23 research outputs found

    Renovación del alumbrado público exterior del término municipal de Arrigorriaga

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    Este trabajo estudia la renovación del alumbrado exterior de un municipio. Se describen las diferentes lámparas en el mercado. Se realiza un estudio luminotécnico mediante el software DIALux, además de un cálculo de dimensionamiento de conductores y protecciones con la ayuda del software DmElect

    Renovación del alumbrado público exterior del término municipal de Arrigorriaga

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    Este trabajo estudia la renovación del alumbrado exterior de un municipio. Se describen las diferentes lámparas en el mercado. Se realiza un estudio luminotécnico mediante el software DIALux, además de un cálculo de dimensionamiento de conductores y protecciones con la ayuda del software DmElect

    The generation of a lactate-rich environment stimulates cell cycle progression and modulates gene expression on neonatal and hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes

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    In situ tissue engineering strategies are a promising approach to activate the endogenous regenerative potential of the cardiac tissue helping the heart to heal itself after an injury. However, the current use of complex reprogramming vectors for the activation of reparative pathways challenges the easy translation of these therapies into the clinic. Here, we evaluated the response of mouse neonatal and human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes to the presence of exogenous lactate, thus mimicking the metabolic environment of the fetal heart. An increase in cardiomyocyte cell cycle activity was observed in the presence of lactate, as determined through Ki67 and Aurora-B kinase. Gene expression and RNA-sequencing data revealed that cardiomyocytes incubated with lactate showed upregulation of BMP10, LIN28 or TCIM in tandem with downregulation of GRIK1 or DGKK among others. Lactate also demonstrated a capability to modulate the production of inflammatory cytokines on cardiac fibroblasts, reducing the production of Fas, Fraktalkine or IL-12p40, while stimulating IL-13 and SDF1a. In addition, the generation of a lactate-rich environment improved ex vivo neonatal heart culture, by affecting the contractile activity and sarcomeric structures and inhibiting epicardial cell spreading. Our results also suggested a common link between the effect of lactate and the activation of hypoxia signaling pathways. These findings support a novel use of lactate in cardiac tissue engineering, modulating the metabolic environment of the heart and thus paving the way to the development of lactate-releasing platforms for in situ cardiac regeneration.Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A Metabolically Healthy Profile Is a Transient Stage When Exercise and Diet Are Not Supervised: Long-Term Effects in the EXERDIET-HTA Study

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    Metabolically unhealthy obesity (MUO) is a regular state in people with primary hypertension (HTN), obesity, and who are physically inactive. To achieve and maintain a metabolically healthy overweight/obese (MHO) state should be a main treatment goal. The aims of the study were (1) to determine differences in metabolic profiles of overweight/obese, physically inactive individuals with HTN following a 16-week (POST) supervised aerobic exercise training (SupExT) intervention with an attentional control (AC) group, and (2) to determine whether the changes observed were maintained following six months (6 M) of unsupervised time. Participants (n = 219) were randomly assigned into AC or SupExT groups. All participants underwent a hypocaloric diet. At POST, all participants received diet and physical activity advice for the following 6 M, with no supervision. All measurements were assessed pre-intervention (PRE), POST, and after 6 M. From PRE to POST, MUO participants became MHO with improved (p < 0.05) total cholesterol (TC, ∆ = −12.1 mg/dL), alanine aminotransferase (∆ = −8.3 U/L), glucose (∆ = −5.5 mg/dL), C-reactive protein (∆ = −1.4 mg/dL), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) compared to unhealthy optimal cut-off values. However, after 6 M, TC, glucose, and SBP returned to unhealthy values (p < 0.05). In a non-physically active population with obesity and HTN, a 16-week SupExT and diet intervention significantly improves cardiometabolic profile from MUO to MHO. However, after 6 M of no supervision, participants returned to MUO. The findings of this study highlight the need for regular, systematic, and supervised diet and exercise programs to avoid subsequent declines in cardiometabolic health.P.C., A.M.A.-B., and I.G.-A. were supported by the Basque Government with predoctoral grants. This study was supported by the University of the Basque Country (EHU14/08, PPGA18/15)

    Effects of different aerobic exercise programmes with nutritional intervention in sedentary adults with overweight/obesity and hypertension: EXERDIET-HTA study

