1,158 research outputs found

    Control sample for galaxy pairs: Simulations and observations

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    Several attempts have been made in order to isolate the effect of galaxy interactions by comparing galaxy in pairs with isolated galaxies. However, different authors have proposed different ways to build these control samples (CS). By using mock galaxy catalagues built up from the Millennium Simulation, we show that the set of constrains used to define a CS might introduce biases which could affect the interpretation of results. In this analysis, we make use of the fact that the physics of interactions is not included in the semi-analytic model, so that any difference between the mock control and pair samples can be attributed to selection biases. Thus, we suggest how to build an unique and unbiased CS in order to individualize the effect of interactions. Based on this theoretical findings and using the SDSS-DR4 data, we revise some previous observational results of galaxy in pairs in order to evaluate any possible disagreement. The comparison between simulations and observations suggests an overestimated effect of the DM halo bias in semianalytical models.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Nuevos modelos docentes: del homo “tecnofóbico” al homo tecnológico. ¿Una selección natural o una evolución imposible?

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    [SPA] El Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior implica un cambio en la metodología docente. Sin este cambio las universidades solo habrán conseguido implantar nuevos nombres a sus planes de estudio pero no un modelo de enseñanza. Las reticencias tecnológicas que existen aún en la sociedad se dan también en las universidades y, sobre todo, en los docentes. Los autores analizan esta realidad sociológica y se plantean si, en realidad, los nuevos cambios que se exigen son posibles, existiendo todavía cierta fobia tecnológica, o quedarán en un planteamiento utópico más. La forma de medir el rendimiento académico (ECTS, European Credit Transfer System) exige necesariamente una evolución conjunta y coordinada entre el docente y el alumnado. [ENG] The European Higher Education System involves a change in the educational methodology. Without this change universities only would have managed to introduce new names to their study plans but not an educational model. Technological reluctances existing in the society are also given in universities, especially, in the teaching staff. Authors analyse this sociological reality and consider whether the new demanded changes are possible in fact as it still exists certain technological phobia, or they will turn into one more utopian proposal. The way academic efficiency is measured, ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), demands necessarily a coordinated evolution of the teacher together with the student body

    Quadratic estimation for stochastic systems in the presence of random parameter matrices, time-correlated additive noise and deception attacks

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    This research was suported by the ``Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia Estatal de Investigación'' of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund [grant number PID2021-124486NB-I00].Networked systems usually face different random uncertainties that make the performance of the least-squares (LS) linear filter decline significantly. For this reason, great attention has been paid to the search for other kinds of suboptimal estimators. Among them, the LS quadratic estimation approach has attracted considerable interest in the scientific community for its balance between computational complexity and estimation accuracy. When it comes to stochastic systems subject to different random uncertainties and deception attacks, the quadratic estimator design has not been deeply studied. In this paper, using covariance information, the LS quadratic filtering and fixed-point smoothing problems are addressed under the assumption that the measurements are perturbed by a time-correlated additive noise, as well as affected by random parameter matrices and exposed to random deception attacks. The use of random parameter matrices covers a wide range of common uncertainties and random failures, thus better reflecting the engineering reality. The signal and observation vectors are augmented by stacking the original vectors with their second-order Kronecker powers; then, the linear estimator of the original signal based on the augmented observations provides the required quadratic estimator. A simulation example illustrates the superiority of the proposed quadratic estimators over the conventional linear ones and the effect of the deception attacks on the estimation performance.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MICINNEuropean Regional Development Fund PID2021-124486NB-I00 ERDFAgencia Estatal de Investigación AE

    Teorema de Bayes y lenguaje matemático Maple. Estimación de la función de densidad posterior

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es explicar el uso del teorema de Bayes en la estimación de la función de densidad posterior (fdp) de parámetros de interés, usando el software matemático Maple. Se presenta el caso de la distribución de Pareto como una aproximación a la distribución de los ingresos de una población. Se estima la fdp del parámetro alfa de la distribución de Pareto para el caso de datos agrupados

    Two Compensation Strategies for Optimal Estimation in Sensor Networks with Random Matrices, Time-Correlated Noises, Deception Attacks and Packet Losses

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    Due to its great importance in several applied and theoretical fields, the signal estimation problem in multisensor systems has grown into a significant research area. Networked systems are known to suffer random flaws, which, if not appropriately addressed, can deteriorate the performance of the estimators substantially. Thus, the development of estimation algorithms accounting for these random phenomena has received a lot of research attention. In this paper, the centralized fusion linear estimation problem is discussed under the assumption that the sensor measurements are affected by random parameter matrices, perturbed by time-correlated additive noises, exposed to random deception attacks and subject to random packet dropouts during transmission. A covariance-based methodology and two compensation strategies based on measurement prediction are used to design recursive filtering and fixed-point smoothing algorithms. The measurement differencing method— typically used to deal with the measurement noise time-correlation—is unsuccessful for these kinds of systems with packet losses because some sensor measurements are randomly lost and, consequently, cannot be processed. Therefore, we adopt an alternative approach based on the direct estimation of the measurement noises and the innovation technique. The two proposed compensation scenarios are contrasted through a simulation example, in which the effect of the different uncertainties on the estimation accuracy is also evaluated.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Agencia Estatal de InvestigacionEuropean Commission PID2021-124486NB-I0

