1,663 research outputs found

    NeuroPod: a real-time neuromorphic spiking CPG applied to robotics

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    Initially, robots were developed with the aim of making our life easier, carrying out repetitive or dangerous tasks for humans. Although they were able to perform these tasks, the latest generation of robots are being designed to take a step further, by performing more complex tasks that have been carried out by smart animals or humans up to date. To this end, inspiration needs to be taken from biological examples. For instance, insects are able to optimally solve complex environment navigation problems, and many researchers have started to mimic how these insects behave. Recent interest in neuromorphic engineering has motivated us to present a real-time, neuromorphic, spike-based Central Pattern Generator of application in neurorobotics, using an arthropod-like robot. A Spiking Neural Network was designed and implemented on SpiNNaker. The network models a complex, online-change capable Central Pattern Generator which generates three gaits for a hexapod robot locomotion. Recon gurable hardware was used to manage both the motors of the robot and the real-time communication interface with the Spiking Neural Networks. Real-time measurements con rm the simulation results, and locomotion tests show that NeuroPod can perform the gaits without any balance loss or added delay.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    Live Demonstration: neuromorphic robotics, from audio to locomotion through spiking CPG on SpiNNaker.

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    This live demonstration presents an audio-guided neuromorphic robot: from a Neuromorphic Auditory Sensor (NAS) to locomotion using Spiking Central Pattern Generators (sCPGs). Several gaits are generated by sCPGs implemented on a SpiNNaker board. The output of these sCPGs is sent in a real-time manner to an Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) board using an AER-to-SpiNN interface. The control of the hexapod robot joints is performed by the FPGA board. The robot behavior can be changed in real-time by means of the NAS. The audio information is sent to the SpiNNaker board which classifies it using a Spiking Neural Network (SNN). Thus, the input sound will activate a specific gait pattern which will eventually modify the behavior of the robot.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    GiGAn: evolutionary mutation testing for C++ object-oriented systems

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    The reduction of the expenses of mutation testing should be based on well-studied cost reduction techniques to avoid biased results. Evolutionary Mutation Testing (EMT) aims at generating a reduced set of mutants by means of an evolutionary algorithm, which searches for potentially equivalent and difficult to kill mutants to help improve the test suite. However, there is little evidence of its applicability to other contexts beyond WS-BPEL compositions. This study explores its performance when applied to C++ object-oriented programs thanks to a newly developed system, GiGAn. The conducted experiments reveal that EMT shows stable behavior in all the case studies, where the best results are obtained when a low percentage of the mutants is generated. They also support previous studies of EMT when compared to random mutant selection, reinforcing its use for the goal of improving the fault detection capability of the test suite

    Class mutation operators for C++ object-oriented systems

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    Mutation testing is a fault injection testing technique around which a great variety of studies and tools for different programming languages have been developed. Nevertheless, the mutation testing research with respect to C++ is pending. This paper proposes a set of class mutation operators related to this language and its particular object-oriented (OO) features. In addition, an implementation technique to apply mutation testing based on the traversal of the abstract syntax tree (AST) is presented. Finally, an experiment is conducted to study the operator behaviour with different C++ programs, suggesting their usefulness in the creation of complete test suites. The analysis includes a Web service (WS) library, one of the domains where this technique can prove useful, considering its challenging testing phase and that C++ is still a reference language for critical distributed systems WS

    Semi-wildlife gait patterns classification using Statistical Methods and Artificial Neural Networks

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    Several studies have focused on classifying behavioral patterns in wildlife and captive species to monitor their activities and so to understanding the interactions of animals and control their welfare, for biological research or commercial purposes. The use of pattern recognition techniques, statistical methods and Overall Dynamic Body Acceleration (ODBA) are well known for animal behavior recognition tasks. The reconfigurability and scalability of these methods are not trivial, since a new study has to be done when changing any of the configuration parameters. In recent years, the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) has increased for this purpose due to the fact that they can be easily adapted when new animals or patterns are required. In this context, a comparative study between a theoretical research is presented, where statistical and spectral analyses were performed and an embedded implementation of an ANN on a smart collar device was placed on semi-wild animals. This system is part of a project whose main aim is to monitor wildlife in real time using a wireless sensor network infrastructure. Different classifiers were tested and compared for three different horse gaits. Experimental results in a real time scenario achieved an accuracy of up to 90.7%, proving the efficiency of the embedded ANN implementation.Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-1300Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    Refrigerador doméstico con efecto Peltier, acumuladores térmicos y termosifones evaporativos