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    Background Both exercise training and diet are recommended to prevent and control hypertension and overweight/obesity. Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of different 16-week aerobic exercise programmes with hypocaloric diet on blood pressure, body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness and pharmacological treatment. Methods Overweight/obese, sedentary participants ( n = 175, aged 54.0 ± 8.2 years) with hypertension were randomly assigned into an attention control group (physical activity recommendations) or one of three supervised exercise groups (2 days/week: high-volume with 45 minutes of moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT), high-volume and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), alternating high and moderate intensities, and low-volume HIIT (20 minutes)). All variables were assessed pre- and post-intervention. All participants received the same hypocaloric diet. Results Following the intervention, there was a significant reduction in blood pressure and body mass in all groups with no between-group differences for blood pressure. However, body mass was significantly less reduced in the attention control group compared with all exercise groups (attention control -6.6%, high-volume MICT -8.3%, high-volume HIIT -9.7%, low-volume HIIT -6.9%). HIIT groups had significantly higher cardiorespiratory fitness than high-volume MICT, but there were no significant between-HIIT differences (attention control 16.4%, high-volume MICT 23.6%, high-volume HIIT 36.7%, low-volume HIIT 30.5%). Medication was removed in 7.6% and reduced in 37.7% of the participants. Conclusions The combination of hypocaloric diet with supervised aerobic exercise 2 days/week offers an optimal non-pharmacological tool in the management of blood pressure, cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition in overweight/obese and sedentary individuals with hypertension. High-volume HIIT seems to be better for reducing body mass compared with low-volume HIIT. The exercise-induced improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness is intensity dependent with low-volume HIIT as a time-efficient method in this population.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: this study was supported by the University of the Basque Country (GIU14/21 and EHU14/08). The Basque government with predoctoral grants supported IGA, PC and AMAB. BH Fitness Company has supported the study with the donation of treadmills and bikes as equipment to conduct the exercise intervention

    A metabolically healthy profile is a transient stage when exercise and diet is not supervised: long-term effects in the EXERDIET-HTA study

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    Metabolically unhealthy obesity (MUO) is a regular state in people with primary hypertension (HTN), obesity and physically inactive. To become and maintain a metabolically healthy overweight/obese (MHO) state should be a main treatment. The aims of the study were 1) to determine differences in metabolic profiles of overweight/obese, physically inactive individuals with HTN following a 16-week (POST) supervised aerobic exercise training (SupExT) intervention with an attentional control (AC) group and, 2) to determine whether the changes observed were maintained following six months (6M) of unsupervised time. Participants (n=219) were randomly assigned into AC or SupExT groups. All participants underwent a hypocaloric diet. At POST all participants received diet and physical activity advice for the following 6M, with no supervision. All measurements were assessed pre-intervention (PRE), POST, and after 6M. From PRE to POST, MUO participants became MHO with improved (P<0.05) total cholesterol (TC, ∆=-12.1 mg/dL), alanine aminotransferase ∆=-8.3 U/L), glucose (∆=-5.5 mg/dL), C-reactive protein (∆=-1.4 mg/dL), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and CRF compared to unhealthy optimal cut-off values. However, after 6M, TC, glucose, and SBP returned to unhealthy values (P<0.05). In a non-physically active population with obesity and HTN, a 16-week SupExT and diet intervention significantly improves cardiometabolic profile from MUO to MHO. However, after 6M of no supervision, participants returned to MUO. The findings of this study highlight the need for regular, systematic and supervised diet and exercise programs to avoid subsequent declines in cardiometabolic health

    Estudio de la variación de las condiciones meteorológicas a lo largo de una línea real: Sakana

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    [ES]La ampacidad es aquella corriente que asegura el mantenimiento de los criterios de diseño y seguridad de una línea eléctrica. Por ello, es importante mantener la corriente de las líneas por debajo de su límite de ampacidad. El valor de la corriente, junto con las condiciones meteorológicas, es el que condiciona el valor de la temperatura del conductor. El departamento ha colocado en la línea de 30kV “Alsasua-Urdiain I y II” diferente sistemas de monitorización que permiten medir la temperatura ambiente, la radiación solar y el viento a lo largo del conductor. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en procesar las medidas para así estudiar cómo varían dichas condiciones meteorológicas a lo largo de la línea y cómo afecta ésto al valor de la ampacidad.[EN]The ampacity is that current that ensures the maintenance of the design and safety criteria of an electric line. Therefore, it is important to keep the current of the lines below their ampacity limit. The value of the current, along with the meteorological conditions, is which determines the temperature value of the conductor. The department has placed in the line of 30kV "Alsasua Urdiain I and II" different monitoring systems that allow to measure the ambient temperature, solar radiation and wind along the conductor. The objective of this work is to process the measurements in order to study how these meteorological conditions vary along the line and how this affects the value of the ampacity.[EU]Ampazitatea diseinu eta segurtasun-irizpideak mantentzeko linea elektriko batean bermatzen duen korrontea da. Beraz, garrantzitsua da bere ampazitate muga azpitik linearen korrontea mantentzea. Korrontearen balioa eguraldiarekin batera, eroalearen tenperaturaren balioa zehazten du. Departamenduak 30kV “Alsasua-Urdiain I y II” korronte lerroan zehar tenperatura, haize eta eguzki-erradiazio neurtzeko monitorizazio sistema ezberdinak kokatu egin dituzte. Lan honen helburua, neurriak prozesatuz gero nola baldintza meteorologikoak aldatzen diren lerroan zehar eta nola eragiten dion aldaketa hau ampazitate balioari

