prospective study design. The risk of bias was assessed using the Risk of Bias Assessment Tool for Nonrandomized Studies. The multilevel meta-analysis showed a medium effect size for the overall difference in cognitive functions and skills, with higher skilled athletes scoring better than lower skilled athletes (Hedges’ g = 0.59, 95% CI [0.49, 0.69]). The moderator analysis showed larger effect size for tests of cognitive decision-making skills (g = 0.77, 95% CI [0.6, 0.94]) compared to basic (g = 0.39, 95% CI [0.21, 0.56]) and higher cognitive functions (g = 0.44, 95% CI [0.26, 0.62]), as well as larger effect for sport-specific task stimuli compared to general ones. We report that higher skilled athletes perform better on cognitive function tests than lower skilled athletes. There was insufficient evidence to determine whether cognitive functions and skills can predict future sport performance. We found no evidence to support claims that tests of general cognitive functions, such as executive functioning, should be used by practitioners for talent identification or player selection.Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Anton Kalén</p