    Unscented Filtering from Delayed Observations with Correlated Noises

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    A filtering algorithm based on the unscented transformation is proposed to estimate the state of a nonlinear system from noisy measurements which can be randomly delayed by one sampling time. The state and observation noises are perturbed by correlated nonadditive noises, and the delay is modeled by independent Bernoulli random variables.This work has been partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the Junta de Andalucía through Projects MTM2008-05567 and P07-FQM-02701, respectively

    Star formation and AGN activity in the most luminous LINERs in the local universe

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    This work presents the properties of 42 objects in the group of the most luminous, highest star formation rate LINERs at z = 0.04 - 0.11. We obtained long-slit spectroscopy of the nuclear regions for all sources, and FIR data (Herschel and IRAS) for 13 of them. We measured emission line intensities, extinction, stellar populations, stellar masses, ages, AGN luminosities, and star-formation rates. We find considerable differences from other low-redshift LINERs, in terms of extinction, and general similarity to star forming (SF) galaxies. We confirm the existence of such luminous LINERs in the local universe, after being previously detected at z ~ 0.3 by Tommasin et al. (2012). The median stellar mass of these LINERs corresponds to 6 - 7 ×\times 1010^{10}M_{\odot} which was found in previous work to correspond to the peak of relative growth rate of stellar populations and therefore for the highest SFRs. Other LINERs although showing similar AGN luminosities have lower SFR. We find that most of these sources have LAGN ~ LSF suggesting co-evolution of black hole and stellar mass. In general among local LINERs being on the main-sequence of SF galaxies is related to their AGN luminosity.Comment: submitted to MNRA

    Adaptation through chromosomal inversions in Anopheles

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    Chromosomal inversions have been repeatedly involved in local adaptation in a large number of animals and plants. The ecological and behavioral plasticity of Anopheles species—human malaria vectors—is mirrored by high amounts of polymorphic inversions. The adaptive significance of chromosomal inversions has been consistently attested by strong and significant correlations between their frequencies and a number of phenotypic traits. Here, we provide an extensive literature review of the different adaptive traits associated with chromosomal inversions in the genus Anopheles. Traits having important consequences for the success of present and future vector control measures, such as insecticide resistance and behavioral changes, are discussed.Anna Ullastres is an FPI fellow (BES-2012-052999) and Josefa González is a Ramón y Cajal fellow (RYC-2010-07306). This work was supported with startup funds from IRD-MIVEGEC awarded to Diego Ayala, and with grants from the European Commission (Marie Curie CIG PCIG-GA-2011-293860) and the Spanish Government (Fundamental Research Projects Grant BFU-2011-24397) awarded to Josefa González.Peer reviewe

    Learning environment based on social networks: EPSCCommunity

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    Today, working in an open and collaborative skills is one of the most demanded in the ICT world to which we are oriented. To this end we believe is essential to have tools and technologies that facilitate and encourage this ability to develop our capabilities in an appropriate manner. The purpose of this project is to design and implement a tool to facilitate group work within the different courses and subjects of the EPSC. The basic idea is to establish a social network formed only by users of the EPSC, which can create groups of subjects managed with by the teacher. This would define different user profiles (student, teacher, guest ...) each having special characteristics and functions different from the others, providing them with more or less depending on the profile permissions. The information would also be subject to different types of view, depending on which users could see a group of a subject, all users ... being a common forum for both general events (demonstrations, lectures, open tables ...) as a way to share information and discoveries while working with your group, as your class or around the world. The initial idea is to implement the use of freeware tools and technologies such as Tomcat, My SQL Server, Spring, Struts, Hibernate, J2ee, jquery-ui, etc,. To conduct a pilot project, and if it works, it could generate a stronger infrastructure in the future

    Integración de las TIC en el aula : formación profesorado de enseñanza obligatoria

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    La finalidad del presente trabajo de investigación es ofrecer una visión actualizada de cómo se encuentra la situación en los centros educativos en relación a la formación del profesorado, la disponibilidad y el uso de las Nuevas Tecnologías (NNTT). Actualmente el profesorado se encuentra en una situación en la que tiene que redefinir su tarea profesional, debido a las demandas que la sociedad tecnológica les exige. Para ello vamos a analizar la formación del profesorado en el campo de las nuevas tecnologías, en las etapas de Educación Primaria y Secundaria.The purpose of this research is to provide an updated view of how is the situation in schools regarding teacher training, availability and use of new technologies Currently, teachers are in a situation where they have to redefine their professional work, due to the requirements of technological society. To do this we will analyze the training of teachers in the field of new technologies, in the stages of Elementary and Secondary Education. Key Words: Teacher trainning, new technologies educatio