    Renovación del alumbrado público exterior del término municipal de Arrigorriaga

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    Este trabajo estudia la renovación del alumbrado exterior de un municipio. Se describen las diferentes lámparas en el mercado. Se realiza un estudio luminotécnico mediante el software DIALux, además de un cálculo de dimensionamiento de conductores y protecciones con la ayuda del software DmElect

    Estudio de la variación de las condiciones meteorológicas a lo largo de una línea real: Sakana

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    [ES]La ampacidad es aquella corriente que asegura el mantenimiento de los criterios de diseño y seguridad de una línea eléctrica. Por ello, es importante mantener la corriente de las líneas por debajo de su límite de ampacidad. El valor de la corriente, junto con las condiciones meteorológicas, es el que condiciona el valor de la temperatura del conductor. El departamento ha colocado en la línea de 30kV “Alsasua-Urdiain I y II” diferente sistemas de monitorización que permiten medir la temperatura ambiente, la radiación solar y el viento a lo largo del conductor. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en procesar las medidas para así estudiar cómo varían dichas condiciones meteorológicas a lo largo de la línea y cómo afecta ésto al valor de la ampacidad.[EN]The ampacity is that current that ensures the maintenance of the design and safety criteria of an electric line. Therefore, it is important to keep the current of the lines below their ampacity limit. The value of the current, along with the meteorological conditions, is which determines the temperature value of the conductor. The department has placed in the line of 30kV "Alsasua Urdiain I and II" different monitoring systems that allow to measure the ambient temperature, solar radiation and wind along the conductor. The objective of this work is to process the measurements in order to study how these meteorological conditions vary along the line and how this affects the value of the ampacity.[EU]Ampazitatea diseinu eta segurtasun-irizpideak mantentzeko linea elektriko batean bermatzen duen korrontea da. Beraz, garrantzitsua da bere ampazitate muga azpitik linearen korrontea mantentzea. Korrontearen balioa eguraldiarekin batera, eroalearen tenperaturaren balioa zehazten du. Departamenduak 30kV “Alsasua-Urdiain I y II” korronte lerroan zehar tenperatura, haize eta eguzki-erradiazio neurtzeko monitorizazio sistema ezberdinak kokatu egin dituzte. Lan honen helburua, neurriak prozesatuz gero nola baldintza meteorologikoak aldatzen diren lerroan zehar eta nola eragiten dion aldaketa hau ampazitate balioari

    The role of atrial fibrillation in the short-term outcomes of patients with acute heart failure

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    Aims: To investigate whether the presence of atrial fibrillation (AF) is independently associated with adverse short-term outcomes in patients diagnosed with acute heart failure (AHF) in the emergency department (ED). Methods: We performed a secondary analysis of patients included in the EAHFE registries 4&5. Patients were divided by the presence of sinus rhythm (SR) or AF at ED arrival. The primary outcome was 30-day all-cause mortality. Secondary outcomes included the 30-day post-discharge combined endpoint of ED revisit or hospitalisation due to AHF and all-cause mortality. We recorded 54 independent variables that can affect outcomes. Cox regression was used to investigate adjusted significant associations between AF and outcomes. Analyses were repeated according to whether AF was previously known and whether AF was considered responsible for the AHF episode. Results: We analysed 6045 ED visits (mean age 80.4 years, 55.9% women), 3644 (60.3%) with AF. The cumulative 30-day mortality was 9.4%, and the adverse combined endpoint (ACE) was 25.9% (ED revisit with and without hospitalisation were 16.5 and 8.9% and death occurred in 4.7%). No differences were found in outcomes of AHF patients with SR and AF, and among the latter group, no differences were found depending on whether AF was considered responsible for the AHF episode. Patients with previously known AF had significantly lower 30-day mortality and higher post-discharge ACE rates, although these differences disappeared after adjustment for confounders HR 0.782, 95% CI 0.590-1.037, p = 0.087; and HR 1.131, 95% CI 0.924-1.385, p = 0.234). Conclusion: The coexistence of AF does not impact the short-term outcomes of patients diagnosed with AHF in the ED.Sin financiación5.268 JCR (2019) Q1, 24/138 Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems2.105 SJR (2019) Q1, 35/362 Cardiology and Cardiovascular MedicineNo data IDR 2019UE