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    Referencia OEPM: P9801016.-- Fecha de solicitud: 14/05/1998.-- Titular: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).La patente se refiere a instalaciones frigoríficas que funcionan gracias a la combinación de elementos productores de efecto Peltier y termosifones con cambio de fase líquido-vapor. Básicamente consta de: 1) Recinto de refrigeración. 2) Disipador de calor. 3) Un circuito cerrado y estanco conteniendo un fluido, que hierve o se evapora. 4) Elementos de efecto Peltier (primera etapa). 5) Termosifón que transporta el calor, a las caras frías de las pastillas de efecto Peltier de la primera etapa. 6) Termosifón que intercambia el calor con el anterior y transporta éste de las caras calientes de las pastillas Peltier de la segunda etapa. 7) Elementos de efecto Peltier (segunda etapa). 8) Termosifón que transporta el calor, del recinto a baja temperatura, a las caras frías de las placas Peltier de la segunda etapa.Peer reviewe

    Embedded neural network for real-time animal behavior classification

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    Recent biological studies have focused on understanding animal interactions and welfare. To help biolo- gists to obtain animals’ behavior information, resources like wireless sensor networks are needed. More- over, large amounts of obtained data have to be processed off-line in order to classify different behaviors.There are recent research projects focused on designing monitoring systems capable of measuring someanimals’ parameters in order to recognize and monitor their gaits or behaviors. However, network unre- liability and high power consumption have limited their applicability.In this work, we present an animal behavior recognition, classification and monitoring system based ona wireless sensor network and a smart collar device, provided with inertial sensors and an embeddedmulti-layer perceptron-based feed-forward neural network, to classify the different gaits or behaviorsbased on the collected information. In similar works, classification mechanisms are implemented in aserver (or base station). The main novelty of this work is the full implementation of a reconfigurableneural network embedded into the animal’s collar, which allows a real-time behavior classification andenables its local storage in SD memory. Moreover, this approach reduces the amount of data transmittedto the base station (and its periodicity), achieving a significantly improving battery life. The system hasbeen simulated and tested in a real scenario for three different horse gaits, using different heuristics andsensors to improve the accuracy of behavior recognition, achieving a maximum of 81%.Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-130

    Towards an integrated proposal for performance measurement indicators in Advanced Production Practices

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    Starting with an analysis of the financial and operational indicators that can be found in the specialised literature, this study aims to contribute to improvements in the performance measurement systems used when the unit of analysis is the manufacturing plant. For this a search was done in the highest impact Journals of Production and Operations Management and Management Accounting , with the aim of determining the financial and operational indicators used to evaluate performance when Advanced Production Practices have been implemented, more specifically when the practices implemented are Total Quality Management, JIT/Lean Manufacturing and Total Productive Maintenance. This has enabled us to obtain a classification of the two types of indicators based on how much each is used. For the financial indicators we have also prepared a proposal that can be adapted to manufacturing plants- accounting features. In the near future we will propose a model that links practices implementation with financial and operational indicators and these two last with each other. We aim to will test this model empirically with the data obtained in the High Performance Manufacturing Project.Junta de Andalucía (PAIDI Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación de Andalucía Plan Proyectos de excelenciaP08-SEJ-03841Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DPI 2009-1114

    Prefactibilidad técnica para la creacion de una empresa de servicio de pilotaje en Bogotá D.C.

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    Trabajo de gradoTeniendo en cuenta que en la actualidad el crecimiento y desarrollo a nivel mundial se enfocan en gran parte al sector de construcción como se evidencia en las grandes ciudades del mundo, para el caso de Bogotá se investigan las tipologias de suelo y la necesidad de cimentaciones profundas para las edificaciones, encontrando que el auge de las construcciones en Bogotá se esta presentando en localidades que necesitan este tipo de cimentación, situación que podría requerir mayor oferta de este servicio.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 3. METODOLOGÍA 4. REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICASEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de Obras Civile

    Congruency fit: beyond performance in the auto supplier industry

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    The effects of manufacturing strategy (MS) and technology (T) on performance have been studied separately, but few studies have examined the relationship between MS and T practices clusters that improve effectiveness when implemented jointly, and even then they do not consider possible congruency between the two. This paper develops a congruency (selection) model to test for any interconnection between said clusters, without addressing causation or their combined effect on performance. The implicit outcome is that the plant will achieve a desirable effectiveness level. Through a wide-ranging survey of auto supplier plants, two approaches are considered: 1) grouping both clusters in pairs (canonical correlation analysis); and 2) a more general selection view version, with practices from both clusters related multidimensionally and subordinated by bivariate analysis (regression) to test for any congruent pattern. Both methods find a congruent relationship between manufacturing strategy and technology practice clusters, although the second provides greater detail.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DPI-2006-0553